Sunak: My ultimate ambition is to remove ‘unfairness’ in tax

  • 6 months ago
Rishi Sunak reassures workers his “ultimate ambition is to remove unfairness” in tax payments during a Q&A at The Queens Hotel in Maltby, Rotherham.
Report by Ajagbef. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at


00:00 I want to cut your taxes, not just because it's good for you to have more money for you and your families,
00:06 but ultimately I believe in a country where hard work is rewarded.
00:09 You all work incredibly hard and I want to make sure that you know that I want that to be respected and rewarded
00:15 and ensuring that you can keep more of your hard earned money is just important to me.
00:18 That's the type of country that I believe in.
00:21 And the reason that we've chosen to cut national insurance in particular is because it's a tax on work.
00:27 And we have this unfairness at the moment where if you're working you pay tax twice,
00:32 once in income tax and then again on national insurance.
00:35 That's unnecessarily complicated because all of that money ultimately goes into the same pot,
00:40 funds the same public services, but also as I said it's unfair because you're paying tax not once but twice
00:47 and my ultimate ambition is to remove that unfairness entirely.
00:52 And if we stick to our plan, not just can we deliver the £900 of tax cuts this year,
00:57 we can really make progress towards that long term ambition over time and in the next parliament.
01:03 And I passionately believe if we do stick to that plan, I can give all of you the peace of mind
01:08 that there's a brighter future for you and your families and we can all have a renewed sense of pride in our country.
01:14 And that will be the choice at the next election, sticking with that plan that's delivering that change
01:19 that change and that's what I'm going to work night and day to do for all of you.
