新元首为国会复会主持开幕 哈迪阿旺又缺席了

  • 7 months ago
新闻报报看 | 国家元首苏丹依布拉欣今天为第15届第3季第1次国会下议院会议主持开幕并发表施政御词,一众朝野国会议员今天早上身穿白色官服抵达国会大厦,不过,有眼尖的记者发现伊党老大哈迪阿旺又缺席国会了。(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 Today is the first time since the former head of state,
00:05 the late Sudanese Emir of the Islamic State,
00:07 has held a meeting in the National Assembly of Syria
00:09 and given a speech.
00:10 A large number of members of the parliament are very concerned.
00:12 This morning, they all wore white uniforms
00:14 and arrived at the National Assembly building
00:16 and welcomed His Majesty's arrival at the National Assembly Square.
00:19 Everyone is not afraid of being late.
00:21 However, some eyewitnesses found that
00:23 through the live broadcast of the National Assembly,
00:25 they saw the head of the National Alliance, Mu Youding,
00:28 and the Israeli Prime Minister, Daniel Brashen,
00:30 were empty seats.
00:32 This is when they found that the Israeli President Hadi Amon
00:35 did not attend the National Assembly.
00:37 After the highest official took office,
00:39 Hadi was the first to attend the National Assembly.
00:41 As the leader of the party,
00:42 he was concerned about the absence of a National Assembly opening ceremony.
00:46 Hadi's absence attracted the attention of the media and netizens,
00:49 which is not difficult to understand.
00:50 The head of the party, Hashim Yassin,
00:53 later told the online media,
00:55 "Hadi is not a "pickpocket"
00:58 because of health problems,
01:00 the doctor advised him not to go on a long trip,
01:03 so he missed the National Assembly this morning."
01:06 Hashim Yassin also emphasized that
01:07 because Hadi has been actively writing statements,
01:10 the outside world will think he has been healthy.
01:14 Later, Israeli President Daniel Brashen
01:17 also confirmed to the media that
01:19 Hadi took four days off.
01:20 His health condition did not allow him
01:22 to attend the National Assembly this week.
01:25 For this, Hadi's political secretary, Shasheer,
01:28 also confirmed that Hadi is currently receiving treatment
01:31 and is resting in the Dengjia Building.
01:34 They also submitted hospital medical certificates and letters
01:36 to the chairman yesterday.
01:39 The party has been working hard to protect Hadi
01:42 and prove that he did not miss the National Assembly for no reason.
01:45 However, even if he did not attend the National Assembly,
01:47 Hadi's face-reading profession is still being updated today.
01:50 He also posted a post about a "tooth conflict."
01:54 I don't know if it's because of this,
01:56 but some netizens criticized Hadi under his post
01:59 for not attending the National Assembly
02:01 and not listening to the new head of the party's speech.
02:04 This is too rude.
02:06 Some netizens also questioned him,
02:08 "Why did you miss the National Assembly again?"
02:11 "In fact, some netizens have been teasing Hadi,
02:14 saying he is 'bonding' and 'stubborn'.
02:16 This is not a wind from the sky.
02:18 Hadi was once listed as the 'bonding' leader of the National Assembly.
02:22 According to the data from the MyNP website,
02:27 since July 26, 2021,
02:30 Hadi has only attended the 103 National Assembly meetings 33 times.
02:35 This means that Hadi's attendance rate in the National Assembly is only about 32%.
02:40 Even though he is often accused of being 'bonding' and not attending the National Assembly,
02:44 Hadi actually made an explanation.
02:47 Hadi said that attending the National Assembly
02:49 is not like attending school.
02:52 He believes that every member of Congress has a lot of tasks to do,
02:56 and needs to travel.
02:57 So they can't stay in Congress all day.
03:01 [Music]
