Taiwan Moves To Maintain Ban on Group Tours to China

  • 6 months ago
Taiwan will keep its ban on group tours to China. Authorities say that lifting the ban would negatively affect domestic tourism. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council, says it has not ruled out allowing tour groups to visit China in the future.


00:00 Taiwanese officials are going back on plans to resume group tours to China.
00:04 Authorities say that lifting Taiwan's ban would negatively affect domestic tourism.
00:09 Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, which oversees relations with China, says it has not ruled
00:14 out allowing group tours to China, but it says it will only do so if China lifts its
00:19 restrictions in return, which is unlikely given the current tensions between the two sides.
00:25 "Basically, they think that at this time, they are not willing to talk about it.
00:31 It should be related to their overall internal political situation assessment."
