My Personal lycan king EP 01-60

  • 6 months ago
My Personal lycan king EP 01-60


00:00:00 [doorbell rings]
00:00:02 [laughs]
00:00:04 Stomach!
00:00:05 Why are you trying to disobey your king?
00:00:07 I'm not just stomach.
00:00:09 [distant knocking]
00:00:13 Ezra?
00:00:14 Victoria.
00:00:16 [knocking]
00:00:18 Ezra?
00:00:19 Ezra?
00:00:21 [knocking]
00:00:24 Hey!
00:00:27 I'm Daniel, this is Alex.
00:00:29 You're with Ezra?
00:00:30 Wow.
00:00:31 Who is she?
00:00:32 She's so cute.
00:00:33 Uh, my grandma isn't home.
00:00:35 No way!
00:00:36 Ezra's your grandma?
00:00:37 I haven't seen you here before.
00:00:38 Are you new in town?
00:00:39 Yeah, I just moved in today.
00:00:41 Hi.
00:00:42 I'm Alexander Roosevelt.
00:00:44 [heartbeat]
00:00:47 Uh, hi.
00:00:50 I'm Victoria Gibbons.
00:00:52 [doorbell rings]
00:00:54 Why can't I read his mind?
00:00:58 You're human.
00:00:59 Uh, yeah, last time I checked.
00:01:02 Yes, everyone is very friendly.
00:01:17 So stop boring.
00:01:19 Um, by the way, there were these two guys who came looking for you.
00:01:24 Uh, Daniel and Alexander.
00:01:27 Who are they?
00:01:28 The Roosevelt family own this town.
00:01:30 Alexander and Daniel are best friends.
00:01:32 Keep away from them.
00:01:34 Why?
00:01:35 Alpha Alexander, the traitor has confessed
00:01:38 that the rebels are gathering a troop near our border recently.
00:01:41 Troops?
00:01:43 Yes.
00:01:44 Interesting.
00:01:46 Alpha, there is one more thing.
00:01:48 I've received a few inquiries about your Luna.
00:01:52 As you know, according to our laws,
00:01:55 if you've not chosen a Luna by your coronation,
00:01:58 then you must hold an election.
00:02:00 Elder Leonardo,
00:02:03 what if my Luna were to be human?
00:02:07 Hey, Victoria.
00:02:09 She looks adorable today.
00:02:11 If only she could be my mate.
00:02:12 Hey, Daniel.
00:02:14 We're in the same class.
00:02:15 Want to go together?
00:02:16 Yeah, um, where's Alexander?
00:02:18 Uh, he's hosting the full moon party.
00:02:21 Full moon party?
00:02:23 Well, town tradition sort of thing.
00:02:25 Do you want to join us?
00:02:26 Oh, no, I'm not really into that kind of--
00:02:28 No, it's just a house party.
00:02:30 You need to have a good time.
00:02:31 Make some new friends.
00:02:34 All right, fine.
00:02:35 I'll come.
00:02:38 A human girl?
00:02:41 Never in the history of Lycans has a human girl become a Luna.
00:02:45 So?
00:02:46 Because humans are not strong enough to be a Luna.
00:02:51 No, if you don't mind, I've made a list of some suitable suggestions.
00:02:57 Elder Leonardo, didn't you say there was a prisoner to execute?
00:03:01 Yes, Elf.
00:03:07 Victoria, I need my faith in you.
00:03:10 My man.
00:03:12 [music]
00:03:16 [chatter]
00:03:20 Wow, this place is amazing.
00:03:23 Is this Alexander's house?
00:03:25 Yeah, it's over this way, too.
00:03:28 She moves.
00:03:29 Oh, no, I don't dance.
00:03:32 Oh, so you do.
00:03:33 No, oh, my God.
00:03:35 This is so embarrassing.
00:03:40 Can I ask you a question?
00:03:43 Yeah.
00:03:49 Why are you here?
00:03:51 Excuse me, let go.
00:03:52 You're hurting me.
00:03:54 What's going on?
00:03:55 Victoria's my guest.
00:03:56 I invited her.
00:03:57 Why would you invite her here?
00:03:58 This is not a place you should be.
00:04:05 Let me go.
00:04:07 Are you crazy?
00:04:08 You're driving me crazy.
00:04:10 Do you like Daniel?
00:04:11 What?
00:04:12 You barely know him.
00:04:14 You don't understand how dangerous it is.
00:04:31 Excuse me?
00:04:32 You don't understand how dangerous it is.
00:04:33 What?
00:04:35 Do you like Daniel?
00:04:36 You barely know him.
00:04:38 Maybe I like him.
00:04:40 He's a gentleman, unlike someone.
00:04:45 She never liked it when you told her what she should do.
00:04:52 Never listened to the way the wind blew.
00:05:01 She's a woman.
00:05:11 She's a woman.
00:05:16 She's a woman.
00:05:21 She's a woman.
00:05:31 She's a woman.
00:05:41 She's a woman.
00:05:51 She's a woman.
00:06:01 She's a woman.
00:06:11 She's a woman.
00:06:21 She's a woman.
00:06:29 She's a woman.
00:06:39 She's a woman.
00:06:49 God, what the hell is going on?
00:06:59 God, I know it.
00:07:17 I know that guy.
00:07:18 He's from my dream.
00:07:21 God, what the hell is going on?
00:07:29 Who's there?
00:07:47 God, please, let me die by being eaten by some giant wolf.
00:07:54 Think, Victoria, think.
00:07:57 You can do this.
00:08:01 Hey, you, you big, bad wolf, you...
00:08:07 Just please don't eat me.
00:08:17 What, you want me to pat you?
00:08:24 Okay.
00:08:26 Okay.
00:08:28 Good boy.
00:08:30 That's all right, yep.
00:08:35 It's okay, we're okay.
00:08:42 So, do you live in the forest?
00:08:48 What's your name?
00:08:52 You know, your house sounds just like that.
00:08:58 Okay.
00:09:01 I'll call you some other time.
00:09:08 Hey, Grandma, it's me again.
00:09:10 I'm still alive and everything's going great, except I kind of befriended this wolf last night.
00:09:21 It's a long story, but...
00:09:22 Victoria, hey.
00:09:25 I'll call you back.
00:09:28 Is this seat taken?
00:09:32 I don't see anyone else here.
00:09:41 Can we talk?
00:09:44 Sure.
00:09:46 Victoria, I just wanted to apologize about last night at the party.
00:09:54 I mean, I'm hoping that we can forget about all that started over.
00:10:04 Kiss him now.
00:10:05 What?
00:10:06 What?
00:10:08 Uh, I, um, I mean, I wanted to say I was sorry too.
00:10:17 I mean, you were definitely rude to me, no doubt about that,
00:10:21 but I realized I maybe shouldn't have been there.
00:10:24 Let's not rehash all that again, okay?
00:10:27 Yeah, I think that's a good idea.
00:10:29 So, are we friends?
00:10:36 Friends.
00:10:41 Oh, shit, I didn't even realize the time.
00:10:44 Oh, my God, I cannot be late for another lecture.
00:10:46 I, I...
00:10:51 Careful.
00:11:00 There's still no sign of Robert or his dogs.
00:11:04 The border patrol have reported that there's just no sign of them.
00:11:07 Thank you, Lola.
00:11:09 You can go now.
00:11:10 Alex.
00:11:12 Does everything have to be so formal?
00:11:14 Lola, I'm going to be the Alpha King next month,
00:11:18 and you're my Gamma.
00:11:20 We're not children anymore.
00:11:23 Well, maybe it's time that you and I move forward.
00:11:28 You don't need to choose your Luna, Alex.
00:11:30 I'm your Luna.
00:11:31 Lola, if you don't mind,
00:11:33 I need to speak to Alpha Alexander in private.
00:11:35 Fine.
00:11:37 I'll be waiting for you.
00:11:40 You know where to find me.
00:11:41 Bye, Father.
00:11:47 Where's the show?
00:11:48 I've already found my Luna.
00:11:50 Well, what pleasant news.
00:11:56 You have found your Luna.
00:11:58 She's drawing me to her like gravity,
00:12:00 and yet she is human.
00:12:11 What pleasant news.
00:12:14 You have found your Luna.
00:12:16 She's drawing me to her like gravity,
00:12:18 and yet she is human.
00:12:22 Her name is Victoria.
00:12:23 A human girl.
00:12:26 I hope you were joking.
00:12:28 You're acting like it's the end of the world.
00:12:31 My wolf, Damien, confirms it is her.
00:12:33 And who knows?
00:12:35 Maybe she has a wolf.
00:12:37 She just hasn't found her yet.
00:12:40 If she is over 18,
00:12:42 and she is a werewolf,
00:12:45 yet her wolf hasn't come out yet,
00:12:48 then she could be more dangerous than a dark witch.
00:13:07 Victoria.
00:13:09 My name is Carla.
00:13:11 We finally meet.
00:13:13 You.
00:13:15 I have a wolf in my head.
00:13:18 You're a wolf?
00:13:20 Yes, I am Carla.
00:13:22 Your wolf, Victoria.
00:13:24 From this moment on,
00:13:26 you are no longer wolfless.
00:13:28 My what?
00:13:30 I'm no longer wolfless?
00:13:31 What does that even mean?
00:13:33 Should everyone have a wolf?
00:13:35 You grew up without a pack.
00:13:37 It's no wonder you don't know anything about werewolves.
00:13:40 Werewolves, okay, now I know.
00:13:43 You're not dreaming.
00:13:45 I am inside you.
00:13:47 I am your wolf.
00:14:10 I actually can't stand this Victoria company.
00:14:13 Do you really think she's related to that witch, Azrael?
00:14:20 Wait.
00:14:23 So they're not related.
00:14:29 Interesting.
00:14:31 What the f-
00:14:35 How do you know that?
00:14:38 Hey, Victoria.
00:14:40 We were just talking about you.
00:14:41 Come have lunch.
00:14:43 Watch where you're going, human.
00:14:46 Sorry.
00:14:48 Alex, honey.
00:14:50 I brought you your favourite food.
00:14:57 Um, Daniel, the pizza looks great, but um,
00:15:01 I've kind of got this thing that I've got to go to now, so um,
00:15:04 maybe next time?
00:15:06 Yeah, okay.
00:15:10 Don't worry about it.
00:15:13 Hey.
00:15:21 Why are you running away from me?
00:15:23 I thought you were with your girlfriend.
00:15:24 Girlfriend?
00:15:25 Who?
00:15:27 I don't have a girlfriend.
00:15:29 Oh really?
00:15:30 Does she know about that?
00:15:33 You mean Layla.
00:15:34 Layla is not my girlfriend.
00:15:38 We've known each other since childhood.
00:15:40 Like Daniel, she's a friend.
00:15:42 She's not your mate?
00:15:43 Of course not.
00:15:45 Who told you that?
00:15:48 Was it Daniel?
00:15:50 That's not something to joke about.
00:15:51 Hey, don't get mad.
00:15:53 Okay, I was just, sorry.
00:15:56 I just meant how I'm your mate, you're my mate, that sort of thing.
00:16:02 Victoria, are you serious?
00:16:06 Yeah, aren't we all mates here?
00:16:12 Are you my mate?
00:16:14 Do you want to be my mate?
00:16:29 Do you want to be my mate?
00:16:34 I am so sorry.
00:16:38 Come on, let's get you something to eat.
00:16:46 Hey, I'm glad you changed your mind.
00:16:48 Have a seat.
00:16:49 She has no shame.
00:16:53 Don't tell me you're not hungry.
00:16:56 So, looks like you don't get many newcomers.
00:16:59 Well, we're a small community compared to New York.
00:17:03 What brought you here?
00:17:05 Well, after my parents passed away in this car accident last year,
00:17:10 my grandma, Ezreal, invited me to move in with her.
00:17:14 So, here I am.
00:17:17 I never knew that about you, Vicky.
00:17:20 I'm so sorry.
00:17:21 I'm so sorry for your loss.
00:17:23 You're here with us, like a big family.
00:17:26 What a cliche.
00:17:28 Dead parents story? Really?
00:17:31 Such a pity.
00:17:35 You know what? It's actually okay.
00:17:38 Don't feel sorry for me. I'm fine.
00:17:41 I'm just happy you guys accept me to be your mate.
00:17:49 Layla, can you not?
00:17:51 Did I say something funny?
00:17:54 No, no. Never mind.
00:18:08 Layla, can you not?
00:18:10 Did I say something funny?
00:18:13 No, no. Never mind.
00:18:18 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell you that.
00:18:21 But you guys keep saying these mate things.
00:18:25 Why can't I be your mate and Angela's mate?
00:18:31 And your mate, right?
00:18:33 Of course. Why not?
00:18:40 Take my jacket.
00:18:42 I'm so sorry.
00:18:44 Fight back. Are you going to let her get away with that?
00:18:47 I'm not going to let her get away with this.
00:18:49 I'm going to punish her. If I were you, I would break her arms right now.
00:18:52 Enough! Shut up!
00:18:56 Trying to take my man? Who do you think you are?
00:19:00 You brought it on yourself.
00:19:10 I'm so sorry.
00:19:15 You broke my arm.
00:19:18 It wasn't me.
00:19:20 That's what she gets for touching our mate.
00:19:36 I'm so sorry.
00:19:37 You broke my arm.
00:19:40 It wasn't me.
00:19:42 That's what she gets for touching our mate.
00:19:45 Hey, cut. This isn't funny anymore, Carla.
00:20:02 Did I do this?
00:20:03 That's what she gets for touching our mate.
00:20:04 God, I didn't want to hurt anyone.
00:20:06 It's not your fault, but you need to calm down.
00:20:09 Your panic will only trigger your powers to protect you more.
00:20:12 Carla, how do I calm down?
00:20:14 I nearly broke that girl's arm.
00:20:17 Oh, shit!
00:20:24 Carla, what is this?
00:20:26 I told you, you need to calm down and learn how to control your power properly, or things will go wrong.
00:20:33 I can control my power, this magnet thing.
00:20:38 It comes from me?
00:20:40 Why did you run off like that?
00:20:45 You're faster than a wolf.
00:20:46 Are you following me?
00:20:48 No, I just saw you after the Lalo thing.
00:20:51 That I was the one to blame? That I hurt your girlfriend? Is that it?
00:20:54 I know you would never do that.
00:21:01 Why did you run off like that?
00:21:04 You're faster than a wolf.
00:21:06 Are you following me?
00:21:08 I just wanted to check if you're okay.
00:21:10 Without thought for the view.
00:21:12 Why don't you just go back to her? It looks like she needs you.
00:21:21 What are you laughing at?
00:21:23 You.
00:21:25 I see.
00:21:28 You're jealous.
00:21:31 I am not jealous. Why would I be jealous? I have plenty of other mates to talk to and hang with. Like Daniel, for instance.
00:21:39 I am your mate.
00:21:46 Your eyes, they're glowing.
00:21:57 Give me a minute.
00:22:00 It's your girlfriend, won't you?
00:22:11 Miss Victoria Gibbons.
00:22:18 Would you be my girlfriend?
00:22:21 My one and only mate.
00:22:44 So you're telling me this now, Patrick?
00:22:47 I only found out recently.
00:22:51 It seems the Roosevelt's have established a perimeter at the southern border. A shield, if you will.
00:22:57 That bitch, Alexander, has secretly been assembling an anti-rogue squad.
00:23:07 My men can't even cross the river now.
00:23:10 Fuck!
00:23:13 Calm down, big dog.
00:23:17 Once our plan has been implemented, there'll be nothing to worry about.
00:23:22 Don't be playing your magic tricks on me.
00:23:25 Just don't fuck with me.
00:23:29 Your body can float on the Black River in pieces.
00:23:34 The Black River?
00:23:36 I'm sure it's beautiful this time of year.
00:23:43 No, cliffs aren't really my thing.
00:23:45 Pretty please.
00:23:46 It won't be like last time, I promise.
00:23:48 Besides, our date last night got ruined. I have to make it up to you.
00:23:51 Daniel, it's not that I don't want to go with you. It's just that I can't dance and I really don't like alcohol.
00:23:57 I promise I'll have you home before bedtime.
00:24:01 Deal?
00:24:02 Alright, fine. I'll come.
00:24:05 Hi Dan. And Victoria.
00:24:07 If you guys aren't doing anything later, I would like to-
00:24:09 Actually, Daniel and I have a date planned tonight. Don't we, Daniel?
00:24:16 Are you feeling jealous I asked Victoria out?
00:24:20 Why should I be jealous?
00:24:22 Everyone already has their man.
00:24:24 I'm not jealous.
00:24:26 I'm just asking.
00:24:28 I'm not jealous.
00:24:30 Are you feeling jealous I asked Victoria out?
00:24:32 Why should I be jealous?
00:24:34 Everyone already has their mates. Aiden with Angela, you with Layla.
00:24:37 Hold on. Layla and me?
00:24:39 That's complicated.
00:24:41 Of course her father wants us to be together.
00:24:48 Come on, everyone thinks Layla's your girlfriend. We expect you to announce at your coronation ceremony.
00:24:52 That's not what I want.
00:24:54 I just don't think Vicky is right for you.
00:24:56 She hasn't agreed yet, but I think it's worth trying. She's the cutest girl I've ever met.
00:25:01 Look, I warned you. Stay away from her.
00:25:05 Victoria should be the one to make the choice.
00:25:07 That's fine. Enjoy your night.
00:25:16 What's this coronation ceremony?
00:25:20 He's going with Layla?
00:25:27 After everything is settled, do you only want Alexander?
00:25:32 That's all I want.
00:25:35 You can have your pack and become Alpha King.
00:25:39 Just leave him to me.
00:25:41 Really tell me, why do you have to kill him?
00:25:46 I don't have any intention of killing Alexander, no. It's Damien I want.
00:25:51 Damien? Alexander's wolf? Why?
00:25:57 Damien and Lord Neptune have history.
00:26:08 Hey, Damien. What a surprise.
00:26:12 Give me a break.
00:26:14 Stop it. It's worth it.
00:26:16 Why did you do this to me?
00:26:18 What is wrong with you?
00:26:19 What is wrong with me?
00:26:20 Try me.
00:26:22 Oh, really?
00:26:25 Hmm. No ring.
00:26:27 You should martyr your Damien.
00:26:29 Back off, wizard.
00:26:30 Or what? You'll kill me?
00:26:32 Tell that to my wolf.
00:26:36 Try me.
00:26:44 God, the nightmares never stop.
00:27:05 If Roosevelt hadn't killed my parents, I'd be king now.
00:27:10 That's right. Alexander's father murdered your parents, destroyed your family, reduced you to a mere rogue.
00:27:22 Give him to me.
00:27:26 Everything Alexander owns belongs to me.
00:27:32 I just simply need to kill him in front of everyone, and then he's all yours.
00:27:38 The girl. That's what you really want, isn't it?
00:27:42 You said Neptune killed Damien. Why haven't I heard about this before?
00:27:47 You're too young, my werewolf friend.
00:27:51 You see, one thousand years ago, the entire world was nearly destroyed by a powerful hybrid witch.
00:28:03 I don't think I should go. I mean, I know Daniel likes me and all, but...
00:28:10 God, Alexander, I can't stop thinking about him. Like, and why can't I read his mind?
00:28:16 Maybe it's a good thing. If I were you, I'd dress up and make Alexander sweet.
00:28:21 You're right. But, uh, there's a little bit of a problem.
00:28:27 I have no idea what I'm going to wear.
00:28:31 Actually, no, I have this. I have a green dress, but I don't really remember where I put it.
00:28:43 Oh my god! Carla! Did you do this?
00:28:48 Nope, that wasn't me. I may be powerful, but us wolves don't deal with magic.
00:28:52 Well, if you didn't do this, then who did? A witch?
00:28:56 Okay, okay, okay. Can I try on my pyjamas?
00:29:12 No way.
00:29:14 Actually, you don't have to shout.
00:29:18 Who said that?
00:29:21 I told you, it's not me.
00:29:23 Oh, how rude of me. My name is Jasmine, your witch power. I can help you with your outfit. Which style do we prefer? Sexiness?
00:29:33 Uh, this is, um, eh, a bit...
00:29:39 Too nerdy? How about unleashed demoness?
00:29:44 Whoa, uh, this is, this is way too, um, uh, too sexy?
00:29:51 How about the sweet, lovely seductress?
00:29:55 You should go with this. It's attractive while maintaining modesty.
00:30:02 Yeah, it's, it's pretty, um, but I just, I don't, I don't have these kind of clothes. And where did they even come from?
00:30:14 It's elemental magic, darling. I can explain later. But we really have to go now.
00:30:20 Wait. So there's like, two of you inside my head. A werewolf and a witch.
00:30:32 [SFX]
00:30:34 Lord Neptune was killed by Damien over a thousand years ago. Damien reincarnated as Alexander, but Lord Neptune never got the chance.
00:30:54 But you're a wizard, Patrick. The king of the dark witches, Neptune himself, can't defeat Damien. What makes you think you can kill him now?
00:31:05 With an outcast like me.
00:31:10 Because you see, my friend, you are no mere outcast. Alexander is Alpha King by blood, and that same blood flows through your veins. If the deed is to be done, it must be done before he finds his Luna.
00:31:25 You wizards have always been tricky. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
00:31:33 Cheers.
00:31:37 [SFX]
00:31:39 You look beautiful.
00:31:47 Ladies first?
00:31:52 Wait. Can I speak to you?
00:31:55 See you guys inside then.
00:32:00 What are you doing?
00:32:06 I don't want dirty men to look at you with lusty gazes.
00:32:09 Thanks for the compliment. Look, I am only capable of taking care of myself, alright?
00:32:16 I just want you to be safe, okay?
00:32:21 Yeah.
00:32:23 Enjoy your meal.
00:32:25 [SFX]
00:32:29 [SFX]
00:32:31 First time here? What can I get for you?
00:32:49 Uh, that looks kind of cool. What is it?
00:32:53 Something I made earlier.
00:32:57 Did I miss something?
00:33:00 Whoa, overprotective boyfriend, huh?
00:33:03 Uh, no. We are not together.
00:33:05 You know the lady?
00:33:07 Let's get out of here.
00:33:08 Hey, no, no. I haven't gotten my drink yet. Just...
00:33:12 Pink colored beer? You sure it's not a cocktail?
00:33:17 Pink. The color of love that's blooming tonight.
00:33:24 So?
00:33:26 I'm really pink. Seriously, look, why is it pink?
00:33:31 Alexander, what is your problem? I was just talking.
00:33:43 You're acting like you don't care about anyone else's feelings.
00:33:46 Working with a bartender, getting cozy with Dan...
00:33:48 Are you serious? I can talk to whoever I want. I don't need your permission.
00:33:52 You don't understand. I care about you.
00:33:54 It drives me crazy seeing you with other guys.
00:33:58 [Clears throat]
00:34:06 Victoria.
00:34:11 Grandma Ezreal?
00:34:14 Look at you, my darling. You've grown into such a beauty, young girl.
00:34:20 But I am glad to see you are still our young one.
00:34:24 When did you get back?
00:34:26 I'm so sorry, my darling, but I need to speak with Alexander.
00:34:31 Wait, why?
00:34:32 And you need to go home.
00:34:35 Wait.
00:34:36 Well, that was surprising.
00:34:49 Apologies, your majesty.
00:34:52 But it appears as though you have romantic feelings for my granddaughter.
00:34:57 I don't know how to answer that.
00:35:01 She is special to me.
00:35:04 And I appreciate your concern, Miss Ezreal.
00:35:09 However, I know that you're only allowed here...
00:35:15 because this is Pearly Canyons. Witches and werewolves share a covenant.
00:35:20 Don't forget that.
00:35:22 Speaking of which...
00:35:32 Is drinking poison potions a new trend among werewolves?
00:35:37 What are you talking about?
00:35:39 Oh, you can't see it.
00:35:42 There's poison in the drink.
00:35:45 It's relatively harmless, but it will slow down your recovery.
00:35:50 Best not to overindulge.
00:35:53 Daniel, tell everyone to stop drinking their drinks at the club.
00:36:07 [Music]
00:36:10 Can you stop buzzing around like a nervous dog?
00:36:21 You're making me dizzy.
00:36:24 So you're telling me that my parents, who died last year, are not actually my real parents...
00:36:29 and that my whole life has just been one huge lie...
00:36:32 because, Grandma, I thought you were a psychic just like me...
00:36:36 but now you're telling me that you're some kind of witch as well.
00:36:39 Wait.
00:36:40 Wait, does that mean that I'm a witch too?
00:36:44 The telepathic connection is a powerful gift.
00:36:49 We share as witches.
00:36:52 And there's more.
00:37:00 What are you...
00:37:02 Stop, stop it.
00:37:03 Hey, stop it.
00:37:04 Get away from me!
00:37:06 Grandma?
00:37:22 Grandma, I'm here.
00:37:30 Heller?
00:37:31 Can anybody hear me?
00:37:35 Martha, come on.
00:37:37 Just one more push.
00:37:40 [Martha crying]
00:37:43 [Martha screaming]
00:37:46 [Martha crying]
00:38:14 It's time, my darling.
00:38:16 The assassins could be here at any moment.
00:38:20 We must do this to protect her.
00:38:22 We must give her up.
00:38:24 I will declare her dead.
00:38:26 How will she make the transition without our guidance?
00:38:30 Nelson's servant will take good care of her.
00:38:34 And I will cast a protective spell.
00:38:38 Delay the transformation for as long as possible.
00:38:41 Please, please.
00:38:43 Please, Mama.
00:38:45 Don't take my little girl, please.
00:38:48 It's me.
00:38:54 [Martha crying]
00:38:56 Okay, can someone tell me what is going on?
00:39:19 [Martha breathing heavily]
00:39:21 Carla, what is this?
00:39:29 Carla?
00:39:33 Jasmine, are you there?
00:39:38 Heller?
00:39:47 Thunder, is that you?
00:39:49 What do you want?
00:40:00 Stay back or I will hurt you.
00:40:08 Jasmine, if you're there, I need your help.
00:40:12 Victoria, something is wrong with Jasmine.
00:40:14 Asriel warned us not to use her powers.
00:40:16 I get that, okay, but this is kind of a matter of life or death.
00:40:19 Carla, can you hear me?
00:40:21 Vicky?
00:40:25 Are you okay?
00:40:27 Alex?
00:40:28 Why are you here?
00:40:30 I don't know.
00:40:33 Vicky, get behind that tree.
00:40:40 What?
00:40:41 No, Alex, it's dangerous.
00:40:44 [thunder]
00:40:46 Alex's thunder?
00:40:49 Vicky, thank goodness you're awake.
00:41:11 Hey, whoa, okay, what are you doing in my bed?
00:41:14 Your bed. Vicky, look around.
00:41:17 You're in my bed.
00:41:21 Your bed.
00:41:23 Oh, oh my god, what did you do to me?
00:41:27 I didn't do anything.
00:41:28 You didn't do anything?
00:41:29 No.
00:41:30 Okay, well, why am I in your bed?
00:41:31 And why is your t-shirt the only thing that I'm wearing?
00:41:34 You passed out in the woods, remember?
00:41:36 One of the maids helped you change.
00:41:39 I don't remember anything.
00:41:41 All I remember is that I was at the club and I was arguing with you
00:41:48 and then Grandma showed up and--
00:41:51 Victoria, I'm sorry for my harsh words.
00:41:55 No, wait.
00:42:00 Wait, I remember now.
00:42:05 I saw you.
00:42:06 I saw you in the forest.
00:42:10 You...
00:42:12 You left me.
00:42:14 Alexander, you turned into a wolf.
00:42:18 Answer me.
00:42:20 Are you a werewolf?
00:42:22 Answer me.
00:42:30 Are you a werewolf?
00:42:33 Answer me.
00:42:35 Are you a werewolf?
00:42:36 Are you Thunder?
00:42:42 Yes, I am.
00:42:44 Myself, Daniel and everyone in the gang are werewolves.
00:42:52 I was going to tell you.
00:42:54 I promise you, Vicky, that I'm not a monster.
00:42:58 You're not afraid of me, are you?
00:43:03 Wait, wait. If you're Thunder, then...
00:43:06 You licked me, you let me pat your head, you--
00:43:10 Well, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.
00:43:14 Oh my god.
00:43:16 The things I said to you, I--
00:43:18 Oh my god, I've never been so embarrassed in my life.
00:43:23 Don't be embarrassed.
00:43:25 Alex!
00:43:27 Wait, Layla? Why is she here?
00:43:31 Layla lives here. She's a part of the pack.
00:43:33 I need to talk to you. It's an emergency.
00:43:37 You okay?
00:43:39 Get some rest.
00:43:41 Right now.
00:43:42 I'll check on you later.
00:43:43 [Music]
00:43:53 Perfect.
00:44:09 Not only is this place huge and I have no signal, I have no idea where I am and I really gotta pee.
00:44:16 Great start, Victoria.
00:44:20 [Music]
00:44:41 [Music]
00:44:42 [Snoring]
00:44:44 Wait.
00:44:53 Wait.
00:44:55 Daniel?
00:44:57 I did.
00:45:04 This must--
00:45:05 Oh my god, what?
00:45:06 Get off me! Who are you?
00:45:09 Don't you remember me, Victoria?
00:45:11 [Music]
00:45:30 Victoria.
00:45:35 [Music]
00:45:40 Wait, Robert?
00:45:42 Yes!
00:45:44 Woo!
00:45:46 Robert from the Black River!
00:45:48 That's me!
00:45:49 Oh my god!
00:45:51 Welcome back to the Pearly Caddies!
00:45:53 Oh my god, I never thought--
00:45:56 We meet again?
00:46:03 Yeah.
00:46:04 I mean, last time I was here I was with my parents in high school and...
00:46:09 I fell in the river and you saved me.
00:46:13 Actually, I kinda had to.
00:46:14 Oh, shit.
00:46:16 We hit.
00:46:17 Wait, so you live here too?
00:46:20 God, I have so many questions.
00:46:23 I have to go now.
00:46:27 I promise to see you soon.
00:46:29 Wait, where are you going?
00:46:31 Promise me you won't tell Alexander that you saved me, okay?
00:46:34 Okay.
00:46:35 I don't want him to get jealous.
00:46:38 Whoa.
00:46:51 Why did you come here?
00:46:52 No reason, okay? I just wanted to have a look around, okay?
00:46:56 You know it's not safe in the forest by yourself.
00:46:58 Yeah, I think we already know that.
00:47:00 Yeah, I think we already knew that.
00:47:01 And look, I just want to go home.
00:47:03 Okay? I think Grandma's waiting for me.
00:47:05 I should have told you the truth sooner.
00:47:07 I'm sorry.
00:47:08 I just have a lot going on right now.
00:47:10 Okay?
00:47:12 Can I at least walk you home?
00:47:13 Sure.
00:47:16 Okay, I need some answers. Now.
00:47:23 Well, I'm an open book.
00:47:26 Open book?
00:47:27 So you're a witch.
00:47:32 And so are you.
00:47:34 And you didn't feel the need to tell me that Alexander is a werewolf.
00:47:37 He's the king of the werewolves. An alpha king, to be exact.
00:47:42 And he asked me to be his mate.
00:47:45 There is something else that you should know.
00:47:49 What is it?
00:47:51 I don't know.
00:47:52 You have a wolf of your own, yes?
00:47:59 I can feel it.
00:48:02 That makes you a...
00:48:03 What? A werewolf and a witch?
00:48:06 Am I Frankenstein?
00:48:09 You are both.
00:48:11 A hybrid.
00:48:13 Because your father, Nelson, was a werewolf and your mother, Martha, is a witch.
00:48:19 So, my darling, you have to learn to control your powers before they destroy you.
00:48:26 My spell will only protect you until you are 18.
00:48:30 What power?
00:48:32 You mean that purple aura thing?
00:48:35 What happens after I turn 18?
00:48:38 It looks like we have a lot of lessons to catch up on.
00:48:42 Come with me.
00:48:47 Come with me.
00:48:48 What's going on?
00:49:03 She's not home. She's not answering her phone. I can smell her, but I can't find her.
00:49:09 I've checked with the other werewolf packs, but no one's reported seeing her.
00:49:12 It must be Azrael.
00:49:15 That old witch and her spell barrier.
00:49:17 She's her grandmother. I don't think that she...
00:49:19 What if she was lying?
00:49:20 Victoria hasn't seen her in over 15 years.
00:49:24 Keep looking.
00:49:26 Alpha, do you remember the poisoning incident that happened last month?
00:49:31 You mean the pink drink?
00:49:32 We found this at the club.
00:49:34 What is it?
00:49:40 It's a poison used by witches and wizards to weaken the ability of werewolves to recover.
00:49:45 Do you suspect the witches?
00:49:46 But Azrael was the one who warned us about it.
00:49:49 Maybe it's a set up.
00:49:50 She wants us to owe her a favour.
00:49:52 Look into it.
00:49:54 Alpha, there is one more thing.
00:49:57 The elders are concerned that with the absence of Miss Gibbouson,
00:50:01 would you consider taking Layla as your mate to the coronation?
00:50:09 I appreciate the elders' concern.
00:50:11 And I don't mind Layla accompanying me to the coronation.
00:50:16 However, I believe we should focus our attention on the poison matter.
00:50:38 Yes!
00:50:39 Okay, okay, okay.
00:50:41 Too slow. Try again.
00:50:49 Grandma, I can't. Okay, look, that was good.
00:50:53 You are doing very well, my darling.
00:50:56 You just have to keep trying.
00:50:59 I know it can be overwhelming, but you have the strength to handle it.
00:51:04 Why? Is that my granddaughter?
00:51:07 Yes.
00:51:08 And because you are destined for greatness.
00:51:12 Come on. Try again.
00:51:16 Okay.
00:51:17 Alexander, you look so handsome.
00:51:30 Thank you, Layla.
00:51:31 Helpers and learners of the werewolf tribes.
00:51:36 Today, a very important occasion.
00:51:39 The coronation of a new Elfher King.
00:51:43 I'm gone for a month and you're already on the throne with another woman?
00:51:55 Is this your idea of love?
00:51:57 Victoria, you're back.
00:51:59 You're back.
00:52:00 How dare you?
00:52:11 This isn't an event for just anyone.
00:52:14 Guards! Seize her! She's human!
00:52:18 Stand down.
00:52:27 Do you think I really needed an invitation to come here?
00:52:30 Victoria, I was searching for you like mad.
00:52:41 I was with Ezra.
00:52:43 Did she kidnap you?
00:52:44 No, silly. She was training me.
00:52:46 Training you?
00:52:48 Yeah, it's a long story.
00:52:49 Alexander, it's your coronation or have you forgotten?
00:52:55 If the moon rises, will our ceremony have to wait another year?
00:52:59 How nice of you to remind us, Layla.
00:53:02 Alexander Roosevelt.
00:53:13 I, Victoria Gibbisons, accept you to be my mate.
00:53:21 I accept.
00:53:22 That makes sense.
00:53:23 Miss Gibbison, please sit down.
00:53:51 Is this going to take long? I think Alexander might need me.
00:53:55 I take it you have a pretty good idea of who we are?
00:53:59 Yeah, I know you're werewolves.
00:54:03 And you are just a human being?
00:54:10 Hey, maybe I have werewolf genes.
00:54:13 From what I can tell, you haven't turned yet.
00:54:16 Do you know what that means?
00:54:19 Any werewolf over 18 who doesn't have a wolf is dangerous.
00:54:23 Yes, I know. My grandma told me.
00:54:26 Then she must have also told you that the Elfen needs a powerful lunar.
00:54:31 Elder Leonardo...
00:54:32 I have a wolf.
00:54:38 But she won't just come out.
00:54:42 I can tell you her name is Kala.
00:54:48 Kala?
00:54:49 The white wolf queen Kala died during Damien's reign.
00:54:54 She was never reborn.
00:54:56 She didn't reincarnate because she didn't have a strong enough body.
00:54:59 But now she's found one.
00:55:01 This...
00:55:02 This is impossible.
00:55:05 Can we just keep this between us?
00:55:08 Please?
00:55:09 Us?
00:55:11 Um...
00:55:16 Enjoy the rest of your day, sir.
00:55:18 Bikir, where have you been all this time?
00:55:26 I told you I was with Ezreal.
00:55:28 I'm actually preparing for my transformation.
00:55:32 So you're telling me that you're a witch.
00:55:34 You're full of surprises.
00:55:36 Can I ask you something?
00:55:41 Are you upset that I'm not a werewolf?
00:55:45 Of course not.
00:55:46 But why didn't you tell me where you were?
00:55:49 Honestly, I was a little angry when I found out you were living with Layla.
00:55:53 My fault. I should have told you that we're werewolves.
00:55:56 It's alright, I get it now.
00:55:58 But...
00:55:59 I mean, that girl clearly hates me.
00:56:01 And it's not hard to tell when you can read someone's mind.
00:56:04 Is my reading part of Ezreal's dream?
00:56:06 No.
00:56:08 Actually, I think I was just born with it.
00:56:10 Does that mean you can read my mind?
00:56:14 Surprisingly, no.
00:56:16 I mean, I could read everyone's mind if I wanted to.
00:56:20 But...
00:56:22 You...
00:56:23 I don't know.
00:56:26 You're different.
00:56:28 Then I'll tell you...
00:56:31 That I love you.
00:56:33 I've missed you.
00:56:36 And I promise you my everything.
00:56:40 No more hidden secrets.
00:56:45 -Dihu, this is not the best time to be playing this. -Come on, just one more, please.
00:56:58 Victoria, you're pushing it low.
00:57:00 Alright.
00:57:02 Same.
00:57:03 Tell me my duties as Luna, then.
00:57:08 -Your duties as Luna? -Yes.
00:57:10 Tomorrow, you're training with the Werewolf Warriors.
00:57:13 -What? Seriously? -Seriously.
00:57:16 [WHISPERING]
00:57:44 -Morning, Victoria. -Hey, Daniel.
00:57:47 So, um...
00:57:49 You all live here together, huh?
00:57:51 Yeah, it's tradition.
00:57:53 I'm Alex's bait, so...
00:57:55 So...
00:57:58 You're our new look-wing.
00:58:00 And I always felt so close to you.
00:58:05 I wanted to protect you.
00:58:08 You mean a lot to me.
00:58:14 You're the most gentle and kindest person I think I've ever met.
00:58:20 But, um...
00:58:23 Can you promise me something?
00:58:27 That no matter what happens,
00:58:29 we will stay friends,
00:58:31 and we'll always support and look out for one another, yeah?
00:58:34 Of course.
00:58:37 My queen.
00:58:39 Go and do what you must.
00:58:42 Hey, Vela.
00:58:46 Um...
00:58:48 Alexander told me to train with you guys.
00:58:50 Sure.
00:58:51 Let's start with 20 laps.
00:58:55 Around there.
00:58:56 Are you kidding me?
00:58:58 What, have you got a problem with that?
00:59:00 Are you afraid?
00:59:02 Right. Fine.
00:59:08 [whoosh]
00:59:10 [upbeat music]
00:59:14 Two hours?
00:59:29 Gosh, you're so out of shape.
00:59:31 Seriously, Leila, I'm trying.
00:59:34 Okay?
00:59:35 I...
00:59:36 Look, you don't need to put me down just to boost your ego.
00:59:40 You didn't get to choose.
00:59:42 Alexander has a march.
00:59:45 Leila, I can't breathe.
00:59:48 Leila, let go.
00:59:50 What's going on here?
00:59:52 She's fine.
00:59:54 I don't think Leila should be training Victoria anymore.
00:59:59 She's fine.
01:00:02 Victoria, if Leila's training you hard, it's because she wants you to be strong.
01:00:06 She almost killed me.
01:00:08 She's not trying to hurt you.
01:00:09 Yeah?
01:00:11 She's just trying to make everyone know that I'm not fit enough to be a Luna.
01:00:16 But she could take my place just as easily.
01:00:18 [upbeat music]
01:00:21 ♪ And I've been thinking about you ♪
01:00:27 ♪ You, you, you ♪
01:00:29 ♪ Tell me a secret I can't keep ♪
01:00:34 You look like...
01:00:43 You could use some company, young lady.
01:00:47 I officially hate werewolves.
01:00:51 Please don't.
01:00:52 I'm the good one.
01:00:55 No, come on, leave me alone, Robert.
01:00:57 You're just like me.
01:00:59 No, I'm not.
01:01:00 Sorry.
01:01:03 ♪ We've been running in circles ♪
01:01:08 Does it hurt?
01:01:10 ♪ Trying our best to get it right ♪
01:01:12 Leila almost killed me today, and Alexander just took her side.
01:01:16 Can you believe it?
01:01:18 ♪ We stick up, doing what we do ♪
01:01:20 Do you want her to disappear?
01:01:22 What? No.
01:01:24 No, that's not necessary.
01:01:27 He said I was his Luna, so shouldn't he protect me?
01:01:31 But you are part of his pack.
01:01:35 Has he...
01:01:36 Marked you?
01:01:39 Yeah, he hasn't marked you, has he?
01:01:41 What does that even mean?
01:01:42 To mark you as his mate and his Luna,
01:01:46 he needs three steps.
01:01:48 I'm listening.
01:01:50 He needs to kiss you.
01:01:55 ♪ Trying our best to get it right ♪
01:01:57 Mate with you.
01:01:58 Bite your neck, it makes wolf horn.
01:02:03 ♪ We're doing what we do ♪
01:02:06 ♪ We always end up in a fight ♪
01:02:08 Where are you?
01:02:09 We have...
01:02:13 Yeah, we've made it.
01:02:14 I can tell by your scent.
01:02:16 We want to wait.
01:02:18 You know, werewolves, when they find their mate,
01:02:25 they can't control themselves.
01:02:27 If I were him, I would...
01:02:32 You would what?
01:02:35 I would tell you to train harder.
01:02:45 Victoria, if you...
01:02:54 If you ever need to seek protection,
01:02:56 come and find me at Black Little.
01:02:58 Hey, Grandma.
01:03:07 Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way now.
01:03:13 ♪ Sick of doing what we do ♪
01:03:21 ♪ We always end up in a fight ♪
01:03:25 Daniel, I need to see you.
01:03:35 What do you want and how does this affect Victoria?
01:03:42 Brother Daniel, make yourself at home.
01:03:45 Sit down. Join us.
01:03:47 Have you really sunk so low, Robert?
01:03:49 I'm offended.
01:03:50 Is this how you repay our hospitality?
01:03:53 Pups these days.
01:03:55 Am I wrong?
01:03:56 After Neptune dies, you're nothing but running around like a handless chicken.
01:04:00 Ah, yes, Victoria.
01:04:04 She's such a lovely girl.
01:04:05 If you don't want to talk, I'll leave.
01:04:07 I'm only interested in things that involve Victoria.
01:04:09 And you're absolutely besotted by her.
01:04:11 She's my Alpha King's mate and my Lunar Queen.
01:04:14 I know my place.
01:04:16 Alexander hasn't mated with her yet.
01:04:19 As far as we know.
01:04:20 Don't you think it's a little strange?
01:04:26 Alexander has his reasons that I wouldn't question his decisions.
01:04:29 I'm going to challenge him.
01:04:30 And if you help me, Victoria is yours.
01:04:35 Simply place this in his drink and leave the rest to us.
01:04:39 I can't believe how far you've fallen, Robert.
01:04:41 My dear brother, you are a powerful Alpha.
01:04:44 You're worth what about being the Alpha King.
01:04:48 Victoria is your Lunar Queen.
01:04:50 He's a good boy.
01:05:02 [Music]
01:05:19 Surprise.
01:05:21 So is this what you've been hiding from me?
01:05:26 Happy birthday, Vicky.
01:05:27 I thought we said no more hidden secrets.
01:05:30 Whoa. Secrets are different to surprises.
01:05:34 I'm sorry. Please don't be mad.
01:05:36 I got you a little present.
01:05:39 Oh my god. It's beautiful.
01:05:54 Is it for me?
01:05:56 Of course. It looks beautiful on you.
01:05:59 [Music]
01:06:10 Oh my god. It's glowing.
01:06:12 Oh, it's so pretty.
01:06:15 And for some reason I feel like I've seen it before.
01:06:19 It's an antique. It's from Damien's time.
01:06:23 It belonged to his mate, the White Wolf, Carla.
01:06:28 I love it. Thank you so much.
01:06:31 Vicky, can we have a heart to heart?
01:06:35 Yeah, of course.
01:06:37 How do you feel about Daniel?
01:06:55 How do you feel about Daniel?
01:06:57 I feel comfortable around him.
01:07:06 Like he's a brother or a best friend.
01:07:10 My turn.
01:07:15 If I hadn't have come back, would you make Layla your Luna?
01:07:19 Of course not. Layla is a strong warrior.
01:07:22 I respect her.
01:07:24 And her family.
01:07:26 Her mother sacrificed herself to protect our pack.
01:07:30 So her father trained her extra hard,
01:07:32 in order to let her inherit her mother's family title.
01:07:36 That's why you said that stuff at the training ground.
01:07:41 I'm sorry.
01:07:52 I never meant to upset you.
01:07:54 Or hurt your feelings.
01:07:56 I promise I would never do that to you again, Vicky.
01:08:01 Pinky swear.
01:08:06 No more.
01:08:08 I, Alexander Roosevelt,
01:08:13 the Alpha King of the Pearly Canine Pack,
01:08:17 give you my word, Victoria.
01:08:20 I never believed in love at first sight.
01:08:23 And that was until I met you.
01:08:25 [♪♪♪]
01:08:27 [♪♪♪]
01:08:55 Alexander, I think I'm ready.
01:08:57 Ready for what?
01:08:59 I learnt that to bond as mates,
01:09:08 you have to complete three steps.
01:09:10 Well, I'm ready to do the second step.
01:09:15 Vicky, do you really want to do this?
01:09:20 I want to do it. I want to do it for us.
01:09:25 Alexander, I'm ready to be your Luna.
01:09:28 Vicky, promise me you're sure about this.
01:09:33 Because I don't think I'll be able to hold it back any longer.
01:09:37 I've never been more sure about this.
01:09:39 May I share your bed tonight, miss?
01:09:45 Mine is broken.
01:09:47 [♪♪♪]
01:09:51 [♪♪♪]
01:09:54 [♪♪♪]
01:09:57 [♪♪♪]
01:10:24 [♪♪♪]
01:10:26 I love you.
01:10:39 [♪♪♪]
01:10:41 [♪♪♪]
01:10:43 [♪♪♪]
01:10:56 What's the matter?
01:11:04 I've completed the second step.
01:11:06 Aren't you planning to take action?
01:11:08 I'll talk to you later.
01:11:10 Hey, Victoria.
01:11:12 Good morning.
01:11:14 Is Alexander here?
01:11:16 Yeah, I think he's inside.
01:11:18 Also, when I was on my way this morning,
01:11:22 people were kind of looking at me and smiling.
01:11:25 Why is everyone acting so weird?
01:11:27 It's because you now have Alex's scent on you.
01:11:30 What, they know that we...
01:11:32 Oh my God.
01:11:34 Welcome to the world of whales.
01:11:36 I think he's in his study. Do you want to go together?
01:11:39 That would be good.
01:11:41 Thank God I have you.
01:11:43 Alex?
01:11:54 What are you doing?
01:11:56 Alexander, have you lost your mind?
01:11:58 Daniel, have you forgotten how to address your alpha?
01:12:02 Is this some kind of joke?
01:12:04 I mean, what's going on?
01:12:06 Back off. You have no place here.
01:12:09 Alex?
01:12:27 What are you doing?
01:12:29 Alexander, have you lost your mind?
01:12:31 Daniel, have you forgotten how to address your alpha?
01:12:35 Is this some kind of joke?
01:12:37 I mean, what's going on?
01:12:39 Back off. You have no place here.
01:12:42 What's the fuss about?
01:12:45 I don't appreciate people disrupting my enjoyment.
01:12:48 What? What are you talking about?
01:12:50 Don't act like you don't love one another.
01:12:53 I'm sure you would eagerly cry in his arms if I wasn't in the picture.
01:12:56 Wouldn't you?
01:12:58 What on earth are you talking about? There's nothing between us.
01:13:01 Come on, Daniel.
01:13:03 It's pretty obvious the way you gaze at her.
01:13:06 Your eyes wouldn't devour her.
01:13:08 Mind your words, Layla.
01:13:10 Is that any way to address your Luna?
01:13:13 Luna? Sweetie.
01:13:16 What is the meaning of Luna if you're ruthless?
01:13:22 You under some kind of spell?
01:13:31 Why is everyone yelling at me?
01:13:34 It's not my fault that she cannot satisfy me.
01:13:37 What a shame.
01:13:39 But...
01:13:41 I'm the king.
01:13:44 Why is everyone yelling at me?
01:13:50 It's not my fault that she cannot satisfy me.
01:13:53 What a shame.
01:13:55 But...
01:13:57 I'm the king.
01:14:01 All I can do is say please.
01:14:03 So when you said you loved me...
01:14:07 that was a lie?
01:14:10 Please.
01:14:14 Men will say anything to get laid.
01:14:17 Didn't your mother ever teach you that?
01:14:20 I won't.
01:14:22 That's right.
01:14:24 You have no parents.
01:14:26 Why are you doing this to me?
01:14:29 Why not?
01:14:31 Layla is a powerful ally who will help me rule my king.
01:14:35 Why can I read your mind all of a sudden?
01:14:38 I hope you don't regret what you've done today, Alexander.
01:14:41 Daniel, stop the puppy love act.
01:14:44 It's too painful to watch.
01:14:47 Daniel, I want to leave. Now. Please.
01:14:50 Bye-bye.
01:14:55 Bye-bye.
01:14:57 This is hard, but there must be some kind of misunderstanding.
01:15:19 I'm going to go talk to him.
01:15:21 No, there's no need.
01:15:23 It's fine.
01:15:25 Can I, um...
01:15:31 Can I have a reminoline, please?
01:15:34 Alexander lied to me.
01:15:49 I just caught him with Layla.
01:15:53 Robert, I don't know what to do anymore.
01:15:56 And why can I suddenly read his mind?
01:16:06 Is it... Is that because he doesn't love me anymore?
01:16:09 I now feel like Alexander always gets his way with women.
01:16:13 But you rejected him, didn't you?
01:16:18 Well, yeah, but I didn't like him back then.
01:16:22 Maybe you just thought you were playing hard to get.
01:16:26 Victoria, come back to Black River with me, like we used to.
01:16:33 What?
01:16:35 I don't understand.
01:16:38 I promise I'll never let you down.
01:16:43 But, Robert, I can't, okay?
01:16:46 Please let me go.
01:16:48 Come with me, Victoria.
01:16:52 I said let me go.
01:16:57 Come with me, Victoria.
01:17:10 I said let me go.
01:17:13 Who are you?
01:17:27 I am Queen Kala.
01:17:30 I'm Victoria's wolf.
01:17:33 I'm Victoria's wolf.
01:17:36 Oh, looks like we have a stalker.
01:17:51 Get out of my way.
01:17:53 Oh, poor little pussycat, it's hissing.
01:18:01 Wait, your eyes.
01:18:04 You asked for it, Layla.
01:18:07 Stop it, Victoria.
01:18:15 Are you crazy?
01:18:16 Oh, I think it's you who's crazy.
01:18:18 Hiding behind Layla.
01:18:20 The great alpha king, scared of a girl without a wolf.
01:18:24 You owe her an apology.
01:18:26 How dare you threaten your king.
01:18:29 I, Alexander Roosevelt,
01:18:32 the alpha king of the Pearly Cannies pack,
01:18:36 hereby banish Daniel Roosevelt
01:18:40 and sever the bond that ties him to every single member.
01:18:44 [music]
01:18:47 Thanks for, uh, standing up for me today.
01:19:04 You're all I've got now.
01:19:07 Don't say that.
01:19:08 You're my friend, my queen.
01:19:11 My duty to protect you.
01:19:13 I guess I'm not really your queen anymore.
01:19:15 Technically you're not because you haven't--
01:19:17 Okay, oh my god, Daniel, please.
01:19:19 I don't want to-- no, please, I don't want to talk about that.
01:19:21 Sorry.
01:19:23 A normal thing for werewolves.
01:19:26 I was never really part of the pack.
01:19:29 I never experienced that whole werewolf mind link thing.
01:19:34 Wait a minute, what did you just say?
01:19:37 I said I never experienced the mind link.
01:19:41 I can still feel the mind link with the other brothers.
01:19:46 How is that possible?
01:19:50 Unless--
01:19:51 Unless what?
01:19:53 Unless that wasn't the real Alexander.
01:19:54 Don't you think he was acting weird?
01:19:56 Except he still likes pink drinks.
01:19:58 What?
01:19:59 He had a pink drink the other day.
01:20:01 He was poisoned.
01:20:03 We have to go back.
01:20:05 [music]
01:20:09 [music]
01:20:12 The great alpha king, kneeling at my feet.
01:20:28 [growling]
01:20:32 Triton.
01:20:36 It's time for you to go and reclaim your throne.
01:20:39 [music]
01:20:43 [howling]
01:20:49 [heavy breathing]
01:20:57 Bitch.
01:21:01 [coughing]
01:21:04 [howling]
01:21:07 Save your energy, Alexander.
01:21:15 The potion has a trite grip on you.
01:21:18 You.
01:21:22 You were the one who poisoned the drinks at the club, Matthew.
01:21:25 Oh, clever pup.
01:21:28 Smarter than you look.
01:21:31 Unfortunately, Azrael had to spoil the fun.
01:21:35 But tell me, how does it feel to be betrayed by your own baiter?
01:21:41 Daniel.
01:21:45 He would never.
01:21:46 Last I saw him--
01:21:48 Oh, that's right.
01:21:49 He was taking that potion from me.
01:21:52 Wonder what he did with it.
01:21:54 A liar.
01:21:56 He would never.
01:21:58 Trust is so fragile.
01:22:00 Even amongst werewolves.
01:22:04 Once Robert defeats you in the challenge, your fate is mine.
01:22:09 Challenge?
01:22:11 I dare you to try.
01:22:12 No, no, no.
01:22:15 Not you, Alpha King.
01:22:18 The Alexander that's in the pack hall right now.
01:22:21 [laughing]
01:22:25 [laughing]
01:22:38 Damien.
01:22:41 Damien, I need you to wake up now.
01:22:43 [screaming]
01:22:57 Look who decided to show up.
01:23:00 What do you want this time?
01:23:02 To make you pay.
01:23:03 I know you're an imposter.
01:23:05 What on earth are you talking about?
01:23:07 Come on, Lola.
01:23:08 Think.
01:23:11 Daniel, now.
01:23:13 Daniel, what's wrong with you?
01:23:14 Let go of him.
01:23:15 Alex can make me release if he can't, who is he then?
01:23:17 Please, don't kill him.
01:23:19 Wait.
01:23:31 Aiden.
01:23:32 What the hell is going on here?
01:23:34 Dammit, Daniel, get off him.
01:23:36 Aiden, why did you do this to Alex?
01:23:38 Tell us the truth, Aiden.
01:23:41 Fine, fine, I'll talk, just get off him.
01:23:45 Where is Alex?
01:23:46 And who made you do this?
01:23:48 Does it matter now?
01:23:49 He's probably dead.
01:23:52 I don't get it.
01:23:53 Why would you and Aiden do this?
01:23:55 Because I'd do anything for my mate.
01:23:59 Wait, Angela?
01:24:01 You're the one who's behind this?
01:24:03 I did it.
01:24:05 The pearly canines destroyed my peck.
01:24:08 The Roosevelt's killed my family in orphanness.
01:24:11 I hate them.
01:24:17 Alexander's parents killed my parents and Aiden's.
01:24:20 That's not true, Angela, who told you that?
01:24:22 Robert did.
01:24:23 They killed his parents too.
01:24:25 Robert?
01:24:26 He's the leader of the Rogues raiding our territory.
01:24:28 No, no, he wouldn't do that, that can't be true.
01:24:33 This is an emergency.
01:24:35 Alexander is gone.
01:24:37 Leila, how did this happen?
01:24:39 I'm still trying to figure that part out.
01:24:41 You're my best friend, you couldn't even tell me?
01:24:47 I'm home.
01:24:50 It's Robert.
01:24:52 They can't transform.
01:24:54 Tie them all up.
01:25:00 Robert, stop it.
01:25:01 What is this all about?
01:25:03 Stay out of this.
01:25:04 Did you plot this?
01:25:05 I'm here to challenge the throne.
01:25:07 Robert, we know about your plan already.
01:25:09 Where's the real Alex?
01:25:11 Robert, look at me.
01:25:13 Why are you doing this?
01:25:15 Listen, I'll do whatever it takes to get revenge.
01:25:18 Victoria, do you know him?
01:25:21 He saved my life once.
01:25:23 You chose to leave our pack.
01:25:25 Why would you come back?
01:25:27 I am the king!
01:25:29 The Roosevelt's are all hypocrites!
01:25:32 Leila, what they did to us is unforgivable.
01:25:37 How could I kneel before Alexander?
01:25:42 Let them go, please.
01:25:44 I'll come with you.
01:25:53 I will always protect you.
01:26:11 I will always protect you.
01:26:13 Robert, you know this isn't you.
01:26:16 I mean, you even said it yourself, yeah?
01:26:20 You're a good one, you're not like the other ones.
01:26:22 I'm just taking back...
01:26:28 Why are you looking at me like this, Victoria?
01:26:31 I'm just taking back what belongs to me.
01:26:34 Rightfully belongs to me.
01:26:36 Robert, listen to me.
01:26:41 Please, please don't harm anyone else, okay?
01:26:45 There's no turning back, Victoria.
01:26:48 It's my duty and destiny to take back what was mine.
01:26:59 Even you.
01:27:01 Robert, you ungrateful traitor.
01:27:05 How is this possible?
01:27:07 Robert and the wizard poisoned the pack and have kidnapped Alexander.
01:27:09 Shut up!
01:27:11 Robert, how could you trust a wizard?
01:27:13 How could I trust anyone?
01:27:17 The pearly cannies killed my parents.
01:27:20 Your father led an attack on Angela's pack and killed her parents.
01:27:24 Alexander's parents were there to put down the revolts.
01:27:27 Shut up!
01:27:33 Kill him.
01:27:34 Robert, stop it.
01:27:36 Kill her.
01:27:37 Kill her!
01:27:38 Robert, stop it, please.
01:27:39 Kill her!
01:27:40 Stop it, Robert!
01:27:41 Kill her!
01:27:52 You stand in the presence of Carla, queen of the werewolf species,
01:27:57 descendant of the moon goddess,
01:27:59 and I hereby order everyone to seize this war and bloodshed immediately.
01:28:09 Queen Carla, you've returned.
01:28:13 Impossible.
01:28:14 You're Carla, the white wolf.
01:28:19 Robert, do you wish to challenge me?
01:28:23 No, my queen.
01:28:27 I am humble, sir.
01:28:29 Where is Alexander?
01:28:31 He's in the black room, mother.
01:28:34 Patrick and Chris are there.
01:28:38 Alexander, I'm coming.
01:28:48 You thought you could defeat the Alpha King?
01:28:50 Alpha King?
01:28:52 Unfortunately, you're already defeated.
01:28:54 See, I've cast a spell on you that can only be undone by me.
01:29:00 What are you talking about?
01:29:01 A sacrifice spell.
01:29:03 Either you die or someone you love must die,
01:29:05 and you don't have much time left.
01:29:07 You cannot deceive me.
01:29:09 Azrael will undo your spell.
01:29:11 The spell was given to me by a witch much more powerful than Azrael.
01:29:17 Why are you assisting Robert?
01:29:19 What's in it for you?
01:29:20 It's quite simple, really.
01:29:22 I want Damien dead.
01:29:25 Damien?
01:29:27 My wolf Damien?
01:29:33 Alex, Alex, Alex, are you okay?
01:29:36 Ah, Victoria.
01:29:38 I've been expecting you.
01:29:40 I don't have time for you, Patrick.
01:29:42 Oh, well, what if I were to tell you that our friend Alexander was dying?
01:29:52 What did you just say?
01:29:53 I might have cast a deadly spell on him.
01:30:01 Why?
01:30:02 Why did you do this?
01:30:04 You're a wretched, wretching wench.
01:30:06 Lord Neptune dies for you.
01:30:08 You destroyed him.
01:30:10 I don't know who you're talking about, nor do I care.
01:30:13 But if you harm Alexander, you will be the first wizard to die at my hands.
01:30:17 Hell, no.
01:30:18 Alexander will perish.
01:30:21 Explain the sacrifice spell to me.
01:30:23 What is it?
01:30:25 Eye for eye, blood for blood.
01:30:28 Either Alexander must die or someone he loves must die.
01:30:33 I want you to undo it now.
01:30:35 It cannot be undone.
01:30:37 Once it is done, it can only be transferred from one soul to another.
01:30:42 [grunts]
01:30:44 Take me.
01:31:08 Transfer the spell onto me.
01:31:13 As you wish.
01:31:16 [gasps]
01:31:18 [sighs]
01:31:47 Azrael. Azrael!
01:31:51 A wizard used the sacrifice spell.
01:31:53 How is this possible?
01:31:55 A spell like this can only be wielded by a dark wizard.
01:32:09 A regular spell should not have this effect on Victoria.
01:32:13 [panting]
01:32:15 Unless she sacrificed herself.
01:32:21 You have to save her.
01:32:23 Whatever it takes, Azrael. Even my life.
01:32:25 There's nothing I can do.
01:32:27 Azrael! Azrael!
01:32:30 The blood sacrifice spell bonds to the person you love the most.
01:32:41 Something. Anything.
01:32:43 It can only work like this. If she loved you.
01:32:46 Shh.
01:32:48 She's gone. She's gone.
01:32:57 She endured the spell for you.
01:33:06 [sighs]
01:33:08 It shouldn't have been me.
01:33:13 It shouldn't have been me.
01:33:15 I'm sorry, V.
01:33:23 I'm sorry.
01:33:29 I love you.
01:33:33 [music]
01:33:35 Alpha.
01:33:48 Alpha, Victoria's funeral was days ago.
01:33:53 You should rest.
01:33:56 Thank you, Elder Leonardo.
01:33:59 You may leave.
01:34:02 [music]
01:34:05 [music]
01:34:08 [music]
01:34:10 [music]
01:34:16 [music]
01:34:22 [music]
01:34:28 [music]
01:34:35 [music]
01:34:37 If an Alpha cannot protect his learner,
01:34:48 how can he possibly be king?
01:34:51 [music]
01:35:03 Can you get a potion? Alex?
01:35:06 Hey? Help!
01:35:08 Leo, help! Somebody help!
01:35:11 Hey, stay with me.
01:35:13 Hey!
01:35:15 Help!
01:35:17 Alex.
01:35:19 Alex. Hey!
01:35:23 No.
01:35:26 No.
01:35:28 [music]
01:35:31 [music]
01:35:33 Jeryl, what's this about?
01:35:40 Listen to me, Daniel.
01:35:42 Victoria is asleep in here.
01:35:44 But then they say we just buried her.
01:35:46 No, she's alive.
01:35:48 Is she alive?
01:35:57 Don't touch her.
01:35:59 I'll explain.
01:36:01 The sacrifice spell caused Victoria's body to deteriorate.
01:36:05 It tore her soul apart.
01:36:08 Yet, her witch powers are attempting to heal her.
01:36:12 Take her to the packhouse. We'll help you.
01:36:15 No.
01:36:16 If we return her to Alex,
01:36:19 her wolf powers will be bolstered
01:36:21 and potentially overwhelm her witch powers.
01:36:25 She loves him.
01:36:28 The closer they are, the worse it gets.
01:36:32 I don't understand. Is she alive or dead?
01:36:36 Her body is in a perpetual cycle of decay and repair.
01:36:43 Tell me what I can do to bring her back.
01:36:48 The dust rises. The dust falls.
01:36:55 She should never have fallen in love with him again.
01:36:59 Dust does them apart in every life.
01:37:04 We need to get her away from Alexander as far away as possible.
01:37:11 Somewhere where I can wield more potent magic.
01:37:24 Everything has its worth.
01:37:26 Please. Just do it.
01:37:29 Are you sure you want to do this?
01:37:45 Sister. Just do it.
01:37:48 [Dramatic music]
01:37:50 [Screams]
01:38:03 [Hissing]
01:38:08 [Sighs]
01:38:10 May the Moon Goddess have mercy upon her child.
01:38:23 What now?
01:38:28 Asriel.
01:38:36 I've summoned the witch's spirit.
01:38:39 But I don't know if she can save Victoria.
01:38:42 Who's this witch you're talking about?
01:38:45 Her name is Madeline.
01:38:48 Madeline. The witch who nearly destroyed the world.
01:38:52 [Dramatic music]
01:38:55 [Hissing]
01:38:57 [music]
