友族零华文基础挑战大 华教如何减轻学习负担?

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 虽然有人认为,非华裔把孩子送进华校,对华文教育的发展绝对是一件好事,但这也让华小在教学上开始面对挑战,包括非华裔学生在学习上可能会跟不上华裔学生的学习步伐。华教组织到底可以做哪些规划,来帮助这些孩子的学习呢?(主播:蔡心慧)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 With the rise of Chinese nationality in the international scene,
00:07 and the increasing power of China,
00:10 many Chinese parents have sent their children to Chinese schools.
00:14 They hope their children will have a better future in the workplace.
00:18 In the topic report yesterday, we mentioned that
00:20 as the Chinese population continues to decline,
00:22 and more Chinese children are reporting the trend of going to Chinese schools,
00:25 more non-Chinese students will appear in the majority of Chinese schools in the future.
00:30 In fact, in Kuala Lumpur, there are already many Chinese schools
00:33 whose non-Chinese students have exceeded the number of Chinese students.
00:36 Although some people think that
00:38 it is absolutely a good thing for Chinese education
00:40 that non-Chinese children are sent to Chinese schools,
00:43 but this also makes Chinese schools face challenges in teaching.
00:46 In addition, non-Chinese students may not be able to keep up with the Chinese students' learning pace in learning.
00:53 What plans can the Chinese education organization make to help these children learn?
00:58 Can they participate in the Malay language teaching in class?
01:02 Chairman of the Parent Education Action Organization Noah Zimmer pointed out
01:06 that Malaysians should be proud of the multilingual teaching system
01:09 and ensure that multilingual schools continue to survive.
01:12 Because it is such a cultural diversity that created today's Malaysia.
01:18 He said that the primary school mainly teaches in Malay,
01:21 and there are few opportunities to communicate in other languages.
01:23 Therefore, more and more Malaysian parents tend to send their children to Chinese schools
01:28 so that they have the opportunity to master Chinese from an early age.
01:32 When the Secretary-General of the Board of Trustees, John Wong,
01:34 was interviewed by the 8 o'clock Daily, he said,
01:36 "Chinese students, Chinese students, have increased,
01:39 it is already a trend,
01:41 and all should choose to face it, not to escape.
01:44 Especially Chinese schools, as a school guaranteed by the Constitution,
01:47 the government is more responsible,
01:49 should work with the Chinese education organization
01:51 to find a more suitable teaching and management model
01:54 to deal with the fact that the Chinese school is now a multilingual school.
01:58 In order to ensure that the Chinese language is not a neighbor before the children enter the Chinese school,
02:03 he suggested that the government should let the children get in touch with Chinese from kindergarten,
02:08 so that when they enter the Chinese school, they can adapt to it faster.
02:14 Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Chen Youxin said,
02:16 "Mother tongue is the most effective learning tool for elementary school students.
02:20 There are a group of children who enter Chinese school,
02:22 and they have less advantage of learning mother tongue than Chinese students.
02:26 Therefore, he believes that Chinese school should teach in a colorful way.
02:30 Facing the challenges of non-Chinese language students,
02:33 Chinese schools can consider tutoring these children,
02:36 and add some Malay to the class teaching,
02:39 to help them learn better.
02:41 He emphasized that the big principle of Chinese school must be to teach in Mandarin.
02:47 But it does not mean that the school that the Chinese school has to be very strict
02:50 can only use Mandarin.
02:53 In the face of the needs of Chinese students,
02:55 it should be given some tolerance and convenience.
02:58 Parents believe they have aspirations for their children.
03:02 Sometimes schools don't share parents' aspirations for their children.
03:05 So parents have to look for alternatives, and SCKC is one of them.
03:08 China is growing, and more and more parents choose to send their children to Chinese school.
03:13 They hope they will have the opportunity to master Chinese from an early age.
03:16 But for these children who do not speak Chinese,
03:19 or even do not understand Chinese at all,
03:21 it is not only hard to adapt to the new language environment,
03:24 but also a big discount on learning results.
03:28 President Chen Youxin and Secretary-General Zhuang Junlong said,
03:31 "In addition to considering tutoring in the kindergarten stage,
03:34 or before children enter Chinese school,
03:37 and allowing them to get in touch with Chinese early,
03:39 Chinese school should also arrange tutoring classes in the class time
03:42 to help these non-Chinese students to strengthen their learning."
03:45 Before children enter Chinese school,
03:49 the government must start educating them.
03:51 To ensure that they have already been exposed to Chinese education in kindergarten,
03:55 and then let them master the language.
03:57 Otherwise, it is very difficult for children to learn math in primary school in Chinese.
04:06 Of course, when they are in trouble,
04:08 it indirectly affects our Chinese children.
04:10 In the classroom where they learn math together,
04:13 teachers can't teach them anything.
04:15 There are many Chinese-speaking students in the school.
04:19 We also have to consider that our main teaching method is of course the mother tongue teaching method.
04:24 But maybe in the class,
04:26 we need to arrange some tutoring classes,
04:28 arrange some second language teaching methods to help those students.
04:31 We don't have to be very strict and strict.
04:33 We can't teach them all in Chinese in our mother tongue education.
04:36 This violates the essence of our Chinese education.
04:39 We want more people to learn Chinese culture.
04:42 I think the big principle is to use the mother tongue as a teaching tool.
04:46 But for Chinese-speaking students,
04:48 we can give some convenience.
04:50 Zhuang Junlong said,
04:51 "As a school guaranteed by the Constitution,
04:53 the government has a responsibility to help Chinese students face challenges,
04:56 and jointly establish a teaching and management model that can help Chinese students."
05:01 The vernacular school is a school under the Constitution of Malaysia.
05:08 If you are in a school under the Constitution,
05:11 the government cannot take it seriously.
05:13 Because when facing all kinds of problems,
05:15 it will be proud and feel that
05:17 "Oh, in this case, the Chinese students will automatically close the school."
05:20 It cannot take the responsibility.
05:22 It must find a way to face it,
05:24 to solve the current Chinese-speaking education model
05:27 and the teaching and management model that Chinese students face.
05:32 Chen Youxin said,
05:33 "The Chinese-speaking education in Malaysia has been through a lot.
05:36 Today, the era of "sweat and tears" has passed.
05:40 With the rise of China,
05:41 the level of Chinese-speaking attention has increased day by day.
05:44 He believes that the prospects of Chinese-speaking education in Malaysia are very bright.
05:48 However, he also reminds us that although the times have changed,
05:50 Chinese society still needs to continue the spirit of "resting in peace and self-defense"
05:54 and "continue to fight"
05:55 together to protect the Chinese foundation that the ancestors worked hard to plant.
05:59 I think the Chinese-speaking education in Malaysia
06:01 is a very special fruit that grows under the oppression of a very cruel city.
06:08 Now, in the overseas Chinese and Chinese-speaking education system around the world,
06:13 Chinese-speaking education in Malaysia,
06:14 except for the two sides, can be said to be the best.
06:16 This is a kind of competition between our Chinese predecessors.
06:19 It's really, not to mention bloodshed,
06:21 but definitely tears and sweat.
06:23 A new era has emerged.
06:25 In this era, we must preserve the spirit of "resting in peace and self-defense"
06:29 and "continue to fight"
06:31 and "continue to fight".
06:32 Don't believe that you can fall down without trying.
06:35 At the same time, we must see the social change,
06:37 the Chinese society,
06:38 and the various changes in the global economy.
06:41 So, Chinese-speaking education will be more and more valued.
06:44 The prospects of Chinese-speaking education in Malaysia are very bright.
06:47 We are a small nation.
06:49 We are a young nation.
06:50 And we need to trade.
06:51 And we are in a very special position,
06:54 whereby we are in between superpowers.
06:57 We have China on one end,
06:59 we have India,
07:00 we have also the US, UK and Australia,
07:03 which we are already dealing with because of the English language that we speak.
07:06 But at the same time, we should ensure that our young generation are multilingual.
07:11 So, those who go to SGKCs are proficient in Mandarin.
07:15 And this is a plus point if we want to trade heavily with China.
07:20 Chairman of the Parent Education Action Group, Noor Azma said that
07:24 Malaysia is a young nation.
07:26 If we want to become an advanced nation,
07:28 we must be proficient in many languages,
07:30 and communicate with other countries to promote our economic development.
07:34 He said that, in addition to the European and American countries that have trade relations in the early days,
07:38 if we want to build a close trade relationship with China and India,
07:41 which are rising up,
07:42 and with neighboring countries like Indonesia, which are constantly increasing their national strength,
07:47 then we must master Chinese, Damian and Malay
07:51 to enhance our international competitiveness.
07:56 [Credits]
07:59 [Music]
08:04 [Music fades]
