Frank Walks Episode 3: Scott Van Pelt

  • 7 months ago
Frank The Tank | Frank Walks
00:03 Frank walks, powered by body armor.
00:20 I can't believe it.
00:21 Big Cat is a menace.
00:22 I tell you, he's a menace.
00:24 He has my tormentor joining us for a walk.
00:27 I know he's going to ridicule the Mets,
00:30 laugh at the Dolphins' collapse, laugh at the Devil's struggles.
00:34 Yeah, that's right.
00:35 SVP, Scott Van Pelt, is joining me on Frank walks.
00:40 Big Cat.
00:41 This walk with Frank and SVP is a long time coming.
00:49 They don't like each other.
00:50 Well, Frank doesn't like SVP.
00:52 Let's put it that way.
00:53 I don't think SVP has any ill will towards Frank.
00:56 It's funny because the two of those guys,
00:59 if you had to list the most universally loved people
01:04 in sports, I think they're one and two, Frank and SVP.
01:08 So the fact that they could never get along hurt me.
01:12 And I want to see them mend their ways
01:15 and come together and talk it out, maybe hug it out.
01:18 Scott Van Pelt, his head is spinning with joy.
01:22 He had the checklist, and he had the checklist.
01:25 Dolphins lose.
01:26 We're going to be winning tonight.
01:28 Scott Van Pelt gone.
01:29 Scott Van Pelt's at the game, and he's going like this.
01:32 There's nothing worse than the Devil.
01:34 Scott Van Pelt's head is a siren.
01:38 The reason I came for a walk with Frank
01:40 is because, A, I have to find out
01:42 what it is I did to this man.
01:45 So there's a selfish reason, like, what is it?
01:47 What happened?
01:49 What did I do?
01:50 But more importantly, I just want
01:53 him to know I have his back.
01:54 I think it's awesome what he's doing.
01:55 I meant what I said on Twitter.
01:56 I mean, the guys out here, you guys are a huge part of it,
01:59 like, inspiring the guy to just get out and get better.
02:02 We saw him out there on the lacrosse field making moves,
02:04 getting nimble, good feet.
02:05 I mean, it's the nation's capital.
02:07 What's a more American story than Frank Fleming
02:11 becoming a true icon?
02:24 Hey, Frank.
02:25 Hey.
02:26 How are you, man?
02:31 All right.
02:33 Thanks for sticking around and letting me take a walk with you.
02:36 Yeah, yeah.
02:36 It's great to meet you.
02:37 One question.
02:38 Why do you hate my team so much?
02:41 Why do you think I hate your team so much?
02:43 What happened?
02:44 I have a theory.
02:46 I have a theory.
02:48 Is it possible that the Mets lost,
02:50 and then SportsCenter started, and I was there,
02:52 and maybe I was smiling to try to welcome in the audience?
02:56 And in that moment--
02:57 You know what it is?
02:57 --you're like, he hates my team.
02:59 I'm the-- you're the messenger.
03:01 I'm the king.
03:02 Yeah?
03:03 And you don't have to do the messenger to deliver bad news.
03:06 Yeah?
03:06 Yeah.
03:07 I swear to you I don't hate your team.
03:09 I don't hate the Devils.
03:10 I don't hate the Mets.
03:12 I don't.
03:14 I don't expect you to believe me.
03:15 I just-- the Mets have tormented me.
03:18 Yeah?
03:18 Yeah.
03:20 The Mets have-- I mean, let me explain what it's
03:22 like to be a Mets fan.
03:24 They are the ultimate tease.
03:26 I say that the Mets are always teasing, never pleasing.
03:30 Yeah?
03:31 That they give you false hope, and then they
03:34 rip your heart out like that guy from Indiana Jones.
03:37 And then they laugh at you.
03:39 They have the heart in their hand,
03:40 and they're laughing at you.
03:41 Right.
03:41 As they rip the heart out of your chest every single year.
03:47 And they show it to you?
03:48 Yes.
03:48 Is it still beating?
03:49 Yes.
03:50 That sucks.
03:52 That's what it's like to be a Mets fan.
03:53 Well, let me ask you something.
03:55 As an Oriole fan, I mean--
03:57 Now, you're still an Oriole fan, because I
03:58 know you're a big Washington guy.
04:00 Yeah, but I--
04:01 You never went over to the Nationals when they came?
04:03 No, because see, I was too young for the Senators,
04:06 and I was too old for the Nationals.
04:08 And so I grew up with the Orioles.
04:10 And so I just--
04:13 I'm like you.
04:13 I'm not going to abandon my team.
04:15 Like, people say you should just root for somebody else.
04:17 Like, that would be like if somebody said to you,
04:18 oh, you should just root for the Yankees.
04:20 You'd be like, I can't root for the Yankees.
04:22 You can't just put on a new hat.
04:24 You're a grown man.
04:25 I've done the switch recently in basketball,
04:27 because first off, the Mets left me.
04:30 That's fair.
04:31 They left me.
04:32 The last-- I spent 10 years of basically not
04:35 caring about basketball.
04:37 They made me care again by signing these three players.
04:40 How'd that go?
04:42 It was drama, nothing but drama.
04:44 It made me resent the Mets.
04:47 Then I went to the Barclays Center,
04:48 and the arena is terrible.
04:51 They should have stayed in New Jersey.
04:53 And you know, they left me--
04:54 Barclays is a bad arena?
04:55 Oh, it is.
04:56 Why?
04:57 It's kind of dark in there.
04:58 It's dank.
04:59 It's just like-- there's no, like, charm.
05:01 There's no energy to it.
05:02 It's-- they missed.
05:05 So now-- so you're a Knicks fan?
05:07 Yeah.
05:08 Go Knicks go.
05:09 Yep.
05:10 Let me go back to the Mets.
05:11 I have to ask you something about the Mets.
05:13 And then Knicks-- we'll get back to the Knicks.
05:15 What's-- I always ask my guy, Stanford Steve, this.
05:17 What's your optimism meter for the Mets for this year?
05:20 I looked at the win total.
05:21 It's like 82.
05:22 So they're not supposed to be great.
05:23 They're not supposed to suck.
05:25 Optimism meter-- is it always pegged at zero?
05:27 Always?
05:28 It's now at zero, yeah.
05:29 Come on.
05:30 Yeah.
05:31 You know what I always say?
05:32 Be optimistic, because it costs the same.
05:34 You're telling me optimism is just too expensive
05:36 at this point.
05:37 I just-- I'm out of optimism.
05:38 Last year broke me.
05:40 Last year broke the last bit of optimism I had.
05:44 Was there a specific moment?
05:45 Was there like-- was it injuries?
05:47 Was it trades?
05:47 What was-- there were a few rants I saw.
05:50 And I know I was-- I know it was my fault.
05:52 Edwin Diaz going down--
05:54 That was awful.
05:55 And you definitely blame me for that, for the injury, right?
05:59 Was I smiling, head spinning?
06:02 Yeah.
06:02 Well, it's not your head that spins.
06:05 It's not?
06:05 No.
06:06 It's actually your logo that spins.
06:08 The logo head that spins.
06:09 Oh, oh, oh.
06:09 I thought it was my actual head, like, exorcist style.
06:12 No.
06:13 OK.
06:14 I always mean--
06:15 I think you misinterpreted.
06:16 That actually--
06:16 I did.
06:17 I thought it was my actual head.
06:18 That's why I did that ridiculous dance just a minute ago.
06:21 No, it's actually the logo.
06:22 All right.
06:23 The SC logo on your head there for the Sports Center.
06:26 Maybe I could-- maybe I could get them to stop the spinning.
06:29 I don't know.
06:30 I'll talk to somebody.
06:32 I'll talk to them about that.
06:34 But that's not what I mean by your logo.
06:36 OK.
06:37 So the head-- I always thought it was my head.
06:39 I thought-- literally, I thought--
06:40 you thought I was--
06:41 I thought maybe he thought I was possessed by the devil as well.
06:44 But I'm not.
06:45 So that was it.
06:46 Like, he got hurt.
06:48 And then the season was just such a nightmare.
06:50 It fell apart, like, so bad.
06:53 Scherzer, who's like the--
06:56 who's about as warm as a porcupine.
06:58 I heard-- everything I learned about Scherzer is two things.
07:07 OK.
07:07 One, when the Japanese delegate from the UN
07:11 wanted to throw out the first pitch, and he was on the mound,
07:14 and he was doing his war tosses, he told the guy to get off.
07:17 Don't do the first pitch.
07:19 He's a fiery competitor.
07:20 He doesn't need this--
07:21 any first pitch ceremonial bullshit.
07:23 He wants to get ready to--
07:25 And the second incident was I heard
07:28 that when the Mets had the old-timers' day a couple years
07:30 ago, he was just in a sour mood and, like,
07:35 pissed off that Dwight Gooden was using his locker.
07:38 Really?
07:38 Yeah.
07:39 So what did he do?
07:40 Did he punch Danny Heap?
07:42 I don't know.
07:43 But I just heard that he is just a genuinely unpleasant person.
07:49 Yeah, but I think that's his whole--
07:51 I don't want to say schtick, because I think it's real.
07:53 Like, I think he's just one of those people that's,
07:54 like, when I'm pitching, don't talk to me.
07:56 Like, that's his thing.
07:58 But the fact-- it wouldn't have been so bad
08:00 if it didn't break apart, like, the way it did.
08:03 Look, I get it, because the cruel thing about what
08:06 happened last year was with all the money spent.
08:08 Like, maybe even people like you and my guy, Stanford Steve,
08:12 that-- he's a Mets fan as well.
08:14 Like, maybe you let the optimism meter, like, start to flicker.
08:19 You started to believe, maybe.
08:20 I don't.
08:21 Not even last year.
08:23 Well, the actor fell apart.
08:26 I understand that.
08:26 But I'm talking about, like, right now.
08:28 Go back a year ago, February of '23, you're like, this is it.
08:31 We're going to have a parade.
08:32 I thought they had a good chance to win last year.
08:34 Yes.
08:35 I get it.
08:36 And then Diaz is injured.
08:37 And that World Baseball--
08:40 I hate the World Baseball Classic.
08:42 Well, yeah, because your guy hurt his arm.
08:45 Me.
08:46 How about this?
08:47 How about this, Frank?
08:47 How about we--
08:48 I mean, can we take this all in?
08:50 Just a moment?
08:51 It's like, here we are.
08:52 Oh, of course.
08:52 Yeah.
08:53 The Capitol, the monument, Lincoln Memorial
08:55 under construction.
08:56 But I mean, you know, here was my whole idea.
08:58 My whole thought was--
09:01 and it doesn't have to happen yet.
09:02 We just started walking and talking.
09:04 But at the end of this, if we hug, like,
09:09 Forrest Gump and Jenny--
09:10 like, I don't know if we go in here--
09:12 I think we get arrested if we do.
09:13 Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea.
09:14 I don't want to go to jail.
09:16 I don't want you in the Moose Gow.
09:17 I don't need that.
09:18 But I feel like there's nothing more American than Frank
09:21 becoming what you are.
09:22 You're an icon.
09:23 You're an American icon.
09:24 And I felt like us walking here--
09:26 we don't have to bury the hatchet.
09:28 As I said, I have no illusions that at the end of this,
09:30 you're still going to be like, fuck Van Pelt. That's fine.
09:32 It's fine.
09:33 It's OK.
09:34 But it's kind of cool.
09:36 This is the nation's capital.
09:38 We're on a walk.
09:39 What walk is this?
09:40 145, 146?
09:41 What is it?
09:42 146, yeah.
09:45 You know--
09:46 That's awesome, kid, by the way.
09:48 Thanks.
09:49 They talk about Jenny and Forrest
09:51 jumping in the pond together.
09:53 Do you know around 1820-something,
09:57 John Quincy Adams used to skinny dip in this pond.
10:02 He got buck naked and buck wild in this-- did he?
10:04 Yeah.
10:05 John Quincy Adams used to go skinny
10:07 dipping in a reflecting pool.
10:08 I didn't know that.
10:11 Are you-- you're a history buck, yeah?
10:14 Yeah, I like little nuggets like that.
10:17 Are you a book reader or are you just a fact knower?
10:19 Fact knower.
10:21 See, that's the way to be.
10:24 Fact knower beats book reader, because book reader,
10:26 you end up wasting a bunch of time with stuff that doesn't--
10:30 you see, you read a book that tells you stuff
10:32 about John Quincy Adams, who gives a shit?
10:34 But you get John Quincy Adams used to skinny dip right here,
10:37 drop that one on me, bang.
10:39 I know when--
10:40 I listen to--
10:41 I don't even-- I do audibles.
10:44 Because I'm just so busy all the time.
10:49 I do a lot of books there, a lot of sports books.
10:52 I'm not anti-book.
10:53 I want to be clear about that.
10:54 I'm just saying that if you had to choose one or the other,
10:57 being a fact knower, then you can
10:59 impress at cocktail parties, social gatherings,
11:01 in the office, things like that.
11:02 100%.
11:03 These non-sequiturs, you just throw them out there
11:05 and you impress people, I think.
11:07 That's why Frank gets always ranked high
11:09 in the dozen tournament.
11:10 Yeah?
11:11 Except we're cursed.
11:13 We win live events and then we choke the other events.
11:19 You've got to button that up, Frank.
11:21 You've got to button that up.
11:23 We just need to get to a live event.
11:25 We get to a live event, we excel.
11:27 Yeah?
11:28 Yep.
11:28 Does this stuff-- not the walks, because who cares?
11:36 I'm just a guy walking with you.
11:38 But what you've become.
11:41 The videos of you, you can't go to a stadium.
11:43 People go berserk.
11:45 When you walk out into the world and you realize that the people,
11:50 they love you.
11:52 This walk stuff, when I sent you on the Twitter, I'm sincere.
11:55 People are rooting for you there.
11:56 They're thrilled to see what you're doing.
11:59 Bettering yourself.
12:00 Light on your feet on the lacrosse field, all that stuff.
12:03 It's good.
12:04 Do you get what that is?
12:05 Oh, yeah.
12:06 It's awesome.
12:07 It's great.
12:09 And I love the fans.
12:10 It's great.
12:10 90% of the time--
12:11 Ah, here we go.
12:13 But what happens?
12:14 There's times--
12:15 The 10%, what happens in the 10%?
12:17 When I get overwhelmed.
12:19 Give the man some room.
12:21 I got--
12:21 Give him some room.
12:22 I got a little overwhelmed on Saturday night.
12:24 Wow.
12:25 Yeah.
12:25 Oh, it hurt.
12:26 I think I must have taken like 200 pictures at the stadium
12:29 series event at the MetLife Stadium.
12:32 And it was like, it was either go out to concourse
12:35 and be bombarded, or sit in your seat and be cold.
12:39 So I think dive in the deep end.
12:41 Go and be with the people.
12:42 But here's my thought on that.
12:47 I always say I'm a mirror.
12:49 If people-- like you reflect back with people.
12:51 If people are kind, then it's easy to reflect back.
12:55 Now, there's always-- I shouldn't say always.
12:58 Occasionally, there's that person
12:59 that decides they want to be an asshole.
13:01 And I always say that.
13:02 If you're going to say that I was an asshole,
13:04 you're right.
13:05 But remember, you are an asshole first.
13:07 That's important.
13:08 I'll never be that first.
13:10 I'll never be that first.
13:11 But you could be that second, because then it's not unfair.
13:15 And it's not unreasonable to just say, give me a second.
13:17 Like you're not Santa Claus at the mall.
13:19 You can say, just give me a second.
13:21 I'll tell you, I'm happy to meet everybody.
13:24 Yeah.
13:24 Right?
13:25 That's exactly how I feel.
13:27 This Black Friday game, the Jets-Dolphins,
13:31 some guy literally grabs me by the nape of the neck.
13:33 That was my fault, definitely.
13:35 That was my fault.
13:36 And he's like screaming in my ear.
13:38 And I push him off me.
13:40 He's like, hey, hey, hey, hey, what's wrong about you?
13:44 Right?
13:45 Hold on, is that the president?
13:47 No.
13:47 No.
13:48 I thought maybe the president was
13:50 going to drop in and take a walk.
13:52 Let's go see if Joe's around.
13:53 Yeah.
13:54 Oh, yeah.
13:54 I mean, there's one guy called--
13:57 sent a DM basically saying that he was having heart troubles.
14:02 And then he started walking because of me.
14:05 And he says that the doctors are telling him
14:07 that his heart's getting better just by walking.
14:10 You feel better?
14:11 You have-- like, I got to--
14:13 like, it's momentum, right?
14:14 Like, what do they say?
14:15 Body of rest stays at rest.
14:16 Body of motion-- like, you're the body of motion now.
14:18 Like, there's-- 146 becomes 147.
14:21 Next thing you know, it's 200.
14:22 Like, I mean, that's--
14:24 I mean, I still can't believe--
14:25 Do you have a goal?
14:26 Do you have, like, a goal in mind?
14:27 No.
14:27 Just keep going.
14:29 Just go.
14:29 I--
14:30 Like Forrest Gump.
14:31 I set small goals.
14:33 Now, this guy's circling.
14:34 What are we doing?
14:42 Chopper's in the air.
14:43 You never know.
14:44 Yeah, you never know.
14:46 But you got people that are just letting
14:49 you know that they're out there walking because of you.
14:52 And I find that amazing.
14:53 I find that--
14:54 I find-- I mean, my heaviest was probably 2016.
14:58 I weighed around 500 pounds--
15:01 over 500 pounds, actually.
15:04 I had MRSA.
15:05 So that got me--
15:07 and I was really sick.
15:09 Laid up for six weeks with that thing.
15:10 Really?
15:11 I missed the 30th anniversary reunion
15:13 at Citi Field for the '86 Mets.
15:17 And I was really laid up with that.
15:20 And I started to feel a little bit better.
15:22 I think I lost maybe some weight off of that.
15:26 Then I started at a bar slow, and I started a little bit
15:29 of a walking regimen.
15:31 That lasted maybe two years.
15:33 That got me actually under 400, finally.
15:37 OK.
15:38 And then when I started full time, I kind of got--
15:43 during COVID, I actually bloomed back up to about 450.
15:48 And then I got back down to what I've been doing
15:51 the last six months or so.
15:54 Right.
15:54 And that's really helped.
15:56 You drop a little more, you could go like Adams
15:58 and just skinny dip, just cannonball nude right in here.
16:01 Come back for a triumphant nude cannonball.
16:04 [HISSING]
16:06 It's a beautiful day, man.
16:08 Yeah, it is.
16:09 We lucked out.
16:10 Winter is beating me down.
16:13 I mean, these walks get hard in the winter.
16:15 Yeah, but springtime's coming.
16:17 Pop and emit.
16:18 Met's optimism meter, zero.
16:21 We're working on it.
16:22 At the end of the walk, we're going to have it at one.
16:24 I mean, I look at the prospects, and there's
16:27 been so many prospects that have failed,
16:29 that it really discourages me, too.
16:31 Yeah?
16:32 It's like-- I mean, I go back all the way to Alex Ochoa.
16:37 He was supposed to be great, and then--
16:39 he had one good moment.
16:41 He had one good moment where he hit for the cycle early
16:45 in his Met career, and he never was consistent.
16:50 I should be pissed at you.
16:51 When I was like a toddler, the Orioles lost to the Mets at 69.
16:54 Like, it's probably your fault. Maybe it was your fault.
16:58 Maybe I should blame you.
16:59 Now, I guess the fowls are turned off.
17:02 It's winter, but this is nice, the World War II memorial here.
17:09 You got any World War II facts, nuggets?
17:12 Well, my grandfather fought in the Pacific.
17:14 Did he?
17:15 Lost all his teeth.
17:16 Lost all his what?
17:17 Teeth.
17:18 In the war?
17:19 Yeah.
17:20 Did he get a bar brawl?
17:23 I think that--
17:24 How did he lose all his teeth in a war?
17:25 I think maybe a bomb--
17:26 How did he grab all his teeth?
17:28 I think maybe a bomb--
17:29 he never-- I never got the full details,
17:31 but he actually drove the amphibian duck boats
17:34 onto the land.
17:36 Salute to Frank's grandpa driving the amphibian
17:38 duck boats with no teeth.
17:39 I mean, so I think--
17:42 You're not going to take our freedom.
17:43 I don't have any teeth, but that's fine.
17:45 So I got duck boats, bitch.
17:47 Now what?
17:48 So I think there might have been like a bomb or something
17:49 like that that went off close to him.
17:51 And they like caused him to lose his teeth.
17:53 Yeah?
17:54 And that was like his big war wound.
17:56 It was like he lost his-- basically,
17:58 he's like his jaw got broken.
18:01 And he had to wear false teeth the rest of his life
18:06 because of a war injury.
18:09 That was Frank on World War II.
18:11 I'm named after him, too.
18:13 His name was Francis, but he hated the name Francis,
18:16 so he uses Frank.
18:17 OK.
18:17 That's why you're Frank?
18:18 Yes.
18:19 That's awesome.
18:21 That's awesome.
18:22 My son's named after my pop.
18:24 A little honor-- honor your family.
18:26 Love that.
18:27 Yep.
18:27 My middle name is Earl, because my grandmother on my mother's
18:32 side is Earlis.
18:34 Say that again?
18:35 A grandma on your mother's side?
18:36 Yeah, her name was Earlis.
18:38 OK.
18:39 So that's why my middle name is Earl.
18:41 There you go.
18:43 Frank Earl Fleming.
18:45 Love it.
18:47 Now, I was watching TV the other day in my hotel room.
18:52 And what do you think about the Wizards and Capitals
18:55 potentially moving to Alexandria?
18:57 Not a fan.
18:58 Not a fan.
19:00 See, it's weird around here, Frank.
19:02 If you live in Maryland, you look at Virginia
19:04 like it's a foreign country.
19:05 And they look at Maryland in the exact same way.
19:07 And they're the same place.
19:09 They're just separated by a river.
19:11 But there's something about the Virginia side,
19:13 where they look at you weird and vice versa.
19:15 I'm not anti-Virginia.
19:16 What I am is pro-district.
19:18 I want those teams to be downtown.
19:20 Like, when they-- you look at when they built the Nationals--
19:25 when the Nationals built their new field, that area, town,
19:27 was not a great area.
19:29 I heard that that was like the worst area in the whole area.
19:33 That was like, basically--
19:34 It was.
19:34 It was like, you went there, you probably were going to die.
19:37 It wasn't great.
19:38 But it's changed that area.
19:40 Having the Caps and the Wizards where they are downtown
19:43 is huge for that part of town.
19:45 I just think that the team should be in the district.
19:49 Like, they were the Redskins.
19:51 Now they're the Commanders.
19:52 They're in Maryland.
19:52 They should be in RFK.
19:54 Yeah, hopefully that happens soon.
19:55 I think it will.
19:56 I mean, I don't know for sure.
19:57 There's all kinds of red tape.
19:58 But I feel like those teams should be in DC,
20:01 because they're DC teams.
20:03 Well, you know, in a way, the Devils and Commanders
20:08 are now connected.
20:09 How's that?
20:10 Josh Harris.
20:11 There you go.
20:11 Josh Harris also owns the Devils.
20:13 What do you think of him?
20:14 I'm a fan of his.
20:15 You like him?
20:15 He's all right.
20:16 He stays out of the way.
20:17 That's kind of what you want, isn't it?
20:19 He stays out of the way.
20:20 Well, especially after watching his last football,
20:22 you just want a guy to--
20:24 Yeah.
20:26 I mean, last year was clearly a year of just evaluating.
20:30 Right.
20:31 And now it's new GM, new coach.
20:35 I bet you if Dan Snyder was still owner,
20:39 he would have broken the bank to get Belichick here.
20:42 And I don't know if Belichick's the right choice.
20:44 I think I'd like to see Belichick right off
20:46 in the sunset, stay 16.
20:48 No chance.
20:50 He wants to catch Shula.
20:51 Yeah, well, I don't want that to happen.
20:53 Obviously, Dolphins, I'm aware.
20:55 How would you rank--
20:56 like, to me, from afar, it seems like Mets are obviously
21:00 number one.
21:00 Yes.
21:01 I mean, clear, obvious, and then a pretty good line.
21:04 It seems to me, based on the rants,
21:07 it feels like Devils maybe are number two.
21:10 Is that right?
21:11 Well, Devils are every day.
21:13 I mean, Devils don't give me as much pain.
21:16 The thing with the Devils this year
21:17 is there's been so many injuries,
21:19 and the bad defense has been just driving me nuts.
21:23 Understood.
21:24 And the coaches-- the coach--
21:28 I didn't like the way he--
21:29 I don't like the way he's treating Alexander Holtz.
21:31 OK.
21:32 And a reporter asked him a question,
21:34 and he got snippy with the reporter.
21:36 Did you watch the game?
21:38 Who got hurt?
21:39 Wait, I'm trying to remember.
21:40 I started-- I'm sorry.
21:41 I tapped out.
21:42 I was trying to remember who got hurt, and it was my fault.
21:44 Was it Hughes that got hurt?
21:45 Yeah, Hughes.
21:46 That was my fault.
21:48 Yes, you're right.
21:50 Just Mets?
21:52 Mets, number one, clearly.
21:53 Then?
21:55 Then it might be the Dolphins slightly ahead of the Devils.
21:57 Because it's more like 2A and 2B.
22:00 OK.
22:00 Because NFL is the NFL.
22:04 But the Dolphins, to me, I don't feel like you
22:06 have as much invested there.
22:07 You got pissed when they played the Chiefs.
22:09 I get it.
22:09 But I don't feel like you have as much.
22:11 It doesn't feel like--
22:13 the rage doesn't feel as--
22:15 it reaches the same crescendo.
22:17 This has been a 20-year period of just utter irrelevancy.
22:22 Yeah.
22:23 And it's--
22:23 It's been a while.
22:25 I'll tell you one thing, I hate their logo.
22:27 Do you hate the Dolphins' logo?
22:29 I hate the Dolphins' logo.
22:30 [SIGHS]
22:32 What?
22:34 I want the classic logo.
22:35 I agree with that.
22:36 All right.
22:37 [LAUGHS]
22:37 OK, I thought you were like--
22:38 because here's what--
22:40 I have-- you know what?
22:41 The thing with--
22:41 Their throwbacks are so beautiful.
22:44 Totally agree.
22:45 But every throwback's beautiful.
22:47 See, this is where I think there's a little kindred spirit
22:49 here, that every great--
22:52 look at the Dolphins' old logo.
22:54 Look at the Patriots' old logo.
22:56 It gets tricky because Tennessee and the Oilers, whatever.
22:58 But when they wore those Oilers, how great are those powder blue
23:01 love-you-blue Oilers uniforms?
23:03 Tremendous, right?
23:03 The thing is, I wish they would have done the same thing
23:06 that Cleveland did.
23:07 Which is?
23:08 And leave the name to Houston.
23:09 I agree with that.
23:10 Like, I think the Texans should be the Oilers
23:12 and be able to wear those uniforms.
23:13 Yes.
23:13 But I guess that it gets tricky and all that.
23:15 But every-- but this is just where we're old people,
23:17 and old people just like the old logos.
23:19 But I don't think there's one old logo that's
23:21 not better than the new logo.
23:23 So when you said you didn't like the Dolphins' logo,
23:25 I thought you wanted some new futuristic fit.
23:27 No.
23:27 We're going to fight right here.
23:29 No.
23:29 I love-- I love Dresselback.
23:32 No, name fan.
23:33 [LAUGHTER]
23:35 No, no.
23:35 None of that.
23:36 None of that.
23:36 All love.
23:37 We're hugging.
23:38 We're hugging in this fucking pod right here
23:39 is what we're doing.
23:41 Well, you took our coach in basketball.
23:44 I'm actually a Seton Hall Pirate fan
23:46 when it comes to basketball.
23:47 Yeah.
23:47 Yeah.
23:48 Terps are on the struggle bus this year.
23:50 Terps are on the struggle bus, but it's all right.
23:53 We got the-- my grandfather's cousin actually
23:57 once was president of Seton Hall University.
24:00 Really?
24:00 Monsignor Edward Fleming.
24:03 When was this?
24:04 Like 50-something years ago.
24:05 Really?
24:06 Yeah.
24:07 Well, what about Seton Hall?
24:08 I don't feel like--
24:09 I don't feel like there's been--
24:11 I haven't seen rants about them.
24:12 So you got--
24:13 I did--
24:14 Not the same thing?
24:15 I don't have the same passion for basketball
24:16 as I have for baseball.
24:17 There's only so much room in your heart for passion
24:19 and rage.
24:20 And basketball is--
24:22 I just want to see Seton Hall make the tournament.
24:24 I think they're going to.
24:26 And I'm still pissed off in 1989 when they got
24:28 screwed on that last play.
24:31 Would you say that you remember--
24:34 I already know the answer.
24:35 You're like a great coach.
24:36 I think you remember the losses more clearly than the wins.
24:39 Is that true?
24:40 I think that is true.
24:41 Why is that?
24:42 I don't know.
24:42 I'm not asking you to answer for the rest of them.
24:44 I just think, what is it about being a fan that we won't let
24:47 ourselves hang on to the joy?
24:49 I hate losing more than I like winning.
24:50 You know what?
24:51 You're like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan.
24:53 I didn't have that in my bingo card.
24:55 Frank, Tiger, and Michael Jordan.
24:57 You're like the same.
24:58 I hate losing more than I like winning.
25:02 That's a curse, kind of.
25:03 That's a curse, because you got--
25:05 you know what I always say?
25:06 You got to enjoy the moment, like in life, because it's hard.
25:10 You lose more than you win, mostly.
25:11 I mean--
25:13 You got to let yourself enjoy the wait.
25:14 I was 10, almost 11, when it met 28-6.
25:18 And I wasn't able to stay up and watch the last out.
25:20 So the only thing I have is this video that I watched to
25:25 the point that the video was about to break apart.
25:30 And that was my--
25:33 what was that?
25:35 Oh, all right.
25:38 Now here's one thing that's definitely better in the past.
25:41 And it's not just because we're funny
25:43 daddies, All-Star games.
25:46 All-Star games.
25:47 NBA, All-Star game, the other day.
25:48 Not great.
25:50 Not great.
25:51 I said on Twitter, if you don't care, we don't care.
25:54 And it just seems like they don't care.
25:56 It was-- what gets me is it got to stages, where first off,
26:00 they're doing like--
26:01 trying to do like, gold-fodder dunk-offs.
26:03 Right.
26:04 Then they got into these--
26:05 Half-court shots.
26:05 What are we doing?
26:06 That's why baseball's an All-Star game, at least.
26:09 Like, it's still baseball.
26:10 It's the one sport you can still play the exact same sport.
26:14 I mean, the intensity isn't what it used to be, but--
26:16 Yeah, but at least it's baseball.
26:18 At least it's guys pitching and hitting and--
26:20 actually, not a lot of hitting.
26:21 All-Star games, typically--
26:22 Well, it's been-- pitchers have taken over.
26:24 Yeah.
26:25 Pitchers have taken over.
26:26 You see, you get the--
26:27 they go out there for one inning, and they just--
26:29 it's for the hardest.
26:30 Like, they take us like an extra day of bullpen session.
26:33 And they did a hard hit.
26:36 I agree.
26:36 I mean, that's not a bad thing.
26:39 It's just the way it is.
26:40 They're trying.
26:41 When I was little, and I--
26:43 I'll never forget this.
26:44 Ben Singleton hit a home run in an All-Star game
26:48 in Cleveland.
26:49 And it was-- I was so excited, because it
26:51 was an Oriole that hit a home run in an All-Star game.
26:54 Now, part of that's being a little kid, right?
26:56 But there was something about your guy
26:59 having a moment in an All-Star game that felt massive.
27:02 Am I right?
27:02 Yeah.
27:03 Like, did you feel the same way about the Mets?
27:05 Yeah, Dwight Gooden, when he had a stroke out beside 1984,
27:07 although I really didn't become fully invested in the Mets
27:10 until '85.
27:12 You were a kid.
27:12 You were young.
27:13 [SNIFFS]
27:14 But young Frank '86, like, that had to have been a scene.
27:19 Like, you had to just go bananas.
27:20 My first two years fully invested in the Mets
27:23 were '85, when he won 98 games.
27:26 Had a bad week stretch when he had some injuries.
27:29 Didn't win the division, but won 98 games.
27:32 98 games.
27:34 And that team was very good.
27:36 That was-- it was such a different time.
27:38 Like, they'd be on NBC every Saturday,
27:39 and it would always be Gooden, and you had to watch,
27:42 and he was just absolutely electrified.
27:44 It sounded like a train sometimes.
27:46 Really did?
27:47 He was on the mound.
27:48 When he dropped the curveball on people?
27:51 And then you had--
27:52 when you first got into New York City at that time,
27:57 there was a giant billboard for Nike
28:01 that was hanging over by the Port Authority terminal.
28:05 Right.
28:06 And it would have him, like, mid-pitch,
28:09 and it just had the swoosh, and Dwight Gooden.
28:11 Nothing else said.
28:12 And that was-- you just saw that, like, mural every time
28:15 you came into the city.
28:16 First thing you saw was that Dwight Gooden mural.
28:18 So it was like-- was he your favorite player?
28:21 He might have been.
28:21 He might have been.
28:23 I loved him.
28:23 I mean, Dwight Gooden--
28:25 I can't wait till he retires, number in April.
28:27 That's going to be exciting.
28:30 I mean, long overdue.
28:32 I mean, Dwight Gooden is such a complicated person and figure,
28:37 but I mean, it's--
28:40 I'm genuinely sad every time he falls off the wagon.
28:42 Every time I see him and he looks good, I feel good.
28:48 I'm happy.
28:49 But when he, like, relapses, I genuinely--
28:53 I genuinely feel very sad whenever that happens.
28:56 And he's had his struggles.
29:02 I think they're scrambling--
29:03 I think they're scrambling choppers,
29:04 because it's like, wait, van Pelt and Fleming
29:06 are together.
29:08 They're like-- there's a movement afoot.
29:12 Like, you know, we--
29:13 I mean, if you wanted to take over the country by sundown,
29:16 like, you'd be in charge.
29:17 Well, the whole country would be better off, too, probably.
29:19 Bang.
29:20 Bang.
29:21 I mean--
29:22 Running it.
29:23 I mean--
29:24 Passing laws, bills, edicts, things of that nature.
29:27 I mean, at this point, we should take both parties
29:32 and be like Mo.
29:33 Smash your heads together, like Larry and Carly.
29:36 I'm pretty apolitical, just because I just think,
29:39 as a country, I feel like--
29:41 I feel like we ought to be able to come up with something
29:43 where we're a little bit more together than we are.
29:45 That's what this is all about right here.
29:47 Frank and--
29:48 You know who called this?
29:50 That guy.
29:51 Yeah?
29:52 He did not-- he was a reluctant president, George Washington.
29:56 He was a reluctant president.
29:57 He could have been king.
29:59 He said, no, I don't want to be king.
30:01 I don't want-- he stepped down after two
30:03 terms, eight years.
30:04 That set the standard for the two term limits.
30:07 Right.
30:07 He could have been king.
30:08 He could have been king if he wanted to.
30:10 Could have been king.
30:11 And he said that he doesn't like political parties,
30:13 because eventually it's going to lead to fragmentism and--
30:17 I forgot the word he used.
30:20 But it's like-- they're going to be like--
30:22 You said the fragmenting, splintering?
30:24 Yeah, splintering, and it's going to be like gangs.
30:27 I forgot the word he used.
30:28 He didn't use gang, but it's going to be like gangs.
30:30 Where it's just like--
30:31 He's far off, given the way things are going.
30:33 No, he's 100% right.
30:35 I mean, the COVID shot, that has become the most ridiculous
30:38 thing ever.
30:39 I don't care if you're for it or against it, but in 2020,
30:44 one party was trying to push this drug to get it fast
30:49 tracked to be passed.
30:51 And then that party got out of power.
30:53 So the other party came in, and then they
30:55 became the backers of the vaccine.
30:57 And the people who first wanted it fast tracked
31:00 are the ones who refused to take the vaccine.
31:03 It's like South Park.
31:04 [LAUGHTER]
31:08 American history, South Park style.
31:09 I mean, it's rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble.
31:11 It's a lot of rambling.
31:13 I mean--
31:14 Did George ever get buck naked in this water?
31:16 I don't know.
31:17 I don't know.
31:17 Adams did.
31:18 Quincy Adams did.
31:19 Quincy Adams did.
31:20 That was 1820-- he was president in the 1820s, early 1820s.
31:25 Getting back to the Alexandria thing, that Ted Leonis,
31:28 he came off as like a jerk.
31:30 The way he was talking.
31:32 He's-- it's tricky.
31:37 It's tricky.
31:38 There are people-- there are a lot of people in DC
31:40 that are really bummed out.
31:41 Because he's like--
31:43 A. Poland was a philanthropist.
31:46 I'm a businessman.
31:48 Well, this is--
31:49 I mean, here's how it works with owners.
31:51 If you win, they love you.
31:52 And if you don't, they don't.
31:54 It's just very simple.
31:55 And that's not unique to DC.
31:56 That's anywhere.
31:57 That's how you-- that's why you feel the way
31:59 you feel about Cohen.
32:00 He should go on a walk with you, by the way.
32:02 Yes, he should.
32:02 Steve Cohen should come on a walk.
32:04 Don't walk.
32:04 Walk.
32:05 It doesn't rhyme, but it kind of rhymes.
32:07 But don't walk with Frank.
32:09 You know, maybe he could explain himself.
32:11 Man's saving lives, helping people with heart issues.
32:14 Come for a walk.
32:15 Maybe he could like get my mind right.
32:19 Get me off this period of dread where I look at the prospects
32:22 and I go, OK, is this going to be another Brett Beatty?
32:25 I mean, I've seen so many prospects bust.
32:28 Come on.
32:28 And--
32:29 Go for a walk.
32:30 And why doesn't he-- why isn't Pete Alonzo signed?
32:32 Why?
32:33 What are we doing?
32:34 I mean, Pete Alonzo--
32:35 By the time the walk's over, you'll have it sorted out.
32:37 I mean, Pete Alonzo--
32:38 Terms and conditions.
32:39 Pete Alonzo should be a Met for life.
32:41 Right?
32:42 This guy's going to hit 500 homers.
32:43 They should all be in a Met's uniform.
32:45 All of them.
32:45 All of them.
32:46 If they're not, what are we doing?
32:47 I mean, exactly.
32:49 I mean, we signed all these old fogies.
32:51 Now he's afraid to sign people because he
32:53 signed the old fogies?
32:55 I mean-- and now he's got his fourth different general
32:59 manager.
33:01 Essentially, Dave, he's starting to do GM now.
33:03 Right.
33:03 I mean, it's been like changing direction every time.
33:08 And it's hard for me to trust.
33:10 It's hard for me to trust, especially--
33:11 You've got trust issues, Steve.
33:13 I honestly think the Mets are going
33:14 to lose 100 games this year.
33:15 No.
33:16 No, no, no, no, no.
33:17 They're not going to lose 100 games.
33:19 Please don't lose 100 games.
33:20 Because I can only take so much.
33:22 I can only take so much.
33:24 We all know whose fault it'll be.
33:26 This guy.
33:27 This guy.
33:28 Actually, I don't blame you anymore.
33:31 You know what?
33:33 I'm coming for you, Butchergrass.
33:35 I'm coming for you.
33:37 Is this a moment?
33:38 Can we hug like Forrest Gump?
33:40 He doesn't blame me anymore.
33:42 He doesn't blame--
33:43 I think-- did we bury it?
33:45 Yeah, we buried the hatchet.
33:47 It's really a wonderful moment, everybody.
33:52 Steve, come for a walk.
33:54 Pete Alonso, get that sorted out.
33:55 Butchergrass, you really call him Butcher?
33:56 He's awesome, by the way.
33:57 He's a good dude.
33:58 You like Butcher?
33:59 Yeah, but it's fun to say that name.
34:00 It's kind of like David Letterman with Butchers
34:03 Scully.
34:03 It is like that.
34:05 I think that's a great idea.
34:07 I think Butcher Maine should be--
34:08 we all-- Buster, that's a different topic.
34:11 He hates the Mets.
34:12 Oh, I know.
34:12 He fucking hates them.
34:14 I mean, if I can recall, in 1999,
34:16 he said that the Mets were the JV team and the Yankees
34:20 were the varsity when he was going to play the World Series.
34:22 Come on, man.
34:23 Come on.
34:24 I remember that.
34:25 Honestly, what if they land right here
34:31 and they scoop us up?
34:33 What about this?
34:35 I feel like if you walk away from this feeling good
34:40 about it, I feel like you and me should do a Netflix series where
34:43 we do a buddy cop thing.
34:46 We just wander America and get into adventures and capers,
34:49 things like that.
34:50 I'm looking to go on a Dirty Bullpork tour,
34:52 so that's going to be interesting.
34:54 I got a job and kids and whatever.
34:56 It might be difficult, but maybe I just abandon all of it
34:59 and just me and Frank hit the road and hit parks.
35:01 Get the RV.
35:02 Get the RV.
35:02 We just raw dog just dogs across America, you and me.
35:05 Every state, raw dog.
35:07 How many parks have you been to?
35:09 How many parks?
35:09 Oh, 14 overall.
35:11 OK.
35:11 We need to up that.
35:13 We get sponsors.
35:14 This should be easy.
35:17 Sponsors should be lining up for this.
35:19 I have been to Washington.
35:19 I've been to National Sparklers there.
35:21 The first three games of the 2022 season.
35:23 Nice park.
35:23 Good park.
35:24 Get an RV.
35:26 Tour America.
35:26 You got the crew.
35:27 You got great people behind you.
35:28 Yes.
35:29 They've got your back.
35:29 I got your back.
35:30 America's got your back.
35:32 We got to be able to-- get Alonzo Stein,
35:34 get Cohen on a walk, and a tour across America
35:37 with you on a really nice coach.
35:40 Like something that--
35:42 It would be like Tom Adams' bus.
35:43 No, better than that.
35:45 I was thinking like a good rock band, but not a great rock band.
35:48 Like maybe the Alan Parsons Project.
35:50 Yes.
35:51 Yes, good one.
35:51 Wait.
35:52 Hold on.
35:53 I want to leave you with this.
35:54 I don't want to get it wrong.
35:55 I don't want to leave--
35:55 I don't want to get it wrong.
35:56 I was going to play this.
35:57 Big Cat told me to play it.
35:59 After all the years of waiting, I'm going to show them all.
36:02 Yes.
36:03 That's your song, right?
36:04 Limelight?
36:04 Yes.
36:05 That was the song that was played on NBC after game seven,
36:09 the Mets highlight montage after World Series.
36:12 And it makes me choke up every time I hear the song.
36:14 I didn't want this to be emotional,
36:16 but we've hugged Gucci Grasses on the chopping block,
36:20 and I'm good.
36:21 Buster's not, but I'm good.
36:24 Well, thank you for showing up.
36:25 This is a great honor that you will show me for a walk.
36:28 No, it is.
36:28 I'm just a guy like you, man.
36:30 I'm a sports fan like you.
36:31 Thank you.
36:32 Of course, we've got to thank the Body Armor.
36:36 I mean, they power me with my walks.
36:39 Boom.
36:40 Product placement and a swig.
36:42 Yes.
36:43 Look at this.
36:44 Sponsors.
36:45 Get behind this, man.
36:47 Ballpark tour.
36:47 Thank you.
36:49 And Patch is buried.
36:53 John "Butch" Grass, you're next.
36:55 There's no chance.
36:57 There's no chance it's buried.
36:58 But I'm going to walk away and trust that it is.
37:00 Frank, I appreciate you.
37:00 Keep doing your walks, bro.
37:01 I'm serious.
37:02 Thanks.
37:02 It's awesome.
37:04 (whooshing)
