遗体运返古晋前 泰益妻伤心欲绝痛哭

  • 7 months ago
新闻报报看 | 泰益马目与世长辞,泰益的黎巴嫩外籍妻子拉嘉古迪与前来送别泰益马目的众人诵经祈祷时,想起13年夫妻之间的点点滴滴,她也难忍悲痛,情绪激动地伤心哭泣,一度需要在旁亲友搀扶。(主播: 颜江瀚、梁宝仪)


00:00 Since June last year, an important Malaysian politician has repeatedly been reported to be unwell.
00:08 There are even rumors of his illness.
00:11 Today, the government of Sarawak has confirmed through the Prime Minister's Public Relations Department.
00:17 Sarawak's former political power, former Sarawak's head of state, Tayyip Mahmood,
00:21 died at 4.40am today at the heart and pulmonary center in Kuala Lumpur.
00:27 He was 87 years old.
00:28 Tayyip Mahmood's body was sent back to Sarawak's old town from Shubang, Xuezhou at 1pm.
00:34 It was sent directly to the body's private place.
00:37 The body will be transported to the Sarawak Parliament Building between 8am and 11.30am tomorrow morning.
00:44 It will be buried in the family cemetery.
00:49 The funeral will be held on the schedule of the state funeral.
00:52 Tayyip Mahmood's death is a common phrase.
00:54 The Sarawak government announced the due date of his death.
00:57 The entire Sarawak needs to lower the flag to mourn.
01:01 All activities involving entertainment must be postponed.
01:03 The Qingzhen Temple and the prayer room will hold a prayer ceremony to mourn Tayyip Mahmood.
01:09 Before the body was transported back to the old town,
01:12 the body was washed at 9.30am.
01:16 After that, the funeral prayer ceremony lasted for about 7 minutes.
01:20 Tayyip Mahmood's wife, Lajah Kuti,
01:23 said goodbye to the people of Tayyip Mahmood and prayed with her.
01:27 She recalled the sad and emotional moments of the 13-year marriage.
01:35 She needed her family and friends to help her.
01:38 Tayyip Mahmood's wife, Lajah Kuti,
01:43 posted a message on social media at 10am this morning.
01:47 She wrote, "I can't describe how important Tayyip Mahmood is to me."
01:53 Tayyip Mahmood's wife's every move was noticed.
01:58 About a month ago,
02:02 the doctor in charge of Tayyip Mahmood called the police.
02:05 He accused Lajah Kuti of taking Tayyip Mahmood, who was in the ICU, out of the hospital.
02:11 This caused a controversy.
02:13 Although Lajah Kuti was later denied the accusation,
02:16 the media found some background information.
02:21 As the stepmother, Lajah Kuti and Tayyip Mahmood's daughter had a dispute.
02:26 They had a dispute over the transfer of shares of a private company.
02:31 They even sued.
02:32 The two parties have broken up.
02:36 Let's talk about Tayyip Mahmood's life.
02:39 Many people know him as "White Hair" or "North Hair".
02:43 It's almost a nickname for him.
02:47 Some people say that White Hair is a wise and wise political leader.
02:51 He is also known as the "victory group" of life.
02:54 He was born a lawyer.
02:55 He worked in the legal world.
02:57 He later became a politician.
02:59 He was a very successful lawyer.
03:02 He became the youngest minister in Sarawak at the age of 27.
03:06 He was the first politician to be elected in 1981.
03:10 He has been the head of the party for 33 years.
03:13 He has been in charge of Sarawak's political and economic development.
03:18 As the longest-serving head of Sarawak,
03:21 Tayyip is described as the father of Sarawak's development.
03:26 But he has been in charge of Sarawak for too long.
03:29 His family has controlled the Sarawak economy.
03:33 So he is also controversial among the people.
03:36 Tayyip and his family have been exposed by the non-governmental organization many times.
03:39 They rely on political power to pay off.
03:42 The accumulated personal property of the Tianwen number is controversial.
03:46 With the death of Tayyip,
03:47 how much property does he have?
03:49 It has also aroused discussion again.
03:52 In 2012,
03:53 the non-governmental organization in Switzerland,
03:55 the Bruno Manser Foundation,
03:57 published a book called "Tayyip Mu Cai Hei Shou Dang"
04:02 about the facts and data of the people exposed by the Sarawak political figures in Malaysia.
04:07 It revealed the total assets of Tayyip Mamu
04:10 and his family in the Sarawak economy.
04:12 The total value is up to $2.1 billion.
04:17 If multiplied by the currency,
04:18 it is about $6.4 billion.
04:21 The report revealed that
04:22 the price of Tayyip alone
04:25 is up to $1.5 billion,
04:27 which is about $4.5 billion.
04:30 The wealth of Tayyip
04:31 even exceeds the wealth of the King of Tang, Guo Henian.
04:36 The Bruno Manser Foundation also listed some details of the Tayyip family
04:41 in this 45-page report.
04:44 It revealed that Tayyip and his family
04:46 may hide more assets overseas.
04:49 These may be assets that cannot be traced,
04:52 because the information about the assets hidden overseas
04:55 is difficult to obtain.
04:57 The report said that
04:58 Tayyip abused the authority of the Chief Minister,
04:59 the Minister of Finance,
05:01 and the Minister of Planning and Resources
05:03 to provide the leadership of the biggest company in Sarawak,
05:08 which is the largest company in the Sarawak region,
05:11 and privatized most of its main industries
05:14 to his family company.
05:16 [Music]
