Rivals Face Off In CHAOTIC Pro Day Challenge | VIVA TV

  • 6 months ago
Handsome Hank | Viva TV
00:00 Ben Mintz was supposed to be participating in this.
00:02 According to Dave, all of Mintz's winnings will be donated to the winner of this combine.
00:07 You thought that your personal life and your personal whatever, your poker is more important than barcelona.
00:12 I didn't see any reason why I should participate in the combine and I'm just gonna do pro day instead.
00:16 You're gonna either be fight or flight.
00:18 Fight! Fight! Fight!
00:19 Fight! Fight!
00:21 [Groans]
00:22 Yeah, pro day. Pro day.
00:24 Don't miss it.
00:25 We have liftoff.
00:26 [Music]
00:35 Just a slap in the face.
00:37 It's like we don't ask Mintz to do basically anything.
00:40 What does he do all day?
00:41 I'm always more interested in people.
00:42 Nothing.
00:43 Not another thing.
00:44 So you're paying him nothing.
00:45 There he is.
00:46 I thought about it after everything we said and I agree.
00:49 I'm totally in the wrong year.
00:50 I exercise very poor decision-making.
00:53 This show is a gesture of goodwill and because I love what Dave's doing with his speeches.
00:58 Donating a thousand amount of money to your lifeline charity.
01:01 I have a pocket.
01:02 You won 14 bucks.
01:03 That is amazing.
01:05 That's 1/14th of your paycheck.
01:07 Get him off.
01:08 That was the most insulting thing he's done.
01:11 No, no, no.
01:12 Bring him back.
01:13 Disgusting.
01:14 Disgusting.
01:15 This is why it will never be fixed.
01:17 I thought for sure he's doing the whole thing.
01:20 A thousand bucks, you won 14,000.
01:23 I get zero cents to that 14,000.
01:26 Why?
01:26 Zero.
01:27 The way the poker world works, I have backers and I'm down not a small amount of money.
01:32 Mincy texted me and said, "I got free entry."
01:35 I get the free entry.
01:37 I get to keep that money.
01:39 Like I get to keep it and my backers put me out.
01:41 You have $2,500 in your pocket?
01:45 Yeah.
01:47 So what you're doing...
01:47 So you just said you made nothing from the tournament.
01:50 You just said it.
01:51 Yeah.
01:52 You truly are working multiple jobs.
01:55 I am looking pretty fly today, I will say.
01:57 It's like funny, so when I moved to New York and Brandon Walker always had like the big haircuts,
02:01 I was like, "I'm never going to be like that."
02:02 And now I'm like turning into that.
02:04 I guess it's like a thing when you turn 40, I don't know.
02:06 I feel like I'm looking pretty fly for a white guy.
02:07 Let's go.
02:08 How did it go on the unnamed show today?
02:11 I mean, it was something.
02:12 It was pretty wild, to be honest.
02:14 He was really pissed off and rightfully so.
02:17 But he was just like, "I don't know what to do with you."
02:19 I don't know.
02:19 It was really...
02:21 I mean, I'm still here.
02:21 I'm still standing, you know.
02:24 I'm going to try not to miss any more mandatory company events, so I can assure you of that.
02:27 We've got some new dance stats coming in.
02:29 This is for like pro athletes.
02:31 You know what we're going to use it for.
02:32 It's like the biomechanical data, like distance, speed,
02:36 like whenever they talk about load metrics in basketball, load management, how to utilize it.
02:40 We should just make Mincy wear this all day.
02:42 Mincy!
02:43 Mincy!
02:44 What's up, boys?
02:44 How we doing?
02:46 Is this my tag?
02:47 So where do I run to?
02:48 So we'll do, let's say, 15 events.
02:50 We already have five set that are just the same as last time.
02:53 I would love to just see a Mincy vs. Clemmer pro day.
02:56 I know.
02:56 Get Clemmer out here.
02:59 Get him out here tonight.
03:00 If we get Clemmer out here tonight, I'll pay for it.
03:02 Just the two of them just going mano-a-mano.
03:04 I need you to get on a flight to Chicago tonight.
03:08 Tonight? Okay.
03:09 It's going to be a Mincy vs. Clemmer mano-a-mano pro day.
03:13 Okay, I can do that.
03:14 And we'll do a cash prize.
03:16 Okay, I like that too.
03:17 Perfect.
03:17 All right, thank you, Clemmer.
03:18 I'll text you in a minute.
03:20 All right, okay, bye.
03:21 I mean, I thought I did okay.
03:28 I didn't know I was going to do that.
03:32 Tomorrow's going to be something.
03:34 Journey to the Acne tomorrow.
03:36 Probably.
03:45 Like we did a good mix of it's like half and half physical
03:48 mental or other challenges.
03:50 It's going to be fun.
03:51 I'm amped up.
03:52 It's going to be I haven't announced this yet, but I'll announce
03:55 it when we start the show, but it's going to be if you win, you
03:57 get $2,500 cash.
03:59 Okay, Mincy wins.
04:00 I'm going to donate $2,500 to Mississippi State's NIL.
04:03 I want to hurt him.
04:04 He can't win.
04:05 Yeah, he can't win.
04:06 Like he has his punishment and also if he loses, he's going
04:10 to have to go in the ice.
04:11 So you have no punishment.
04:13 Okay, I like that.
04:14 Yeah, feeling good.
04:15 I did not fly all the way out here to lose.
04:17 I am committed and determined to beat Mincy today.
04:21 If I walk away with an L, if I fly back home and now it's going
04:23 to be a disastrous life for me.
04:24 All I want to say is this, Chris Clemmer, I didn't see your ass
04:27 out there running the St.
04:28 Jude half marathon with me two months ago.
04:30 I don't give a shit how thin you are.
04:32 I think there's a situation.
04:33 We've got one of the funniest body type matchups in the history
04:37 of mankind.
04:38 We've got 135 pound Clemmer.
04:40 I think I'm like to between 240 and 250 right now, but I do
04:44 have stamina.
04:44 What's it?
04:45 You can't judge a book by its cover.
04:46 And that's what I would say if you looked at my current physical
04:49 body and brain.
04:50 No matter what, you're always still alive because the 20th
04:53 event, the gauntlet will decide who the ultimate winner is
04:56 because the 19 events have to mean something.
04:58 How it's going to work is, let's say Clemmer wins 10 and Mincy
05:02 wins 9. Clemmer then gets to eliminate one thing from the gauntlet.
05:06 So no matter what, even if you think that you're out of it,
05:08 you can still have an incredible gauntlet and win the whole
05:10 thing. Petra Perhomes is going to turn back time at Pro Day
05:13 today. I would hope I get drafted better than he went.
05:16 What? 11th?
05:16 No, he went 10th overall.
05:17 You know, a lot of people when you know your value is really
05:19 high, you can skip combine and just work out at Pro Day.
05:22 So that's kind of what we're going for here. 35 yard dash,
05:25 same as combine bench press.
05:26 I think it's just the bar. The knot challenge.
05:28 They have to decide the most complicated knot they can think
05:30 of. Three cone drill, fast banana.
05:32 That's what Mincy was born to do. QB accuracy is push. The
05:35 flag football, flag pool.
05:36 I think each of them have two flags and are scurrying around
05:39 and have to pluck both. Grilled cheese challenge.
05:42 They have unsliced bread. Mincy might lose a finger. Tug of
05:45 War. The paint mixing challenge is my personal favorite.
05:47 Three primary colors in blue, yellow, red, and they have to
05:51 make orange, purple, and green. The speed demon agility ladder.
05:55 That's Mincy's bread and butter. Twister, best two out of
05:57 three. Clemmer's a flexible guy. Suicides, the running, not
06:02 the act. Maybe, wait, no, they're killing themselves.
06:05 Stephen Che celebrity guesser.
06:07 That's the most infuriating shit on the fucking planet.
06:09 Wide receiver turnaround catch drill.
06:11 I think somebody's gonna break a nose. Chubby bunny, the RC
06:13 car chase. The notes app apology.
06:15 They have to tweet the Vegas notes app on Twitter. Bobbing
06:17 for apples. And then the 20th event is the yak gauntlet, of
06:21 course, for the win. The gauntlet is ready.
06:24 [music]
06:50 [cheering]
06:53 Good stance.
06:54 [whistle]
06:55 Go. He's off.
06:56 Yep. Yes. Yep. Yes. Yep. Yes. Yep. Yes.
06:59 Nice.
07:00 That was laser focus.
07:01 [whistle]
07:02 Oh.
07:03 [laughter]
07:04 I think he's gonna beat him.
07:06 Oh my god.
07:07 Oh.
07:08 Oh.
07:09 Clemmer's up one-nothing.
07:10 One-nothing.
07:11 Wow.
07:12 [music]
07:15 62. 62. 62 reps.
07:20 I wanted 69. Damn it.
07:23 Yeah. Yeah.
07:24 Beat it up. Yeah.
07:25 Beast.
07:26 [laughter]
07:28 Woo!
07:29 Five.
07:30 [cheering]
07:32 Five official reps for Chris Clemmer.
07:35 Yeah.
07:36 Was it like that when he was--
07:37 [laughter]
07:38 Oh, no.
07:39 No, it was like that.
07:40 Oh, no, Vince.
07:41 You were knocking on titles. You did it wrong.
07:43 You were supposed to do the brakes.
07:44 Oh, he walks off.
07:46 [cheering]
07:47 He walked off on him.
07:48 Got it.
07:49 All right.
07:50 Clemmer.
07:51 I guarantee a win.
07:52 He will not win.
07:53 I am gonna beat him by at least a second,
07:55 but I'm guaranteeing a win.
07:56 Almost dented.
07:57 A lot of arm.
07:58 [laughter]
07:59 What a fast arm.
08:01 [laughter]
08:02 Oh.
08:03 What a finish.
08:04 Oh.
08:05 [laughter]
08:06 Okay, so it is now three to one, Clemmer.
08:09 Guaranteed.
08:10 Oh, yeah.
08:11 Oh, yeah.
08:12 Here he goes.
08:13 Not even close.
08:14 Here he goes.
08:15 Here he goes.
08:16 Here he goes.
08:17 Uh-oh.
08:18 Uh-oh.
08:19 Oh, boy.
08:20 Here he goes.
08:21 Uh-oh.
08:22 [cheering]
08:23 Banana king.
08:24 Banana king.
08:25 Oh, hail the banana king.
08:27 The banana king.
08:28 [laughter]
08:29 Okay, he hit the net.
08:31 One.
08:32 One.
08:33 He's good.
08:34 Two.
08:35 Oh, shoot.
08:36 He's good.
08:37 Damn.
08:38 Oh, shoot.
08:39 Oh, shoot.
08:40 Oh, shoot.
08:41 Damn.
08:42 Oh, there we go.
08:43 Oh, close.
08:44 Yeah.
08:45 Mocking.
08:46 Okay.
08:47 Fuck.
08:48 Uh-oh.
08:49 Uh-oh, he's feeling the heat.
08:50 Fuck.
08:51 God damn it.
08:52 [cheering]
08:53 The third W, the boy's a website.
08:54 Fuck.
08:55 All right, Clemmer's attack.
08:56 Here comes the bird.
08:57 Like a cat.
08:58 [laughter]
08:59 Oh, great.
09:00 Oh.
09:01 [laughter]
09:02 Don't go out of bounds.
09:03 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:04 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:05 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:06 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:07 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:08 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:09 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:10 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:11 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:12 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:13 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:14 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:15 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:16 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:17 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:18 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:19 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:20 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:21 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:22 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:23 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:24 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:25 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:26 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:27 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:28 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:29 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:30 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:31 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:33 Oh, boom!
09:34 Oh, oh!
09:35 Oh, oh!
09:36 Oh, oh!
09:37 Oh, oh!
09:38 Oh, oh!
09:39 Oh, oh!
09:40 Oh, camera broken.
09:41 Camera broken.
09:42 Oh, no.
09:43 Oh, no.
09:44 Oh, no.
09:45 Oh, no.
09:46 That's a very expensive camera.
09:47 That's a very expensive camera.
09:48 I think Clubber got a little too cocky there.
09:49 I think Clubber got a little too cocky there.
09:50 She be laying out there, boys.
09:51 There we go.
09:52 There we go.
09:53 They barely moved.
09:54 Yeah, no, that was very calm.
09:55 Yeah, no, that was very calm.
09:56 Oh, the butt to the baguette.
09:57 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:58 Oh, he's got the bird.
09:59 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:00 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:01 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:02 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:03 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:04 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:05 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:06 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:07 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:08 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:09 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:10 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:11 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:12 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:13 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:14 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:15 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:16 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:17 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:18 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:19 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:20 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:21 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:22 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:23 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:24 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:25 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:26 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:27 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:28 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:29 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:30 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:31 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:32 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:33 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:34 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:35 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:36 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:37 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:38 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:39 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:40 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:41 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:42 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:43 Oh, he's got the bird.
10:44 Oh, no.
10:45 I think I've made my decision.
10:46 Oh, no.
10:47 I'm going to go with Plymer as well.
10:48 OK.
10:49 Plymer.
10:50 Plymer.
10:51 You're on the board.
10:52 Wow.
10:53 Oh, no.
10:54 Oh, no.
10:55 Oh, Plymer.
10:56 All right, so you got a mic.
10:57 Purple.
10:58 It's purple, yeah.
10:59 Oh, orange, orange, orange, orange.
11:00 That's green.
11:01 That's green.
11:02 OK, you're green.
11:03 All right, time.
11:04 You're purple.
11:05 He did it.
11:06 That was a fast one.
11:07 You're purple.
11:08 You're purple.
11:09 You're purple.
11:10 You're purple.
11:11 You're purple.
11:12 OK, all right.
11:13 Oh, no.
11:14 He did it.
11:15 That was a fast purple.
11:16 No, no.
11:17 Blindfold?
11:18 Blindfold is smart.
11:19 Oh, that was quick.
11:20 Wow, this is going to be an upset here, isn't it?
11:24 Oh.
11:25 That's green.
11:26 Green.
11:27 Wow.
11:28 Oh, wow.
11:29 Oh, no.
11:30 Oh, my God.
11:31 Oh, no.
11:32 Plymer.
11:33 Speed Demon.
11:34 Oh.
11:35 Demon.
11:36 That's it.
11:37 Demon Speed Demon.
11:38 Left foot green.
11:39 Oh, wow.
11:40 What?
11:41 Plymer did it.
11:42 Plymer did it.
11:43 Oh.
11:44 That's it.
11:45 Yeah, he left it.
11:48 Lift.
11:49 All right, Plymer won.
11:52 Plymer won.
11:53 Plymer won.
11:54 All right, we're off to-- Plymer taking the lead.
11:58 Look at him go.
11:59 Oh, shit.
12:00 Oh, no.
12:01 Oh, no.
12:02 Oh, no.
12:03 Go.
12:04 Run, run, run.
12:05 Another one.
12:06 Mitchie, go.
12:07 Mitchie, you got it.
12:09 You got it.
12:10 I'm saying, give us the first letter of one of the TV shows.
12:14 Oh, Melissa Joan Hart.
12:15 Correct.
12:16 Yeah.
12:17 Yeah, all right.
12:18 Here we go.
12:19 Oh, oh, oh.
12:20 Yes.
12:21 Oh, butterfingers.
12:23 Two.
12:24 Got it.
12:25 Three.
12:26 Oh, no.
12:27 Four.
12:28 Oh, wow.
12:29 Oh, that's one.
12:30 Two.
12:31 Oh, no.
12:32 Oh, no.
12:33 Three.
12:34 Oh.
12:35 Oh, no.
12:36 Wait, did it get his eye?
12:39 Oh, no.
12:40 Mitchie, you all right?
12:41 I'm all right.
12:42 I just-- I need some ice.
12:44 Oh, shit.
12:45 Oh, no.
12:47 [LAUGHTER]
12:48 Plymer.
12:49 Plymer won that.
12:50 Yeah.
12:51 Plymer's up.
12:52 Driving, he's taking a right.
12:53 Oh, this is going to be easy.
12:54 This should be very quick.
12:55 Oh, no.
12:56 Mitchie, that took--
12:57 I don't know.
12:58 Mitchie just drove it right to him.
12:59 Go get him.
13:00 Go get him.
13:01 Oh, no.
13:02 Oh, no.
13:03 Oh, no.
13:04 Oh, no.
13:05 Oh, no.
13:06 Oh, no.
13:07 Do we have a ham?
13:08 Oh, no.
13:09 Oh, no.
13:10 Six in a row.
13:11 Let's fucking go.
13:12 Six.
13:13 When I was in college, I made a lot of mistakes.
13:14 I've grown a lot in the last four years, and that is in my past.
13:15 I take full responsibility for my actions.
13:16 My decisions were nobody's fault but mine.
13:17 I look forward to redeeming my name in the--
13:18 That was damn good.
13:19 Not bad.
13:20 Pretty good, Mitchie.
13:21 All with the header.
13:22 Good.
13:23 I mean, to say the least, it was pretty good.
13:24 I mean, we got a lot of good players.
13:25 We got a lot of good players.
13:26 We got a lot of good players.
13:27 I mean, it was pretty good.
13:28 I mean, it was pretty good.
13:29 I look forward to redeeming my name in the--
13:30 That was damn good.
13:31 Not bad.
13:32 Pretty good, Mitchie.
13:33 All with the header.
13:34 I mean, to say in the last 10 years instead of four years.
13:35 That's fine.
13:36 First and foremost, I'm ashamed of myself.
13:37 I know I let a lot of people down, and for that, I am so terribly sorry.
13:38 It was a total lapse of judgment that I promise will never happen again.
13:39 Very vague.
13:40 I understand everyone will judge me, and that's expected, and I agree with any negativity sent
13:41 my way.
13:42 I love you all.
13:43 Damn.
13:44 Both good.
13:45 All right.
13:46 Mitchie won it.
13:47 Yes.
13:48 Mitchie won it.
13:49 Mitchie won it.
13:50 All right, so 10 to eight.
13:51 10 to eight.
13:52 All right.
13:53 All right.
13:54 Mitchie won it.
13:55 Yes.
13:56 Mitchie won it.
13:57 Mitchie won it.
13:58 All right, so 10 to eight.
13:59 10 to eight.
14:00 Oh, wow.
14:01 Mitchie's going deep.
14:02 Goddamn, Mitch.
14:03 Mitch.
14:04 [LAUGHTER]
14:05 Come on.
14:06 Uh-oh.
14:07 Oh, the flipper's killing him.
14:08 Uh-oh.
14:09 Oh.
14:10 Yes.
14:11 Hey.
14:12 Go, Mitchie.
14:13 You're getting out.
14:14 There's little chunks of apples starting to float around in Mitchie's.
14:15 His shoulders are wet.
14:16 [LAUGHTER]
14:17 Here we go.
14:18 No one got it.
14:19 No one got it.
14:20 Oh my God.
14:21 Oh, my God.
14:22 Oh, my God.
14:24 Oh.
14:25 Holy shit.
14:26 Mitchie's on fire.
14:27 Oh, look at him.
14:28 Oh, he's--
14:29 Oh.
14:30 Oh, no.
14:31 Mitchie's flinging them out of the pot.
14:32 Oh.
14:33 [LAUGHTER]
14:34 Holy shit.
14:35 What a cut there.
14:36 Oh.
14:37 Another one.
14:38 Oh, my God.
14:39 This is the most incredible performance I've ever seen.
14:41 Come on, Mitchie.
14:42 He's going-- he's got to be like drowning.
14:44 Seven seconds, six, five--
14:47 [CHEERING]
14:48 Look at this guy.
14:49 I've never seen a performance like that in my life.
14:51 I thought Mitchie was fucked.
14:53 That was incredible.
14:54 Go change.
14:55 Both you guys go change.
14:56 I don't want to get the court wet.
14:57 And it all comes down to this.
14:58 Three, two, one, go.
15:02 Go.
15:03 It's gauntlet time.
15:04 Pick up multiple bags.
15:05 It's gauntlet time.
15:06 There you go.
15:07 It's gauntlet time.
15:08 Oh, he's struggling a little bit here.
15:09 There he goes.
15:10 There we go, Mitchie.
15:11 OK.
15:12 [LAUGHTER]
15:14 That's got to get--
15:15 That's good.
15:16 Football, football.
15:17 --a clean start.
15:18 The ultimate underdog.
15:19 It's got it.
15:20 Oh, my god.
15:21 He's on fire right now.
15:23 Trip over the cornhole.
15:24 Oh, no.
15:26 He just got a ball from the opposite side of the rack.
15:29 Why?
15:30 What is he doing?
15:31 That's what--
15:32 [LAUGHTER]
15:33 Still--
15:34 Go.
15:35 Yes, come, Mitchie.
15:36 Watch out.
15:37 Watch out for the cornhole.
15:38 Watch out for the cornhole.
15:39 Time's still fine, man.
15:40 Time's still fine.
15:41 Oh, come on.
15:42 Got it.
15:43 Sporkle, sporkle.
15:44 Here he comes, limping in.
15:45 Jeff and Matt, guitar, bass, drums, saxophone.
15:51 Carmelo, Kobe, LeBron, Tim Duncan.
15:56 Oh, dairy, wheat, vegetables, fruit, meat.
16:03 Time.
16:04 Woo!
16:05 3-0-2.
16:06 That's tough to beat.
16:07 3, 2, 1, go.
16:11 All right.
16:12 OK.
16:13 There you go.
16:14 Oh, no, he's off.
16:15 Oh, he needs a little more-- oh, there he goes.
16:17 There you go.
16:18 There you go.
16:19 There you go.
16:24 [CHEERING]
16:26 From anywhere.
16:29 Uh-oh.
16:30 Same ball.
16:31 Uh-oh.
16:32 There it is.
16:33 What a shot.
16:35 Very hard, though.
16:36 Oh, close.
16:37 Get the ball.
16:38 Oh, my god.
16:39 He could do it.
16:40 He could do it.
16:41 He just needs one.
16:42 He just needs one.
16:43 You're doing great, Clemmer.
16:45 That was--
16:46 Oh, so close.
16:47 Come on.
16:48 Find it, Clemmer.
16:49 Yes!
16:50 It's in here.
16:51 Put on your glasses.
16:53 Frank talking to Joe Namath, Allen Iverson,
16:55 Carmelo Anthony, Octopussy, Brett Favre, Eli Manning, wheat,
17:02 dairy, fruits, vegetables, bread.
17:06 He got it!
17:07 [CHEERING]
17:09 Clemmer did it.
17:10 Yeah!
17:12 Fuck yeah!
17:13 Yeah!
17:14 Yeah!
17:16 Fuck yeah!
17:18 Yeah!
17:19 Clemmer!
17:20 237.
17:22 Clemmer.
17:23 I'm impressed.
17:24 Fuck!
17:25 Fuck yeah!
17:26 Wow.
17:27 [LAUGHTER]
17:28 Great work.
17:29 Where's Vincent?
17:30 Oh, my god.
17:31 Incredible.
17:32 Incredible.
17:33 Incredible.
17:34 Congratulations.
17:35 This is a great job.
17:36 Yeah.
17:37 Sit back down, boys.
17:39 Clemmer, $2,500 cash to your pocket right now.
17:42 Here it is.
17:43 Thank you, Dan.
17:44 Yes.
17:45 Thank you.
17:46 Incredible competitor.
17:47 Incredible day.
17:49 Mincy redeemed.
17:50 Mincy redeemed.
17:52 Mincy was a warrior.
17:53 Got hit in the eye.
17:54 His quad was bothering.
17:56 He didn't complain.
17:57 I would love to play him again in the season.
17:59 Thank you, guys.
18:00 Everyone likes Spider.
18:01 Yeah, absolutely.
18:02 Gary, all the production people like--
18:04 Page and cable.
18:05 I felt like I was in a game.
18:06 It was the funnest game show ever.
18:08 Thank you so much, guys.
18:09 That was so much fun.
18:10 Yes.
18:11 And now, Mincy, you do have to get in the tub.
18:14 Drop your drawers.
18:15 Yeah, drop your drawers.
18:16 Get in there.
18:17 Get in the tub.
18:18 I've given out too many thrills already.
18:19 [LAUGHTER]
18:21 You're a warrior, Mincy.
18:22 Can I even fit in this thing?
18:23 Yeah, just get your feet in.
18:24 Hopefully not.
18:25 Just get your legs in.
18:27 This ain't-- ah, this actually ain't near as bad as I thought.
18:32 Get your ass down as far as you can.
18:34 OK, now it's getting bad.
18:35 I don't know if he's going to--
18:37 I'm going as far as I can.
18:39 I've just got a wide body.
18:40 That's not--
18:41 That's y'all's fault for not having a tub out here.
18:43 Ah-ha!
18:44 Ha-ha!
18:45 Hoo!
18:46 Oh, boy.
18:47 Big day today.
18:48 We got 2023 NASCAR Cup Series champion Ryan Blaney
18:51 coming into the Chicago office.
18:53 He's going to be on the yak.
18:54 I'm going to give a tour of the office.
18:56 It's going to be great.
18:57 None of this would be possible without today's episode
18:59 sponsor, NASCAR.
19:00 Thank you so much for NASCAR sponsoring
19:02 this episode of Viva TV.
19:03 NASCAR is coming back to Chicago following their inaugural
19:06 street race last season.
19:07 We're getting another one this year, July 6th, 7th weekend.
19:10 It's going to be a great weekend.
19:12 We've got something for everyone,
19:13 even if you're not a race fan.
19:14 They've got great musical acts, including Keith Urban,
19:17 Chain Smokers, The Black Keys, Laura and Elena.
19:20 So there's going to be something for everyone
19:22 July 6th, 7th weekend.
19:23 Go on to NASCARchicago.com for tickets today.
19:26 Don't miss the event.
19:27 We're going to have a massive bar stool contingency at the race,
19:30 and you should be there, too.
19:31 So get some tickets for yourself.
19:32 We'll see you at the race.
19:33 But for now, you're going to see me with Ryan Blaney.
19:35 Can I unveil this?
19:36 Yeah, yeah.
19:37 Go ahead.
19:38 Oh, wow.
19:39 This is incredible.
19:40 The coolest part about the Bill France trophy, in my opinion,
19:43 is the fact that it has every single track interweaved
19:46 in the actual trophy, which is pretty cool.
19:48 Pocono, you see there?
19:49 That looks like Daytona.
19:50 That's Bristol right there.
19:51 Yeah, Bristol, yeah.
19:52 Incredible.
19:53 One of the best trophies in sports, one of the best feats.
19:55 And we have NASCAR Cup Series champion Ryan Blaney
19:57 with us today.
19:58 What a blessing.
19:59 How much does this thing weigh?
20:00 You think I can lift it?
20:01 It's 80 pounds.
20:02 Oh, my gosh.
20:03 That's an awkward-- like, it's slippery, too.
20:06 Like, there's no good handle on it.
20:08 That's just extra love.
20:09 I tried to infect the office with NASCAR love.
20:11 So we tried to fill this on Monday
20:13 and have everyone in here watching.
20:15 But Sundays are very stressful in here for NASCAR, football,
20:18 whatever it may be.
20:19 I'll watch sometimes, like, y'all's live or like a playback.
20:22 Yeah.
20:23 Sometimes it's heartbreaking, man.
20:24 It's very nerve-wracking.
20:25 This is the main event of the office.
20:27 Jersey Jerry actually did a--
20:29 he has a show called Jerry After Dark,
20:31 where he goes live on Tuesday nights.
20:33 And he does all different sort of challenges.
20:35 Actually, one of the streams that we're going to be doing
20:37 upcoming is the Gerritona 500.
20:39 I heard about that one.
20:40 We're going to have--
20:41 500 laps around the--
20:42 Yeah, something 500 miles.
20:43 No, no, no.
20:44 9,000 laps.
20:45 9,000.
20:46 500 miles?
20:47 We're doing the real deal, Ryan.
20:48 Come on.
20:49 He's not going to make it.
20:50 We're probably going to need some words of encouragement.
20:52 So feel free to chime in with any advice.
20:54 We got the yak going on back there.
20:56 We're going to have you jump on there in a little.
20:58 And we're going to run you through the Yak Gauntlet,
21:00 which is basically all the guests that come to our office.
21:03 We put them through a little time trial obstacle course.
21:06 What's the best time?
21:08 I think Big Cat holds the record at like two,
21:10 two minutes something.
21:11 So I'll be interested to see what 2023 NASCAR Cup Series
21:14 champion Ryan Blaney will run here today.
21:16 Don't expect much.
21:17 All right.
21:18 3, 2, 1, go.
21:24 Oh, he's off.
21:26 Oh, he's in.
21:27 Oh, he's good.
21:28 Shoes may be an issue.
21:29 Shoes could be an issue.
21:31 Oh!
21:32 Oh, that's not good.
21:33 Good ball, Blakey.
21:34 Get this.
21:35 Oh, my God.
21:36 Good ball, good ball.
21:37 Good ball, good ball.
21:38 15 seconds.
21:39 He's got the rebound.
21:40 No one helped him on the score.
21:41 He's got it.
21:42 30 seconds.
21:43 30 seconds.
21:44 30 seconds.
21:45 Sucks.
21:46 I hate that.
21:47 I have a mess.
21:48 TJ, your fingers are feeling ours, right?
21:50 He's got it.
21:51 Oh, wait.
21:52 Oh.
21:53 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
21:55 I'm really going to struggle here.
21:56 Oh, no.
21:57 That's a--
21:58 7 NBA players.
21:59 Buttercup, Bubbles, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Professor X,
22:03 Beast, North Carolina, New York Yankees, New York Mets.
22:06 Done.
22:07 Boom.
22:08 Wow.
22:09 Great time.
22:10 I was nervous.
22:11 Oh, my God.
22:12 I was legit nervous.
22:13 I knew I was going to--
22:14 I was legit nervous.
22:15 You fucking crushed that.
22:16 Holy shit.
22:17 Damn.
22:21 This is everything I ever dreamed of.
22:23 This is going to be my sole source of nutrients
22:25 for the next two years.
22:27 Thank you very much.
22:28 You take a bag, put it underneath this pouch,
22:31 put it right there, and then you press the button.
22:34 Logger goes.
22:35 You got popcorn.
22:36 When I had my first kid, I'm not sure I was this pleased.
22:39 [LAUGHTER]
22:40 It's huge.
22:42 Oh, man.
22:43 What did they think you were going to eat here?
22:45 Oh, my God.
22:46 This is insane.
22:47 Holy moly.
22:48 Oh, my God.
22:49 Wait, this is like the perfect spot for it, too.
22:50 Kyle said it looks like a dunk tank.
22:52 Yeah.
22:53 I am not cleaning this once again.
22:56 I worked at a movie theater for a year.
22:57 These take like an hour to clean, and they're--
22:59 dude, this is nice.
23:01 Wow.
23:02 Am I the only one that knows about Pope Gregory the 13th?
23:05 This is insane.
23:06 I thought, Megan, Megan, do you think
23:07 a frog invented leap day?
23:10 Is that what you think?
23:11 You think we have February 29 because of a frog?
23:13 Unbelievable.
23:14 Doing some popcorn.
23:17 [LAUGHTER]
23:18 I wanted to do this forever.
23:19 With the power granted to me, I would
23:21 like to officially announce the opening
23:23 of the Nuts on Clark popcorn machine
23:26 here at Barstool Sports.
23:27 [APPLAUSE]
23:29 There it is.
23:30 Yeah.
23:31 [APPLAUSE]
23:33 That's popcorn.
23:34 Thank you, guys.
23:35 God bless you guys.
23:37 Popcorn.
23:38 All right.
23:39 [LAUGHTER]
23:41 No.
23:44 No.
23:45 Go, Mark.
23:46 [SCREAMS]
23:47 Oh, fuck.
23:51 Yo, what's up, guys?
23:55 Thanks for watching the vlog.
23:56 Be sure to drop a like in the motherfucking comments.
23:59 Subscribe to Viva TV.
24:00 This is going in the basket.
