Random Acts of Kindness Day: What’s the nicest thing you’ve done for a stranger?

  • 8 months ago
When was the last time you 'paid it forward' by doing a good deed for someone else? Or had the same done in return for you? As 17th February marks Random Acts of Kindness Day, a day to encourage being kind to friends, family and strangers, we're out asking you about the recent good deeds that have cropped up in your life.


00:00 February the 17th is random act of kindness day. What is the nicest thing you've ever
00:09 done for a stranger?
00:11 The other day my friend and I went to Rudy's for pizza.
00:16 Oh yeah.
00:17 Yeah and we couldn't finish all our pizza so then afterwards we walked down the road
00:22 and we gave a homeless lady the rest of our pizza.
00:26 I remember I was shopping one day and this elderly lady and her card wasn't working at
00:31 all and I just paid for it for her. It was just the right thing to do. Do you know what
00:37 I mean? Because I thought if I was ever in that position myself, if somebody had done
00:43 that for me it would have been fantastic. Do you know what I mean? And she was like
00:46 'Oh I want to pay you back'. I'm like no, it's one of them. Do you know what I mean?
00:51 It's absolutely fine and I'd happily do that again.
00:55 You can only be there for somebody when they fall, when you believe they need you. It's
01:04 an instinct thing. It's when instinct kicks in and you do the right thing. We all do it.
01:14 We're all capable of doing the right thing.
01:16 I was approached by an elderly gentleman in the public who needed an ambulance. I called
01:20 for him and waited with him. I was coming back from an engagement somewhere and I had
01:27 to miss two buses but I stayed with him. Made sure he was okay.
01:32 We found someone who'd been on the floor, soaked in water. I don't know what state they're
01:39 in now but we took them back to our house on 999. We got advice and stuff, we couldn't
01:44 leave him outside. We took him back to our house and he was fine, he was talking a bit
01:51 but then he had a massive seizure so we had to get him in the recovery position, sort
01:55 him out, ring 999 again. The ambulance came but it took a lot to get him up off the floor
02:02 and look after him and that was literally just Thursday. So I hope he's okay.
02:06 Nicest thing I've done for a stranger. Probably I was approached one time for somebody that
02:11 was short to get home for a taxi and she was quite inebriated so I gave her a taxi fare.
02:17 One time I found an old lady who'd fallen in the road and I stayed with her until the
02:21 ambulance came and I then went and found her dog and walked her dog home. So I think that's
02:27 probably the nicest thing I've done.
02:31 I'm struggling to think. I once gave someone 20 quid to get home, taxi. It was just I think
02:39 a young girl by herself walking around the neighbourhood where I grew up. Which doesn't
02:44 sound like a lot of money but it was the only 20 quid I had in the world right then. I think
02:48 I was only about...
02:49 You were a student?
02:50 Yeah I was a student so I was pretty broke.
02:51 I'm a foster carer and a carer as well so I've looked after a few obviously children,
02:57 things like that, who've had hardship obviously through the parents and things like that.
