NEW!ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ PART 2

  • 7 months ago
NEW!ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ PART 2
00:00 um
00:02 Ethan look into my eyes
00:07 This video uploaded by english movie only in
00:14 Nobody move
00:20 Ethan help me. Oh, stop bitch. He's not here to help you now
00:28 It's time for you to recognize who the true alpha is. You're no alpha
00:32 You have no idea who you're talking to you're standing before the new alpha of the rogue wolf pack
00:39 What you heard her now get down and beg for forgiveness
00:44 Get off of her
00:47 You're not the alpha of the rogue wolf pack
00:50 You're not the alpha of the rogue wolf pack
00:53 You're not the alpha of the rogue wolf pack
00:56 Get off of her
00:58 You're supposed to be under a spell weak spells don't work on alphas like me i'm gonna kill you
01:07 Alpha ethan show mercy, please
01:11 Alpha ethan show mercy, please
01:18 please
01:20 Don't kill him. I beg you. What are you doing alpha joshua? I ask that you spare my son's life
01:26 He is a fool that's for sure
01:28 But please don't kill him
01:32 If you're on his side, then you're my enemy too
01:34 After all the trouble he's caused he's going to start a war between the packs
01:38 Or do you want to die for shame? Ethan stop it. You need to calm down. I think that the situation is best adjudicated by the werewolf priest
01:47 I
01:49 Can agree to that otherwise i'll take matters in my own hands
02:02 Thank you for your forgiveness alpha ethan i'll make sure that he doesn't escape punishment
02:10 You
02:12 Bring the criminal over
02:21 What is his crime he tried to violate my mate repeatedly
02:38 And he's conspiring with rogue wolves
02:40 Is this your mate alpha ethan?
02:43 She is
02:46 Anyone who can prove that
02:48 Do you have anything you'd like to say
03:01 I didn't do anything wrong
03:05 Ethan was trying to steal idea from our pack. I'm the only one here trying to protect her
03:10 She's mine
03:14 The evidence seems conclusive
03:17 I think I reached my decision
03:23 shame of the half moon pack
03:25 You will be stripped of your right to be an alpha and expel from the half moon pack
03:31 No
03:33 Madam high priest
03:34 please
03:35 reconsider
03:37 Shane
03:39 Do you have any final words?
03:41 No, your honor
03:43 I'm good
03:47 So
03:49 You should get some rest you should stay
04:07 Don't worry i'll be right outside you should get some good rest alone. I think i'm ready. Ethan
04:17 You
04:19 For
04:21 For sure it's been a pretty eventful day might as well end it on a high note then
04:30 So
04:32 Are you ready
04:52 Yeah
04:54 It's official now
05:04 I love you. I love you too, honey. Am I a mate?
05:11 You
05:13 They can all go to hell alpha shane stop oh calm down alpha. It's me
05:38 So frustrated everybody hates me it's okay
05:41 They'll never see you for the true alpha that you are
05:44 I'm, so fed up with all these rules
05:47 Ethan and adia get to run around and do whatever they want. I do so much as one thing wrong and I get expelled
05:52 Welcome to rogue kid bucky for you. We don't need anyone's approval
05:58 We think with your leadership we can overtake the other packs
06:04 Oh, yeah, let's band together and attack those who betrayed us
06:34 Ethan
06:36 Ethan is that you?
06:42 Good morning, luna. Jesus. You scared me
06:46 Sorry, luna. Uh, please just call me adia. I don't think alpha. Ethan would like that luna
06:54 Have you seen him? Alpha is out doing his daily patrol of the pax territory. He specifically asked me to take care of you here
07:03 I wish I could have gone with him
07:05 I'm afraid it's too dangerous for you right now
07:07 Jane has been convicted, but the other rogues are still out there
07:11 And that bitch maybe you'll be able to go eventually
07:15 I'm probably too weak to do a patrol anyway, and my wolf abilities are basically useless
07:22 Don't say that luna you just need practice
07:28 Every wolf ability is given by the moon goddess for a reason
07:33 I guess you're right. I'll just have to take the time to find my moment
07:39 God he scared us. Sorry, my love has otis been taking good care of you. Oh, he's been very kind
07:55 How is your patrol? No sign of the rogues this morning, so that's a win
08:07 I have something to ask you
08:14 Why are you being so serious right now?
08:17 I need you to help me strengthen my wolf abilities. I want to be useful to your pack and to you
08:25 Maddie it's our pack
08:27 Besides you're already useful to me
08:30 Stop it. You know what I mean
08:33 Look the process is very tiring and it's really dangerous
08:41 Are you sure you're ready for this?
08:45 Yes
08:47 It's time
08:49 Good
08:51 Follow me
08:53 So
08:55 What is this the secret to awakening our wolves and abilities
09:09 This video uploaded by english movie only in
09:22 Is this really gonna help me
09:24 This is where our ancestors first awakened we give our sacrifices to the original alpha
09:30 And he conspires with the moon goddess to steer our destiny
09:34 Sit in the center there
09:37 Now close your eyes feel the call of the wild within you
09:47 (Music)
09:49 Oh morning shane
10:05 You're my wife
10:07 I'm the real alpha king
10:17 Who the hell you come
10:32 (Music)
10:34 She finally came
10:38 Eddie what'd you see? I saw you killed by shane and then I killed him
10:47 Eddie what'd you see?
10:54 I saw you killed by shane and then I killed him. It's okay. It's not real. I'm still here
11:01 I'm still here
11:03 But my dreams always predict the future
11:05 Ethan we have to be careful
11:09 We need to stop for today, okay, I don't want you to be swallowed by any illusions
11:16 Sorry, don't be you've made great progress already
11:28 This you won't be able to win this time
11:31 I think we should go after desert moon pack first. The desert moon pack is too powerful for us at the moment
11:43 We need to recruit more rogues well, then figure it out then that's what i'm begging for
11:49 I need them taken care of
11:52 I think I can help you with that
11:57 Maybe surprised to see you here
11:59 I did a little snooping earlier and I saw even a deal leaving the pax territory today
12:06 Really? Yeah, apparently he's trying to strengthen her wolf and powers at the world altar
12:14 Let's be on the pax territory
12:17 I'm not sure if we can do that
12:20 I'm sure we can
12:23 Wait
12:24 Let's be on the pax territory though
12:26 Why would they go there?
12:28 Well, as we all know idea is a super weak white wolf. We can't harm her powers yet
12:33 So i'm guessing that this is the last such effort to make her more powerful so she can actually be useful to the desert moon pack
12:40 This is our opportunity then we just have to ambush them when they go to the altar
12:44 exactly
12:47 Let's take out the altar then
12:49 Our prey will come right to us
12:51 Hahaha
12:53 Alpha luna, how did the training go?
13:03 Addy was strong but her dreams overpower her. We'll try again soon. Even it's more than that. It's just a dream. Okay
13:13 Ethan would you be able to go and see what breakfast is? Of course, my love
13:20 Oh
13:22 Otis can we talk later? Of course
13:28 Luna alpha is out surveying our territory. Tell me about this dream
13:45 I saw shane kill ethan and then I killed shane with a sword
13:50 Ethan says it was all just a dream, but my dreams always turn out to be true
13:54 I have heard that the most powerful werewolves can see the future. Otis stop with the formalities
14:02 Sorry
14:06 I've got to get back to that altar
14:08 I've got to finish that dream
14:11 Figure out what happens next so we can you know properly plan
14:16 I shiver to think of that altar. It's out in no man's land
14:19 I will come with you if you insist
14:22 Well, let's go but you can't tell ethan
14:25 Your secret is safe with me
14:28 Let's go
14:44 Are you sure you want to do this?
14:46 I have to otis the fate of the pack may depend on it
14:50 Awakening a wolf's abilities can be painful. Even alpha. Ethan is not brave enough to do it
14:56 I don't have a choice otis
14:59 Now let's hurry before someone shows up
15:01 Please protect me
15:05 And wake me up if anything seems wrong
15:08 You have my word I will protect you with my life
15:12 You have my word
15:14 Lucky us the prey came early
15:19 Shane
15:22 Capture them. Don't let them escape
15:24 Luna run but otis i'll stop them go get alpha. Ethan now
15:32 So
15:34 Give up now otis you're outnumbered i'll never give up against you
16:00 I'm getting tired of all these guys and them now
16:04 Shane
16:10 When did you stoop so low as to collaborate with rogues?
16:12 Where's your dignity?
16:14 They treat me like the alpha that I actually am
16:17 I'm, like you scoundrels
16:19 Shall we kill them
16:26 Let's keep them alive. We need some leverage with the desert moon pack
16:29 I don't mind if you want to break a few bones though
16:35 Yes alpha
16:40 Ethan
16:52 Patty i've told you not to leave without telling me the rogues they have otis
16:56 What?
16:59 What
17:03 Okay, we have to get all the pack members now we have to save otis this means one wait
17:09 I have a bad feeling about this. Shouldn't we think it through first? There's no time
17:14 Yeah
17:16 We meet again, where's otis you asshole
17:24 Don't worry about otis
17:27 Rogues are taking good care of him. You can fight me all you want, but leave my pack alone. Okay deal
17:34 We'll leave your pack alone and give you otis back
17:38 We just want one thing in return
17:41 What?
17:42 You want money part of my territory?
17:45 Name it shane
17:47 I want her
17:49 Not her
17:51 You know, that's never going to happen well, then you can kiss otis goodbye
17:57 Shane have you lost your mind stop this madness?
18:08 You were all savages
18:13 Yeah
18:14 We may be savages, but you haven't given us any other choice
18:16 So i'm gonna give you 10 seconds to make your decision
18:20 Stop now
18:27 Patty come back here. I'm, sorry. Ethan. I can't let my dream come true
18:32 Come with you shane just let otis go
18:39 You
18:41 Over
18:45 You'll always be my alpha
18:47 We'll see about that take care of otis
18:54 You'll never be my alpha
19:00 Get her
19:05 This video uploaded by english movie only in
19:08 *Shane's death*
19:35 Who are you i'm olivia i'm here to help you but we need to get out of here let's go hurry
19:41 Oh, sorry, I haven't cleaned in a while. Who are you i'm olivia i'm here to help you
19:56 So you're a witch
20:00 Guilty
20:04 *Shane's death*
20:06 Have a seat
20:09 Oh my god, it's fine. It's just a scratch
20:19 That's incredible
20:31 So, can you make magic potions and predict the future?
20:35 I can make potions
20:39 But I can't predict the future
20:41 But I know that some werewolves can
20:45 like you
20:49 My dreams can be dangerous i've been trying to access this one i've been recently having I can help you
20:58 Enter the dream with confidence remember all the details how they made you feel
21:07 You'll be able to control it
21:10 I'm back
21:27 I'm back
21:29 You can control your dreams
21:34 And if you can control your dreams, you can control the outcome
21:36 Yeah, i'm, sorry
21:39 It's all my fault
21:41 I ruined everything. I destroyed your house
21:44 everything
21:47 Uh
21:49 Idea watch out
22:07 I saw everything
22:10 I was there
22:11 Idea, that was a dream from your past life
22:13 What?
22:15 What do you mean? You have to discover it by yourself
22:17 Take this
22:22 Here take this what is it? It's a potion for reincarnated werewolves
22:32 It'll help you remember your past life and awaken your abilities
22:38 If I drink it
22:40 Will I remember everything?
22:42 everything from your past life, but
22:44 It does have some
22:47 side effects
22:48 What kind of side effects? Oh, it just makes people forget details about their current life and uh, things that matter most to them
22:55 Will I forget ethan in the desert moon pack I can't say for certain but
23:03 Don't worry. I have an antidote
23:06 It's a small price to pay to remember your past and awaken your abilities
23:11 Is
23:13 Oh
23:15 Oh
23:43 I don't feel anything take some time
23:45 You're okay idea you're okay hang in there I feel my werewolf abilities returning dream
24:02 I feel
24:07 You
24:09 Aren't you worried your pack will see you it's fine. I'm just glad you're here
24:19 There will be a war soon
24:22 What?
24:24 Our packs are enemies
24:26 We have to leave now. No, I can't be responsible for a war. We have to fight
24:30 We'll be okay
24:34 So
24:58 They were enemies but they fell in love and they broke the werewolf's rules
25:03 I cursed shane an idea to a life of constant reincarnation
25:08 Where they could never be together again
25:12 Who is it
25:25 Oh
25:27 We are from the silver moon pack
25:32 We're desperate to find our lost alpha
25:34 I'm, sorry. I don't think I can help you with that
25:37 please
25:39 Our pack is falling apart and famine has almost destroyed us
25:42 We've heard rumors of a female wolf in this area who possesses the ability of dreams
25:55 Alpha
25:57 Alpha what who are you? You look just like her
26:06 Who you are our alpha
26:18 Sorry, I think you have the wrong wolf
26:20 Silver moon was one of the oldest and most powerful packs
26:25 They once had a queen alpha, but then they lost their territory and the queen alpha went missing
26:31 But we finally tracked you down
26:34 It's a miracle
26:37 My alpha
26:39 We should go everyone will be so excited
26:45 Livia what's going on? The moon goddess will guide you now. I'm of no use to you anymore
26:50 I can't believe it
26:53 You're an alpha
26:55 Me an alpha
26:59 What am I gonna tell ethan
27:03 Yeah, uh, what's wrong with you alpha shade I saw idea
27:09 It was in my dream
27:12 Well, you were definitely dreaming
27:14 She ran away
27:16 This was different
27:18 It felt like a strange power like it was guiding me somewhere
27:21 I think I know where she is
27:29 Hmm
27:31 This was our former home
27:49 So
27:51 I've seen this place in my dreams
28:03 I'm sorry. I wish things could have been different
28:11 I'm just glad we have you back now
28:16 Follow me i'd like to show you something
28:19 Over here
28:27 This was the alpha queen's armor and this was the alpha queen's sword
28:33 Your sword
28:38 Useless to anyone else
28:40 if you're truly
28:42 our alpha queen
28:44 This sword will glow with the power of the moon goddess
28:47 No pressure
28:50 Reunited with your sword
29:10 What a beautiful sight this video uploaded by english movie only in
29:14 What's wrong idea you already forget about me, you know this rogue scum gal he's fine
29:32 What's going on
29:39 Shane are you not hating me right now? I can't believe you're here. I thought i'd never see you again
29:48 She okay
29:55 I can't believe it. I remember now everything
30:09 I remember everything
30:11 We don't have to talk about the past my dear can you take me to where you are now? Yes, let's go
30:20 But my alpha where are you going
30:26 I'm not going anywhere
30:28 Devin right? We're on the same side
30:46 What why is she being so nice it's a secret
30:52 I didn't expect there to be this many rogue wolves
30:55 I'm their alpha
30:57 I want to live with you too
30:59 You have no idea how long i've been waiting for you to say that
31:03 You have no idea how long i've been waiting for you to say that
31:06 You have no idea how long i've been waiting for you to say that
31:09 So
31:11 Hmm
31:13 God I missed you so much
31:41 I've missed you too my love
31:43 We need to make up for lost time i'm so happy that we both ended up in half moon pack together
31:58 Half moon pack
32:01 No, you should be my mate
32:06 Hey
32:08 So
32:10 So
32:13 So
32:15 So
32:44 She must be with the rogues we have to check there
32:47 It's gonna be dangerous otis if I don't come back find me
32:54 Hi i'm looking for my luna her name's idea have you seen her by chance
33:12 I'm afraid she's not your luna anymore
33:14 Excuse me. What is your business with her? I'm her mate. She's the luna of desert moon pack
33:21 Keep going that way. She's been gone for a day
33:26 I appreciate your help wait, she doesn't remember you
33:31 This might help why wouldn't she remember me
33:36 It's a long story, but if she does anything out of character give her that
33:42 I'm sure she'll remember
33:44 I'm sure she'll remember
33:46 I'm sure she'll remember
33:48 God i've missed you i've missed you too
34:04 Shane why didn't you have me be your mate?
34:07 Believe me. I want you
34:11 I want to be with you
34:13 Stop it. Shane
34:16 Who are you how dare you show your face here addy, what are you doing with him?
34:23 I'm, sorry. I don't think I know you
34:26 Why would you say that shane who is this wolf no one you need to know
34:31 Here
34:36 Drink this now get away from me addy
34:39 I know this doesn't make any sense right now, but if you drink this your memory will come back
34:45 Addy don't I command you addy you've forgotten who I am, but I promise if you drink this you'll remember me
34:54 Addy please don't
35:04 Drink it
35:06 Yeah
35:26 Idea idea if you did anything to hurt a deal kill you shut up shane
35:31 Yeah
35:33 addy
35:35 Ethan what are you doing here? Thank god you're back. Where am I?
35:42 Oh my god, what have I done you said you wanted to be my mate what
35:56 No, he's right ethan I did say that
36:02 I
36:04 You can't be serious
36:07 Shane and I were together in our past life
36:11 What did you do when she lost her memory idea came to me liar that's not possible
36:28 You disrespected me for the final time that is enough you two stop it. I'll kill you today
36:34 That's you
36:38 Then stop
36:41 Let's kill this sorry excuse for a wolf now ethan. Yes alpha
36:52 Don't forget you're on road territory
36:56 You
36:58 You have a lot of gall challenging the desert
37:01 You know the world's not a proper leader. You're underestimating how powerful we are. Listen to me
37:06 Listen to me if you both won't listen i'm just going to have to make you
37:18 At your command
37:24 Hmm
37:26 She's an alpha
37:28 When did a dn start commanding her own pack?
37:30 I don't care what you say
37:33 I'm ending this on my terms
37:35 Give me the sword
37:38 Do you really want to fight me
37:45 Yeah
37:47 Do you really want to fight me
37:57 How did she
38:07 That's the legendary alpha queen sorry
38:13 I
38:15 Yeah, if we don't end this today then the rogues are going to continue to bother you that's an order ethan
38:23 Are you going to listen to me now?
38:25 All right
38:33 The truth is shane and I were cursed
38:36 And reincarnated to meet each other
38:42 Shane is my destined mate
38:44 I was trying to go back in time to change our fate
38:48 To break the cycle so we could be together
38:52 But I ended up learning much more about myself and I found my true pack
38:59 Is the moon god is playing a trick on me
39:10 Is the moon god is playing a trick on me
39:12 i'm, sorry ethan
39:15 This is what my dreams were trying to tell me this video uploaded by english movie only in
39:20 But they were actually trying to help me see who I really am an alpha a leader
39:29 See
39:34 So does that mean we can't be together i'm not sure
39:40 I'm not sure
39:42 So, is that why you were gonna kill me
39:44 break the cycle
39:47 I had no choice shane. I hope you can understand just kill me now. I can't do this anymore
39:54 Break the cycle forever set me free
40:10 Set me free
40:12 Death is not the answer shane
40:27 On one condition
40:32 I want to use my abilities
40:35 To seal your memory and your abilities so that you forget all about us being mates once and for all but idea
40:42 It's the only way
40:45 Okay
40:53 I'm ready
40:57 So
40:59 There's something i've been meaning to ask you yeah
41:17 Would you be interested in starting a new era of werewolves with me, of course my alpha queen
41:27 We will now be abandoning the pack's old rules
41:30 No more wars all rogues will be accepted let's put an end to all of this
41:37 I'm not going to let you do this
41:41 I'm not going to let you do this
41:43 I'm not going to let you do this
41:46 I'm not going to let you do this
41:48 I'm not going to let you do this
41:50 I'm not going to let you do this
41:52 I'm not going to let you do this
41:54 I'm not going to let you do this
41:56 We shall follow you alpha queen alpha queen alpha queen
42:05 Let's go home don't forget this
42:23 I wouldn't dare
42:25 Happy birthday
42:46 Look everybody's here for you, Ruby
42:50 Thank you mom
42:52 Thank you all so much for coming out to our ruby's third birthday party
42:56 Ruby honey, do you want to go and play with daddy? Yeah, mom. All right. I love you, honey
43:03 I love you too mom
43:05 Long time no see mom and dad we've missed you a deal sister
43:21 Is he still like that? Yes, there's been no change
43:25 What's your name I don't remember
43:33 Shane
43:45 Yeah, your name is shane. I remember my name now. It's shane. Yeah, your name is shane
43:50 Oh
43:52 Two feet back on dry land and i'm ready to go out again
44:02 Giving me freedom taking my care
44:15 Yeah
44:17 Where
