Withdraw cases frustrating tea reforms – Gachagua

  • 7 months ago
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has called for the withdrawal of court cases frustrating tea reforms, saying they are hindering the realisation of higher benefits for farmers. https://shorturl.at/iuAGS
00:00 Court cases have frustrated reforms in the subsector.
00:05 And in Kirito, we did agree with all the stakeholders
00:10 that they will withdraw the cases before court
00:12 to allow the reforms to be beneficial to the farmer.
00:16 Some have, unfortunately, others have not.
00:19 I want to call upon all the stakeholders
00:22 who mean well for the Kenyan farmer,
00:25 who genuinely mean well for the Kenyan farmer,
00:28 to please withdraw those cases and allow these reforms
00:32 to be implemented fully for the benefit
00:34 of the Kenyan farmer.
00:35 Those who are in KTDA, who want to run for elections,
00:42 they are free to do so, but they cannot run for elections
00:47 when they have taken the organization to court.
00:49 It is absurd that we are using farmers' money
00:55 to sort out individual issues.
00:59 People who want to lead, people who are greedy for power,
01:03 take farmers to court.
01:06 We have to pay loyalty from the farmer's earnings.
01:10 It is not right.
01:11 It is unethical, it's immoral.
01:15 You cannot say that you mean well for the Kenyan farmer,
01:18 yet you take the farmer to court and use his or her earnings
01:23 to prosecute your matter in court against the farmer.
01:26 So as an administration, we will be very reluctant,
01:31 and I don't think we can allow anybody
01:34 who has taken the farmers to court to run for office.
01:39 If you want to run for office, please leave court
01:44 and go to the farmers and seek mandate.
01:46 And if the farmers, in their wisdom,
01:48 decide that you have the capacity to lead them,
01:50 they will allow you to lead them.
01:52 But you cannot take the farmers to court,
01:54 use their resources to prosecute them in court,
02:01 and come and say you want to lead them.
