Coûts et avantages des grands évènements sportifs - 17/02/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Coûts et avantages des grands évènements sportifs - 17/02/2024
00:13, Mahama Koulibaly, expert in sporting marketing, member of the National Olympic Committee of Côte d'Ivoire, and also director of the Sport Ivoire agency. Thank you for being with us.
06:28 for investment and development.
06:30 But, precisely, does this kind of event really benefit the basic socio-economic elements?
06:36 You talk about real culture, tourist... does it really benefit?
06:41 - Yes, absolutely. - Because it's not in the long run.
06:43 No, it's absolutely a promotion vector of the country. We saw it in the Ivory Coast.
06:47 I am certain that after the wonderful calm we have experienced,
06:49 there will be not only a short-term rebound, but also a medium and long term rebound,
06:53 because we show that the country has reached a certain level of development,
06:56 because many people did not know the Ivory Coast.
06:58 They thought it was a developing country, especially after the events of 2010.
07:04 And everything that has been done since 2010, 2011, to now,
07:07 has been crowned by this Africa of Nations Cup,
07:10 which has shown the infrastructure, the bridge of the Côte d'Ivoire,
07:13 the roads, the development of hotels, etc.
07:17 Everything that has been done around the city of Abidjan and elsewhere,
07:20 and which shows that the Ivory Coast has reached a new level in its development.
07:24 We obviously wish that this development continues in the years to come.
07:28 But for Morocco, we have reached a certain level of development.
07:31 We have the Africa Cup in 2025, but also the World Cup in 2030,
07:35 with the co-organization with Spain and Portugal.
07:39 You know, we have been applying for the organization of the World Cup for a very, very long time,
07:43 since the 90s. We have not been retained for various reasons,
07:46 but we have done, under the aegis of our sovereign, as if we had been retained.
07:50 So we made the efforts that were needed to respond in an advantageous way
07:54 to the specifications. You know, the major international football institutions,
07:58 whether it's FIFA or CAF, have a very precise specification
08:01 in relation to hotel units, in relation to roads, in relation to telecommunications,
08:06 in relation to health, in relation to security, the police, the gendarmerie, the army, etc.,
08:10 to be able to secure this whole event with millions of people coming.
08:14 So all these events, all these elements, have been prepared for a long time.
08:19 We have organized many important events in Morocco for a certain number of years.
08:22 Each of them has been crowned a success.
08:25 Today we have the 2025 Champions League and in 2030, God willing,
08:28 the World Cup with our brothers and friends from Portugal and Spain.
08:33 So it will be another great party.
08:34 So when we look at all these costs,
08:38 these huge amounts that are invested in these infrastructures,
08:41 can we say that these sporting events are profitable in the short term
08:47 or is it rather in the long term that these investments are positioned?
08:52 First of all, there is the profitability in the medium and long term.
08:56 There is what I call the immaterial profitability.
08:59 Because an investment in an infrastructure,
09:02 you know very well that the life expectancy of an infrastructure is more than 50 years.
09:06 We have seen countries that have stages of more than 50 years that still hold the road,
09:10 but it has allowed to structure environments.
09:13 Because it is a vehicle.
09:15 That is to say that the organization of this competition,
09:18 the construction of infrastructures,
09:19 is a vehicle for the development of cities.
09:22 You have seen internal tourism.
09:25 There are some Ivorians who did not know Corogo, San Pedro,
09:28 who had to move.
09:29 So it will create an economy, it will create a displacement of populations,
09:33 an installation and an internal trade
09:37 that will allow to answer your question,
09:39 to say that the local economy will benefit.
09:41 But beyond that, I would say,
09:46 profitability will not be seen now.
09:50 But the fact of seeing a country that has this level of investment,
09:54 with globalization,
09:56 you will see that the Code will take a leap
09:59 in terms of the ability to mobilize financial resources
10:01 for its structural development and its economic and social development.
10:08 So, you know very well,
10:10 when people have a lot of means,
10:12 there is also the social that must be developed.
10:14 Today, with this CAN, we have seen
10:17 that there were inequalities to be put in place,
10:22 areas to develop,
10:24 and I think that today we may have had six stages,
10:26 but tomorrow there may be stages in Le Mans, in Less,
10:30 so that globally we can do it.
10:32 We have seen, compared to this CAN,
10:34 the need to have air transport on the Ivory Coast.
10:37 So it's really a development vehicle,
10:40 because the results of a state development,
10:42 we do not automatically expect a reduction in investment.
10:45 To the local operators and international operators in Venice,
10:50 knowing that the Ivory Coast has food and water,
10:54 there is investment, I think that Morocco knows it very well,
10:57 with everything they have done as investments here.
10:59 And I think that the CAN was a good way
11:02 for the Ivory Coast to develop locally and internationally.
11:06 So I remember a term that you used,
11:08 it's an opportunity to say "come and see".
11:10 So can we say that these sporting events
11:13 are a business card, an opening for these countries,
11:16 to tell investors around the world,
11:18 "Here's what we're capable of, come and invest"?
11:21 We saw the case of the Ivory Coast,
11:22 with everything that was done in this country.
11:24 The CAN was a great opportunity to tell investors,
11:27 "Here's what we've done with the funds you've given us,
11:30 and we're still planning new things.
11:32 If you trust us, we can do better."
11:34 Absolutely. It's a way of showing the country,
11:37 the country's capabilities,
11:38 but also projecting the country into the future,
11:40 to show how we can still develop the country
11:42 beyond a specific sporting event.
11:44 But the country's policy has managed
11:47 to set up an international event of this magnitude.
11:50 That means we can do even more in the future.
11:52 And so, as far as Morocco is concerned,
11:55 to come back to it,
11:56 we have developed an exceptional infrastructure,
11:58 in Africa in particular,
11:59 with nearly 2,000 km of motorway,
12:02 500 km of TGV,
12:04 and tomorrow it will be more than 800.
12:06 So we're doing Marrakech, Agadir,
12:08 which will be launched from north to south,
12:10 but it will go much further,
12:11 to the southern provinces of Morocco.
12:13 And so we're developing an exceptional infrastructure
12:16 in Africa to meet these needs,
12:19 for sporting events,
12:22 but also for the country's overall development.
12:24 Because don't forget that investments like this
12:27 have a multiplicative effect,
12:30 not only on small and medium-sized businesses,
12:32 but also on large companies,
12:33 and also large multinational companies
12:35 that invest in our country and believe in it,
12:37 and we demonstrate to the world,
12:39 whether it's the Ivory Coast or Morocco,
12:41 that a country is making good progress,
12:42 that it's well managed,
12:43 that security is ensured,
12:44 that the stats are at an international level,
12:46 that the populations are safe,
12:48 and that everything is moving as it should.
12:51 So it's a way of showing
12:53 the country's level of success
12:55 in terms of development,
12:57 but also projecting this country into the future
12:59 with other opportunities that will come.
13:01 We're lucky to have 2025 and 2030,
13:04 so we have several years ahead of us
13:06 of hard work to move beyond
13:10 another level of development
13:11 that my country has known since the advent
13:12 of His Majesty the King,
13:14 Mahathma Sikhe de Lasis.
13:15 I'll remind you that already in 1988,
13:18 Morocco had to organise the African Nations Cup.
13:21 When you organise events like this,
13:22 there are the stats, the infrastructures that are put in place,
13:25 and generally,
13:26 we see in some African countries,
13:27 as we've seen in Congo and other countries,
13:29 there is a lack of infrastructure maintenance
13:32 for the future.
13:34 In Morocco, how did you manage to make this transition?
13:37 First of all, we have a national championship
13:40 that is very developed.
13:41 We have a lot of teams,
13:42 we have teams in the biggest cities in Morocco,
13:44 so they play,
13:45 and even in the secondary cities,
13:46 which are now in the first division.
13:48 So we have a very, very active championship.
13:50 Every week, there are matches in the different stadiums.
13:53 We have a policy of the state
13:56 that allows maintenance and development
13:58 of all these stadiums,
13:58 and it's not about building a white elephant,
14:00 as they say,
14:01 and leaving it.
14:02 No, it's not a policy like that.
14:04 So the teams play in the stadiums,
14:06 the audience comes to the stadiums,
14:07 so there is a living championship,
14:08 as we can see in Spain,
14:10 in Europe or elsewhere.
14:11 So there is a supportive activity in all the stadiums.
14:14 And the stadiums that are no longer in the norm,
14:16 today will be redone for 2025.
14:19 So I'm talking in particular about Rabat Stadium,
14:21 which has been completely demolished,
14:23 which will be rebuilt
14:24 and will be ready for 2025.
14:26 So at Mahama Koulibaly in Côte d'Ivoire,
14:28 six new stadiums, we'll say,
14:30 five or five new stadiums.
14:31 We have the famous Olympic Stadium of BNP.
14:34 Do you think that in terms of maintaining
14:37 infrastructures,
14:38 we will be able to keep up with the times?
14:40 Yes, we have to,
14:41 because we must not let these infrastructures die.
14:43 We must innovate,
14:44 we must have imagination,
14:45 rather concrete proposals.
14:46 I think the heritage policy
14:48 has started well before.
14:50 The state and the COCAN
14:52 and the premature are working on it.
14:54 But there are solutions.
14:56 First, what I propose,
14:58 the state must make a plan
15:00 over three years of provision
15:02 and forecasts to be able to maintain the stadiums.
15:04 Because we must not start asking questions now,
15:08 because it is now that we have acquired
15:10 a knowledge in infrastructure management.
15:13 That's the first proposition.
15:14 The second proposition,
15:15 we must be able to create,
15:16 in my humble opinion,
15:17 local champions
15:19 who will be able,
15:20 from these different areas,
15:22 to be real,
15:24 I mean, leaders,
15:25 heads of these clubs.
15:26 Because a club that would expect
15:29 the federation's subsidy
15:32 will not have the capacity to manage a stadium.
15:36 And so I am quite frank about that.
15:39 So we must push for local economies
15:43 and that we can have a real economy
15:46 of sport in these regions
15:48 that will lead to these stadiums being used.
15:52 There is also the multifunctionality of the stadiums.
15:54 So it is an expertise that must be developed
15:57 so that we can combine
15:59 cultural, artistic or religious sports activities,
16:04 but in a fairly standard way,
16:06 so that these stadiums can be used permanently
16:10 and in an efficient way.
16:13 Let's not forget the sharing of knowledge,
16:15 because when we observed this Africa Cup,
16:18 we saw a great expertise of the CAF.
16:21 I think we should not look far
16:22 at what makes the work efficient.
16:24 It is necessary to get closer to the CAF and FIFA
16:29 so that our actors,
16:31 because there were still 20,000 volunteers
16:33 who participated,
16:34 a lot of expertise was put in place.
16:36 We must strengthen the know-how,
16:38 the ability to manage these stadiums.
16:40 And then we must imagine
16:42 a management in PPP,
16:44 private public partnership, of these infrastructures,
16:46 so that we can move on
16:48 to a very efficient management
16:50 of these infrastructures
16:52 and the lack of expertise
16:54 that ends up deterring these stadiums.
16:56 I think Morocco is a long way ahead.
16:58 Otherwise, we must have the humility
17:00 to develop cooperation with Morocco
17:02 so that our stadiums can have a life,
17:04 because in Morocco, in Egypt or Algeria,
17:06 and also in South Africa,
17:08 there is an experience of managing these stadiums
17:10 after competitions.
17:12 We have the humility to go to these structures
17:14 and then set up training schools
17:16 for these stadiums
17:18 so that they can be used
17:20 by the young generation
17:22 to have this expertise
17:24 and that the sport economy
17:26 in the Ivory Coast
17:28 is a reality in all its dimensions.
17:30 An economy shared in all its dimensions.
17:32 We also saw that it was really
17:34 the value of solidarity.
17:36 The Ivory Coast has facilitated
17:38 the access to the country
17:40 to many people.
17:42 It is practically 1,500,000 new people
17:44 who came to the Ivorian territory
17:46 to live this competition.
17:48 These are the official figures.
17:50 There are those who came by bus and others.
17:52 We know that this kind of event
17:54 also relies on the efficiency
17:56 of diplomats abroad
17:58 to facilitate the arrival
18:00 of these delegations,
18:02 logistics, everything.
18:04 How do diplomats really get involved
18:06 in the success of this kind of event?
18:08 It is first of all
18:10 the administrative aspect for the visas
18:12 and everything that follows,
18:14 to assist our compatriots.
18:16 We deployed a mobile consulate
18:18 in San Pedro to assist the Moroccan spectators
18:20 who came from Morocco
18:22 to support the Lions of the Atlas.
18:24 But beyond that,
18:26 on the economic level,
18:28 we should have economic activities
18:30 before the sporting events
18:32 in the various embassies,
18:34 in the targeted countries,
18:36 to promote the destination
18:38 and attract even more people to the countries.
18:40 This is an idea, a suggestion that I make here.
18:42 I think it is very interesting
18:44 to promote the country before the event,
18:46 with round tables
18:48 on the various infrastructures,
18:50 what can we expect from the country's visit,
18:52 so that people become aware of the importance
18:54 of this event beyond the sporting aspect,
18:56 because there is not only the sporting aspect,
18:58 but the tourist aspect, the cultural aspect,
19:00 the gastronomic aspect and others.
19:02 So there are many things to see in Morocco,
19:04 in particular, as in Ivory Coast as well.
19:06 But it is about promoting
19:08 upstream and perhaps
19:10 following downstream to say
19:12 how it is done, to make a report
19:14 of the activity and that
19:16 diplomats can
19:18 promote the image
19:20 that was acquired before the event
19:22 and after the event.
19:24 So I think it is good.
19:26 Now, in relation to
19:28 the development
19:30 of activities, we can also do them,
19:32 as we saw our friend
19:34 Minister of Transport
19:36 who organized an event on
19:38 investment in Boakay.
19:40 It is a good initiative that showed
19:42 people in Boakay
19:44 how we can promote
19:46 the city, what are the opportunities
19:48 in the city of Boakay. I think
19:50 there have been similar events in other cities,
19:52 but this is the one that comes to mind.
19:54 But this is a good thing, to allow people
19:56 to come, not only to watch football,
19:58 but also to become aware of the environment
20:00 in which they are and the opportunities
20:02 that can arise.
20:04 So, sir, when we talk about
20:06 these sporting events for these countries,
20:08 we only see the
20:10 beneficial side.
20:12 Isn't there some
20:14 drawbacks, a negative aspect
20:16 to organize this kind of event?
20:18 I mean the environmental side,
20:20 the climatic side, or if there are
20:22 aspects that need to be improved.
20:24 When we look at, for example, this
20:26 great Africa Cup that just held
20:28 in Ivory Coast.
20:30 I think that maybe
20:32 a sporting event can hide
20:34 problems
20:36 for the people in the country.
20:38 Maybe that's what some activists
20:40 say, that we organize an event
20:42 where there is a lot of pollution.
20:44 But on the contrary, these are Olympics
20:46 to be able to look at these kinds of situations
20:48 and correct them. I don't see
20:50 any negative elements.
20:52 Maybe, maybe, we can
20:54 have
20:56 economic problems,
20:58 that is, such a significant difficulty,
21:00 so unimaginable,
21:02 that organizing a sporting event
21:04 is a bit inappropriate.
21:06 Maybe that's it, but
21:08 in any case, we need to
21:10 go somewhere to be able to face
21:12 the problems we know.
21:14 Because there is this anecdote
21:16 that shows that in the United States,
21:18 in an environment where everyone was
21:20 a farmer, the one who was able
21:22 to cut his corn field
21:24 to build his baseball field
21:26 was the one who developed the city,
21:28 because everyone moved to come
21:30 and enjoy the environment.
21:32 Instead of working with a lot of stress.
21:34 So it means that sport
21:36 precedes development.
21:38 And it is a great event too.
21:40 And in any case, it is related to ecology,
21:42 because many tourists, in a period
21:44 of time on a territory,
21:46 a lot of traffic, transport.
21:48 Any human event, whatever it is,
21:50 the cups, the different cups that we see
21:52 every year, well, thousands of people move,
21:54 experts from all over the world,
21:56 all these people come by plane,
21:58 we eat in hotels, in restaurants, etc.
22:00 So, in any case,
22:02 there is a carbon footprint, let's say.
22:04 Now it is a matter of minimizing it
22:06 through concrete measures.
22:08 I think the Ivory Coast has taken some measures
22:10 and I think that in Morocco we are
22:12 thinking about it also seriously,
22:14 knowing that by 2030
22:16 more than 50% of our energy mix
22:18 will be renewable energy in Morocco.
22:20 So we took the lead
22:22 among the first African countries,
22:24 if not the first African country at this level,
22:26 so that the carbon footprint of these events,
22:28 the electrical consumption in particular,
22:30 is reduced to a minimum
22:32 at the carbon footprint level.
22:34 So we are moving forward, and also all the waste,
22:36 etc., so there is a lot of work being done.
22:38 But as I said, in any human event,
22:40 there are waste,
22:42 there are falls at this level.
22:44 It is a matter of optimizing them
22:46 with modern technological means.
22:48 So, sir, we are almost at the end of this show.
22:50 If I have to leave you the floor,
22:52 one minute, one minute each.
22:54 What do you remember about this 2023 Cannes?
22:56 And what needs to be improved for the future?
22:58 Because this is not the end,
23:00 this is just the beginning.
23:02 The Ivory Coast has just been positioned.
23:04 There will be other big meetings afterwards.
23:06 I could say, first of all,
23:08 thank you to the head of state.
23:10 I remember one thing.
23:12 I was lucky to have been a pioneer
23:14 in the implementation of this project.
23:16 And that means that there is a local capacity
23:18 to plan projects and make them a reality.
23:20 So that's a positive point that we need.
23:22 The other element that we need to see,
23:24 we need to plan for the future.
23:26 If we are able to organize a Cannes of this size,
23:28 we will need to be able to optimize
23:30 this know-how
23:32 in all sectors of the Ivory Coast
23:34 and mainly in the field of sport.
23:36 And we can do it in a very simple way,
23:38 to optimize the management of these infrastructures
23:40 so that the sports industry in the Ivory Coast
23:42 is a reality
23:44 and that sport continues to be
23:46 a soft power for the Ivory Coast
23:48 in terms of international cooperation
23:50 and that thanks to sport,
23:52 the struggle against unemployment,
23:54 the healthy occupation of youth,
23:56 the creation of values on a reality
23:58 that the Ivory Coast can
24:00 endow with some flaws,
24:02 good habits, as we said,
24:04 excellence in the management of the environment
24:06 that sport can serve
24:08 in the development of the Ivory Coast
24:10 and Africa in general.
24:12 Sport serves in the development of excellence.
24:14 In 2025, Morocco welcomes
24:16 the African Nations Cup.
24:18 We saw in the Ivory Coast,
24:20 it was the most beautiful
24:22 African Nations Cup.
24:24 What does Morocco promise us for 2025
24:26 and what message do you have for
24:28 the whole African continent?
24:30 First of all, I would like to pay a vibrant tribute
24:32 to His Excellency the President of the Republic
24:34 for the success of this hospital bed
24:36 and to all the Ivorian brothers
24:38 who worked hard
24:40 for this event to be
24:42 the great success we have known.
24:44 The Ivory Coast has achieved a very, very beautiful
24:46 African Cup, the best in history,
24:48 everyone says it, but Morocco
24:50 promises surprises. I can't reveal everything
24:52 today, because it's still
24:54 under consideration, but I think
24:56 we can do it, we have already done it,
24:58 there will be very nice surprises. I invite all
25:00 our African and Ivorian brothers to come
25:02 in 2025, not only to encourage the champions
25:04 in title, but also to discover
25:06 Morocco and discover
25:08 all the beautiful things that will be
25:10 offered to the African public.
25:12 We must trust Africa.
25:14 Africa must trust Africa.
25:16 We have seen it, we have seen
25:18 the rebirth of the Ivorian team,
25:20 we have seen the great journey
25:22 and I think that together,
25:24 if we are united, we all work together
25:26 in goodwill,
25:28 in good intelligence
25:30 between us, we will succeed.
25:32 Africa shows, in the face of the world,
25:34 through this African Cup,
25:36 that it has taken a step forward
25:38 and other countries will come later
25:40 to show that Africa is moving forward.
25:42 Africa is no longer a myth or a promise,
25:44 but a reality.
25:46 Africa proudly thinks
25:48 and Medihain is happy and always proud
25:50 to participate in this movement,
25:52 in this advance. Gentlemen, thank you
25:54 for responding to our invitation
25:56 and for contributing so nicely
25:58 to the advantages of sporting events
26:00 on the economic development of the continent.
26:02 Ladies and gentlemen, this is where
26:04 this show ends. You can find this show
26:06 on our website,
26:08 Enjoy the rest of the program
26:10 on our antennas.
26:12 Thank you.
26:14 (upbeat music)