Cleveleys family of missing Lakeland Terrier Bear reissue video appeal for his return.

  • 7 months ago
A Cleveleys family whose Lakeland Terrier Bear has been missing for over six weeks now believe he was taken on the first day.
The exhausted family, who have issued a £1,000 reward, say they are barely functioning without him and cannot eat or sleep.
00:00 Hello everyone, I'm Catherine, I'm Bear's mum and I'd just like to do a little update
00:07 really on where we're up to. It's six weeks tomorrow since Bear went missing. We've searched
00:13 high and low, ground searches, we've had the drones out, we've had everything out, but
00:18 there's been no positive sightings at all. We do believe actually on that first day that
00:23 he was taken, on that very first day that he was picked up from somebody and I'm appealing
00:27 really for fresh information. There was a white tanker that was parked up on Pinfold
00:33 Lane on the corner, it's known as Thacker's Corner locally, so it had come down Pinfold
00:38 Lane and parked up on the corner and it was facing towards Maesco, the road at Maesco.
00:46 Anybody that knows the area knows it's a really dangerous corner so he wouldn't have stopped
00:52 for no reason. It was at the time that Bear went missing and we really need to locate
00:57 the driver. So, you know, did they see Bear? Did they pick Bear up? It's something that
01:06 we really need to speak to anyway. It's a white tanker and it's an oval shaped one,
01:12 white, shiny, oval shaped tanker. It didn't look to have any sign writing on and it was
01:18 oval shaped so it was a fuel tanker. So did a farm have any deliveries that day? Did a
01:25 house have any deliveries that day? Did you go down Pinfold Lane? Was you in the area
01:31 between 10 and 11? Can you recall seeing the tanker? Any information for that day is paramount,
01:39 we really, really need it to find Bear. Another thing that's going on is obviously, we do
01:47 believe that he's been taken, even though we're not stopping the ground search completely.
01:52 So we're trying to get that national. Up to now we've had tremendous support up and down
01:58 the country and people are getting flyers delivered, signs are going up everywhere and
02:06 I ask you, if you know anybody that doesn't live in our area, can you please just pass
02:10 on the information about Bear? Let's make it nationwide, let's get our boy home. And
02:19 to help with that, a very dear friend Katie set up a GoFundMe as well that has up to now
02:26 paid for a thermal drone that we've had to hire because there isn't anything in our area
02:31 and it's paid for signs that you may have seen up and round and about and leaflets that
02:37 are currently being sent up and down the country. So if you could give anything towards that
02:43 to help bring Bear home, we'd really, really appreciate it. As I say, it's been six weeks
02:48 now and today is National Pet Day, so anybody that's got a pet will know how they are your
02:55 family and we desperately need him home. Thank you, thank you.
