Indian national, tinutukan ng baril ang kanyang kapwa Indian national

  • 6 months ago
Indian national, tinutukan ng baril ang kanyang kapwa Indian national
00:00 Two Indian Nationals who were shot by gunmen in Kapwa, India, in Baseco, Manila were arrested.
00:08 This is the story of Bian Manalo.
00:10 A motorcycle will be seen in the CCTV footage.
00:15 The two men were riding the motorcycle in Baseco Compound, Manila on February 12.
00:21 The next motorcycle will also be seen from a man.
00:27 A few moments later, the next rider shot the motorcycle.
00:32 The man punched the back rider until the back rider's jacket was removed.
00:37 The man stopped when he was shot by a gunman.
00:41 Fortunately, the two policemen quickly entered the scene.
00:46 The gunmen were not yet armed.
00:49 The riding in tandem of the Indian Nationals was known.
00:54 They were suspects in the shooting of a gun at one of their fellow countrymen.
00:58 The two suspects were possibly related to the robbery.
01:02 I knew the two suspects.
01:06 These two victims were also Indian Nationals.
01:11 I knew them and I was also involved in the robbery.
01:15 They had a fight because they were rivals in the robbery.
01:22 It came to a point where he brought a gun.
01:28 The motorcycle and the unlicensed gun loaded with bullets were recovered from the suspects.
01:35 The riding in tandem was found to be involved in other cases.
01:39 Upon verification, there was an outstanding warrant.
01:47 He had a dismissed carnapping case and an outstanding warrant of arrest.
01:53 The same case was also carnapped in Laguna.
01:59 The suspects refused to give testimony.
02:03 The riding in tandem will be faced with the case of robbery in the Comprehensive Law on Firearms and Ammunition.
02:10 BN Manalo for Pambansang TV in Bagong, Philippines.
