Dragon Tales A Storybook Ending

  • il y a 8 mois


00:00 - Listo?
00:01 - I've been ready to go to Dragon Land all morning.
00:10 - Me too.
00:11 - It's not everyday Ketzel reads from the magic story book.
00:14 Which story do you think he'll read to us?
00:16 - Why don't we just go to Dragon Land and find out?
00:19 - I wish, I wish with all my heart
00:25 to fly with dragons in the land of fire.
00:32 - They're here!
00:42 - It's story time, it's story time!
00:44 I get so excited when Ketzel is going to read from the magic story book!
00:48 - Yeah!
00:50 - Oh, you're so excited, my cat!
00:54 - I'm so excited my head is spinning!
00:57 Still, I'm hoping Ketzel reads the story about the knocker hole to nowhere.
01:02 - I hope he reads the one about the very, very merry Twinkleberry!
01:07 - Or the one about the weather dragon who got cold feet.
01:12 - Well, come on then, let's get to La Escuela and find out which one it will be.
01:17 - Enrique, as our newest friend, will you do us the honor of choosing a story?
01:23 - Wow! I have never chosen a story before!
01:27 - Which is why I choose you, mijo.
01:30 - This looks like you, Ketzel!
01:38 - That's because it is me.
01:40 - What are you doing in the magic story book?
01:43 - The book contains all the tales of Dragon Land.
01:47 In my younger days, I was lucky enough to have an adventure
01:50 that became known as Ketzel's fabled quest.
01:54 - A quest? You're on an adventure looking for something really important?
01:59 - Si, casi.
02:01 - Then that is the story I want to hear.
02:03 - Oh, yeah!
02:05 - I have an even better idea, niños.
02:08 How would you like to go into the story book and be part of my aventura?
02:14 - That would be awesome!
02:16 - Bueno. Now, who remembers how to enter the story book?
02:20 - Oh, oh, oh! I do!
02:22 You just say, "I imagine," and then name the story you want to be in.
02:27 - Si, Weezie, that's right!
02:29 Now, remember, niños, when you enter my story,
02:32 you will be visiting the same places and seeing the same things I did
02:36 when I first made my quest years ago.
02:39 Are you ready, then?
02:42 - Si, si. So I'll just add some magic dust and let Enrique say the words.
02:47 - OK, here goes.
02:49 I imagine we are part of Ketzel's fabled quest.
02:54 - Hey, this is where Mungus the giant lives.
03:02 - Si, this is where my story begins.
03:05 - Ketzel, you've never come into the story book with us before.
03:10 - Ah, but this is a very important story.
03:13 I will be your guide as you explore it.
03:15 - How does your story begin?
03:18 - I was on a search, a quest, that took me to the four corners of Dragon Land.
03:23 I was seeking un libro.
03:26 - A book? It must have been a special book.
03:30 - Yes, indeed. It was so special that although it was hidden in a secret place,
03:35 its fame was known throughout the land.
03:38 - All I knew was the name of the wizard who created the book.
03:42 Her name was Sage.
03:45 - But if we're looking for Sage, why are we at Mungus' castle?
03:49 - Because giants travel far and wide in just a few steps.
03:53 They know everyone in Dragon Land.
03:57 - Ah, my little friends.
04:00 So good to see some friendly faces.
04:03 Now, what brings you all here?
04:06 - We're searching for a very special book, just like Quetzel did years ago.
04:10 - And we're looking for the wizard who made it. Her name is Sage.
04:14 Do you know where we should look?
04:17 - Oh, oh, I'm afraid not.
04:19 I know just about everyone in Dragon Land, but wizards are especially mysterious.
04:25 But you might want to talk to the Ruffled Owl.
04:28 - Where does the Ruffled Owl live?
04:30 - On the edge of Dragoon Lagoon, in a field of bright red.
04:35 - Thank you very much for the assistance, Mungus.
04:38 - Anytime. Come back soon.
04:41 - Mungus said we'd find the Ruffled Owl in a field of bright red.
04:48 - I see green grass.
04:50 - And yellow flowers.
04:52 - And a whole lagoon full of blue.
04:55 - But where's the field of bright red?
04:58 - Oh, no. There isn't any red.
05:01 Mungus must have made a mistake.
05:03 - There's been no mistake, niños.
05:06 Let me give you a clue.
05:08 What makes Mungus stand out from everyone else in Dragon Land?
05:12 - Oh, I know this one!
05:14 He's really, really tall.
05:16 - Correcto.
05:18 So if Mungus told you to look for a field of bright red,
05:21 I suggest you try and see things the way Mungus would.
05:25 - I get it. Mungus is so tall, he sees everything from way up high.
05:30 [musique]
05:36 - Look! Behind us!
05:39 - Those are candy apple trees.
05:41 They have red tops.
05:43 That must be where the Ruffled Owl lives.
05:46 - From a giant's point of view, it looks just like a field of bright red.
05:51 - Calling the Ruffled Owl!
05:54 Come out, come out, wherever you are!
05:58 [rugissement]
06:01 - Who is calling for me?
06:04 - We're calling. We're friends of Mungus.
06:07 - Oh, Mungus! Why, we grew up together.
06:11 Of course, he grew up ever so much more.
06:14 - He thinks you might know where we can find Sage, the wizard.
06:17 - I know exactly where to find Sage.
06:20 You see that trail down there?
06:22 Follow it until it splits in two.
06:26 Then take the branch that leads you to the place that makes you...
06:31 sleepy.
06:34 - The trail that makes you sleepy. Got it!
06:37 - At the end of that trail, you'll find a cave.
06:40 Sage lives inside that cave.
06:43 Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must return to my lap.
06:50 - Muchas gracias for your help.
06:52 We're sorry to have disturbed you.
06:54 - Always glad to help friends of my oldest and...
06:58 biggest friend.
07:01 - Okay, this way leads to Sunshine and Flowers.
07:08 - And the other trail leads to a cool, shady place.
07:12 - The Ruffled Owl said to take the trail that makes you sleepy.
07:16 - That must be the cool, shady path.
07:19 It's quiet and comfy-looking.
07:22 - Like our bedroom at night.
07:26 - Anybody see una cueva?
07:28 - No. There's no cave anywhere.
07:32 - The owl said go down the path that makes you sleepy.
07:36 We did what he said. Right, Quetzel?
07:38 - Okay, niños, another clue.
07:41 Who gave you the directions?
07:43 - The Ruffled Owl, that's who-who.
07:46 - What if I were to tell you that owls are nocturnal?
07:51 - That means they sleep during the day and are active at night.
07:56 How would a creature like that feel about this place?
08:00 - If the Ruffled Owl sleeps during the day,
08:03 he gets sleepy when the sun is out.
08:05 - And the meadow is very sunny,
08:07 which means the owl would get very sleepy.
08:10 - And here in the shade, he would be wide awake.
08:13 We came the wrong way.
08:18 - Bingo! We found it!
08:21 - It's a nice bright cave! Thank goodness!
08:28 - You're welcome.
08:30 - Que fantástica! You must be Sage.
08:35 - I am indeed. How may I help you?
08:38 - We're on a quest, just like our teacher Quetzel was many years ago.
08:43 We've heard you have a very special book.
08:46 - Do you all like books?
08:49 - We love books!
08:52 - Well, I too love books.
08:54 So much so that I created a book
08:56 containing all the tales and wisdom of Dragonland.
09:00 - May we see it? Our hands are clean.
09:03 - I will not only let you see it, I'll let you have it.
09:08 But first, you must promise me something.
09:11 If you can guess what the promise is, the book is yours.
09:15 - How are we supposed to figure out what kind of promise she wants to hear?
09:19 - Perhaps we can solve this problem the same way we did the other two.
09:23 Let's try to think about things the way Sage would.
09:27 - Enrique's right.
09:29 Hmm... If I were a wizard who spent years and years making a very special book,
09:35 what would I want?
09:37 - Well, if I'd worked really hard on a book, I'd want everyone to read it.
09:42 - Oh! I think I know how to promise it'll be read over and over again.
09:47 Sage, if you give us the book, we'll keep it at the school in the sky.
09:54 There, lots and lots of children will read it
09:57 and love it for a long, long, long time.
10:00 We promise.
10:02 - Oh!
10:08 - That's the magic storybook!
10:11 Just as I did for your wise teacher before,
10:14 I gladly entrust my book into your hands.
10:17 May you enjoy reading it as much as I did putting it together.
10:22 - Congratulations, niños!
10:24 Now it's time to go.
10:26 And so, I imagine us all in the school in the sky.
10:31 - See you later! - Bye! Bye!
10:33 - Bye! Thank you! - Bye!
10:35 (musique de la série)
10:39 (bruit de l'espace)
10:41 - All of you have completed the quest I made many years ago.
10:45 And now you know how the magic storybook came to be here.
10:49 - Sage would be happy to know the book is here
10:51 and still enjoyed by so many children.
10:54 - As it will be for a long, long time, niños.
10:59 (musique de la série)
11:01 - I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home.
11:06 - See you next time!
11:08 - Hey! Why don't we make a special book of our own?
11:12 We can tell about our favorite adventures in Dragon Land!
11:15 - Que buena idea!
11:17 (musique de la série)
11:20 - What are we going to call our libro?
11:24 - How about...
11:26 "A bunch of cool stuff to happen in the land of dragons
11:29 and fairies and giants and gnomes and unicorns and more"?
11:32 - Hmm... That might be too long to fit on the cover.
11:35 - How about... "Dragon Tales"?
11:38 - That's great!
11:40 - It's a perfect name!
11:42 Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org