DOJ launches telemedicine for PDLs at CIW 

  • 7 months ago
DOJ launches telemedicine for PDLs at CIW 
00:00 Although deprived of liberty, PDL still have the inalienable right to live as well as to live a health life
00:06 considering the circumstances. Thus with this in mind the Department of Justice or DOJ and the Bureau of Corrections or BUCAR
00:14 collaborated to launch tele consult programs for those incarcerated in the Correctional Institute for Women.
00:21 Luisa Erispe tells us more.
00:26 Aside from being congested, one of the problems of jails in the Philippines is the lack of proper health care facilities for the persons deprived of liberty.
00:34 The Justice Department admitted this saying as a matter of fact most of the BUCAR facilities have only one medical
00:42 professional to monitor patients. That's why today the DOJ launched a telemedicine for PDLs at the Correctional Institution for Women.
00:50 Through this platform, online PDL consultations will be readily available.
00:56 If you have an illness, you can see what you can do. If you are obese, what can you do?
01:02 And then the app will tell you what to do, what to eat, what to exercise.
01:06 So it's not just telemedicine but complete medical solutions for our PDLs.
01:13 The DOJ said this is also free of charge. With the help of the private sector,
01:18 the CIW will hand out 100 free vouchers for consultations.
01:23 They won't have a problem with paying because we know that they are inside and it's hard for them to find livelihood.
01:33 So we know that. With that, we are also donating telehealth vouchers.
01:38 As of now, this program is only for the CIW in Mandaluyong City.
01:43 However, the DOJ seeks to implement this program in more facilities under the BUCOR.
01:48 Hopefully, at least by the end of this administration, we will be able to provide a higher number.
01:56 Luisa Erispe, from The National TV, for a new and better Republic.
