华裔生育率下降华教敲警钟 维护华教华人要多生育?

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 大马统计局指华裔生育率减少,引爆华小面临生死存亡的问题,公正党峇央峇鲁区国会议员沈志勤在农历新年期间接连呼吁大家多生。华裔出生率下降,人口减少,已经敲响了华文教育存亡的警钟吗?要维护华文教育,华人必须要多生育吗?(主播:蔡心慧)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The latest population ratio report released by the Damascus Bureau of Statistics shows that
00:09 among the 30.5 million Damascus citizens in the country,
00:12 the Chinese population accounts for 6.9 million people.
00:14 But the population ratio has dropped from 22.7% to 22.6%,
00:20 reducing by 0.1%.
00:22 After the report was released,
00:24 Shen Zhiqin, a member of the Parliamentary Committee of the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party of China,
00:27 repeatedly posted articles in the Facebook group during the Peasant New Year,
00:30 and issued data that the Chinese birth rate will decrease,
00:33 which will cause the Chinese to face the problem of life and death.
00:37 He encouraged Chinese couples to have more babies during the Dragon Year
00:41 to increase the Chinese population.
00:43 In recent years, the Chinese birth rate has dropped,
00:45 and the population has decreased,
00:47 which has already hit the peak of the Chinese education survival.
00:50 To maintain Chinese education,
00:52 do Chinese people have to have more children?
00:55 Shen Zhiqin cited data as an example.
00:57 In 2022, about 40,000 Chinese newborns were born,
01:01 accounting for less than 10% of the total number of newborns in Denmark.
01:05 According to this data,
01:07 five years later, in 2027,
01:10 these babies will be in the first grade of elementary school.
01:13 Assuming they all enter the national school of more than 1,200 Chinese primary schools,
01:18 then on average, each primary school can only attract 33 new students.
01:23 This means that each primary school has only one class.
01:27 This is assuming that all primary schools have 33 students.
01:31 But it is certain that some primary schools in some areas may not receive so many students,
01:35 and some may not even receive a single student.
01:38 Shen Zhiqin asked,
01:40 "Without the source of students, which class can't be opened?
01:43 Can the future primary schools survive?"
01:46 Regarding this post,
01:48 Wang Hongcai, Chairman of the Democratic and Pro-China Council of the Chinese People's Congress,
01:51 also posted a statement to extend Shen Zhiqin's view.
01:54 He believes that the decline in the birth rate of Chinese children
01:57 does not necessarily affect the overall survival of Chinese children,
02:00 but will further affect micro-Chinese children.
02:03 In recent years, nearly 70 micro-Chinese children
02:06 were not recruited by any new students,
02:09 and were classified by the Ministry of Education as "unoperated schools".
02:12 "Schools with no students" was finally forced to close.
02:16 He said, "These are all obvious cases."
02:20 Therefore, Wang Hongcai urged Chinese schools
02:23 to prepare and plan for the decline of students every year.
02:26 However, the worker of the Chinese Education Movement,
02:29 the Director of the Information Research Center of the former Chinese Academy of Sciences,
02:32 Ke Jiaxin, was not so pessimistic when he was interviewed by the 8 o'clock Daily.
02:36 He pointed out that the decline in the birth rate of Chinese children
02:39 did not fall as much as he imagined,
02:42 and did not cause much concern.
02:44 In addition, more and more non-Chinese parents,
02:47 including Malays and Indians, will send their children to Chinese schools to study.
02:51 Therefore, although the number of Chinese students has decreased,
02:54 there will still be students coming to Chinese schools.
02:57 He believes that the survival of Chinese education will not be threatened.
03:01 And for his own opinion,
03:03 Shen Zhiqi also explained to the 8 o'clock Daily
03:06 why he raised such doubts.
03:09 Will the decrease in Chinese population really cause the Chinese school to face the problem of life and death?
03:15 Shen Zhiqi, a member of the Parliamentary Committee of the 8th Yangba Road District of the Communist Party of China,
03:18 said in an interview that the latest data released by the Bureau of Statistics
03:21 has already given the Chinese society a warning,
03:24 so it is not easy to be distracted.
03:26 This year, I have a realization.
03:28 I realized that our family gathering
03:32 saw more and more elders,
03:35 but fewer and fewer children.
03:37 So I have a feeling that
03:40 the Chinese society is facing two big problems.
03:43 The first is less marriage.
03:45 The second is less children.
03:47 From a long-term perspective,
03:50 it will have a great impact on the population structure of our Chinese.
03:55 If the number of newborns in our Chinese society is getting smaller and smaller,
04:00 then our Chinese will soon become a minority.
04:04 The Chinese have less fertility,
04:06 and in addition to the future, they will become a minority.
04:08 Shen Zhiqi pointed out that the most direct impact of the decrease in Chinese population
04:11 is that there are no new students in micro-schools in rural areas.
04:15 This will cause micro-Chinese to face closure.
04:18 I'm not talking about Chinese students.
04:20 I mean, some micro-Chinese may be forced to close
04:23 due to a lack of new students.
04:26 That's a phenomenon.
04:28 It's the same everywhere, including some rural schools.
04:32 I also sent some local schools to school.
04:34 The local schools in Sabah are also very small.
04:37 They also want to close
04:40 because many of them have moved to the city.
04:43 So it's not a political issue.
04:45 It's not a matter of survival.
04:48 However, the former director of the Chinese Research Center,
04:51 Ke Jiaxun, said in an interview that
04:54 although the decrease in Chinese population
04:56 will also reduce the number of Chinese students in future,
04:59 from a different perspective,
05:01 it will be easier for teachers to teach students.
05:03 In the 1980s,
05:05 we fought for more schools.
05:08 We wanted to have smaller classrooms.
05:11 It was easier for teachers to teach students.
05:14 In Western countries,
05:16 the number of teachers is usually less than 20.
05:19 When my children were in primary school,
05:22 there were 50 teachers.
05:24 Regarding the decrease in Chinese population,
05:26 Huang Jing-fa, a political scholar at Shuangwei University,
05:28 said in an interview that
05:30 the decrease in Chinese birth rates,
05:32 the school facing a crisis of survival,
05:34 and the young Chinese couple having more children,
05:36 are not the root cause of the problem.
05:39 Huang Jing-fa said that
05:41 Chinese should think about
05:43 how to make the most of their influence.
05:45 After all, Chinese still have a certain influence
05:47 in this country
05:49 and can defend their rights.
05:51 We should build schools for children,
05:54 not for schools to have children.
05:57 You can't just do it.
05:59 In the mentality,
06:01 many Chinese could have learned Malay,
06:05 but they didn't.
06:07 They thought they were great
06:09 because they didn't look like Chinese.
06:11 But this is a suicide.
06:13 Of course, you can say
06:15 why do I have to learn other languages?
06:17 You can do it.
06:18 But in fact,
06:20 you will be in the middle.
06:22 You can't fight for it.
06:23 We want to ask,
06:25 no matter how much the population is,
06:27 7 million,
06:28 maybe 8 million in the future,
06:30 will they fully play their role?
06:35 Huang Jing-fa also mentioned that
06:37 among the five Chinese students,
06:39 only one is non-Chinese.
06:41 The proportion of non-Chinese students
06:43 in the old Chinese school has also increased.
06:45 Should Chinese schools use blood or Chinese culture
06:47 to define Chinese education?
06:49 This is also one of the things to think about.
06:51 Our question is,
06:53 how do you define Chinese?
06:55 Is it defined by Chinese Chinese blood?
06:58 Or is it defined by Chinese Chinese culture?
07:01 If you use Chinese culture to define it,
07:03 then on the cultural level,
07:05 people who understand Chinese have a common interest with you.
07:08 Whether it's Liu De,
07:09 or whether it's Chinese blood.
07:11 He will be like you,
07:13 to ensure the survival and development of Chinese.
07:18 Our world is infinitely changing.
07:21 Huang Jing-fa also mentioned that
07:25 not only is the birth rate of Chinese people decreasing,
07:28 but the whole world is facing the problem of minorityization.
07:32 Although the statistics of the Bureau of Statistics
07:34 show that the proportion of Chinese people is decreasing,
07:36 Huang Jing-fa believes that
07:37 the Chinese population will continue to increase
07:39 in the next few decades.
07:41 It's just that the speed of the increase is slow,
07:43 so there is no need to worry too much.
07:46 [Music]
07:50 [Music]
