Milei denies possibility of salary increase for teachers

  • 7 months ago
On Friday, Argentina’s president Javier Milei announced that there would not be an increase in the minimum wage for teachers, nor would there be a negotiation of an increase in payments to cope up with inflation. teleSUR

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00:00 On Friday, Argentina's President Javier Millet announced that there would not be an
00:04 increase in the minimum wage for teachers, nor would there be a negotiation of an increase
00:09 in payments to cope up with inflation.
00:12 In this way, President Millet assured that he does not intend to sign a decree to update
00:17 the minimum wage.
00:19 For his part, he emphasized that it is a matter that has to be addressed by the workers with
00:24 their employers, indicating that the teacher's salary depends on each province.
00:29 On the other hand, Millet alleged that inflation is being brought down and speculated that
00:34 in the first two weeks of February the index could be 10%.
00:38 It should be noted that the vice governors of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, La Rioja, Jujuy
00:43 and other territories have expressed their disagreement with the measures taken by the
00:47 new administration in their nation, in particular suspending the payment of national funds for
00:52 teaching initiatives.
00:54 In that order, the Argentine Energy Secretariat published new bill charts for energy consumption
01:07 with increases ranging from 65% and 150% in the province of Buenos Aires.
01:14 The Argentine National Electricity Regulator assured that the increases are to warranty
01:18 service standards in view of the need for investment.
01:22 These increases are in addition to those of public transportation services and food, whose
01:27 prices have been constantly rising since President Javier Millet took office in December 2023.
01:38 After the end of the Wage Council meeting, Argentina still does not agree to raise the
01:43 minimum wage.
01:44 Now it is expected that the government of Javier Millet will define by decree the new
01:49 income of the workers.
01:51 In view of this measure, the businessmen represented by the Industrial Union and the Confederation
01:57 of Medium-Sized Companies rejected the Union's proposal to increase the minimum wage, while
02:03 the Workers' Union proposed an increase of 85% as from February 1.
