Kahey Faqeer - Host: Abdul Rauf - Speaker: Sarfaraz Shah - 18 Feb 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 7 months ago
Kahey Faqeer - Host: Abdul Rauf - Speaker: Sarfaraz Shah

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An hour for spiritual education where our Speaker Sarfaraz A Shah will highlight the importance of Islamic teaching in our day today life and how we can balance it. As these days our young generation is going so far from these teachings but in this hour, we will give answers to those questions which are rising in their minds.

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00:00 [Music]
00:02 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Assalamu Alaikum,
00:04 I welcome you to the program Kair Fakir.
00:07 As always, we have with us Mr. Saif Azad Mir Shah,
00:11 a renowned spiritual scholar.
00:13 And the format we have,
00:15 we have asked questions in the same way,
00:17 many of which you have sent us.
00:19 Keep giving us your feedback,
00:21 keep sending us your questions,
00:23 which we will keep in front of Shah Sahib,
00:25 and we will seek answers from him.
00:27 Such answers, which I always say,
00:30 will be beneficial for you,
00:32 and will be good for your life.
00:34 You will get good guidance.
00:36 So let's start.
00:38 Shah Sahib, Assalamu Alaikum.
00:40 Walaikum Assalam.
00:42 Many people have asked questions
00:44 about the emptiness in the society.
00:46 And they say that
00:48 the emptiness has increased a lot.
00:50 A person has written here,
00:52 "When I look at myself,
00:54 I feel that I am very empty."
00:56 And in his commentary,
00:58 he writes that
01:00 "I read books of many people,
01:02 of Sufis, of elders,
01:04 and I find out how much
01:06 they worship with such zeal,
01:08 and they have such a passion
01:10 within them,
01:12 but I do not feel that
01:14 within myself."
01:16 This is the time of the world,
01:18 the world has become like this,
01:20 we have become like this,
01:22 please tell us about this.
01:24 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
01:26 We will not be able to blame
01:28 the world in any way.
01:30 This is the environment
01:40 of a human being
01:42 in which he is living.
01:44 Because of which
01:48 all these things are born,
01:52 that a person loses his concentration.
01:54 I do not call it a lack of sincerity,
01:58 because
02:00 there is a force of circumstances
02:02 that is present in it.
02:04 When a person's financial,
02:08 economic,
02:10 and social conditions
02:12 become like the ones
02:14 we are going through
02:16 these days,
02:18 then the mental
02:22 weakness
02:24 ends.
02:26 This is a natural process.
02:28 When a person is very worried,
02:30 then naturally
02:36 a person gets
02:40 involved in his worries.
02:42 He thinks about it all the time.
02:44 When a person is worshipping,
02:50 then his mind
02:52 gets lost.
02:54 He gets thoughts.
02:56 That is why you will hear
02:58 a complaint often,
03:00 that whatever thoughts
03:02 we get, we stand up for prayers.
03:04 So, in the state of prayer,
03:06 thoughts start coming.
03:08 There is only one solution to this,
03:12 which is born out of great difficulty.
03:14 That,
03:18 when one has complete faith
03:20 in God,
03:22 that when
03:24 God comes,
03:26 and a person stands up for prayer,
03:28 then he has complete faith
03:32 that his God is very kind.
03:34 I am standing before God.
03:38 He will solve
03:40 my problems.
03:42 I was just looking at a picture,
03:44 and someone had commented on it.
03:46 Someone from India
03:48 had commented on it.
03:50 He was saying that
03:52 people in India
03:54 are wearing
03:56 a belt made of iron.
03:58 In India, it is called 'Sadgi'.
04:00 So, is this really
04:02 happening more in India?
04:04 Unfortunately,
04:06 this has increased a lot
04:08 in the last few years.
04:14 This has increased a lot
04:16 in the last few years.
04:18 It has increased a lot
04:20 in India.
04:22 But, I think
04:26 that the fault
04:28 in this is
04:30 that the opinions
04:36 that people form,
04:38 or the institutions,
04:40 or whatever it is,
04:42 perhaps,
04:44 these things
04:46 are born
04:48 more than that.
04:50 If
04:52 the programs are
04:54 like this,
04:56 where there is a simple
04:58 approach,
05:00 where we do not
05:02 give stereotypical advice,
05:04 but
05:06 in a way
05:08 that
05:10 the advice is passed on
05:12 as if
05:14 there is an
05:16 enactment
05:18 going on in the program.
05:20 So,
05:22 the viewer
05:24 should draw
05:26 a conclusion from it.
05:28 Similarly,
05:30 in our dramas,
05:32 the kind of
05:34 projection
05:36 that is given
05:38 to the audience
05:40 is that
05:42 in every drama,
05:44 there are many houses
05:46 that are lavishly
05:48 decorated,
05:50 or
05:52 they are showing a lavish life.
05:54 A message is being
05:56 conveyed to the public
05:58 through that.
06:00 And,
06:02 people are following
06:04 it without any hesitation.
06:06 If
06:08 our
06:10 dramas or
06:12 programs like this
06:14 have simplicity
06:16 in them,
06:18 even if it is not said,
06:20 but it has simplicity,
06:22 then,
06:24 it will definitely
06:26 have an impact on society.
06:28 You are absolutely right.
06:30 If such characters are made,
06:32 the characters
06:34 through their actions,
06:36 are more inclined towards simplicity.
06:38 This is a question.
06:40 It is said that
06:42 knowledge and laziness have also
06:44 reduced significantly.
06:46 What is the reason for this?
06:48 Is the knowledge that we are acquiring
06:50 not deep enough
06:52 that it does not create laziness?
06:54 Or is there some other reason?
06:56 No,
06:58 knowledge may not be as much
07:00 involved as the training.
07:02 A child
07:04 will learn
07:06 only by seeing
07:08 his elder brother.
07:10 So,
07:12 when a child
07:14 sees that the elderly
07:16 are very few in number,
07:18 his parents,
07:20 his elder siblings,
07:22 get angry at such a small thing,
07:24 or their reactions
07:26 are very severe,
07:28 then,
07:30 he will learn.
07:32 If he sees in school
07:34 that his teachers
07:36 are very few in number,
07:40 because the conditions
07:42 have become so severe
07:44 that
07:46 a person
07:50 easily gets irritable.
07:52 A small thing can
07:54 irritate him.
07:56 If you are driving a car,
07:58 the way
08:00 the traffic is
08:02 so uncivilized,
08:04 we ourselves are driving the same way.
08:06 It is not that we are
08:08 driving according to some rules and regulations.
08:10 We are behaving
08:12 the same way,
08:14 but because we cannot see ourselves,
08:16 when others are driving
08:18 in that style,
08:20 then,
08:22 we get irritated.
08:24 You drive
08:26 for half an hour on the road
08:28 and go home.
08:30 You will realize that you are very tired.
08:32 I was talking about
08:36 a gentleman.
08:38 In 1972-73,
08:40 when we used to go to Karachi,
08:42 we were very surprised
08:46 that roundabout,
08:50 which was called
08:52 Chaurangi,
08:54 was built in those days.
08:56 The traffic
09:00 coming from the right side was passing by.
09:02 The people on the other side
09:04 were standing without any sign
09:06 or any policeman.
09:08 The traffic coming from the right side
09:10 was given way.
09:12 After that,
09:14 the traffic continued.
09:16 Similarly,
09:18 the traffic laws
09:20 were more strict
09:22 than that of Lahore.
09:24 It was very strict.
09:26 But later,
09:28 in 1978-79,
09:30 the situation
09:32 was the same
09:34 as in the other cities.
09:36 So,
09:40 there is a lot of pressure on our nerves.
09:42 The salaries are low, the income is low,
09:46 the expenses have increased
09:48 due to the high prices.
09:50 So,
09:52 when the demands are high
09:54 and the resources are less,
09:56 the pressure builds up in the human being.
10:00 Then,
10:04 there is a lot of noise pollution.
10:06 It may sound strange
10:08 to hear,
10:10 but the noise pollution
10:12 plays a very big role
10:16 in breaking our nerves.
10:18 There is a lot of noise
10:20 in our country.
10:22 Once,
10:28 I had been to Europe.
10:30 I was travelling in a train.
10:34 A man got on the train.
10:38 When he got on the train,
10:44 he was talking on the telephone.
10:46 He was a local
10:48 from there.
10:50 He was the son of the swine.
10:52 He was talking
10:56 on the train
10:58 all the way.
11:00 He was travelling
11:04 at a distance of 80-90 miles.
11:06 When the train stopped,
11:10 he was at his station.
11:12 He was getting off.
11:14 Two of his
11:16 fellow countrywomen
11:18 were sitting there.
11:20 They asked him,
11:24 "Are you sick down here?"
11:26 He said, "Yes."
11:30 "Thanks God, you have polluted
11:32 the whole compartment
11:34 by your telephone conversation."
11:36 You can imagine
11:40 that in trains,
11:42 you will find such compartments
11:44 where telephone is used.
11:48 You can take your seat
11:52 if you want.
11:54 No one will be able to use the telephone there.
11:56 Noise pollution is being saved.
12:00 Our nerves are badly affected
12:02 by this.
12:04 We need to take a short break.
12:06 We will be back after the break.
12:10 After the break,
12:12 Shah sahib will continue
12:14 from where he left off.
12:16 A man from Europe
12:20 had come to Pakistan.
12:22 He was sitting with me.
12:24 We were going somewhere
12:26 to park our car.
12:28 I saw that the car was coming out
12:32 of a parking lot.
12:34 I stopped 20 feet
12:36 behind the car
12:38 so that he could easily get out.
12:40 I told him that I will park the car
12:42 at that place.
12:44 I had turned on the indicator.
12:46 The man got out of the car.
12:50 A car came from the right side
12:52 and I parked it there.
12:54 The car that I parked
12:58 was a big deal.
13:00 But the way he looked at me
13:04 with a smile
13:06 was very strange.
13:08 I could laugh
13:10 but he could not
13:12 tolerate that.
13:14 He said that I was a strange man.
13:16 He did not have any courtesy
13:20 to look at me.
13:22 He told me to stand there
13:24 for the last two minutes
13:26 and turn on the indicator
13:28 so that he could get out of the car.
13:30 I told him that I will park the car
13:32 and he looked at me.
13:34 He turned on the indicator.
13:36 I told him to calm down.
13:38 This is a routine for us.
13:42 Let us laugh it out.
13:46 Let us not lose the temple.
13:48 I will give you an example.
13:54 The road courtesy
13:56 has been abolished.
13:58 The road courtesy
14:00 for neighbors
14:02 was a
14:04 very strong
14:06 emotion.
14:08 We would take the trouble
14:10 ourselves
14:12 and not trouble the neighbor.
14:14 I know many people like this.
14:18 In a way, I am lucky.
14:20 There is a
14:22 Colonel in my neighborhood.
14:24 He is a very accommodating
14:28 neighbor.
14:30 He is accommodating.
14:32 It feels like
14:34 his house is our house.
14:36 There are such people
14:40 but they have reduced.
14:42 There are many factors
14:44 that
14:46 have
14:48 broken us.
14:52 I will use this word.
14:54 We are not the same
14:56 as we were before.
14:58 We do not have
15:00 courtesy,
15:02 tolerance,
15:04 or the emotion of accommodating others.
15:06 Except that
15:08 we get these things
15:10 from within.
15:12 When you see an accident,
15:14 people run
15:16 to the other side.
15:18 These old things come to us.
15:20 But they are momentary.
15:22 Then we become basic.
15:26 We should not
15:28 condemn ourselves.
15:30 Just like
15:34 Europe is afraid of you
15:40 or the non-Muslim world
15:42 is afraid of you.
15:44 They are not afraid of our strength
15:46 because we do not have strength.
15:48 They are afraid of that spark
15:52 which is
15:54 hidden under the ashes.
15:56 They have the suspicion
15:58 that the hidden spark
16:00 of the Muslims
16:02 will ignite
16:04 and become a fire.
16:06 They are afraid of that.
16:08 Similarly,
16:10 the hidden
16:12 humanity
16:14 and courtesy
16:16 comes to us
16:18 when we see someone in trouble.
16:20 Although it comes temporarily.
16:22 It is momentary.
16:24 But it is a good sign
16:26 that
16:28 those things
16:30 are suppressed
16:32 and not finished.
16:34 So, the favorable conditions
16:36 will be re-created.
16:38 Inshallah.
16:40 I remember
16:42 you were telling
16:44 how our situation is.
16:46 Emily Bronte, a famous English poet,
16:48 said that
16:50 it was very painful
16:52 for him to know
16:54 that humanity is currently
16:56 in the midst of corruption
16:58 and is mentally corrupt.
17:00 It is a slave mentality.
17:02 But I was a little sad
17:04 when I saw
17:06 that all these things
17:08 are being found within me.
17:10 All these things are being found
17:12 within me.
17:14 But how important is self-accountability
17:16 to know yourself
17:18 and then improve it?
17:20 Then, maybe, society will improve.
17:22 It is very important
17:24 that we
17:26 keep on the right path.
17:28 Self-accountability
17:30 is very important.
17:32 When a person
17:34 is in a state
17:36 where he is
17:38 able to account for himself,
17:40 then he is not wrong.
17:42 The one who is sitting inside
17:44 is an umpire.
17:46 We call him
17:48 a conscience.
17:50 He suddenly
17:52 stops a person
17:54 from doing such things.
17:56 But
18:00 in today's time,
18:02 the way we are trapped
18:04 and are forced to face the situation,
18:06 I think,
18:08 more than self-accountability,
18:14 we need to
18:16 do self-catharsis
18:18 with ourselves.
18:20 So that we get
18:22 enough time to spend
18:24 with ourselves.
18:26 And we can do
18:28 our own catharsis.
18:30 With that, our nerves will calm down.
18:32 We will be at peace.
18:36 We don't get that time anymore.
18:38 You are absolutely right.
18:42 There is a stage,
18:44 I read about it from a saint,
18:46 he said that
18:48 there are a few moments
18:50 when a person
18:52 asks for a break from himself.
18:54 He goes into
18:56 solitude and
18:58 says,
19:00 "It's enough.
19:02 I will look inside myself."
19:04 Self-catharsis?
19:06 Yes.
19:08 It gives a new life.
19:10 If you ever
19:12 get the time,
19:14 any person
19:16 can enjoy
19:18 his own company
19:20 with himself.
19:22 You see,
19:26 how he gets refreshed after half an hour.
19:28 There was another thing,
19:30 which was that
19:32 we see the saints,
19:34 the prophets,
19:36 they are in search of solitude
19:38 in the mountains,
19:40 in the valleys,
19:42 they have spent their time there.
19:44 Now we are stuck in the jungle of buildings.
19:46 So, how important is it
19:48 to take a few moments
19:50 and then in a year,
19:52 in a month, for a few weeks,
19:54 go to such places.
19:56 Maybe,
19:58 the search for solitude
20:00 of those people,
20:02 there were different reasons
20:04 behind it.
20:06 When such people
20:08 live in the creation of God,
20:10 then the creation of God
20:12 does not leave them,
20:14 it follows them.
20:16 This also
20:18 makes their worship useless.
20:20 And the thing
20:22 that hurts them
20:24 the most
20:26 is that they do not have
20:28 time for contemplation.
20:30 Because they are always
20:32 stuck in the creation of God.
20:34 To escape from it,
20:36 they used to go to the jungles.
20:40 Now, this thing of yours,
20:44 this thing,
20:46 reminds me of the
20:48 time of 1974.
20:50 We were in a meeting
20:52 those days,
20:54 our boss,
20:56 he is still alive,
20:58 may God bless him
21:00 with a long life.
21:02 May God bless him with a long life.
21:04 He is very well now.
21:06 But,
21:08 he is still very active.
21:10 In summers,
21:12 he gives lectures in
21:14 Canada's universities.
21:16 He was our boss,
21:18 now he is a doctor.
21:20 Dr. Asim Naqi.
21:22 - Okay.
21:24 - There was a meeting,
21:28 a truck must have passed by
21:30 and a pressure horn was sounded.
21:32 It was very loud.
21:34 Even in the conference room,
21:36 the sound was very loud.
21:38 He said,
21:42 "This noise,
21:44 this kind of
21:50 explosion,
21:52 this noise,
21:54 in one moment,
21:56 I don't know
21:58 how many hundred
22:00 useful thoughts
22:02 are lost."
22:04 These people,
22:08 the poor people,
22:10 they run
22:12 and
22:14 they pray for solitude.
22:16 The reason behind this
22:18 is that
22:20 the time of contemplation
22:22 is not given by God.
22:24 So, they are
22:26 running away from God.
22:28 But,
22:32 I was saying that
22:34 if solitude
22:38 is given for self catharsis,
22:40 if we get
22:44 half an hour or
22:46 half an hour every day,
22:48 then our nerves,
22:50 this self catharsis,
22:54 even if it is half an hour,
22:56 our nerves will be so soothed
22:58 that
23:00 the battery of our nerves gets charged
23:04 again and again
23:06 and our nerves get ready
23:08 to take more pressure.
23:10 So, it is very important
23:12 that we spend at least
23:14 half an hour with our self
23:16 in our heart.
23:18 - Sir, we have to take a short break here.
23:20 We will take a break.
23:22 We will come back.
23:24 - After the break,
23:26 I will start from where I left off.
23:28 This is a different
23:30 question. A person asked me
23:32 that I pray regularly.
23:34 Apart from this,
23:36 I try to do
23:38 Nafl.
23:40 But, people say
23:42 that it creates
23:44 a depth. I don't have that depth.
23:46 I have a lack in it.
23:50 - You will hear
23:52 people saying
23:54 and I will also hear you saying this.
23:56 We forget one thing
24:00 that we call Allah
24:04 in any form,
24:06 in the form of prayer,
24:10 in the form of fasting,
24:12 we call Him through any form of worship.
24:18 There should be
24:20 only one purpose.
24:22 That we are calling
24:26 our Lord or
24:28 worshipping Him
24:30 only because it is a worthy worship.
24:32 We should not look for
24:36 any pleasure in it.
24:38 Nor should we look for
24:40 the depth
24:42 that has come to us
24:44 as a result of praying.
24:46 The depth that has come to us
24:48 nor should we
24:52 look for
24:56 our feelings,
24:58 our experiences,
25:00 our experiences
25:02 and we should
25:04 keep on looking for them.
25:06 We should
25:08 only keep
25:10 our worship
25:12 in the sense that
25:14 it is a worthy worship.
25:16 We should not
25:18 look for anything else.
25:20 Allah Almighty gives us a lot.
25:24 But when we
25:26 look for other things
25:28 that are not pleasing to us,
25:30 that we are not able to
25:32 create the depth within us,
25:34 that we are not able to get this or that
25:36 as a result of prayer,
25:38 then we do not get anything.
25:40 In the world of education,
25:42 it is said that
25:44 there is a very big principle
25:46 of Israa.
25:48 The person
25:50 who has
25:52 put his foot on the line
25:54 of what he has got
25:56 and what he has not,
25:58 he will never get anything in his life.
26:00 And the one who
26:02 has only put his foot on the line of God,
26:04 for the sake of his God,
26:06 he will receive
26:08 a rain of blessings.
26:10 So, do not look for
26:12 this in worship.
26:14 We should only call upon Allah
26:16 that my Lord is worthy of being called.
26:18 This is a question
26:20 from Burewala.
26:22 He is asking
26:24 how much of the day
26:26 should be dedicated to worship?
26:28 Should there be a particular time
26:30 or should one do it at any time?
26:32 Our religion is
26:34 such a practical religion.
26:38 This is why it is also called
26:40 the religion of nature.
26:42 It prevents you from
26:44 being disloyal in worship.
26:48 Keep this disloyalty in worship
26:50 that we are
26:52 calling upon Allah.
26:54 The Prophet (PBUH)
26:56 had
26:58 divided his 24 hours
27:00 in such a way
27:02 that
27:04 the Prophet's
27:06 government affairs
27:08 would be
27:10 met with the delegation
27:12 of the non-Muslims
27:14 and the companions.
27:16 The Prophet's
27:18 family time
27:20 was spent
27:22 with his family
27:24 for the next
27:26 8 hours.
27:28 He would spend
27:30 time with his family
27:32 and help the
27:34 family.
27:36 He was a
27:38 devout believer.
27:40 The last 8 hours
27:42 were dedicated
27:44 to worship
27:46 and to rest.
27:48 If we organize
27:50 our time in this way,
27:52 and follow this Sunnah,
27:54 life becomes very easy.
27:56 This is a very interesting question.
28:00 He says he has two wives.
28:02 One is old
28:04 and the other is young.
28:06 It is said that
28:08 one should do justice.
28:10 I am unable to do justice
28:12 despite my efforts.
28:14 Will I be punished
28:16 for this?
28:18 The question
28:20 that is asked to Muslims
28:22 is
28:24 the question asked by non-Muslims.
28:26 This is related to
28:28 multiple marriages.
28:30 Islam has
28:32 allowed
28:34 multiple marriages.
28:36 It has allowed four marriages.
28:38 I would like to say
28:44 something to them.
28:46 You are
28:48 being deceived.
28:50 Islam
28:52 has not allowed
28:54 four marriages.
28:56 In fact,
28:58 it has limited
29:00 a person to four marriages.
29:02 This is because
29:04 in the era
29:06 when Islam was introduced
29:08 in Arabia,
29:10 in Arab culture,
29:12 many
29:14 multiple marriages
29:16 were done.
29:18 Islam has
29:22 limited this.
29:26 Some people
29:28 have 90 wives.
29:30 Islam has limited this to four.
29:32 But this is
29:34 our misconception
29:36 that four marriages have been allowed.
29:38 It has been said that
29:42 four marriages are allowed.
29:44 But there is a condition
29:46 that you
29:48 should do justice
29:50 to them.
29:52 For this,
29:54 you need to be a great
29:56 saint to do justice.
29:58 I liked
30:00 a thing in Iran.
30:02 I was talking to a Mufti there.
30:04 He said that if someone
30:06 wants to marry again,
30:08 the court
30:10 calls the first wife
30:12 and asks her if she is doing justice to them.
30:14 If she is not
30:16 doing justice to the first wife,
30:18 she is not allowed.
30:20 Justice is a fundamental
30:22 principle.
30:24 If we look at the mistake,
30:26 can we praise it?
30:28 It is a habit
30:30 of someone
30:32 that I think is a mistake.
30:34 Although it may not be a mistake,
30:36 it may be a habit.
30:38 It may be a mistake.
30:40 Is it necessary
30:42 to point it out
30:44 to someone
30:46 so that they feel hurt?
30:50 Any action
30:52 that
30:54 is against the principles
30:58 of religion
31:00 or the standards
31:02 of religion
31:04 or is
31:06 against the moral standards
31:08 is a mistake.
31:10 A habit
31:12 can be a bad thing.
31:14 A habit is not a mistake.
31:16 A mistake
31:18 is a mistake.
31:20 Habits
31:26 can be a bad thing.
31:28 A friend,
31:38 as was said
31:40 by Hazrat Ali (R.A)
31:46 A true friend
31:48 is one who
31:50 informs a person
31:52 about his mistakes
31:54 in loneliness.
31:56 This is friendship.
31:58 A friend
32:02 informs a person
32:04 about his mistakes
32:06 in loneliness.
32:08 He does not
32:10 make a mistake.
32:14 Habits
32:16 can be a bad thing.
32:18 It should be expressed.
32:22 But in loneliness.
32:24 Very politely,
32:26 in appropriate words,
32:28 so that the other person
32:30 does not feel ashamed.
32:32 This is the duty of a friend
32:34 to inform his friend
32:36 about his mistakes.
32:38 Okay, Shah Sahib, thank you very much.
32:40 Our time for the program is now coming to an end.
32:42 As was said by Hazrat Ali (R.A)
32:44 in his statement
32:46 that
32:48 a true friend is one who informs
32:50 a person about his mistakes
32:52 in loneliness.
32:54 He informs a person about his mistakes.
32:56 Please think about this.
32:58 If you
33:00 make a mistake without any reason
33:02 or someone else does it,
33:04 it is very important to explain to them
33:06 that a mistake without any reason
33:08 is not useful, it is wrong.
33:10 And there should be
33:12 no such thing between the two.
33:14 If there is, then sit separately
33:16 and explain it to them.
33:18 Now, allow us to continue giving our feedback.
33:20 Keep sending us your questions.
33:22 And Inshallah,
33:24 we will continue to answer you.
33:26 Allow us to leave.
33:28 Allah Hafiz.
33:30 [Music]
