Free pet care for disadvantaged community members

  • 7 months ago
00:00 [chatter]
00:05 - Hello. - Hello.
00:07 - Hello.
00:09 [laughter]
00:11 [engine noise]
00:16 - You know what, today was fantastic because there's no way I would have been able to do it without my caddy.
00:20 If it was here, not run today, it shouldn't have been done at all.
00:25 You know what I mean?
00:26 It's very hard with no money, you know, and this is a free service for us.
00:31 He's a good boy.
00:33 It means a lot to get help for our animals because some of us can't really afford to look after our animals as much as we love them.
00:42 But getting this kind of help really helps us financially, especially having children, school-aged children.
00:50 It's a lot to send the kids to school, let alone look after the animals, but to get this kind of help,
00:56 and yeah, it means a lot not just to me and my partner and family, but a lot to the animals as well.
01:04 My stepson is ADHD, autism, and to get animals, they told us to get guinea pigs first, so we've got two guinea pigs.
01:12 We did have four, and the animals help him in a big way as well, as well as our two girls.
01:19 It sort of brings our family together and makes us all more happier as well to have our animals.
01:25 So yeah, sometimes our animals, like get our kids come first, so, you know, they're beautiful.
01:33 They're part of the family.
