• last year
The Parliament House projection - inspired by Lego Parliament House - is designed to attract people of all ages to Parliament House. The National Gallery of Australia's illumination Indigenous All Stars is designed by renowned artist Vincent Namatjira. The Museum of Australian Democracy's illumination has an 80s theme. The National Portrait Gallery partnered with Yuwi, Torres Strait and South Sea Islander artist Dylan Mooney for its illumination.


00:00 [ Silence ]
00:14 For me, portraiture is a way of putting me, myself, in someone else's shoe,
00:25 as well as to share with the viewer what it might be like in my shoes.
00:32 Hey, I'm James Hillier, otherwise known as Naudacious.
00:35 Welcome to Enlighten, where we celebrate the unsung heroes of our democracy.
00:39 We're back in the 80s and we're ready to party, so I hope you join us.
00:44 Order, order. Order.
00:47 Cease interjecting immediately.
00:52 [ Silence ]
00:56 Those of that opinion say aye.
00:58 Aye.
01:00 I believe the ayes have it.
01:02 [ Silence ]
