Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan says there are no plans to reintroduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) because it is a form of broad-based consumption tax that could burden Malaysians at the lower-income group.
He was speaking at the parliament during question time in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday.
He was speaking at the parliament during question time in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday.
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00:42 To improve the quality of life of the people, as outlined in the economic plan, the government needs to reduce the debt,
00:51 especially through the resumption of subsidies and enlarge the interest rate.
00:56 This is because our interest rate is at 11.2% of the GDP, which is among the lowest in the region, compared to Singapore at 12.6%.
01:10 This is usually seen as a low-interest economy.
01:15 Although reformation of interest rates is necessary, the government continues to conduct reasonable research to ensure that the people are not burdened
01:25 and at the same time, the fiscal space remains stable.
01:32 Under the 2024 budget, the government took a more progressive approach as a step to increase state income,
01:41 including through several reformation steps.
01:46 First, the government introduced a tax on unpaid interest rates at a rate of 10%, starting on 1 March 2024,
01:59 in line with the best practice of international taxation and on the principle of social justice.
02:06 Taxes are also imposed on capital asset sales as an additional income to the government,
02:13 in addition to the taxes imposed on the company's income.
02:17 However, this tax is not imposed on individuals who have issued unpaid interest.
02:25 Second, starting on 1 March 2024, the scope of tax savings under the 2018 Tax Savings Act
02:37 is expanded to include new savings such as car-hockey, logistics, as well as brokerage and insurance,
02:45 such as the savings of ship brokers, aircraft carriers, commodities and real estate.
02:53 Savings are also increased from 6% to 8%,
02:56 except for food and drink, telecommunications and parking space.
03:04 The step to reduce savings such as food and drink is progressive
03:09 because it reduces the impact of tax increases on the cost of living of the people.
03:14 Savings tax is estimated to generate an additional RM3 billion.
03:23 Third, the government is now proposing a new law
03:27 to impose a high-value goods tax on the 5% and 10% levels.
03:33 This tax will be imposed based on the set value of the shares set for each item involved.
03:40 This tax is also progressive
03:43 because it is imposed on those who are able to buy high-value goods
03:47 and does not burden low-income groups.
03:52 The government is committed to strengthen the national financial institutions
03:57 with a support to support the agenda of development and prosperity of the people.
04:02 The government is committed to study the tax steps that can increase the results
04:07 without bringing a long-term effect for the future
04:11 with the permission of far-reaching impacts.
04:15 That's all, thank you.
04:16 Alright, I invite Mr. Pang.
04:18 Thank you, Mr. Minister, for answering the question so well and so precisely.
04:22 I am aware, and we all are aware here,
04:25 that the various taxes that are imposed on the people,
04:29 whether it is for certain groups or those who use services,
04:33 the result is for everyone's benefit.
04:37 But what I would like to ask for additional explanation from the Honourable Minister,
04:44 I am sure that what was said earlier is to support the country's fiscal,
04:49 but my additional question is,
04:50 what steps has the government taken and will take to ensure that the people are not burdened?
04:59 And companies that do not take the opportunity to increase their profits,
05:03 the price or the surplus profits,
05:07 given that we see the various progressive taxes being proposed or imposed.
05:15 And next, the Honourable Minister, I would like to ask for this answer to be written,
05:22 namely, I would like to ask the Minister to share the progress of the income increase
05:26 for the next five years,
05:28 to highlight the scope and increase of the tax rates that have been introduced
05:33 for March 1 and also for January 1 last year.
05:37 Thank you.
05:38 Thank you, Minister.
05:40 Thank you, Honourable Minister.
05:44 Honourable Speaker,
05:49 since March 1, 2024, the scope of tax savings has been expanded,
05:55 as is well known,
05:57 covering new savings such as karaoke boxes, logistics,
06:01 brokerage and insurance for the services of brokers,
06:05 including ships, airlines, commodities and real estate.
06:09 Although the tax rate of savings has been increased from 6 to 80%,
06:13 the services that are the basic needs and lifestyle of the people
06:17 are excluded from the tax increase.
06:20 This includes food and drink, telecommunications, vehicle parking and logistics,
06:27 remaining at 6%.
06:30 The steps to address food and drink savings are proof that
06:34 although the government is acting to expand the country's income base,
06:41 the government will not ignore the interests of the majority of the people.
06:45 Our decision to implement the tax reform is progressive
06:50 so that it is less effective and does not burden the majority of the people.
06:55 In considering the tax issue,
06:58 the government will ensure that the reform of the tax rate
07:01 does not give the impression that it burdens the majority of the people,
07:05 especially those who are involved in basic needs
07:08 such as clean water supply and ferry transportation.
07:13 The government will continue to protect the welfare of the people at all times.
07:17 The government will continue to increase the level of monitoring and enforcement
07:22 on any infringers who take the opportunity
07:26 to increase the price of services excessively,
07:30 especially those who are not involved in the increase in the tax rate.
07:36 The Ministry of Home Affairs and the KPDN
07:42 has started the 2024 Impact Ops from 1 March 2024
07:49 to monitor the impact of the implementation of the increase in the welfare tax rate from 6% to 8%.
07:57 The government is not reluctant to take firm action
08:01 if there are infringers who increase the price unilaterally
08:07 and violate the United Nations Convention and burden the people.
08:12 For the data that was mentioned earlier, I will provide it in writing.
08:18 Thank you.
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09:17 Thank you.
09:18 Thank you, Minister.
09:20 Thank you, Mr. Pakit Kantang.
09:28 Mr. Speaker,
09:31 for your information,
09:34 as Mr. Amok Berhormat Tambun has explained in the opening speech,
09:40 in implementing fiscal reforms,
09:43 the government is taking a progressive approach
09:46 and the context of subsidies is in the process of being implemented.
09:51 The government has not yet proposed to implement GST
09:55 because it is a wide-based use tax
10:01 and therefore it is not the right time to introduce all of them
10:06 given that among the people,
10:08 especially those with low incomes,
10:11 face the challenges of daily costs.
10:15 Although the inflation rate in 2023 is on average 2.5%,
10:21 but for food and drink, it is almost 50%.
10:24 This category is more affected by the general public
10:29 and among the factors, the subsidy rate is retained at 600%
10:34 for food and drink.
10:36 The government will continue to prioritize
10:38 to improve the existing subsidy system
10:42 and introduce subsidies that do not affect the low-income group
10:47 before assessing the need to introduce new use subsidies
10:52 such as GST subsidy.
10:57 To take this approach to meet the need to increase the country's income,
11:03 the government has taken a progressive approach
11:06 by expanding the basis of subsidies to those who have more advanced skills.
11:13 For example, although the subsidy rate has increased from 6% to 80%,
11:20 electricity subsidies are only used
11:24 for domestic users exceeding 600 kilowatts per hour,
11:29 which is the largest group of 15%.
11:34 To save 85% of those users,
11:37 no subsidies are used for electricity bills.
11:41 In addition, water bills are excluded from subsidies.
11:46 At the same time, the government also introduces several other types of subsidies,
11:51 including capital gains subsidies, high-value goods subsidies,
11:56 in addition to expanding the scope and increasing the rate of subsidy subsidies
12:01 to expand the existing basis of subsidies,
12:04 but does not affect the daily lives of the majority of the people.
12:08 Basically, whatever the government's decision,
12:13 the government will ensure that any subsidy steps implemented
12:17 do not have a direct impact on the poor and their welfare will continue to be protected.
12:24 That's all, thank you.
12:25 [Government] Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
12:27 Mr. Prime Minister, I listened to your explanation carefully.
12:32 Thank you for the explanation.
12:34 But if we look at the scope of the SST,
12:38 from the point of view of tax on tax, from the point of view of the interest on interest,
12:42 which is involved in the context of SST, especially in the supply chain,
12:49 for example, from the point of view of the loss, there are many components of services
12:53 that were not taxed in the past, are now taxed,
12:57 in the loss of borrowers, borrowers to the taxpayers,
13:00 taxpayers who send to the end user, there are components.
13:04 So if we look at the government's desire to raise this SST
13:09 and also expand its scope is to get higher results.
13:13 At the same time, we see that the effect of the expansion of the scope
13:17 and also the increase in the SST rate is entirely to all the people,
13:22 although what the minister said earlier is not all involved.
13:25 However, given that throughout the supply chain, tax on tax
13:29 and the transparency of SST is an issue,
13:32 then we see that all the people are affected.
13:35 My question, given that we have experience in implementing SST,
13:39 then GST, then back to SST,
13:42 does the government see the increase in SST and the expansion of the scope
13:46 giving the same effect to the people as when GST was implemented first
13:52 and is there from the point of view of the results,
13:56 this SST results are lower than GST?
14:01 I mean, is it that the SST has the same effect on the people as GST was before,
14:06 but the government's results are lower than GST was first?
14:11 Thank you, Minister.
14:12 Thank you, Minister.
14:13 Thank you, Honourable Vice President.
14:22 Thank you, Honourable Speaker.
14:23 Indeed, the issue of tax increase is an issue that may increase the question mark for everyone.
14:35 But in the government's tax reduction,
14:41 we take into account and approach where we try to reduce the burden
14:47 that will befall the people as a whole,
14:51 especially those from the low-income group.
14:54 In terms of logistics tax, as was asked by the Honourable Vice President,
15:02 in our way to reduce it, we do not apply this tax in areas where there is a B2B.
15:15 So, if we do not have B2B, we do not have tax on tax from the existing structure.
15:21 Secondly, when there is an export business,
15:26 we do not apply the tax on export, we just apply the current economy.
15:32 But the important thing from the government's point of view,
15:34 we also look at where we can give a tax relief.
15:40 As I mentioned earlier, where we look after the low-income group,
15:45 where we do not increase the tax from 6% to 8%,
15:50 or we look at the direct tax cuts in terms of electricity.
15:57 This is an approach from the government
16:01 because we have to remember that the people are not all on the same basis.
16:09 So, we look at where we can and where we cannot.
16:13 In terms of the differences between GST and SST, there are differences.
16:20 But the important thing is we have to look at the ability of the government
16:24 to use the existing tools, which we can do now, with ease.
16:31 But if we find a way to reduce the inequality in the existing system.
16:37 So, in terms of subsidy allocation,
16:40 it is one of the most important targets for the government right now
16:43 because we have to reduce the inequality in the existing system.
16:50 Thank you.