Republican lawmaker calls female pilot ‘stewardess’ during hearing on sick time

  • 6 months ago
Republican senator calls female pilot 'stewardess' during hearing on sick timeSource United States Senate
00:00 Good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to testify on behalf of the airline pilots Association International
00:06 The largest pilot union in the world with more than 2,400 pilots in Minnesota
00:11 My name is Laura Hainer, and I'm a Minnesota resident and a Minneapolis based pilot for Delta Airlines and then
00:19 Miss
00:21 Painter is that correct? Yes. So can you tell me what a typical week work week looks like for you as a stewardess? How does
00:29 My I'm a first officer for Delta. Pardon me. I'm a pilot for I'm sorry. I apologize
00:35 I don't know why I said that I'm so sorry
00:38 our
00:41 Schedules vary we get a schedule month out for the whole month
