Barclay: We've removed EU red tape from farming

  • 7 months ago
The environment secretary has said that leaving the EU has enabled the government to replace the "rigid bureaucratic system, that didn't work for food production" for a bespoke system that responds to the needs of British farmers. It comes as the government are set to highlight £427 million in grants for agriculture, including a doubling of the amount going to technology and innovation schemes to help farmers increase productivity – such as robotics, roof-top solar and agricultural research. Report by Covellm. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at


00:00 Well we've got a clear plan to back British farming, in particular food production and focus more on food security.
00:06 I think people can see with the war in Ukraine, with climate change, with increased volatility,
00:12 the importance of backing food production here within the UK and that's why we're doubling the
00:18 grants for equipment for productivity on farm, helping farmers with solar for example and their
00:24 energy costs, helping them with the cost of pesticide which is also good for the environment
00:29 if we can reduce the use of pesticide through new equipment that is good for farmers but it's good
00:34 for the environment. So we're doubling that productivity grant as part of a wider £427
00:40 million package of support for farming that the Prime Minister will set out today.
00:44 What coming out of the EU has enabled us to do is to replace the old bureaucratic
00:49 system where 50% of the money went to 10% of farms, a very rigid bureaucratic system that
00:57 didn't work for food production and replace it with a scheme that is bespoke to the needs of
01:02 our farmers and that's why we're able then to environment in things that help both the
01:07 environment but also food production, to invest in robotics and new equipment in driving that
01:13 food productivity and helping farmers with the costs that they face on things like energy. So
01:18 it allows us to design our farming support in a way that works best for the farmers here.
