‘Musica senza barriere’ a Torino contro la sordità, Conni (MED-EL) “Piena vita sociale con l’impianto cocleare”

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Udito 2024, l’Auditorium RAI Arturo Toscanini di Torino ha ospitato il concerto “Sound Sensation – Musica senza Barriere”, promosso da MED-EL in partnership con la RAI. “Oggi l’impianto cocleare può portare ai nostri pazienti una vera e piena integrazione nella vita sociale, e parlo della scuola, della vita lavorativa ma anche dello sport, della musica e di tutte le attività sociali – dichiara Gionata Conni, Marketing Manager di MED-EL Italia – Ecco quindi che il nostro impegno verso i nostri pazienti si è ampliato al di fuori delle mura dell’ospedale, con attività come Sound Sensation per sostenerli in questi momenti della vita”.


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 Sound Sensation was born two years ago by the will of Medel,
00:09 in his first Viennese edition, with the idea of making public
00:14 public opinion more aware of the results that the cochlear implant
00:19 can give to patients who suffer from deep hearing loss.
00:23 Medel is the company that produces the implant of all musicians
00:27 who will perform at Sound Sensation.
00:30 And since we could say today that an implant is for life,
00:34 the bond that is created between our implant carriers and
00:37 our company is a bond just as much for life.
00:41 And so it is our commitment not only to assist them inside the hospital
00:45 walls, where, of course, the bulk of this process takes place,
00:50 but also outside.
00:51 Especially in virtue of the fact that today the cochlear implant can
00:55 bring these patients to a real and full integration into social life.
01:00 I'm talking about school, I'm talking about working life, but
01:04 I'm also talking about sport, I'm talking about music and
01:06 all other social activities.
01:08 So our commitment to our patients, to whom, I repeat,
01:12 we are linked, has also expanded outside the hospital walls.
01:16 With activities like those of Sound Sensation to make them known and
01:21 support them in these moments of life.
01:25 The Lola technology is a free app that Medel has developed together with
01:30 its developers, Giacotti, and
01:32 that allows you to create a network of smartphones to transmit an audio signal.
01:40 Modern implants and modern prostheses today can be connected directly to
01:43 smartphones, and the result is to be able to transmit directly to the implant or
01:49 to the prosthesis the signal, so that the viewer receives it clearly and
01:54 cleanly.
01:56 Lola is an absolutely no-profit app for us,
02:00 it's a free app that you can download for free.
02:03 Anyone who wants to adopt it can do it at a very low cost.
02:08 Today we will cable the Toscanini with a couple of models and some cables.
02:13 It's an absolutely inclusive app, because it's not just for
02:16 Medel's implant carrier, but for patients who have any type of implant and prosthesis.
02:23 And this is part of Medel's genetics, of our mission,
02:28 as Medel is still a family-owned company, owned by the engineer who
02:33 developed the first cochlear implant in 1978.
02:37 And so our attention, our bond, is not towards our investors,
02:43 but towards our patients.
