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Caitlyn Heggie wins women's title at Nairn 10k 2024
00:00 First time that you've won the Nairn 10k?
00:02 Yeah, I actually did the 5k four years ago I think it was, like right before Covid, and I was the first woman at that and that was my first ever win.
00:09 So it was quite nice to come back and do it in the 10k.
00:12 So where do you rank this amongst your career so far? Because you've had quite a very good career so far.
00:19 Well this is definitely the best race I've done this season, like my cross-country season not gone how I wanted.
00:24 So I rank this pretty high, near nationals I would say.
00:28 A nice day but a cold day, what was it like to run in?
00:31 It was actually pretty nice, it was really windy going out, so like, I didn't realise how nice that wind was when we turned round because I started to sweat a lot.
00:39 But I would say it was pretty good actually, like 7 or 8 degrees.
00:43 What was your winning time?
00:45 I think I was around 36.15ish, give or so a few seconds either end.
00:50 Was that your target time?
00:51 I didn't really have a target time, I went in to kind of go and enjoy it and if like, I did well, it was like, use it as training almost.
00:59 But I did pick up the pace a little bit, so maybe not a training run, definitely a race.
01:04 So what's the target for the rest of the season now? Got anything in particular that you want to?
01:10 I've got the Young Athletes World Race, which is a 5k again.
01:13 I really want to get sub 17 in the 5k, but I don't know, I think it's all in the mind.
01:18 I think I've got the fitness, but it's my head that gives off a lot.
