Experience the emotional journey in 'A Heartfelt Speech' from the beloved Hallmark series, The Way Home, Season 2 Episode 5. Created by the talented trio of Alexandra Clarke, Heather Conkie, and Marly Reed. Join stars Andie MacDowell, Chyler Leigh, Evan Williams and more as they bring this touching story to life. Don't miss out! Stream The Way Home Season 2 now on Hallmark for a heartwarming escape into the power of love and connection.
The Way Home Cast:
Andie MacDowell, Chyler Leigh, Evan Williams, Sadie Laflamme-Snow, Natalie Hall, Kaitlin Doubleday, Nigel Whitney, Laura de Carteret, Jefferson Brown, Samora Smallwood, Al Mukadam, Alex Hook and David Webster
Stream The Way Home Season 2 now on Hallmark!
The Way Home Cast:
Andie MacDowell, Chyler Leigh, Evan Williams, Sadie Laflamme-Snow, Natalie Hall, Kaitlin Doubleday, Nigel Whitney, Laura de Carteret, Jefferson Brown, Samora Smallwood, Al Mukadam, Alex Hook and David Webster
Stream The Way Home Season 2 now on Hallmark!
00:03 It's no secret that my family's relationship to Port Haven
00:14 is complex.
00:17 We weren't builders like the Good Ones.
00:20 We weren't farmers like the Landrys.
00:22 We observed.
00:25 But we wrote those observations down
00:29 and became the keepers of our town's history.
00:32 But generations pass, and that contribution
00:36 starts to feel less important.
00:39 This weekend's always so hard on him.
00:41 This name, I know it was a burden for some.
00:47 Like it cast a big defining shadow over their lives
00:50 and dictated how big or small that life could be.
00:57 But being an Augustine is not a shadow.
01:01 It's a light.
01:05 By writing the story, we record what matters.
01:08 And we still do.
01:11 I do.
01:13 Because being an Augustine, yes, it's a responsibility.
01:19 But more than that, it's an honor.