FTS 16:30 08-03: This March 8 women rally in Latin America for their rights

  • 6 months ago
Ecuador extends state of emergency for 30 days. // This March 8 women rally in Latin America for their rights. // Israel murders an average of 63 women a day in Gaza. teleSUR

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00:03 Women rise their voices in Latin America for equal rights
00:09 as the world celebrates International Women Day.
00:12 Ecuador's government extended the state of emergency
00:20 for another 30 days, a measure in place since January 8th
00:24 to allegedly combat organized crime.
00:30 As Israel murders an average of 63 women daily in Gaza,
00:34 the Palestinian prime minister assured
00:36 that on International Women's Day, women in his country
00:39 have had to live through the darkest days in history.
00:42 Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:51 I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:54 We begin with the news.
00:59 The peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
01:13 commemorate International Women's Day
01:15 by rising their voices for equal rights.
01:18 Women from several countries in the region
01:20 will honor the courage, strength, and achievement
01:23 of women around the world in the face
01:25 of the challenges of inequality and public and private sectors.
01:29 In this sense, thousands of activists
01:31 will carry out activities such as forums, marches,
01:34 and rallies during this day.
01:36 On the other hand, the day reminds the world
01:38 of women's struggle for equality, recognition,
01:41 and the effective exercise of their rights.
01:43 Across different countries, women
01:45 fight for the struggles of their people,
01:47 demanding a more just world amid an increasing world crisis.
01:51 [AUDIO OUT]
01:54 In Argentina, the traditional March 8th demonstration
02:03 takes place, despite the confirmation by the government
02:06 that public workers who adhere to the strike
02:09 will not receive the day's salary.
02:12 Manuel Adorni, spokesman for President Javier Milley,
02:15 was in charge of communicating the decision.
02:17 As every March 8th, Argentine women
02:20 are preparing for a great day of mobilizations.
02:23 However, in view of the onslaught undertaken
02:25 by the executive against the feminist movement,
02:28 this day takes on special relevance.
02:31 Despite the threats that target an already impoverished sector,
02:35 big demonstrations are expected all over the country
02:37 from a movement that had been on the forefront of women's
02:42 struggle in the continent and is now severely targeted
02:45 by the national government.
02:46 [AUDIO OUT]
02:50 [LAUGHTER]
02:54 With a commitment to revitalize the functioning
02:56 of the organization, the 11th Congress
02:59 of the Women's Federation began this Thursday in Cuba.
03:02 Nearly 323 women delegates gathered
03:05 at the Convention Palace in Havana,
03:08 the capital of the island, to discuss the current challenges
03:11 facing the country.
03:12 There is a Maria Bowet, member of the political bureau
03:15 and secretary general of the Federation,
03:17 explained that the main objective of the Congress
03:20 is to evaluate the results of the work of the last five
03:23 years, in addition to honor the work developed
03:26 by women in various sectors of the country.
03:28 During the Congress, the work of prevention and care
03:31 carried out by female social workers,
03:34 volunteers in the various delegations
03:36 that exist in the country, as well as the role of women who
03:39 hold management positions in delegations focused mainly
03:43 on young women, will be prized.
03:44 [AUDIO OUT]
03:49 We have to reinvent ourselves to face these times,
03:52 to revive ourselves, to confront everything that is threatening
03:55 our achievement against all the beautiful and wonderful things
03:59 that Cuban women have achieved.
04:01 And as communication is my feeling,
04:03 I cannot detach myself from it.
04:05 We continue to win, as all the delegates have
04:08 said, in the way we communicate in our neighborhoods.
04:11 Communication is not only the media.
04:13 We communicate with that we do every day.
04:16 We communicate by our example.
04:20 Cuban women dedicated their speeches
04:22 to the Palestinian women.
04:23 Deeply moved by their courage, they
04:25 demanded an end to the crimes committed
04:27 by Israel against them, their children,
04:29 and their rights and freedoms.
04:31 [AUDIO OUT]
04:35 And I did not want to conclude my speech
04:37 without joining as many of our delegates
04:40 have done, as we did today from our commission
04:43 to this international demand to stop the Israel
04:46 crime in Palestine.
04:47 Stop killing children.
04:49 Stop killing women.
04:50 The solidarity of the Cuban women
04:52 is with the Palestinian women, with those
04:55 who are also great fighters to protect their children
04:58 from death every day.
05:00 We are with you, and our denunciation today
05:02 is made clear from our Congress of the Federation
05:05 of Cuban Women.
05:07 Thank you very much.
05:09 In other regions of the world, women also
05:11 take to the streets to rise their voices
05:13 against worldwide oppressions.
05:15 In Spain, for example, social organizations
05:18 are commemorating this March 8 in the streets of Barcelona.
05:21 Feminist associations and collectives
05:24 organize a series of events to vindicate equality
05:27 between gender and denounce the different types of violence
05:30 against women.
05:31 The assembly 8M called to march from 6 PM local time
05:35 through the gardens of Gracia and walking along Gracia
05:38 Passage, passing by Ronda de Sant Pere
05:41 to reach the triumph arc, where the mobilization will end.
05:45 The assembly also called for a walk under the slogan
05:47 "From our misery we make the struggle grow"
05:51 to show the rejection of femicide and gender violence.
05:54 We are here because 8 March is not only commemorated
06:05 on this day, but every day.
06:06 And we go out to vindicate it today.
06:09 And we have to shout, not to keep quiet,
06:12 to say everything that happens, to talk about rape, xenophobia,
06:16 about everything that happens, because we are not
06:19 as advanced as we think.
06:21 We usually think that we have progress,
06:24 but that progress is not completely done.
06:27 There are still a lot of things to change.
06:29 And that's why we are here today.
06:31 And every day, since we suffered then, we are.
06:36 Also in Italy, locals crowded the streets of Rome
06:40 to speak out against gender-based violence
06:42 and to commemorate the International Women's Day.
06:45 Likewise, the attendees took advantage of the demonstration
06:48 to express their support for the women of Gaza,
06:51 who are suffering the violation of their rights
06:53 by the Israeli occupation forces.
06:56 For the part, feminist groups called for a national strike
06:59 to take a stand against the government's measures
07:01 regarding temporary detention.
07:03 And for the part, feminist groups called for a national strike
07:05 to take a stand against the government's measures
07:08 regarding temporary hires.
07:10 In France, the right to abortion is enshrined in the Constitution,
07:16 while in Italy we have 63% of consensual subjectors,
07:21 gynecologists in particular, 40.5% of anesthetics,
07:27 and 32% of non-medical personnel.
07:30 We do not have the freedom to have an abortion.
07:33 Today we do not go to work.
07:36 We went on strike.
07:38 We gave up a day's work to emphasize once again
07:41 that women exist in this country,
07:44 that they must be heard,
07:45 despite what the Maloney government continues to do.
07:48 Meanwhile in France, thousands of women demand gender equality
07:54 and demonstrate against gender-based violence
07:56 in the streets of Paris.
07:58 In this way, feminist activists seek greater visibility
08:01 and the constitutional warranty of their rights.
08:04 In the meantime, the country's administration announced
08:07 that on March 8th would be the date for the country
08:10 to incorporate the right to abortion into the Constitution.
08:13 Precisely on Friday, the French President announced a plan
08:17 to include the right to abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
08:20 of the European Union,
08:22 a step that would constitute a win for the women's movement
08:25 in the face of advancing for rights.
08:28 We are doubly satisfied today,
08:35 since not only did we see this gesture
08:38 in sealing the right to abortion in the Constitution,
08:41 but Emmanuel Macron in his speech said that he was in favor
08:46 of a proposal that we tabled at the beginning of the week
08:50 to enshrine the right to abortion in the Charter
08:53 of Fundamental Rights of the European Union,
08:56 which would again be a spectacular step forward at a time
09:00 when in many countries in Europe women are continuing to fight
09:05 for the right to abortion.
09:09 Also in Afghanistan, small groups of women staged demonstrations
09:12 to mark International Women's Day in private spaces after a crackdown
09:17 by Taliban authorities forced activists off the streets.
09:21 Women have been squeezed from public life,
09:23 barred from traveling without a male relative,
09:26 and banned from certain jobs, secondary school and university,
09:30 as well as from parks, fairs and gyms.
09:33 A handful of women in several provinces gathered
09:35 to demand restrictions be lifted, according to activists
09:39 from the Purple Saturdays group,
09:41 which protests Taliban government's coerce on women.
09:48 We, the members of the Purple Saturdays movement of Baghdad province,
09:55 on the occasion of March 8, International Women's Day,
09:58 ask the leader of the Taliban group be brought to court
10:02 for their terrorist and deadly attacks in the last 20 years
10:06 and for crimes against humanity and gender apartheid
10:10 against Afghan women in the past nearly three years.
10:14 Rights, justice, freedom.
10:18 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok
10:20 and Telesur English, where you will find news in different formats,
10:23 news updates and more.
10:25 All the stories coming up, stay with us.
10:27 Welcome back.
10:44 The Argentine Metallurgical Workers Union carried out on Thursday
10:49 a historic strike of the Asindar plant due to suspensions
10:52 and threats of firing in several companies.
10:55 In this context, the Secretary General of the Union
10:57 of the National Level, Abel Furlan, pointed out that President Millel
11:01 does not consider the productive sectors of the country
11:04 or the workers of the industry as a priority.
11:07 He stressed that besides the temporary closing of its plants,
11:10 the company recently dismissed 250 workers.
11:14 The strike seeks to put a pressure on the government
11:17 against the implementation of these policies
11:19 that target the productive sector and the working class.
11:22 Ecuador's government on Thursday extended the state of emergency
11:32 for another 30 days, a measure in place since January 8th
11:36 to combat organized crime.
11:38 The decision had been announced days before,
11:40 and this Thursday it was finally formalized
11:43 through the Executive Decree 193, dated March 7th.
11:47 The measure is in force in the whole country
11:49 due to alleged serious internal commotion and armed conflict,
11:54 including prisons.
11:55 Corfu's kettles also remain in force without modifications.
11:59 The government ratifies that the measure seeks to promote
12:02 the fight against terrorism.
12:04 However, several reports of abuses of authority
12:07 and human rights violations overshadowed the measure.
12:11 The non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders
12:14 announced on Thursday that the government of Panama
12:17 forced it to suspend its humanitarian activities
12:20 in the Darien jungle after denouncing and increasing
12:23 the number of rapes of migrants crossing the inhospitable jungle
12:27 on their way to the United States.
12:29 Through a statement on social network X,
12:31 the organization indicated that they will continue
12:33 to support the fight against terrorism.
12:36 The government of Ecuador has also announced
12:38 that the organization indicated that they were forced
12:41 to suspend medical activities in the Darien
12:44 by the authorities of Panama and highlighted the concern
12:47 about the consequences that it could bring
12:49 to the migrant population.
12:52 On the other hand, the Panamanian government alleged
12:54 that the non-governmental organization does not have
12:57 a collaboration agreement in force with the Ministry of Health
13:01 to operate in their country.
13:03 It should be noted that the measure was adopted days
13:06 after Doctors Without Borders denounced an increase
13:08 in brutal attacks and sexual violence against migrants
13:12 in the jungle.
13:14 In Mexico, the students of the Ayotzinapa Normal School
13:24 denounced that Guerrero police killed one of their classmates
13:28 and wounded another in Tixla.
13:30 On the webpage of the Federation of Socialist Peace
13:33 and Students of Mexico, they confirmed the event
13:37 with a declaration of mourning.
13:38 For their part, the state police assured
13:40 that they were attending a complaint about the theft
13:43 of a vehicle and upon arriving at the place known
13:46 as Hotel Petlatlan, they were attacked.
13:49 Meanwhile, the Human Rights Center Minerva Valle
13:52 reports two casualties and demands the immediate arrest
13:55 of the police officers.
14:02 On Thursday, U.S. President Joe Biden delivered the State
14:05 of the Union address amid a tense political climate
14:08 at local and international levels for his administration.
14:11 Among the central topics of this third State of the Union speech,
14:15 Biden showed a firm stance on immigration,
14:18 indicated that his administration won't demonize migrants.
14:22 On the other issue he talked about is the Ukrainian crisis
14:26 and referred that his nation will not back down on aid
14:30 to Caib while reaffirming its commitment to NATO.
14:33 U.S. President also addressed the Palestine crisis
14:36 in the midst of mobilizations taking place outside the House
14:39 of Representatives, calling for a ceasefire in this context.
14:42 Biden continued his soft language policy against Israel
14:46 and proposed to build a humanitarian corridor
14:48 for the entry of aid to Gaza.
14:50 In this sense, he assured that the solution
14:52 to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the creation
14:55 of two states.
14:57 I'm directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission
15:04 to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the coast
15:07 of Gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food, water,
15:11 medicine, and temporary shelters.
15:14 No U.S. boots will be on the ground.
15:17 A temporary pier will enable a massive increase in the amount
15:20 of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day.
15:24 [ Applause ]
15:27 Moreover, in response to the appeal of his own people
15:30 and the international community, Biden allegedly stated
15:34 that the United States will establish a temporary pier
15:37 to provide humanitarian aid to the Gazans.
15:40 We have a final short break coming up, but before we invite you
15:48 to join our WhatsApp community for our English-speaking audience,
15:51 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
15:54 and share the link to reach more people.
15:55 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
15:58 as well as the rest of the world.
16:00 Stay connected and informed with Tel Aviv's final short break.
16:03 Now go away.
16:04 [ Music ]
16:18 Welcome back to "From the South."
16:20 The Russian Defense Ministry reported on Friday
16:23 that Russian air forces destroyed two bases of terrorists involved
16:27 in attacks on Syrian army positions
16:29 in Idlib, northwestern Syria.
16:31 In this regard, Admiral Vadim Kulit, Deputy Head of the Center
16:36 of Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria,
16:39 noted that on March 5th, the air force carried out attacks
16:42 in the area of the city of Basangul,
16:44 in the province of Idlib.
16:46 In the meantime, the official statement added that more
16:49 than 20 terrorists were killed.
16:51 On the other hand, the Russian military denounced
16:53 that the United States-led coalition forces violated the
16:56 disarmament protocols at the Syrian airspace four times
17:01 over the Al-Tanf region with a pair of F-16 and a pair
17:06 of A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft.
17:10 [ Music ]
17:28 Israel murders an average of 63 women daily in Gaza
17:32 with the reality of this fact in front of everyone.
17:35 The Palestinian Prime Minister assured
17:37 that on International Women's Day, women in his country have
17:41 had to live through the darkest days in history.
17:44 Mohammad Shetaye, acting Prime Minister,
17:47 denounced that Palestinian women arrived
17:49 to this March 8th mourning their loved ones displaced,
17:53 deprived of the most basic human rights,
17:55 or simply did not arrive to this Friday
17:58 because they were murdered.
17:59 He repudiates that the tragedy occurs
18:01 in view of the whole world.
18:03 While celebrating women in Palestine,
18:06 more than 9,000 have been murdered with impunity
18:09 and the number of displaced women has reached almost 1,000,000.
18:13 The Gaza authorities put the number of orphans
18:16 at 17,000 since October 7th, 2023.
18:20 Humanitarian organizations in Palestine denounced
18:28 that the Israeli blockade measures aggravate the famine
18:31 situation in the Gaza Strip.
18:33 Palestinian right groups accuse Israel of consistently
18:36 and baselessly blocking aid operations to the Gaza Strip,
18:40 even as the enclave falls further into famine.
18:43 The organizations urge the international community
18:46 to continue pressuring Israel to allow much needed aid
18:50 into Gaza so residents can cope with the famine situation
18:54 due to the shortage of essential supplies.
18:56 Regarding the worsening humanitarian crisis,
18:59 the United Nations confirmed 20 deaths due to malnutrition
19:02 and warned that dozens of civilians died in silence
19:05 due to famine without reaching hospitals in Gaza.
19:09 In this regard, several countries continue operations
19:17 to send humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.
19:19 In images we see how joint air operations between Jordan,
19:23 Egypt, the United States, France, the Netherlands
19:26 and Belgium launch packages with humanitarian aid,
19:29 food and medical supplies to civilians in the Gaza Strip.
19:33 These packages with the aid are being distributed
19:36 to the northern Gaza area where Israel occupation forces
19:39 have prevented access to the trucks
19:41 with the necessary supplies for the most vulnerable population.
19:44 In Chile on Thursday, the group of lawyers for Palestine
19:53 demanded an investigation before the general controller's
19:56 office into the contract of an Israeli company, Mekorot,
19:59 with a public agency alleging that although its purpose
20:03 is to receive water resources management advice,
20:06 it lacks transparency in the contracting process
20:09 and adequate warranties of compliance.
20:11 Today we have filed a complaint with the controller general
20:16 of the Republic in view of certain irregularities
20:18 that are happening in the Biabyo region.
20:21 There is a contract that Biabyo is making
20:23 through its Biabyo Development Corporation
20:25 that is totally irregular.
20:27 There are public resources involved
20:29 that we do not know what is being done with those resources.
20:33 It is a contract for water consultancy
20:35 with the Israeli company Mekorot.
20:37 We have come to the end of this news brief,
20:42 but you can find this and many other stories
20:44 on our website at telesudyinglish.net
20:47 and join us on social media as well,
20:48 Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
20:51 For Telesudyinglish, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
