Court métrageTranscription
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:04 Enrico Giammande passe 8 heures par jour
00:07 en trainant pour devenir le plus gentil de tous les racers de l'Italie.
00:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:14 Mais Enrico a un problème.
00:15 (coup de feu)
00:17 Il n'est pas en Italie.
00:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:19 Il est à Bloomington, Inde.
00:21 (vrombissement de moteur)
00:22 (cris de la voiture)
00:24 - Papa! Ciao, papa!
00:26 - Et il n'est pas Enrico Giammande.
00:29 - Je devais l'avoir eu quand j'avais la chance.
00:31 Il serait mort maintenant.
00:32 - Oh, grazie, Pante Santa Maria!
00:34 - Il est Dave Stoller.
00:35 - Il était aussi normal que Pompidou.
00:38 Et maintenant, regardez-moi.
00:40 - Mais Dave n'est pas fou.
00:41 - Il n'est jamais fatigué. Il n'est jamais misérable.
00:44 - Il est sur la route à l'adolescence.
00:45 - Quand j'étais jeune, j'étais fatigué et misérable.
00:47 - Tu es numéro 1, King Papa.
00:50 - Et il a décidé de prendre un petit détour
00:52 à l'âge de 19 ans.
00:53 - Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire de lui?
00:56 - Je ne sais pas, mon chéri.
00:58 - On peut toujours le faire, quand il est en sommeil.
01:00 - Wouh!
01:02 - "20th Century Fox" présente "Breaking Away".
01:05 La histoire de 4 gars en danger imminent de devenir 20.
01:09 (coup de feu)
01:10 - All right!
01:11 (cris de joie)
01:13 - How you doing, guys?
01:15 - Well, we're a little disturbed by the developments
01:17 in the Middle East, but...
01:18 - Who refuse to give up immaturity without a fight.
01:22 - Smart move, shorty.
01:24 (coup de feu)
01:25 (coup de feu)
01:26 (rires)
01:27 (coup de feu)
01:28 (rires)
01:29 (chant en italien)
01:30 - I'm in love.
01:31 - Wind up a bum.
01:32 Italian bum.
01:33 - I'll tell him he either has to get a job or go to college.
01:34 - Hell, I don't want to go to college, Dad.
01:35 To hell with them.
01:36 - What, are you afraid?
01:37 - Yeah.
01:38 A little bit.
01:39 - The only thing I'm afraid of is wasting the rest of my life
01:40 on a bunch of idiots.
01:41 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:42 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:43 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:44 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:45 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:46 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:47 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:48 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:49 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:50 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:56 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:57 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:58 - I'm not afraid of you.
01:59 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:00 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:01 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:02 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:03 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:04 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:05 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:06 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:07 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:08 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:09 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:10 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:11 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:12 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:13 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:14 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:15 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:16 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:17 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:18 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:19 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:20 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:21 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:22 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:23 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:24 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:25 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:26 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:27 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:28 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:29 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:30 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:31 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:32 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:33 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:34 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:35 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:36 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:37 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:38 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:39 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:40 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:41 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:42 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:43 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:44 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:45 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:46 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:47 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:48 - I'm not afraid of you.
02:49 - I'm not afraid of you.