Trump et Biden portent leur duel à la frontière avec le Mexique

  • 7 months ago
Joe Biden et Donald Trump, qui sont bien partis pour s'affronter lors de la présidentielle de novembre, se déplacent tous les deux jeudi à la frontière sud des Etats-Unis pour évoquer l'immigration, sujet brûlant de la campagne.

Le président démocrate de 81 ans se rendra à Brownsville, au Texas, où il rencontrera des agents de la police aux frontières et des responsables locaux, selon la Maison Blanche.

Son prédécesseur Donald Trump, 77 ans, ira de son côté à Eagle Pass, à quelque 500 km de là.
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00:00 Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who are well on their way to face each other during the November
00:05 presidential election, travel to the southern US border every Thursday to discuss immigration,
00:09 a hot topic in the campaign.
00:10 The 81-year-old Democratic president will go to Brownsville, Texas, where he will meet
00:16 police officers at the border and local officials, according to the White House.
00:21 His predecessor Donald Trump, 77, will go on his side to Eagle Pass, a few 500 km away.
00:28 The Republican keeps hammering with virulence that his rival is at the origin of a migration
00:33 crisis .
00:34 "Mr. Biden wants to show that it is important for him to go there to hear the police officers
00:39 at the border, what is happening on the ground," said White House spokeswoman
00:45 Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday.
00:46 He will also give a speech to emphasize the need for Congress to adopt a
00:51 law on immigration negotiated by members of both parties, which Republicans have rejected
00:55 for political reasons, he said.
00:57 When asked about his visit, Joe Biden recently claimed not to have known that "they have
01:03 good friends there" and also "a sarcastic allusion to his rival."
01:07 The Trump camp accuses him, on the contrary, of imitating the tempestuous businessman.
01:11 Members of the Democratic president's team are now sending him there the same day as
01:15 Mr. Trump, not because they really want to solve the problem, but because they know
01:20 that Biden is losing considerably, according to a spokeswoman for the Republican campaign
01:25 team, Caroline Levitt.
01:27 "The Americans know that Biden is alone responsible for the worst migration crisis
01:31 in history and the crisis of crime related to migrants that has resulted in it," she
01:36 said.
01:37 No political victory.
01:38 The Republican camp accuses Joe Biden and his administration of aggravating the flow
01:43 of migrants by their asylum policy.
01:45 The White House assures it that the Republican Party is deliberately sabotaging any attempt
01:50 to compromise on the issue, and that Donald Trump does not intend to give political victories
01:54 to Joe Biden in the middle of the election year.
01:56 The former president of the right, who had built his popularity during his first victorious
02:01 campaign by promising to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, has recently
02:05 used all his influence with Republican elected officials in Congress to block a text on
02:10 immigration.
02:11 The agreement provided, in addition to the migratory reform, an additional envelope of
02:15 aid to Ukraine and Israel.
02:17 Donald Trump assures that the expulsion of migrants would be one of his priorities if
02:21 he were re-elected.
02:22 "They are killing ours, they are killing our country," he recently said.
02:28 In recent weeks, the state of Texas has come to a real arm's length with Joe Biden's
02:34 administration , his Republican governor Greg Abbott, in strong support of Donald Trump,
02:39 accusing the government of allowing an invasion of illegal migrants at the southern border
02:42 of the country.
02:43 Border control is a federal competence in the United States, but Texas has multiplied
02:48 the measures aimed at countering immigration, with several judicial lawsuits underway on
02:53 this subject.
02:53 .
