Palo Alto Networks Q2 Earnings: Stock Plummets After Soft Guidance, EPS Beat, Revenue Up 19%

  • 7 months ago
Palo Alto Networks Inc (NASDAQ:PANW) reported fiscal second-quarter financial results Tuesday after the bell. Here’s a look at the key metrics from the quarter.

Q2 Earnings: Palo Alto’s fiscal second-quarter revenue increased 19% year-over-year to $1.98 billion, which beat the consensus estimate of $1.97 billion, according to Benzinga Pro. The company reported quarterly earnings of $1.46 per share, which beat analyst estimates of $1.30 per share.

Remaining performance obligations grew 22% year-over-year to $10.8 billion. Adjusted operating margin grew 580 basis points year-over-year to 29%.

“Our leadership across all of our three platforms and growing cross-platform adoption puts us in a strong and unique position,” said Nikesh Arora, chairman and CEO of Palo Alto Networks.


00:00 What a day and what a night for earnings.
00:03 Huge, huge, huge tech movers.
00:06 And I mean something fierce here.
00:08 Let's start with the big daddy from last night,
00:11 which is having one of its worst days ever here today.
00:15 Palo Alto Networks down $87.
00:19 Now the MOMO trade coming off fiercely here.
00:23 $1.46 versus $1.30.
00:25 Was a beat on the bottom line.
00:26 Top line beat as well.
00:27 $1.98 billion versus $1.97 billion.
00:31 Guidance just slightly light.
00:32 And when you're a MOMO company with a 50 PE or 55 PE,
00:38 you can't have light guidance.
00:39 $1.24 to $1.26 for Q3.
00:41 Analyst estimates were up at $1.29.
00:43 Revenue guidance for Q3 also light.
00:46 $1.98 billion versus analyst estimates of $2.04 billion.
00:53 Full year, they're still seeing that they're going to hit $5.45
00:56 to $5.55.
00:58 Estimates around $5.51.
00:59 But again, that's not a blow away.
01:01 Even if it's in line on that guidance,
01:03 it's not good enough when you've got a PE of 55 or 60.
01:07 That PE coming in rapidly here today because the stock has
01:10 fallen so far.
01:11 I was just doing the calculation before I
01:13 started the pre-market show.
01:14 PE now, if they do hit that $5.55 target,
01:17 is only 50 on P, A, and W, which is as low
01:21 as it's been for a while.
01:22 Now still, the PE is still 50.
01:26 So I don't know.
01:27 If the growth slows a little bit here, is it worth 50?
01:30 That's the question.
01:31 That's what the question the market's asking.
01:33 But wow, if you were looking for a dip to buy Palo Alto
01:35 networks, you got your wish.
01:37 All right, we do got the Benzinga Pro up now.
01:40 What right now, Dennis, would you
01:43 say are the biggest stocks moving with this report
01:46 on Palo Alto this morning?
01:49 All the cybersecurity stocks are getting hammered here.
01:52 So we'll do the technicals.
01:53 We'll just go through them.
01:55 Wherever you want to go, Fortinet, CyberArk,
01:58 you could go Sentinel One is really getting hit,
02:01 because Sentinel One is really had a move.
02:03 S, there's just a pile of them.
02:05 If you want to just look at the ETF,
02:06 hack, CrowdStrike getting just kicked in here this morning.
02:10 That's a big fall for CrowdStrike, down 9.6%.
02:14 Again, all these stocks got lofty PEs.
02:17 So you don't want to see inline earnings or slight misses.
02:20 That's just not going to do it.
02:22 This MOMO trade, just talk the overall market here
02:25 for a second, was coming unwound yesterday.
02:27 It started with SMCI on Friday.
02:29 Then it spilled over to all the MOMO stocks.
02:32 We talked on the show even about Lilly
02:34 being the potential for coming back down.
02:36 Well, that has happened here, because obviously MOMO stock
02:40 as well opened right at the highs.
02:41 If you started the open, you basically took no heat.
02:44 Sold off 45 points.
02:46 It's got another downgrade.
02:47 We'll get to that in a second.
02:48 But just talking overall, MOMO trade in two days
02:52 went from bliss to that P-I-S-S word.
02:55 So not looking that great if you're
02:58 long all these MOMO stocks.
02:59 With that being said, AB, you're a young guy.
03:03 Do you look at Palo Alto Networks and think,
03:05 well, hacks aren't going away.
03:07 We're going to need cybersecurity probably
03:09 for the rest of our lives here.
03:12 Do you look at Palo Alto Networks
03:13 as a leader in the space and say,
03:15 I'm willing to pay a PE of 50 for this thing,
03:18 because I think they're going to grow earnings over time.
03:21 Thoughts, concerns, AB.
03:23 Yeah, I mean, so like you said, I mean, over time--
03:26 and especially with--
03:27 we were talking about this with Chaikin.
03:29 The more and more companies are moving toward integrating AI
03:33 and stuff like that into the workflow,
03:35 I think there's going to be more and more need
03:37 for good cybersecurity.
03:40 And over time, I do think this industry will just
03:43 continue to grow.
03:44 So any of these names, whether you're
03:46 talking about Fortinet, Palo Alto,
03:48 like I could get talked into holding long term.
03:51 I guess one of my big concerns with this, Dennis,
03:53 would be that why wouldn't the biggest tech players,
03:57 Microsoft, et cetera, why wouldn't they also
03:59 be a good cybersecurity play?
04:02 I don't know if Microsoft hires some of these cybersecurity
04:07 companies.
04:07 But when you're talking about how many companies use,
04:11 say, Microsoft Office or Microsoft Teams,
04:13 obviously you want that stuff to be secure.
04:15 You don't want corporate secrets,
04:18 companies getting hacked, stuff like this.
04:20 But again, the more and more companies move toward AI
04:24 and stuff like this, I think there will be more demand
04:26 for cybersecurity.
04:27 So long term, yeah, I think basically anything
04:32 in this space I wouldn't mind holding.
04:34 I don't have a edge in saying, OK, I
04:36 like Fortinet more than Palo Alto right now,
04:40 anything like that.
04:41 You can see this morning, you got a lot of downgrades
04:44 coming in on Palo Alto.
04:48 Rosenblatt lowers the price target to $265.
04:50 That's coming after some really bullish price
04:52 targets from Rosenblatt the last few days.
04:55 Loop Capital downgrades Palo Alto to hold
04:58 an ounce's $300 price target.
04:59 So again, when we talked about shaking with this,
05:02 that kind of the cybersecurity players or IT players
05:05 could be kind of these auxiliary plays for the AI trade.
05:09 I don't think that story is going away.
05:11 But again, I don't have an edge in terms of, hey,
05:13 I love Palo Alto compared to Fortinet or whatever.
05:17 I think the industry will be fine in the long run, though.
05:19 I think it's something, and a good point you're making
05:22 is the bar is to entry here.
05:25 The barrier is to entry.
05:27 There's a lot of these cybersecurity stocks.
05:29 And I don't cover the industry well enough
05:31 to know how they differentiate from each other.
05:34 So is there going to be more in the future?
05:36 Are some of these companies, to your point,
05:38 going to start doing cybersecurity on their own
05:41 like Microsoft does do some stuff?
05:43 Like, do they need Sentinel One?
05:45 Do they need Palo Alto?
05:46 Do they need CrowdStrike?
05:48 Or will they figure it out on their own?
05:49 I mean, there's all those things to consider.
05:51 So it's not a slam dunk to just come in here and say,
05:56 yeah, Palo Alto Network cybersecurity,
05:58 we're going to need that in the future.
05:59 And we're going to pay 50 times right now.
06:01 We're going to make a lot of money with that.
06:03 With that being said, good companies,
06:05 buying good companies on dips,
06:07 and Palo Alto has been one of the best,
06:08 has been rewarded in the past.
06:10 So if you're coming in here today,
06:13 I won't argue with you.
06:14 I won't say, you know, like, well, what are you doing?
06:16 You know, this is, you know,
06:17 obviously a really disappointing quarter.
06:19 I get it.
06:20 Part of me wants, I don't have any cybersecurity
06:22 as my long-term portfolio cybersecurity stock.
06:24 So part of me wants to join you and say,
06:26 hey, Palo Alto Network's down 23% today.
06:29 Sounds like, you know, like that's the time
06:31 to be coming in here.
06:32 I think I wait until the dust settles a little bit though.
06:36 Again, to quote my friend, Brian Shannon,
06:39 buy the strength after the dip.
06:41 Don't buy the initial dip
06:43 because sometimes those initial dips continue to fall.
06:45 And you know, sometimes they bounce right back,
06:48 but we've kind of turned.
06:49 If we would have,
06:50 Palo Alto Network's reported this last week
06:52 when we were buying MOMO stocks,
06:54 it has a better tendency to bounce back,
06:56 but the market has turned against MOMO
06:59 at least, you know, for the last couple of days.
07:01 So it's a little bit of a tough day for it to report into.
07:04 Good support down here.
07:05 If we look at the charts and let's do, you know,
07:07 maybe you can zoom into the early January.
07:09 We're back to the January lows here.
07:11 So we're just basically giving back this year's gains.
07:14 So we're not going back like years and years of gains here.
07:16 We're giving back this year's gains.
07:17 The lows for this year back in January, 282,
07:21 multiple lows at 282, 281.
07:23 We're at 279.
07:24 Can we get back up at 281 and hold that?
07:27 Well, that's if you're bullish a stock,
07:28 that's what you want to see.
07:29 You want to see that 281 hold.
07:31 You don't want to see it starts breaching that.
07:32 Then you start thinking the stock could go to 250,
07:34 but the stock is still expensive and it just disappointed.
07:39 Maybe I'm going to sit on the sidelines for a bit.
