FTS 16:30 17-02: Israeli genocide in Gaza registers about 28,800 martyrs

  • 7 months ago
Nearly 28,800 Palestinians have died as a result of the Zionist regime's aggravated extermination policy in Gaza, increasing the Israeli genocide in the territory//Venezuela reaffirms the Geneva agreement//Ethiopia: African Union Summit kicks off. teleSUR


00:03 In Palestine, the Israeli regime continues its genocidal
00:13 operation in Gaza.
00:15 Of the four, it's registered more than 28,800 killed
00:18 and close to 70,000 people injured to date.
00:20 In Venezuela, the government ratifies its commitment
00:25 to the Geneva Agreement as the only way
00:27 to solve the dispute over the Ezequiel territory.
00:32 The 37th African Union Summit opens in Ethiopia
00:35 with the motto, "Educating an African
00:37 suitable for the 21st century."
00:40 Hello, welcome from the south.
00:46 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesos Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:50 We begin with the news.
00:54 Palestinian Authority has released an updated casualty
01:11 report on the latest genocidal onslaught by the Israeli
01:13 regime.
01:14 Dozens of Palestinians were killed and wounded
01:16 in the last 24 hours.
01:18 Israel has killed more than 12,000 children in Gaza,
01:21 but the number of dead has already exceeded 28,800,
01:25 and the number of wounded is close to 70,000 people.
01:28 In both cases, it is mainly women and children.
01:31 The neighborhood of Al-Saitan in the southeast of the strip
01:34 and Al-Zabra in the center were targets of most
01:36 of the occupied bombardments.
01:38 The Zionists also continue to harass the Nasser hospital.
01:41 The United Nations confirms a rapid deterioration
01:49 of the situation in Rafa.
01:51 More than 1.2 million people are dying of hunger.
01:54 The UN humanitarian agency described the Palestinians
01:57 trapped in the city on the border with Egypt,
01:59 starving and terrified.
02:01 According to their figures, between February 9th
02:03 and the 15th, only 20 trucks with humanitarian aid
02:07 entered the strip.
02:08 They affirmed that the hunger levels are so alarming
02:10 that people throw themselves on the transports
02:12 and eat what they can.
02:14 They also denounced that Israel is blocking
02:17 the port of Ashdod, a large shipment of flour
02:19 destined for the strip.
02:20 The Palestinian Minister of Health warned Friday
02:27 that the Nasser medical complex in Hanjounis
02:29 is being subjected to an ongoing crime of genocide
02:32 by the Israeli occupation army.
02:34 The government official accused the Israeli forces
02:36 of aiming to destroy the Nasser hospital
02:38 and getting rid of everyone inside
02:40 by using every possible means, including airstrikes,
02:43 detention of the medical staff, forcing the displaced
02:45 to be sheltered in the facility to live,
02:47 and blocking its medical services by cutting off its power.
02:50 The minister stressed that the Nasser medical complex
02:52 constitutes the backbone for providing medical services
02:55 in the Gaza Strip, so stopping its work
02:57 was a disaster in the full sense of the word.
03:00 The minister slammed the Israeli army's aggression
03:02 and described it as a barbarity and war of genocide
03:05 waged against civilians, patients, institutions,
03:07 medical centers, and hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank,
03:10 including Jerusalem, and as a flagrant violation
03:13 of international humanitarian law, international law,
03:16 all humanitarian norms and conventions.
03:18 In London, hundreds of thousands of protesters
03:24 gathered to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.
03:27 The protests answered the call for a second global action
03:29 day for Gaza, demanding world leaders to take immediate
03:33 action to stop the killings of civilians
03:35 and allow the unconditional entrance of aid.
03:38 Demonstrators also denounced the UK's complicity
03:40 in the Israeli genocidal war against Palestinians.
03:44 In recent weeks, Israel and Hamas have put forward
03:46 rival proposals to end hostilities and exchange
03:48 hostages and prisoners, with Hamas calling for a full
03:51 ceasefire on Israel, backing an extended truce.
03:54 The first seven-day truce in November
03:56 saw the return of more than 100 hostages
03:58 and the release of more than 200 Palestinian captives.
04:01 Yeah, it's really nice to see that we're all here together,
04:07 all for one cause, and just to speak up
04:09 for the people of Palestine, to basically demand
04:12 a permanent ceasefire, because that's what we need now.
04:14 We need to be the voice for Palestine.
04:16 This has been going on for too long.
04:18 Too much oppression has been going on for too long.
04:20 It didn't start on the 7th of October.
04:22 It started way before that, in 1948.
04:24 So today we are here to speak up for the oppressed,
04:27 because if we don't, then who else is going to?
04:30 [BEEPING]
04:35 [BEEPING]
04:40 [BEEPING]
04:42 In Canada, forest wildfires continue,
04:46 despite the winter season in the country.
04:48 The fires started in what was a record fire season
04:50 at the end of last year, continue
04:52 to burn even through the country's
04:54 easing midwinter period.
04:56 According to experts, there has been a phenomenon
04:58 in which the forests continue to burn,
05:00 despite being covered by snow.
05:02 Specialists warn that in the last 10 years,
05:04 these fires have become common in Canada,
05:06 where they last for up to six months.
05:08 Scientists warn that the fires could continue into the spring,
05:11 meaning an earlier fire season in the country.
05:13 Chinese authorities issued several cold wave warnings
05:20 for coming days in which a drastic drop in temperatures
05:22 is expected.
05:24 According to the National Meteorological Observatory,
05:26 most of the northern provinces in the country
05:28 will register a decrease of between 12 and 20 Celsius
05:32 degrees in coming days.
05:33 The forecast predicts that the cold wave will gradually
05:36 move southward, so temperatures throughout the national
05:38 territory will vary considerably along the week.
05:41 The observatory warned about the impact
05:43 that this meteorological event could
05:45 have on agricultural production.
05:47 So authorities urge the affected departments
05:49 to do a good preventive job and undertake measures
05:51 to mitigate losses due to disasters.
05:55 Let's take a short break, but remember,
05:57 you can join us on TikTok @TelesurEnglish,
05:59 where you'll find news in different formats, news
06:01 updates, and much more.
06:05 Other stories coming up.
06:07 Stay with us.
06:14 Welcome back.
06:28 On the 58th anniversary of the Geneva Agreement,
06:31 the Venezuelan government ratifies its commitment
06:33 to this legal instrument as the only way
06:35 to solve the dispute over the Ezequiel territory.
06:37 Vice President Dulce Rodriguez expressed that this agreement
06:40 calls to guarantee coexistence and legality
06:42 to solve the dispute over this territory.
06:45 Rodriguez declared that Guyana has
06:47 opted for provocation and threats
06:49 to set up armed aggressions against Venezuela
06:53 with a false victimhood.
06:54 At the same time, she denounced the hostile and military
06:56 declarations of the Guyanese and US governments
06:59 to attempt against the sovereignty of Venezuela.
07:08 Venezuela denounces and rejects the hostile, militaristic,
07:12 and arrogant statements by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
07:18 that, under the guise of a false victim,
07:21 and openly and frankly violates both the Geneva Agreement
07:26 and the Arwao Declaration in complicity
07:29 with external factors to this controversy.
07:31 The Secretary of Vice President also
07:36 denounced the violation of the Geneva Agreement
07:38 by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.
07:39 Likewise, the recent visits and declarations
07:47 of high-level US security and defense officials
07:53 for equipment, training, and cooperation
07:57 in military maneuvers with Guyana
08:00 constitute an open threat to the tranquility and peace
08:04 of Venezuela and the Latin American Caribbean region.
08:11 Also in Venezuela, the President Nicolás Maduro
08:13 activated the crowd project Viva Venezuela Mi Patria--
08:16 Don't Leave Venezuela My Dear Homeland--
08:18 to enhance, preserve, and disseminate the country's
08:21 traditional values.
08:22 The event was full of cultural activities
08:24 that began with the presentation of various traditional dances
08:27 and songs, and also included the participation of different
08:30 Venezuelan performers.
08:31 The creation of the program was announced
08:33 by the President on February 4th,
08:35 when he emphasized that the initiative is
08:37 important for the people, particularly
08:39 for the children of the homeland,
08:41 because it has to do with the rescue of the values, music,
08:44 songs, and dances of the country.
08:47 The nation will work in coordination
08:48 with the project Cultura Corazón Adentro,
08:51 created by Commander Hugo Chavez,
08:53 and will incorporate musical and cultural groups.
09:01 Today, a project has been born, an idea, a dream, a utopia.
09:06 A great mission of a new generation,
09:15 born from strong and fierce criticism,
09:17 born from the necessary self-criticism,
09:26 born from renewed hope, born from you,
09:29 born from the proposal to rescue and put in the foreground what
09:32 is ours, what is traditional, native, popular,
09:43 our great mixed-race culture.
09:45 The Mexican Republic Center for Electoral Promotion
09:50 and Advisory Services will perform
09:52 a post-electoral inspection of all computer equipment used
09:55 in next Sunday's municipal elections.
09:57 The Central Electoral Board issued a statement
09:59 indicating that digitalization, scanning, and transmission
10:01 devices for electoral results will be verified,
10:04 and based on these appropriate measures and actions
10:06 will be taken.
10:08 The entity also rejected the request of opposition parties
10:10 for a forensic and a random audit
10:12 to be conducted on the equipment before the election,
10:15 since it is impossible to do so due to the current stage
10:18 of the electoral process.
10:20 Over 8 million citizens are summoned to the polls
10:22 this Sunday to elect 3,849 positions, including
10:26 mayors, deputy mayors, councillors,
10:29 and their substitutes, directors,
10:31 and deputy directors for municipal districts
10:33 and voting officers.
10:34 In Panama, environmental groups are threatening the exodus,
10:41 with once again, take to the streets
10:44 to protest the legacy and the closing of a copper mine,
10:47 whose contract was ruled unconstitutional earlier
10:50 this month.
10:51 Environmental experts have warned about no audits being
10:54 conducted and that an environmental recovery
10:56 plan has been abandoned.
10:58 There is also concern over the fast approaching
11:01 deadline for the company to comply with the 108 million US
11:04 dollars bail set to cover for the expenses of the whole
11:08 process to close the mine, owned by a Canadian company.
11:10 Among them, the alarming absence of necessary audits
11:20 of site stability orders and of concrete decisions regarding
11:25 an environmental compliance bond for $108 million
11:31 that will expire on March 7.
11:35 A New York judge ruled Friday against Donald Trump,
11:37 imposing a $364 million US penalty over what the judge
11:41 ruled was a years-long scheme to dupe banks and others
11:44 with financial statements that inflated the former president's
11:47 wealth.
11:47 Trump also was barred from serving
11:49 as an officer or director of any New York corporation
11:52 for three years.
11:54 However, the judge backed away from an earlier ruling
11:56 that would have dissolved the former president's companies.
11:59 Trump vowed to appeal attorney Alina Haba and Trump lawyer
12:03 Christopher Keyes, said the verdict, if upheld,
12:06 would damage the business environment.
12:08 Judge Arthur N. Goron issued his decision
12:10 after a two-and-a-half-month trial
12:13 that saw the Republican presidential frontrunner
12:15 pressing under oath that he was the victim of a rigged legal
12:19 system.
12:20 N. Goron concluded that Trump and his co-defendants
12:23 failed to accept responsibility for their actions.
12:25 We have a Foundry Break coming up,
12:30 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
12:33 for our English-speaking audience,
12:34 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
12:37 and share the link to reach more people.
12:39 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
12:41 as well as the rest of the world.
12:43 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
12:45 Foundry Break, don't go away.
12:46 Welcome back from the South.
13:06 The 37th African Union Summit opens in Ethiopia
13:08 with the motto, "Educating an Africa Suitable
13:10 for the 21st Century."
13:12 The African Union governments will debate in two days
13:15 how to build resilient education systems for greater
13:17 access to inclusive, lifelong quality and relevant learning
13:20 in Africa.
13:21 With the participation of 30 countries represented
13:23 by their presidents and five with vice presidents,
13:26 in addition to African government heads of state,
13:29 six leaders of invited countries,
13:31 heads of the United Nations, and 13 international
13:33 organizations will speak about the current situation
13:36 of the region.
13:38 AU Commission Chief Musa Fakimahamat
13:40 said unconstitutional changes of government
13:42 have multiplied in total defiance
13:44 of the entire political and legal system on which
13:47 the Union was founded.
13:48 Unconstitutional changes of government
13:55 have multiplied in total defiance
13:57 of the entire political and legal system on which
14:00 our organization was founded.
14:02 Never since the creation of the African Union
14:04 has there been such a high number of transitions
14:07 following unconstitutional changes of government
14:10 in Africa.
14:12 Our failure to counter such a phenomenon is obvious.
14:16 Not only have social inequalities widened
14:18 and injustices multiplied, but hegemony and the absurd desire
14:22 to settle our differences by brutal and futile force
14:25 prevail publicly before everyone's eyes.
14:29 The Royal Republic of the Congo President Felix Antoine
14:32 Tshisekedi denounced the involvement of Rwanda
14:34 in the country's security conflict.
14:36 During his speech, the president approved Rwanda's involvement
14:39 in the cause of insecurity in the east of the country
14:42 and the plundering of its wealth,
14:44 while requesting the assembly, the end of hostilities
14:47 by the March 23rd Movement, an organization that he affirmed
14:51 has the support of Kigali's government.
14:53 Tshisekedi asserted that there would be no dialogue
14:55 until the rebels withdrew from their positions.
14:57 Meanwhile, Angola is elected as a member of the African Union's
15:05 Peace and Security Council.
15:07 This was confirmed by Angola's Minister of Foreign Affairs,
15:10 Dete Antonio, highlighting that his country was the most
15:13 supported among those proposed and would be part of Peace
15:16 and Security Council for two years, term 2024 and 2025.
15:20 The election also included discussions
15:22 on other matters, such as administrative and financial
15:24 issues.
15:25 In Senegal, President Macky Sall has
15:32 pledged to hold presidential elections as soon as possible.
15:35 The president's office made the announcement
15:37 following a decision by the Constitutional Council
15:39 to annul postponing elections until December.
15:43 As previously reported, the elections,
15:44 which were to be held on February 25th,
15:47 had been called off by parliament
15:48 following a request from the executive,
15:50 a move that sparked a serious political crisis
15:52 and violent protests, which left at least three people dead
15:55 and several injured.
15:56 Greece and France blocked the sale of unmanned drones
16:04 and artillery pieces of Turkish origin
16:07 to the Ukrainian armed forces with European funds.
16:10 Authorities of these two European countries
16:12 expressed their opposition to the fact
16:14 that the sale of armaments supplied to Kiev
16:16 would mean a financial benefit for the Turkish military
16:19 industry.
16:20 This despite the fact that a large part of the $148 billion
16:23 in armament was destined for the US military industry.
16:27 According to local media, the reason behind the decision
16:30 is to increase the production of arms
16:32 by the war industry in Europe.
16:34 The blockade follows a meeting of defense ministers
16:36 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Brussels,
16:39 where they discuss increasing ammunition production
16:42 to allocate part of it to Ukraine
16:44 and part to the stockpiles of countries
16:46 that supply arms to Kiev.
16:47 Italy, farmers from several organizations
16:53 staged a major protest in Rome.
16:56 Demonstrations were called on by the Agriculture Redemption
16:59 Organization from a campsite located in Villa Nomentana.
17:02 Dozens of tractors rode through the streets of Rome,
17:06 heading for the Mouth of Truth Square
17:08 in the heart of the capital.
17:09 This mobilization adds to other demonstrations held this week
17:13 against government and European Union agricultural policies.
17:16 The farmers say they are committed
17:17 to defending their rights and that they will not
17:20 back down until the government meets their demands.
17:22 Chinese authorities highlighted the contribution
17:29 of Beijing-Moscow relations to global stability.
17:32 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out
17:34 that the relations between China and Russia
17:36 meet the common interests of the two countries
17:38 and contribute to the strategic stability of the Asia-Pacific
17:41 region and the world.
17:43 Wang Yi also recalled that the relations between the two
17:46 countries are developing in accordance
17:48 with the principles of non-alignment with blocs.
17:50 Non-confrontation are not directed
17:52 against third countries.
17:53 The statements of the Chinese foreign minister
17:55 came within the framework of the Munich Security Conference
17:58 held in Germany from Friday, February 16th,
18:00 to Sunday, February 18th, with the attendance
18:03 of some 50 heads of state and government and 100 ministers.
18:07 We have come to the end of this news brief.
18:13 You can find these and many other stories
18:15 on our website at telestroyinglish.net.
18:16 You can also join us on our social media, Facebook,
18:19 Instagram, Telegram, TikTok.
18:21 For TELESTORY ENGLISH, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
18:23 Thank you for watching.
18:32 (upbeat music)
