Les routes trompe-la-mort de l'Est congolais

  • 6 months ago
"Toutes les routes sont impraticables, on est habitué à souffrir..." Comme pour Albert Muganguzi, qui transporte des casiers de bière dans son camion, circuler dans l'Est de la République démocratique du Congo relève de l'exploit, entre chemins défoncés, ponts cassés, bandits, groupes armés et tensions régionales.

Le camionneur est un habitué de la Route nationale 5 entre Bukavu et Uvira, les deux principales villes du Sud-Kivu, distantes d'environ 120 km et adossées au Rwanda pour la première, au Burundi pour la seconde.
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00:00 "All roads are impractical, we are used to suffering."
00:03 As for Albert Muganguzi, who carries beer boxes in his truck,
00:08 circulated in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo,
00:11 is a workhorse, between broken roads, broken bridges, bandits, armed groups and regional tensions.
00:17 The truck driver is used to the national road 5 between Bukavu and Uvira,
00:21 the two main cities of the South Kivu,
00:23 about 120 km away and adjacent to Rwanda for the first, Burundi for the second.
00:29 A nightmare.
00:30 A good part is paved but the coating dates from the Mobutu period, 1965 to 1997,
00:37 and suffers from a very advanced slag, with multiple nests of chickens and plates of disappeared tar.
00:42 The bridges that make up the rivers are most often sluggish
00:45 and do not resist the passage of vehicles too heavy or the violence of the flows inflated by tropical rains.
00:50 At the end of February, the bridge over the Change River was taken.
00:54 Albert tried to cross Aguemès and Tambourbet and was stuck.
00:59 "It's been three days since I've been stuck here," he said to the FP.
01:02 Driving his truck from Uvira, which carries tons of food, fish and others,
01:08 Nathanael Canune has also been stuck for three days, in the middle of a line of tens of vehicles.
01:13 "The goods are going to rot, it's not going to last long," the truck driver says.
01:18 Because of the bridges, the vehicles of transport in common circulating to Bujumbura,
01:23 the economic capital of Burundi located opposite Uvira, at the northern tip of Lake Tanganyika,
01:28 must also stop close to the river bank.
01:30 On the bank opposite, other vehicles are waiting to take over.
