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ANARCHY RADIO Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The story follows an outspoken radio host, played by Drew Lopez, who uncovers a multinational corporation's plot to use his show for a mind control experiment. Racing against time, he aims to expose the truth and prevent the sinister plan, putting himself in danger.
00:00 [Crying]
00:01 You won't get me!
00:03 [Screaming]
00:04 We're exactly in phase one of an invasion.
00:07 You're listening to Anarchy Radio.
00:11 You can say anything, you can be anybody.
00:14 Unleash the power of freedom on the Anarchy Radio Show.
00:18 Exuberant, provocative, or some out of line decadent.
00:22 How do you explain all these titles you've been granted?
00:25 [Screaming]
00:29 You're a fucking rock star, my love.
00:31 I'm not crazy, okay? Someone is using our frequency.
00:34 What?
00:35 Some sort of shadow wave.
00:36 How's the project going?
00:37 Everything is going according to plan, sir.
00:39 [Screaming]
00:41 Andy, I hope you find this letter before then, brother.
00:45 Can't tell you much about them, other than that they're evil.
00:48 Before the war, I was working on the idea of influencing human thought with special electronic devices.
00:55 We are under attack.
00:57 They are willing to take control over our minds.
01:00 Why do you have a gun, Andy?
01:02 It means they're very powerful and extremely dangerous.
01:04 How dangerous?
01:05 Like the type you can end up in a hole in the desert dangerous.
01:07 Who are you?
01:08 We are the future.
01:10 Nobody knows where they came from.
01:12 The only thing we know for sure is that they have this tremendous power of controlling people's minds.
01:19 You are getting totally paranoid.
01:22 It's a blatant case of conspiracy theory.
01:24 He will reign amongst humans.
01:27 Massive increase of violence, attacks, suicide.
01:30 And you, my friend, have discovered the source.
01:33 So what can I do?
01:34 Accept their offer.
01:35 Are you serious?
01:36 We're exactly in phase one of an invasion.
01:40 They're creating the conditions to favor an attack.
01:42 Tonight is a dark night.
01:44 The darkest night I've ever lived.
01:46 Yeah!
01:47 Ha!
01:48 I don't want to do it.
01:51 But who am I to decide?
01:54 You're a monster.
01:55 I'm just a cog in the machine.
01:57 You're not a human.
01:58 You don't deserve to live.
02:00 I was just supposed to offer you a tiny, tiny part of the operation.
02:03 What operation?
02:04 I don't know, bitch!
02:05 We have the ability to get inside our heads, play with our thoughts, and make us do things that we don't want to do.
02:11 Andy, this is exactly what we love about you.
02:17 Call us right here on Anarchy Radio to speak your truth.
02:23 The only radio you could do it before the end of the world.
02:27 (engine revving)