• l’année dernière
00:00 [Musique]
00:04 Monsanto,
00:05 where creative chemistry works wonders for you.
00:08 [Musique]
00:10 Je me demande quelle vérité vais-je donner,
00:14 celle que je connais ou celle que le ministère me dit de dire.
00:18 [Musique]
00:20 I have never seen a situation
00:24 where one company could have so much overwhelming influence
00:28 at the highest levels of regulatory decision making
00:32 as the example of Monsanto with its GM food policy in the government.
00:36 One day I was escorted to the door and all that was it, I was done.
00:40 We were dismissed for disobedience.
00:42 They fired us.
00:43 Our job was to look at what will happen
00:47 if you are including these potatoes in the diet of the rat.
00:52 It started to recognize the GM potatoes as alien.
00:57 The animal feeding studies provide some reassurance
01:00 that no major changes occurred.
01:02 I want 100% reassurance, not just some.
01:05 I have to say, we would never trust a company like Monsanto
01:09 to tell the truth about a pollution problem or about a product.
01:13 They've always said genetic engineering is the way to get to patenting,
01:18 but patenting is the real.
01:20 One shot, all it takes for weeds round up.
01:24 I've got a soybean in my hand here and I can eat this soybean.
01:27 It's very safe, very safe.
01:30 This is snow creek.
01:32 It comes from the plant and it was poisoning.
01:35 They never told anybody, but they told the state.
01:37 The state didn't tell us.
01:38 Their neighbors in Anniston were not told about the poisoning
01:42 because they didn't want to lose one dollar.
01:46 We will depend on them for every seed we grow, of every crop we grow.
01:50 If they control seed, they control food, they know it.
01:52 It's strategic, it's more powerful than bombs, it's more powerful than guns.
01:57 As you know, Pazolac from Monsanto is the first and only BST product
02:10 to be approved by the FDA for your use.
02:12 They fail to look at the most important thing,
02:17 and that is this pus in the milk.
02:19 The FDA has been lying to the world since 1992.
02:23 We are touching something that is not touchable,
02:27 that is so big, so powerful.
02:29 Either it is GM or biotechnology,
02:32 they are truly making the farmers completely dependent on the market forces.
02:37 Within six months, 680 suicides, so it's a disaster.
02:42 You can't defend yourself against these people.
02:49 They've created a little industry
02:52 that serves no other purpose than to wreck farmers' lives.
02:57 Of course they're afraid.
02:58 Give it a try.
03:14 [Musique]