Donne, Rivetti: "Gli psicologi sono una necessità per chi ha subìto violenze"

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Avere un numero adeguato di psicologi al fianco delle vittime deve essere considerata una necessità - dichiara Rosa Rivetti - Ass welfare comune di Maddaloni a margine della sedicesima edizione di " Innamorati di te" organizzati da Codere Italia.


00:00 [Music]
00:05 The city administration of Maddaloni is always attentive to the problems that concern women.
00:11 So, everything we can do, in my opinion, is part of a great effort,
00:19 because, alas, I must say that today, in the 21st century, unfortunately,
00:24 the percentage of problems related to women is still too high.
00:30 So, the city administration is attentive, through various services,
00:34 both social services, and with the help and support of cooperatives
00:45 for the hospitality of women victims of violence.
00:52 As regards the work of women, unfortunately, social services can do little.
00:59 For example, the association we collaborate with, the Anti-Violence Center EVA,
01:04 we had cases where women were able to search and find their real work.
01:15 We took part in a very important notice made by the Campania Region,
01:24 and it was a course on territorial inclusion, so, very active on the territory,
01:30 where we gave life to, obviously, the project, so, listening doors,
01:37 support for families, so, a kind of services, many services,
01:44 with which we tried to find the strength in ourselves,
01:50 a kind of independence for women,
01:54 who must find the strength in themselves,
02:00 so, they must have a security to be able to search and find work,
02:05 once they are sure of themselves.
