Kill Me Heal Me Full Part 1

  • 7 months ago
Kill Me Heal Me Full Part 1
00:00 I'm right here, Perc. Hang in there.
00:07 You can't come any further.
00:11 God, Emmanuel, please.
00:24 Please, you have to save him.
00:27 [sobbing]
00:30 Nathaniel, look here.
00:44 He's resting today.
00:51 Isn't he beautiful?
00:56 Do you think he'll like looking at these when he's older?
01:00 We should get a maternity shoot before he comes, don't you think?
01:04 Sure.
01:07 Anything you want, Nancy.
01:10 Was he kicking today?
01:13 No, the baby's nice and calm. Not kicking.
01:17 Nancy, why are you...
01:23 Nancy, my dad's conditions got worse.
01:28 Do you think we should have a C-section in the next couple days?
01:33 What?
01:37 I'm only seven months pregnant.
01:40 How could you be so cruel to our child?
01:44 Nancy, my dad just wants to see his grandchild before he passes.
01:50 Can't you put yourself in my position?
01:54 Nathaniel, I think you need to think about the baby.
01:59 Let's rest.
02:09 [phone beeps]
02:12 Don't worry, Amanda. Percy's my child.
02:29 Nancy agreed to do the C-section.
02:32 Once we take the baby's cord blood, we'll be able to heal Percy with those stem cells.
02:39 I'm in a meeting. I have to go.
02:49 Have a good day.
02:57 [coughing]
03:00 [silence]
03:03 [silence]
03:07 [silence]
03:10 [burp]
03:34 Not my birthday.
03:37 [burp]
03:40 [phone beeps]
03:43 [silence]
03:46 [silence]
04:15 [burp]
04:16 Hey.
04:18 Hi. You're back.
04:21 Forgot the lid.
04:24 Nathaniel, can you please reconsider this decision?
04:34 Nancy, my dad's running out of time.
04:39 Just don't overthink it. And get some rest.
04:44 But this could kill our baby.
04:48 Alright.
04:51 We'll wait until the baby's ready.
04:55 [sigh]
05:06 [clatter]
05:09 [clatter]
05:12 [burp]
05:20 [inaudible]
05:31 [coughing]
05:34 Timothy, come to the foster resident. I need help.
05:50 [coughing]
05:54 [coughing]
05:57 I'm going to catch a cold, Nancy.
06:10 You haven't even touched your tea.
06:16 Come. Sit. Relax.
06:20 Everything's okay.
06:23 Sir, Mr. Johnson has arrived. He's taking some boosted chocolate here.
06:29 Your tea's cold. I'll have everyone make you a new one.
06:36 You're back from your trip. It's been a while.
06:47 Yeah, Nancy. Congratulations on the baby.
06:51 Come. Sit. Rose, have you heated Nancy's tea yet?
06:56 Nathaniel, I'm feeling a bit tired. I'm going to go rest. You boys go ahead.
07:03 Your tea's out of--
07:16 Is everything alright?
07:20 Yes. Thank you. I'm hungry, Mrs. Smith. Could you go make me something?
07:27 [growling]
07:31 [growling]
07:59 [sobbing]
08:03 [sobbing]
08:06 [sobbing]
08:10 [sobbing]
08:14 [sobbing]
08:18 [sobbing]
08:21 [sobbing]
08:24 [sobbing]
08:28 [sobbing]
08:31 [sobbing]
08:34 [sobbing]
08:42 [sobbing]
08:45 [sobbing]
09:00 [sobbing]
09:03 What's going on? Tell me what you asked me about.
09:07 It was a lie. All of it was a lie. Can we please just go?
09:11 He's your husband. Why are you so terrified of him?
09:14 I'll tell you if we go.
09:17 Nancy, answer me.
09:19 He woke up. He prayed to steal my corn blood and save him as Amanda's child.
09:24 I did what I had to do to help him. Please just go.
09:29 [sobbing]
09:32 [sobbing]
09:56 No, please. Please don't.
10:00 Why are you doing this?
10:03 I don't know what you're talking about, Nancy.
10:05 I don't know what you're talking about.
10:08 Nathaniel, stop!
10:11 [sobbing]
10:15 She's your wife! She's Nancy! Do you have any idea what you're doing?
10:22 Of course I do. I just want to save my kid!
10:26 Spiked tea? Good idea.
10:39 My child will be gone before I wake up. Not a chance.
10:48 Nancy, you cut it out.
10:53 I get the corn blood, I save Percy, and I don't know Amanda anymore.
11:00 Doesn't that make sense?
11:02 No, it doesn't. You disgust me, Nathaniel.
11:07 Nancy, please. Help me.
11:11 She sold all of Foster Group's shares, from her dad to me, okay?
11:18 I owe her huge.
11:21 You owe her? What about me?
11:24 Nancy, a life is at stake here.
11:27 Dad and Amanda are coming tomorrow.
11:30 I just need some blood, Nancy. Please.
11:35 [wind howling]
11:38 Nathaniel, I thought you said the operation was today.
11:50 Percy isn't going to make it at this rate.
11:54 I know what I said. She's coming down now.
11:59 I gotta take this.
12:02 Hello? Yeah, I'm here.
12:06 Oh, you're awake. Why are you here?
12:17 You're more capable than I thought. I can't believe he almost let you get away.
12:27 We're clearly not capable enough to make him change his mind and stop you ruining our lives.
12:34 I knew you wouldn't be able to handle the fact that he has another child, but I will do anything to save Percy.
12:41 Hey! I can't believe my son married a witch like you.
12:47 Are you hurt?
12:52 Not even marrying my son can change your filthy nature.
12:57 Stand down, Zachary.
13:00 She's still Nathaniel's wife.
13:03 If she's a good wife, she'll be generous. Percy needs saving.
13:08 Percy may be Nathaniel's child, but my baby is his child too.
13:12 Percy is worth ten of your brats.
13:16 When's the surgery?
13:21 I'm not doing it. It's my baby, and I get to decide when it gets born.
13:26 Nancy, you must save Percy.
13:31 If you want to hate someone, hate me. I don't care what you do to me. Save him.
13:37 You do what we say.
13:41 Please, Nancy. I don't want to marry Nathaniel. I just want Percy.
13:47 How dare you be so selfish, Nancy?
13:52 It wasn't me. Zachary! Zachary, are you alright?
14:06 We're going to hell!
14:09 Nancy killed Zachary!
14:13 [Zachary's body is found in a room.]
14:18 [He's buried in a room.]
14:23 [He's buried in a room.]
14:28 Sign the confession, Nancy.
14:33 If you don't want to lose everything and everyone you love, that is.
14:37 What did you do, Amanda?
14:40 You don't need nothing. Confess your crimes, and nothing will happen to anyone.
14:47 Where is Nathaniel? I want to see him.
14:53 He won't come. No matter how much you shout.
14:59 He hates you. You killed his father.
15:05 I didn't kill... I didn't kill...
15:10 You orchestrated this. You pushed... You...
15:17 The show's about to begin, Nancy.
15:25 [Nancy cries.]
15:30 Surgery's over. Tell Mr. Foster we have the baby's core blood.
15:44 I hate you, Nathaniel. I'll never get what you want.
15:51 [Nancy cries.]
15:56 She's experiencing excessive blood loss.
16:01 Going into cardiac arrest. Initiate emergency procedures.
16:06 Stop!
16:11 Nathaniel...
16:16 I'm sorry. But it's done.
16:23 We can save Percy now.
16:28 You're crazy. Both of you.
16:33 How could you kill your wife and child?
16:37 That's enough. It was a freak accident. She was unwell.
16:41 Drop the act. I know what you did.
16:45 What? You're blaming me?
16:50 Is it wrong for me to want to save my own child?
16:58 Nancy promised she would help us. This is what she would want.
17:07 You're an idiot, Nathaniel. You're being played like a fiddle by this psychopath.
17:14 You know, I know for a fact Nancy's child is yours.
17:19 Perseus? Not so much.
17:24 Is this funny? You think this is a sick joke?
17:42 What is this?
17:47 Oh. I see. You love Nancy.
17:53 So you forged a paternity test result just to slander me.
17:59 Nathaniel, I gave your family everything.
18:05 See for yourself.
18:11 We're childhood loves. We're a perfect match.
18:17 We could have been a couple. But your mother's death changed everything.
18:24 I was already pregnant with Percy at the time.
18:29 You know that.
18:33 I know you wanted to take care of the company.
18:38 You wanted to take care of the company and Zachary.
18:42 So I sold all of Foster's shares and I gave you all the money and my dad almost killed me.
18:49 Remember that?
18:53 Nathaniel.
19:00 You believe this?
19:03 No. You would deny me and Percy for a lie.
19:10 You're the only family we have.
19:13 Nancy.
19:15 She's still in there.
19:19 Relax, Nancy. You're alright.
19:30 I'm sorry.
19:33 I'm sorry.
19:36 I'm sorry.
19:40 I'm sorry.