• last year
Hundreds of people head to a London nightclub in the middle of the day, a new concept in Britain for those who still have an urge to dance but who no longer want to endure a sleepless night to do so. The clientele are mostly in their forties and fifties, many of whom have jobs and young children and who can ill afford suffering the effects of a wild night out the next day.
00:23 You know, you can only dance at birthday parties,
00:25 or you can dance at weddings.
00:27 And this is-- you can dance when you want.
00:29 You don't have to worry about someone's birthday
00:31 or someone's wedding.
00:32 You can go when you-- you can dance
00:34 when you feel like dancing.
00:37 It's really good.
00:38 It's really good fun.
00:39 Yeah, I think it's a great idea.
00:41 And yeah, you can't believe it's a Saturday afternoon in London
00:44 up here, where real life is happening.
00:46 And you go down there, and it's like being in my 20s again.
01:18 We come out 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
01:20 finish by 7, 8 o'clock, have something to eat, and go home.
01:23 That's all I've done, is I've tried to recreate what we
01:26 remember from our generation earlier in the afternoon.
01:39 You know, whether you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s,
01:42 like, you still have the energy and want to go and do that.
01:46 It's just it doesn't really exist, you know,
01:48 as a regular thing, really.
01:50 So what we're doing at the moment
01:51 is going to different cities.
01:53 And they're just selling out over 24 hours.
01:56 So we know there's an appetite for it.
01:59 Tickets, please, guys.
02:01 [CHATTER]
