Kompany on huge Burnley v Bournemouth relegation battle

  • 6 months ago
Kompany on huge Burnley v Bournemouth relegation battle
00:00 Vinny, it's another opportunity to put points on the board this weekend.
00:03 How's it been looking this week and what's the mood and vibe like on the training ground?
00:07 It's been obviously the aftermath of a game that you lose of the importance that it was.
00:16 You know, 24 hours is not a good 24 hours.
00:20 And then after that, back to work and back to looking at this game and everything this
00:26 game can offer for us.
00:28 You've spoken a lot about dealing with things in adversity.
00:33 I was just trying to wonder, has it really tested you this season and at this point of
00:38 the season?
00:39 Because you're constantly trying to problem solve, aren't you, and find solutions to putting
00:43 things right.
00:44 How do you manage that?
00:46 It's also part of the job I like.
00:48 That's why I became manager.
00:49 Not the challenging side of the results, but the necessity to problem solve.
00:57 The necessity to either inject belief or give those players something to help them.
01:06 That's something I'm passionate about.
01:08 It's not easy, but I think I was warned a long time before I made the decision to become
01:17 a coach that this is part of the job.
01:20 I have no issues with it.
01:22 It's something that I want to do to the best of my ability.
01:25 Have you injected a lot of belief?
01:27 Have you had to inject belief?
01:30 You always have to.
01:33 Always that's not a job that starts and stops with being in a difficult situation or not.
01:39 I think you always have to.
01:42 It's easier when you believe in yourself.
01:45 That's my case and that's a big part of my job.
01:52 The point deduction we've seen this week, the appeal process that's taken place with
01:56 Everton and getting some points back.
01:58 Sean Dyche has spoken about lessons being learned about the appeals process, maybe the
02:03 length of time it's took to get to the decision that they have done at this moment.
02:07 Is that something you share because of the position you are operating in and around it
02:11 as well?
02:12 No, I don't think it would be even remotely.
02:20 I don't have the pretension to be able to chip in on this debate.
02:24 For me my only focus is Burnley Football Club and this weekend.
02:28 I don't want to give a generic answer where I just bat it away but in reality I really
02:32 don't care.
02:33 I just care about our team and what they do.
02:37 That's the only thing I want to conserve myself with.
02:39 As far as Bournemouth are concerned, Vinny, I don't know whether you've seen much of them
02:47 recently despite the fact there have been seven games without a win.
02:51 Performances would suggest they are still a very difficult team to play but when a team
02:56 is in a run of form like that, is there a good time to take on a side like Bournemouth?
03:05 You've given the right type of context but I think if you expand, we're dealing with
03:13 a similar situation or we have dealt with a similar situation.
03:16 The main thing for us now is to kind of... we've got to be able to visualise ourselves,
03:23 imagine ourselves winning these type of games.
03:27 We've got to attach the feeling to this game that we're respectful of the fact that they
03:34 have a very good opposition, a very good side but you have to have this ambition in any
03:38 of the games you play.
03:39 For us anyway, there's no other way.
03:42 That's what we have to do.
03:45 But we've learned that the Premier League always has these... has no easy games and
03:51 there's going to be no different on the weekend of course.
03:55 Do you take much of a look at the fixtures coming up because I think you've got five
03:59 now that are against teams in the bottom half of the table in your next seven fixtures.
04:06 Do you say to the players, this is an opportunity for us to really try and put some points on
04:11 the board?
04:12 Yeah, every game has an opportunity.
04:16 I don't think we can be selective.
04:20 But first things first, there's a game now at the weekend, that's the only one that matters.
04:29 And that's the only thing really I've been thinking about if I'm honest.
04:32 Can I ask about Jordan Bale, how's he getting on?
04:46 So the latest I heard was that he was progressing well.
04:51 With those injuries though, I can't put a time on it.
04:54 Can I ask about Samuel Baston as well, it looks like he's back at the club but he's
04:58 been out in Turkey on loan this season.
04:59 What's his situation?
05:00 So usually you're quite sharp with your information but he's been back at the club and left the
05:07 club already three weeks ago so he's back in Turkey now.
05:10 So what was the issue?
05:14 He had a knee problem and got fixed.
05:19 He's soon to be healthy so hopefully he'll be able to finish the season.
05:23 I think that's the goal, that he finishes the season in Turkey and then he comes back
05:27 in the summer.
05:28 Last season as well you had a clear identity, didn't you?
05:32 At the start of the season you had to adapt that a little bit after the start you had.
05:35 Is it fair to say in doing that you maybe lost a bit of that identity in making those
05:39 changes at the start of the season?
05:41 Do you know what, I'm answering the same question in two different ways sometimes.
05:45 Sometimes it's like you're holding on to it, then you've changed it.
05:49 In reality we operate at a level where some of the things just get imposed on us.
05:57 We talk about the smaller, the bigger teams.
06:02 I have zero complaints about it because still we want to compete at this level.
06:07 It's just to say all of these teams have got probably various rounds of investment behind
06:16 them into the squad which makes their squads quite strong to our level.
06:22 Every game is against a very strong squad that we play against in this league.
06:27 What I'm trying to say by this is just like last year we were able to impose to most teams
06:31 what we wanted to do, better teams can impose things on you but then it's whether you accept
06:37 it or not.
06:38 For us, every single game we try and have a variety of ways to be in the game, to have
06:47 a chance to have a result.
06:49 Obviously I'm speaking now on the back of the Palace game and going down to ten men
06:53 and everything like this.
06:55 I think for now the mission is much more simple than that.
06:58 It's just on the Sunday try and answer on the pitch much more than in here.
07:05 In fact I would love the answer to be on the pitch on Sunday.
07:13 Vincent you went across to the fans after the game on Saturday at Palace.
07:17 How important is it that you try and keep that connection with supporters?
07:20 Obviously easier last year when the team is winning, presumably more difficult this year
07:24 when it's not.
07:26 Yeah but look it's fine.
07:30 It's fine.
07:36 You do have to be… we're all in it with our passions and our emotions.
07:45 We take a real punch to the guts when we lose and it hurts, just like the fans do.
07:52 We lift ourselves throughout the week to just go again and that hope builds up throughout
07:56 the week just like it will again for the game now.
07:59 But in moments like this I always find it difficult.
08:02 You say you go to the fans when it's going well and you give them the fist bump and then
08:05 when it's going badly all of a sudden what are you going to do?
08:07 Run inside.
08:09 So I just try and show that we have consistency in this and we respect the club, we respect
08:18 the hearts and minds of the people involved in the club, whether it's fans or everybody
08:26 else and other than giving our best and this is what we always do, that's the most important
08:31 thing.
08:32 The question was asked after the game, "Did you go and apologise?"
08:37 No, no way.
08:39 Work too hard.
08:40 If you work hard and you do your job from morning to the evening with everything you've
08:46 got, you give it your all, you don't go and apologise.
08:49 But being respectful 100% and being together, yes, and just believing in the good times
08:56 coming again.
08:57 I would love nothing more than to go back to the fans and do the fist bumps again.
09:01 So that's how I visualise Sunday by the way, hopefully.
09:05 And being respectful of Bournemouth by the way, I know they're a good team but those
09:09 are things you have to have in your mind, that's how you have to approach it.
09:12 Obviously you're desperate to be successful in these final dozen games but whether you
09:15 stay up or not, how important is it just to try and end well?
09:19 I don't want to do scenario thinking too much but for sure we want every game to reflect
09:31 who we are.
09:32 Obviously the Palace game doesn't reflect that and you take all the events of the game
09:40 into context, but that's all we want.
09:43 We want to make sure that the team reflects us.
09:45 If we work hard all week, we want to see that come through at the weekend.
09:50 And the result will always dictate your mood after a game, but even more so if you don't
09:58 show your true self and that's all we focus on.
10:01 Thank you.
10:02 During your playing career you had the role of captain and had to support and motivate
10:09 your team through some difficult challenges.
10:11 What do you take from that experience into your job as manager of Burnley now?
10:15 Do you know what, it's a good question.
10:19 I think if you would have asked me a year ago, I would have simplified it to, I was
10:26 a captain and therefore you'd always have to show lead by example.
10:31 So obviously if you stop believing as a captain, why would you expect from your teammates to
10:35 be any different, especially the younger ones?
10:37 But I think now having lived it in that way, I think it goes much deeper than that.
10:42 And I explained it to some of the colleagues not so long ago, it goes to the core of who
10:47 you are.
10:48 I can draw back as far back as the experiences of my dad, the experiences of my mum and the
10:55 hardship they went through, the experiences of my brothers and sister.
10:59 And then I'm going and looking at it and I'm like, really?
11:02 Can you?
11:03 No, you have to go and you have to believe.
11:07 And then it doesn't come, it's not forced, it's really genuine, I have that.
11:12 And I don't need many more people to believe.
11:15 I'm fine on my own, but I do.
11:22 Just wondering when it comes to team selection, are you wary at this point in the season now
11:26 with the run being as it is, of any of your younger players suffering any scarring from
11:31 this that might hold them back in the future, whether you might be trying to take some people
11:35 out?
11:36 No, I think I try not to focus too much at this point in time on the individual aspect.
11:43 I play the team that hopefully gives us the best chance to ever win.
11:50 But you can't shy away from these moments, you've got to go through it.
11:54 Sometimes it takes you a season, sometimes it takes you just a couple of games and then
11:58 you learn from it.
11:59 But one way or another, you've got to be exposed to it to benefit from it.
12:04 So I think in hindsight, not in hindsight, sorry, I think if you fast forward for a couple
12:11 of players, this period in their careers will be really, really valuable.
12:16 But my focus right now is purely who are the guys who are able to run and fight and hopefully
12:23 get us points on Sunday.
12:26 In terms of that running and fighting and showing you something, are you looking now
12:31 at this point in the season for people, whether you are looking to be in the Prem next season
12:36 and do better or whether you're looking to come back up, are you looking for signs from
12:40 some people that they are desperate to be the ones who are here on the pitch next season?
12:44 But I think if you make a latest assessment of our squad, we've suffered like any team
12:49 in the Premier League.
12:50 I think, was it today that the statistic came out about the amount of injuries in the Prem?
12:55 And how far we were doing?
12:57 I thought we were suffering more than other teams and we're not at all.
13:00 So we have the same problem.
13:01 We have a lot of injured players.
13:03 So the guys who are either starting or on the bench with the five substitutions, I think
13:09 everybody plays that role.
13:10 I don't think we can afford to cherry-pick.
13:12 It's really everyone is that important.
13:16 And we've had freak injuries this season, like the nature of what's happened to Foster,
13:22 to Baier, to so many key players as well for us.
13:25 And I don't complain one bit about it, but all I'm saying is I don't necessarily have
13:29 the luxury to cherry-pick.
13:30 It has to be the guys who are here.
13:33 We are here to visit Zeki.
13:45 When he was 19 he played in the fourth tier of Switzerland.
13:49 Between 13 and 19 he had never seen a professional youth academy in an extraordinary way.
13:56 Can you tell us what you think about his way?
13:59 When did you first hear about him and what makes him so special?
14:05 So obviously we followed his development for a number of years.
14:10 We saw him the first time I think when he was playing the club before Basel, which was
14:15 Lausanne.
14:19 And at that time for us he was an option already.
14:23 Followed his development and usually when you see a trajectory that goes upwards, you
14:26 kind of know that these type of plays still have a lot of room to grow.
14:33 But the story of going from the fourth tier to the Premier League, these type of stories,
14:38 they're all over football, right?
14:41 It's not necessarily where you start, it's how you develop throughout.
14:43 And he's shown many, many good signs and he's been exposed to the same challenges as everybody
14:49 else of course.
14:50 Does that answer the question?
14:51 Yes.
14:52 You are happy with him?
14:53 How do you see him?
14:54 He's doing well?
14:59 Yes, look, I did highlight that I'm not diving too much into the individuals right now.
15:05 I know you want to write a nice story about one of your Swiss citizens, but I'm really
15:14 in a focus mode on the game now.
15:16 The main thing is he's been great around the place and we're happy to have him.
15:24 He's got plenty of years ahead of him where he's going to be able to showcase his talent
15:28 at the highest level, I have no doubt.
