Our education specialist Amber Allott gives her thoughts on proposals to ban smartphones in UK schools.
00:00Hello, my name is Amber Allitt, and I'm a journalist specialising in education.
00:04At the moment, there's a new bill making its way through Parliament which is aiming to legally ban mobile phones from schools.
00:10Now, many schools already have either bans or guidelines for use in place,
00:15but the bill's backers remain concerned about its potential impacts on young people.
00:19These include being distracted from your lessons, the potential for cyberbullying and, that's, mental health impacts,
00:25and, of course, young people being reeled into doomscrolling by addictively designed apps.
00:30Here are two reasons why I disagree with a total ban in schools.
00:35First of all, technology is already a huge and ever-present part of most people's lives.
00:41We use it constantly for fun as well as for work or to study or complete your school assignments, things like that.
00:47A total ban means that children are missing out on the opportunity for practical, hands-on learning.
00:54Our phones can connect us with some really important resources and useful tools,
00:59but people need a good sense of digital literacy to learn how to use them effectively.
01:04This makes sure that they're getting accurate information.
01:07And on top of that, young people need to learn to use them safely and ethically,
01:12especially when it comes to the potential perils of social media.
01:16Next, I'm sure that, like me, you sometimes find yourself looking at your phone or scrolling when you really shouldn't be.
01:22My first phone was admittedly a flip phone without any real apps,
01:26but growing up, teachers were always adamant about not using it at school.
01:30The second I was out of class, I was phone in hand, and I still struggle to self-regulate my use.
01:36It's something that I think can truly only be learned through the experience of having access to your phone
01:41but building up those good habits yourself.