Embark on a whimsical journey with When the Stars Gossip, Netflix's hit romantic comedy that defies gravity—literally! Directed by the visionary Park Shin Woo, this unforgettable series stars the magnetic Lee Min Ho and the radiant Gong Hyo Jin. Overflowing with heartwarming moments, unexpected laughs, and a touch of cosmic romance, When the Stars Gossip is your perfect binge-worthy escape. Dive into the magic and stream Season 1 now on Netflix!
When the Stars Gossip Cast:
Lee Min Ho, Gong Hyo Jin, Han Ji Eun, Alex Hafner, Kim Joo Hun, Lee El, Kim Eung, Lee. Cho Hee and Oh Jung Se
Stream When the Stars Gossip now on Netflix!
When the Stars Gossip Cast:
Lee Min Ho, Gong Hyo Jin, Han Ji Eun, Alex Hafner, Kim Joo Hun, Lee El, Kim Eung, Lee. Cho Hee and Oh Jung Se
Stream When the Stars Gossip now on Netflix!
00:00I can do it if I get used to his weightlessness.
00:03I've practiced thousands and tens of thousands of times.
00:06I'm confident.
00:11Oh, this is Twilight's dinosaur.
00:14Say hello.
00:27I'm a dinosaur.
00:32Why is only Ryong so cute?