Alamin kung ano nga ba ang gender and development focal point system

  • 5 months ago
Alamin kung ano nga ba ang gender and development focal point system

00:00 Earlier, we saw one of the projects of People's Television Network Inc.
00:04 Gender and Development Focal Point System.
00:07 Now, let's talk about what is this GAD, Focal Point System, and its importance.
00:14 Yes, DQ. We will be interviewing this morning,
00:19 Sir Alvin Cloyd-Dakis, Training Specialist in Gender and Development.
00:24 Good morning, Sir Alvin.
00:28 Good morning to all of you, KRSP.
00:31 Sir, good morning. Thanks for being an ally of women.
00:34 What is this Gender and Development Focal Point System or GFPS, and what is its purpose, Sir?
00:41 Yes, good morning everyone and happy International Women's Day.
00:47 The GAD Focal Point System is a committee in an organization
00:52 that looks at the different forms of inequalities
00:58 that women and other groups of individuals experience
01:05 that are not very considered within an organization or government agency.
01:11 That is its main task.
01:14 It also includes ensuring that there are policies and guidelines for the services
01:23 that it provides to women and other diverse groups of people.
01:30 That is what the GAD Focal Point System does.
01:33 Sir Alvin, what are the common challenges that can be a barrier
01:39 for the implementation of the roles and functions of GFPS in an agency?
01:44 The GAD Focal Point System has many challenges.
01:49 First, the top management or the leaders of the government or an agency
02:01 do not support the GAD Focal Point System because it is not very noticeable.
02:06 That is why we need to advocate, just like what we are doing now,
02:11 so that the management can understand why diversity and inclusion are important,
02:17 gender equality are important for a good organization.
02:25 For a private organization, this is also good business sense
02:29 because an organization that is equal and fair to its people
02:35 is more productive and it also improves the morale of its people.
02:44 Aside from management support, gender and development are also very technical.
02:50 It is easy to say equality, equity, or equality,
02:58 but the process of all the police, services, and systems are equal.
03:07 That is the technical portion that a GAD Focal Point System needs to prepare.
03:12 That is why they need to train and prepare themselves.
03:17 You mentioned earlier, Sir Alvin, that this system looks at forms of inequalities.
03:25 Do we have a metric on how we can measure gender equality and discrimination?
03:34 What are the specific metrics or measures that are being done to check this in an organization?
03:40 Yes, in the government, the Philippine Commission on Women
03:47 is the one who is assigned to lay out these metrics through various tools and guidelines
03:56 in all government agencies.
03:58 This includes the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines,
04:03 Enhanced Gender and Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework,
04:06 and many other tools that were created in other countries that we are also bringing to the Philippines.
04:13 For the private sector, we also have the Philippine Council on Women Empowerment.
04:19 There are also various NGOs that are helping private organizations
04:27 to have a measure of this kind.
04:32 Sir Alvin?
04:37 I think Sir Alvin's audio is getting lost.
04:41 But it's important that we are discussing this, Patrick.
04:44 The organization itself is monitoring these forms of inequalities and is providing solutions.
04:53 Here in PTV, we have a GAD Department.
04:56 We also have trainings and seminars.
05:00 I think Sir Alvin is back.
05:02 Alright, Sir Alvin, you were saying. Go ahead, please.
05:05 Yes, hi. Okay.
05:07 Yeah, so there are also some NGOs in the private sector that are also helping to create metrics.
05:20 So not only in the government, but also in the private sector.
05:23 Okay.
05:24 And Sir Alvin, just one last question.
05:26 What if an agency does not follow the GAD-related programs and regulations?
05:33 Under the law, under the General Appropriations Law,
05:39 at least 5% of the budget of a government agency should be under the GAD.
05:48 This is under the 2024 General Appropriations Act.
05:53 That's why it's important that the GADs should be able to do these programs and activities.
05:59 If it's not followed, for example, it's being looked at by the Commission on Audit.
06:05 That's why all government agencies are subject to COA findings and observations.
06:12 Because it's under the law.
06:15 So COA is helping us to monitor.
06:20 Okay.
06:21 Just a quick question, Sir Alvin.
06:23 If an employee of an agency notices or experiences gender bias or discrimination because of being a woman,
06:33 can they directly complain to the GFPS of their agency, Sir?
06:40 Yes, they can complain if they experience biases and discrimination
06:48 about their gender, identity, or being a woman in the GAD Focal Point System.
06:55 But we also have a committee on Decorum and Investigation to talk about sexual harassment.
07:03 Okay.
07:04 Thank you very much, Sir Alvin Cloyd-Daki, for your time for our program
07:10 and for answering our questions about the Gender and Development Focal Point System.
07:17 system.
07:18 Thank you very much, sir.
