Milwaukee Bucks Playoff Prospects: Analysis and Concerns

  • 7 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Taking a look at a team that we might need
00:05 to take seriously down the stretch.
00:06 That's the Milwaukee Bucks.
00:07 Sort of careened into the all-star break.
00:10 Doc Rivers picked up a dub at the all-star game
00:12 and hasn't stopped there, Coach.
00:14 Back-to-back wins out of the all-star break.
00:16 Win on the road against the Minnesota Timberwolves,
00:19 and then just took down the Sixers yesterday, 119 to 98.
00:22 Are all the problems solved here, Coach,
00:24 for those Milwaukee Bucks?
00:26 They just needed a little break.
00:29 - Hell no, they ain't solved.
00:30 What do you mean?
00:31 You play two games, you think all the problems
00:33 are gone away?
00:34 And listen, here's the crazy thing, folks,
00:36 is when I was on with you guys last week,
00:38 I think we talked about win totals.
00:41 And I said I'd like Milwaukee to go over 15 and a half wins.
00:45 Why?
00:46 Because they needed to get off to a good start
00:48 because they needed their mojo.
00:51 They've gotten it a little bit, right?
00:53 But that's not the problem with Doc.
00:55 Never been about the regular season with Doc.
00:58 It's the playoffs.
00:59 It's the second game series.
01:01 It's the adjustment from game to game to game
01:04 that becomes the issue with Doc Rivers.
01:08 And it's something that has never gone away.
01:10 Folks, when you blow three-one leads like crazy,
01:13 that's because of lack of adjustment.
01:16 So although they've played better,
01:18 and they're trying to schedule a seven, right?
01:21 Yes, I still think they go over their win total.
01:23 My issue is gonna become playoff time.
01:26 Can Doc make the adjustments?
01:28 And who on the perimeter becomes your defensive stopper?
01:33 Because it's not Dame.
01:35 I don't think it's anyone else.
01:38 I know they've tried Andre Jackson at points.
01:40 Pat Bev, that's more bark and no bite.
01:45 At the end of the day, he'll foul himself out
01:47 playing one on zero by himself.
01:50 So to me, as good as Pat Bev can help you,
01:53 he's not the difference maker, and neither is Doc.
01:56 I will not put any money on them
01:58 to come out of the Eastern Conference
02:00 or win the NBA title.
02:01 I think you're wasting money.
02:03 (upbeat music)
02:05 (bells chiming)
