Government launches a crackdown on mobile phones in schools

  • 7 months ago
The Government has launched a crackdown on mobile phones in schools throughout England. New guidance issued backs headteachers in prohibiting the use of mobile phones throughout the school day, including at break times. By the age of 12, 97% of children have their own mobile phone.
00:00 Mobile phones are set to be prohibited in schools across England as part of the government's
00:07 plan to minimise disruption and improve behaviour in the classroom.
00:12 New mobile phones in school guidance issued this week backs headteachers in prohibiting
00:16 the use of mobile phones throughout the school day, including at break times.
00:21 Many schools around the country already forbid mobile phone use.
00:25 This guidance has been issued to ensure there's a consistent approach across all schools.
00:30 We've been on the streets of Liverpool to get your take on this.
00:35 This high school we went to, we weren't allowed phones.
00:37 So we were used to it in high school and in primary school they would take your phone
00:42 off you as well.
00:43 I think we've all got to accept that mobile phones are now just part of everyday life.
00:48 Whether you like it or not, they're here and they're here to stay.
00:52 They are vitally important, especially for kids, you know, when they're making their
00:55 way home.
00:56 They should be able to have them with them as long as they're not using them.
00:59 I mean, say there's an emergency or something and a child needs to get a hold of their parents.
01:07 I'd say it's a good thing as well because of the way they're so accessible and escalated
01:12 to the fact that people can't actually go about their daily life without going on their
01:16 phone.
01:17 I think it distracts you so much that it just interferes with everything.
01:21 So I'd say it's a good thing.
01:22 And you can't control what your kids are accessing either.
01:24 At the end of the day as well, if you're getting it back then I don't really see the problem.
01:28 During the class times, take the mobile phones off the kids because without a doubt they
01:33 are a distraction.
01:34 I mean, I know myself, I've been dragged into the modern world.
01:37 They can be a distraction to the likes of my age as well.
01:41 So with kids, you know, if they're sitting at the back and they slightly get the phone
01:45 out and not concentrating on the lessons.
01:48 I do think they should be allowed to have them and I don't think anyone should be removing
01:53 someone else's personal property.
01:55 But if it does come to a point where it will affect their learning, then maybe something
02:00 can be said but to a parent.
02:03 By the age of 12, 97% of children have their own mobile phone according to Ofcom.
02:08 Last year, UNESCO called for smartphones to be banned from schools as evidence showed
02:12 it was linked to reduced educational performance and excessive screen time had a negative impact
02:18 on children's wellbeing.
02:20 Schools will be supported to prohibit mobile phone use with examples of different approaches
02:24 including banning phones from school premises, handing them in on arrival and keeping them
02:31 securely locked away.
02:33 The latest government data finds around a third of secondary school pupils reported
02:37 mobile phones being used when they were not supposed to be in most or all lessons.
02:43 The guidance will respond to concerns from parents about mobile phones with the latest
02:48 data from Parentkind's national parent survey revealing that 44% of parents are concerned
02:54 about the amount of time their children spend on electronic devices.
02:57 That rises to 50% of parents of secondary school aged children.
03:01 (water splashing)
