संंस्कृत सैकंडरी स्कूल चौमू मेंं विषय अध्यापक नहीं, पढ़ाई चौपट...देखें वीडियो

  • 5 months ago
00:00 I am Batsal Singh from Chowmoo village.
00:04 We have all the villagers here.
00:06 Many times we have made the minister to come here.
00:08 There is no second grade teacher here.
00:10 The Mathematics teacher is not here since the school was established.
00:13 There is no English teacher and no Mathematics teacher.
00:16 There are not many teachers.
00:18 All the positions are vacant.
00:20 The school is in a bad condition.
00:22 We have made many requests to the minister.
00:24 We are working with him in the elections.
00:26 But we are not getting any results.
00:28 If the Mathematics teacher does not send an English teacher,
00:32 then we will close the school.
00:34 We will close the school in the next week.
