Watch Outrage (2023) Full Movie For Free

  • 7 months ago


00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:10 [Sound of a pen scratching]
00:00:16 [Music]
00:00:20 [Singing in French]
00:00:25 [Singing in French]
00:00:54 [Singing in French]
00:01:07 [Gunshots]
00:01:12 [Speaking in French]
00:01:19 [Gunshots]
00:01:33 Breaking news.
00:01:36 Tonight the world reacts to a deadly shooting in France.
00:01:39 [Speaking in French]
00:01:45 The shooter, 21-year-old Max Moreau, was killed at the scene.
00:01:48 The media here is reporting that this individual is part of a far-right group, perhaps a neo-Nazi.
00:01:53 French authorities have charged Gaspard Francois, the leader of France's ultra-right youth movement, with incitement of violence.
00:01:59 Max Moreau was a member of his group.
00:02:01 As a movement, what it tends to do is it gives its supporters and its followers a narrative that would justify violence under certain conditions.
00:02:09 Last year's shooting was not an isolated event, but part of a rise in white racial violence.
00:02:15 Victor Amura continues to use hateful rhetoric, targeting minority groups to galvanize political supporters.
00:02:22 She is now the frontrunner in France's presidential elections.
00:02:25 They're doing this quite consciously, pushing at the limits of free speech.
00:02:30 Right-wing provocators are making millions spreading these hateful ideas.
00:02:34 They are responsible for a climate in which people who have those particularly extreme views are more likely to act upon them.
00:02:40 [Music]
00:02:49 I'm Ivy Brand and you're watching Nationalist News International.
00:02:52 Joining me in the studio today, we have a legendary Italian writer, a longtime supporter of patriotic movements, and a personal hero of mine, Professor Piero De Luca.
00:03:02 Thank you for joining us, Professor.
00:03:03 Piacere, Ivy. And please, Piero.
00:03:07 Tell me, Piero, who do you think is responsible for the Max Moreau shooting?
00:03:11 Max Moreau, of course.
00:03:12 Right, he pulled the trigger.
00:03:14 No, no, no, this action is of one sick individual, a boy with a history of mental problems.
00:03:21 But we live in a culture of excuses.
00:03:24 People try to blame politics, blame society to make themselves into victims.
00:03:29 And what do you think that does to your mind, huh?
00:03:32 I'll tell you what it does, my dear girl.
00:03:34 This victimhood mentality made Max Moreau.
00:03:39 Stripped him of his pride and turned him into a killer. Simple as that.
00:03:43 But is it that simple? Aren't there other factors?
00:03:45 No, no, no, no, Caramilla, you don't understand the situation.
00:03:48 They are using this tragedy to cause a rift within the movement.
00:03:52 But that doesn't explain the manifesto, does it?
00:03:55 Excuse me? Excuse me?
00:03:57 Max Moreau's manifesto. In it, he directly quotes your work.
00:04:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah, the boy wrote the manifesto, so what? All of these maniacs do.
00:04:05 Exactly, but as a part of the movement, don't we have to reckon with that?
00:04:08 No, no, no, cut!
00:04:11 Ivy!
00:04:12 You've got a wild one here, Frank.
00:04:14 Ivy.
00:04:15 Ah, is she going to do this every night?
00:04:18 Yeah, give us a minute, Pierrot.
00:04:19 Ah, cheers.
00:04:20 When we got here, you told me I could run my own interviews.
00:04:23 Sure, but to go after Pierrot for the manifesto like that? Come on, kid, you're killing me.
00:04:28 It's a real question.
00:04:29 No, I mean, we both know how the donuts are made.
00:04:32 And I taught you better than that.
00:04:35 You know who you remind me of when you get like that?
00:04:40 Mom?
00:04:42 Me! Not my fucking sister.
00:04:45 Me! You remind me of me. You're smart, you're authentic, you could be huge.
00:04:49 If you really want it.
00:04:51 I do, I do.
00:04:52 Then stick to the fucking script.
00:04:54 Why do we even have Pierrot on anyway?
00:04:57 We want to give Pierrot a little air time before the Italy launch.
00:05:00 Now that things are in motion.
00:05:02 What things?
00:05:04 Tony.
00:05:07 Uncle Frank, thanks.
00:05:08 Alice.
00:05:16 Excusez-moi, mademoiselle.
00:05:17 Did you want something to eat?
00:05:19 My favorite, thank you.
00:05:20 Alice, I've got three more guests for tonight.
00:05:25 Victoire and Maurad and her entourage.
00:05:28 Victoire?
00:05:30 Coming all the way from Paris just to see us.
00:05:33 Wait, are we doing an interview?
00:05:35 You see? What did I tell you? It's all coming together.
00:05:39 And what about Gaspar?
00:05:42 He went out hunting, but he will be back for dinner.
00:05:45 Wait, Gaspar and Victoire at the same table, together?
00:05:49 I've got it all under control.
00:05:51 And send the staff home before lunch.
00:05:54 Everyone but you.
00:05:55 I don't want anyone here who doesn't need to be.
00:05:57 Can you handle the dinner by yourself?
00:06:00 There's no problem, monsieur.
00:06:02 You see? That's how you do it.
00:06:05 Don't complain, don't ask questions, you just get the job done.
00:06:09 All right, come on everybody.
00:06:12 It's about time.
00:06:13 Let's reset and go again.
00:06:15 On place!
00:06:16 Plug the generator cables into the barn.
00:06:41 Yes, madame.
00:06:42 Madame.
00:06:44 [Door opens]
00:06:46 [Door closes]
00:06:47 [Gasps]
00:07:13 [Gasps]
00:07:14 [Speaking French]
00:07:37 [Door opens]
00:07:38 [Door closes]
00:07:39 [Door opens]
00:07:48 [Door closes]
00:07:50 [Door opens]
00:07:56 [Door closes]
00:07:57 [Sighs]
00:08:01 [Speaking French]
00:08:03 [Speaking French]
00:08:07 [Speaking French]
00:08:08 [Speaking French]
00:08:14 [Speaking French]
00:08:16 [Door opens]
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00:08:20 [Door closes]
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00:08:25 [Speaking French]
00:08:40 [Speaking French]
00:08:44 [Speaking French]
00:08:47 [Speaking French]
00:08:53 [Speaking French]
00:08:54 [Speaking French]
00:08:56 Donate to the Movement Fund and help the future start today.
00:09:00 [Door opens]
00:09:02 [Door closes]
00:09:04 [Door opens]
00:09:07 [Speaking French]
00:09:11 [Speaking French]
00:09:16 So what about this month's donations?
00:09:21 Those funds are in liquid here.
00:09:23 I have to call somebody in Geneva.
00:09:26 Somebody? Who's somebody?
00:09:28 You don't want to know.
00:09:29 All we need is a few million for her.
00:09:32 That's all. Just enough to get her under her.
00:09:34 I'll make it happen. Just sign this.
00:09:36 I'm signing the second one?
00:09:37 Yeah, right there.
00:09:38 Then, is that it?
00:09:39 For now.
00:09:40 Then we got her, Gaspar, we're all set.
00:09:44 Great.
00:09:49 Could you be any more shameless?
00:09:52 You know, if I could, I would.
00:09:55 You know why?
00:09:57 Because it works.
00:10:00 It works!
00:10:02 I'm Ivy Brand and remember, think for yourself.
00:10:08 I'm Ivy Brand and remember, stay to the right.
00:10:12 Stay to the right. No, no, stupid.
00:10:15 I'm Ivy Brand and remember, don't give up the fight.
00:10:20 That one.
00:10:22 That one was the best.
00:10:24 People like a good fight.
00:10:27 I was just working on, like a catchphrase.
00:10:30 You know, all of the big anchors have one.
00:10:32 A piece of advice, though.
00:10:35 Make yourself the victim.
00:10:39 Then you can be angry, you can be righteous,
00:10:42 and people still listen to you.
00:10:44 But I thought you hated that.
00:10:46 I do, I do.
00:10:48 But it's better to use it against them
00:10:52 before they use it against you, yeah?
00:10:54 I'm sorry I ambushed you today.
00:11:01 Ah, all is fair in love and television.
00:11:06 (distant chatter)
00:11:10 (door creaks)
00:11:12 (door slams)
00:11:14 (door slams)
00:11:25 (door slams)
00:11:27 (somber music)
00:11:44 (somber music)
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00:12:53 (somber music)
00:12:57 (somber music)
00:13:01 (somber music)
00:13:06 (somber music)
00:13:09 - Don't fuck this up.
00:13:13 Madame Laura, I have some unquestioned sacrifice
00:13:15 of a woman who was risen into power in New York.
00:13:17 - Fuck.
00:13:18 - How is the hunting?
00:13:19 - This place is too good for you, Frank.
00:13:22 It was made for a hunter.
00:13:24 You don't even know how to shoot, right?
00:13:25 - No.
00:13:27 - Hey, Ivy.
00:13:28 Ivy, come here.
00:13:30 I have a present for you,
00:13:32 even if you are always mean to me on your show.
00:13:34 (footsteps)
00:13:36 - Oh.
00:13:40 (laughing)
00:13:41 You asshole.
00:13:42 - He looks like you, huh?
00:13:47 (laughing)
00:13:48 Maybe we'll cook him tomorrow.
00:13:50 - Sure.
00:13:51 If you think Victoria likes boar.
00:13:53 Told you I'd get her.
00:13:58 (car door slams)
00:14:03 (car engine roars)
00:14:06 (car engine roars)
00:14:17 (somber music)
00:14:21 (car engine roars)
00:14:24 - There she is.
00:14:35 The next president of France.
00:14:38 - I can't believe she's here.
00:14:39 How did Uncle Frank do it?
00:14:40 - Hmm?
00:14:41 (man shouts)
00:14:42 Leave it to him.
00:14:43 He knows how to do these things.
00:14:45 - Hi.
00:14:46 Nice to meet you.
00:14:49 - Welcome to the headquarters of NNI.
00:14:52 (dramatic music)
00:14:55 (dramatic music)
00:14:58 (dramatic music)
00:15:00 (dramatic music)
00:15:03 (dramatic music)
00:15:06 (dramatic music)
00:15:09 (dramatic music)
00:15:11 (footsteps thudding)
00:15:29 (speaking in foreign language)
00:15:37 (speaking in foreign language)
00:15:41 - Alice, did she like it?
00:16:04 - Huh, what?
00:16:06 - The basket.
00:16:07 You gave it to Victoria for me, right?
00:16:09 I mean, how was she in person?
00:16:11 - The same.
00:16:12 - What, did you introduce yourself?
00:16:13 I'm sure Uncle Frank wouldn't mind.
00:16:15 - I have things to do for the dinner.
00:16:16 - Oh, okay.
00:16:19 (door slams)
00:16:23 (birds chirping)
00:16:26 (door slams)
00:16:35 (clears throat)
00:16:38 (speaking in foreign language)
00:17:04 (dramatic music)
00:17:07 (dramatic music)
00:17:11 (coughing)
00:17:13 (dramatic music)
00:17:16 (dramatic music)
00:17:19 (dramatic music)
00:17:21 (dramatic music)
00:17:24 (dramatic music)
00:17:27 (dramatic music)
00:17:30 (dramatic music)
00:17:34 (dramatic music)
00:17:39 (dramatic music)
00:17:44 (dramatic music)
00:17:49 (dramatic music)
00:17:56 (dramatic music)
00:17:58 (dramatic music)
00:18:08 (dramatic music)
00:18:13 (birds chirping)
00:18:20 (dramatic music)
00:18:23 - You look good.
00:18:29 - Thanks.
00:18:31 You don't think it looks like I'm trying too hard?
00:18:34 - Relax.
00:18:35 Have some champagne.
00:18:37 - Alice, I don't drink.
00:18:38 You know that.
00:18:39 - And the today's special.
00:18:41 (dramatic music)
00:18:48 (dramatic music)
00:18:51 - No, no, thank you, I'm fine.
00:18:55 - Give it time, give it time.
00:18:57 - Okay.
00:18:58 (speaking in foreign language)
00:19:04 - Madam Murad knows who you are
00:19:12 and she's very pleased to meet you.
00:19:13 - Madam Murad, I have so many questions for you.
00:19:17 As a woman who's risen so high in the service of--
00:19:20 - Ah, you've met Ivy, isn't she fantastic?
00:19:23 Yeah, we really think it's something great
00:19:25 we've created here.
00:19:27 Something important, special, right?
00:19:30 Do you mind if I borrow her for just a minute?
00:19:32 - Oh, no, sure, sure.
00:19:34 - Excuse me.
00:19:34 - I need you to keep an eye on Pilro.
00:19:40 - What, why?
00:19:42 - Why?
00:19:42 Because look at him, that's why.
00:19:44 You know how he gets.
00:19:46 - I was hoping to talk to Victor before the interview.
00:19:49 - Forget the interview, this meeting is not public knowledge
00:19:52 and I wanna keep it that way.
00:19:53 - So you lied to me.
00:19:55 - Look, we're not having this conversation now.
00:19:58 Just do your job.
00:20:00 (dramatic music)
00:20:03 (door opening)
00:20:05 (door closing)
00:20:08 (door opening)
00:20:11 (door closing)
00:20:16 (door opening)
00:20:18 (door closing)
00:20:21 (dramatic music)
00:20:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:20:41 (speaking in foreign language)
00:20:45 (dramatic music)
00:20:48 - Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention.
00:20:51 Welcome to France.
00:20:59 Cheers.
00:20:59 (speaking in foreign language)
00:21:02 And if you'd all come over this way just one moment.
00:21:06 A little something to mark the occasion.
00:21:10 To NNI.
00:21:11 (dramatic music)
00:21:14 (door opening)
00:21:16 (speaking in foreign language)
00:21:20 - How about that?
00:21:21 - It's beautiful.
00:21:22 - And in here we have, as you can see, the red room.
00:21:24 These are all original by the way.
00:21:26 And that's the beauty of this whole operation
00:21:28 is I'm in 27 different countries
00:21:30 and basically my entire overhead is a wifi bill.
00:21:33 You see what I'm saying?
00:21:33 So come in here, the blue room.
00:21:36 Blue room, right?
00:21:37 - Merci.
00:21:38 - Everybody get a drink?
00:21:40 (glasses clinking)
00:21:43 - Personal hero you said?
00:21:49 - Mm?
00:21:50 - In that interview, you said I was your personal hero.
00:21:54 - Yes, I loved your early work.
00:21:57 - You know, those early books of mine,
00:22:01 they didn't make any money.
00:22:03 Couldn't even give the free copies away.
00:22:06 But then I started putting the word murder in the title
00:22:11 and saying that refugees are stealing our children.
00:22:14 (laughing)
00:22:15 And now I own a villa in Amalfi.
00:22:20 (speaking in foreign language)
00:22:26 (door opening)
00:22:29 Ever been fucked by an Italian?
00:22:34 Believe me, you never forget it.
00:22:37 (laughing)
00:22:39 (coughing)
00:22:42 (door opening)
00:22:48 - Oh, shit, are you trying to embarrass me?
00:22:52 You are totally fucking useless, you know that?
00:22:55 I'll grow up.
00:23:01 There you go.
00:23:02 (knocking)
00:23:04 - Hi guys.
00:23:05 - Hey, there we are.
00:23:06 - Hey, I got you.
00:23:08 - Okay.
00:23:09 - It's ours, can you?
00:23:11 - It's not what it looks like.
00:23:13 - Of course not, of course not.
00:23:14 - Of course not, you're fine.
00:23:16 - This way, Monsieur Deluca.
00:23:18 - I'm so sorry about that, something's never changed.
00:23:21 - Let's go to your room, Monsieur Deluca.
00:23:25 - Grazie, I have great respect for women.
00:23:29 - Oui, Monsieur.
00:23:30 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:23:32 - Fantastic species.
00:23:33 - Oui, Monsieur.
00:23:34 (coughing)
00:23:36 - Something is not right.
00:23:43 - Come here.
00:23:44 - No.
00:23:45 (groaning)
00:23:47 I know, drugs, this isn't a drug.
00:23:54 - No, Monsieur, this is poison.
00:23:57 - You can catch it.
00:23:59 - It's for rats, let's see if it works on you.
00:24:02 (groaning)
00:24:05 (dramatic music)
00:24:15 (groaning)
00:24:18 (dramatic music)
00:24:20 (groaning)
00:24:23 (dramatic music)
00:24:25 (groaning)
00:24:33 (dramatic music)
00:24:36 (groaning)
00:24:38 (dramatic music)
00:24:41 (groaning)
00:24:51 (dramatic music)
00:24:54 (dramatic music)
00:24:57 (dramatic music)
00:25:19 (dramatic music)
00:25:22 (dramatic music)
00:25:32 (dramatic music)
00:25:35 (footsteps)
00:26:00 (footsteps)
00:26:03 (door opening)
00:26:05 - You're leaving?
00:26:12 - Alice, uh, yeah, I just,
00:26:15 Uncle Frank, he's a liar.
00:26:19 If I'm being honest with myself,
00:26:20 this was never the way to get where I wanna go.
00:26:23 Can't I just tell real stories
00:26:26 instead of Uncle Frank's clickbait?
00:26:28 - Oh yeah, I'm leaving, done with NNI.
00:26:31 - I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said any of that.
00:26:37 Please don't.
00:26:38 - You're right.
00:26:40 - My mother always said, "Don't trust Uncle Frank."
00:26:44 She said he was using me.
00:26:48 - She was right.
00:26:49 - I mean, Uncle Frank, he gave me my first break.
00:26:56 No one else did that.
00:26:58 Nobody else is gonna hire me now.
00:26:59 Tried calling one of the other networks a while ago,
00:27:03 and they knew I was NNI,
00:27:06 and the woman, she laughed at me.
00:27:10 She laughed.
00:27:12 Just wanna do something big.
00:27:16 - My son used to say that.
00:27:20 (speaking in foreign language)
00:27:24 - You never told me you had a son.
00:27:26 - He died.
00:27:27 - Oh.
00:27:29 Oh, I'm really sorry.
00:27:31 Maybe I should just have a drink,
00:27:37 like you said, and go up to my room, just.
00:27:39 - No, you should go.
00:27:40 Leave now.
00:27:41 If you stay, you'll get hurt.
00:27:43 - Go.
00:27:45 Is that blood?
00:27:48 - That's just blood from the meat.
00:27:52 But please go now.
00:27:54 I need to serve dinner.
00:27:55 (TV chattering)
00:28:17 - You need money.
00:28:18 (speaking in foreign language)
00:28:23 - And since your own movement has been such a success,
00:28:30 we'd be happy to help.
00:28:32 - You're welcome.
00:28:37 You're welcome.
00:28:37 - Now, I know there's probably all sorts
00:28:39 of nuances in particular, so.
00:28:41 - Yes, would you?
00:28:44 - So, French finance campaign laws don't allow donations,
00:28:48 but we can structure it as a loan,
00:28:49 with terms that are favorable to both sides, of course.
00:28:52 Not now.
00:28:53 (speaking in foreign language)
00:28:58 - We already helped Gaspar pay
00:28:59 for some of his recent legal troubles,
00:29:01 and we hope that this proves that our real interest here
00:29:05 is the movement and not the money.
00:29:07 - Well, that's that.
00:29:10 And hey, time comes we need you to show your face
00:29:12 on our network and support the cause.
00:29:15 We know we can count on you.
00:29:18 - Of course.
00:29:19 - And who is this, Frank?
00:29:21 - Alice.
00:29:22 She's the caretaker.
00:29:24 And she's a great patriot, aren't you, Alice?
00:29:27 (speaking in foreign language)
00:29:32 - Alice won me over the first time we met.
00:29:41 She played a song on the piano, an old army song, right?
00:29:45 (speaking in foreign language)
00:29:49 - Play it for him.
00:29:55 (speaking in foreign language)
00:29:59 - Come on.
00:30:00 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:09 (speaking in foreign language)
00:30:13 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:16 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:21 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:25 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:29 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:33 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:37 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:42 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:46 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:51 (singing in foreign language)
00:30:55 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:01 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:06 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:11 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:17 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:22 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:26 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:29 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:34 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:38 (singing in foreign language)
00:31:54 (singing in foreign language)
00:32:22 (applauding)
00:32:25 - And the next order of business.
00:32:30 We need to call a truce between you two.
00:32:33 - Well, it would be helpful if we were not
00:32:36 constantly fighting off attacks from the right.
00:32:38 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:41 - That seems pretty cut and dry to me, Gaspar.
00:32:43 Do you wanna win the election or not?
00:32:45 - Oh, do I want her to win?
00:32:48 No.
00:32:50 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32:54 - What are you saying?
00:33:07 - Nice it is.
00:33:10 I said that this guy is a fucking socialist faggot.
00:33:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:23 - Nothing for me.
00:33:24 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:28 - Max Moreau.
00:33:44 You know who I think is responsible for Max Moreau?
00:33:47 The parents.
00:33:49 And what kind of parenting creates a monster like that?
00:33:52 Oh, hey.
00:33:56 Thank you, Alex.
00:33:58 (door creaking)
00:34:10 (suspenseful music)
00:34:13 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:20 - Why does it have to be now?
00:34:21 We are right in the middle.
00:34:22 - Uncle Brent, you have to see this.
00:34:24 - What is this?
00:34:25 Why, what do I have to see?
00:34:27 - Alice is Max Moreau's mother.
00:34:29 I wish you had left.
00:34:34 Max is her son.
00:34:39 She's been stealing from you, Uncle Frank.
00:34:41 She's been taking these papers, documents, bank statements,
00:34:44 all sorts of stuff.
00:34:45 It's all there.
00:34:46 - Let me see that.
00:34:47 Where's this plateau?
00:34:52 (screaming)
00:35:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:06 (screaming)
00:35:08 (screaming)
00:35:10 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:13 - Calm down, calm down.
00:35:15 Alice, Alice, calm down.
00:35:18 Calm down.
00:35:19 What do you want, Alice?
00:35:22 - I want my son back, but you killed him.
00:35:25 So I'm gonna kill you, all of you.
00:35:27 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:31 Liars and thieves, and I can prove it.
00:35:36 Whatever it is you think you know, we can talk about it.
00:35:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:35:44 (gun firing)
00:35:58 - Jesus, what the hell?
00:36:00 Hey, don't shoot!
00:36:02 - Don't move.
00:36:02 - Don't shoot.
00:36:04 Don't shoot.
00:36:05 - Where the hell did they go?
00:36:08 Ivy, Ivy!
00:36:09 Ivy!
00:36:12 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:17 - You killed him.
00:36:26 - You don't know that?
00:36:29 It was dark.
00:36:29 Maybe the maid killed him with his own gun.
00:36:33 (gun clicking)
00:36:36 - It has made fire.
00:36:38 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:43 - Alice, she took the envelope.
00:36:49 - What do we do now?
00:36:53 We call the police?
00:36:54 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:56 - Hold on, hold on.
00:36:57 Just stop and think this through.
00:36:59 - No, Frank, this is your fault.
00:37:01 She knows too much.
00:37:02 (door opening)
00:37:05 - That's where they went.
00:37:10 - Where did she go?
00:37:13 - These corridors run all through the house.
00:37:15 She could be anywhere by now.
00:37:17 Have you dealt with situations like this before?
00:37:31 - Yes.
00:37:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:36 - Victor, don't worry.
00:37:41 I, we have the, everything is--
00:37:42 - Madame Murat needs to leave now.
00:37:45 - No, I don't, I don't think that's a good idea.
00:37:46 - Actually, I think this is a very good idea.
00:37:49 - Gaspard.
00:37:50 Gaspard.
00:37:53 - What?
00:37:56 - Give me the keys to your jeep.
00:37:58 - Why?
00:38:00 - Do it.
00:38:01 - Get her out of here.
00:38:07 - No police.
00:38:09 - Of course not.
00:38:10 (speaking in foreign language)
00:38:16 - Alice, I can explain.
00:38:20 Alice, please, please don't.
00:38:22 - Shut up.
00:38:23 (dramatic music)
00:38:26 - Eddie.
00:38:30 What was that?
00:38:31 (screaming)
00:38:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:38:36 - Alice, please, please don't.
00:38:50 - Why not?
00:38:51 - Just like them.
00:38:52 - No, I quit.
00:38:53 Remember, I was going to leave.
00:38:54 - Oh yeah, and then you came back.
00:38:56 - Move.
00:38:57 (grunting)
00:39:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:07 (beeping)
00:39:16 (speaking in foreign language)
00:39:27 (engine revving)
00:39:29 - What the hell was that?
00:39:37 - It keeps them away.
00:39:38 - Away from what?
00:39:39 What about us?
00:39:41 - Gaspard.
00:39:41 You didn't kill Sarge.
00:39:44 Alice did.
00:39:45 If she's not alive to argue.
00:39:48 - Right.
00:39:51 Right.
00:39:51 - Okay.
00:39:52 Okay.
00:39:55 (explosion)
00:39:57 - Shit.
00:40:01 Leave me.
00:40:03 (explosion)
00:40:09 - Well, I always been sure it would work.
00:40:13 - No.
00:40:19 No!
00:40:20 Oh, God.
00:40:23 What a goddamn nightmare.
00:40:25 The fuck are you so calm about?
00:40:29 - I'm thinking.
00:40:30 - Thinking, I'm thinking.
00:40:32 You realize how screwed we are?
00:40:35 How many eyes you're about to be on us?
00:40:37 That fucking barbecue used to be
00:40:40 the future president of France.
00:40:42 Is that what you're thinking about?
00:40:46 - Yes.
00:40:46 (dramatic music)
00:40:49 - Fine.
00:40:55 Fine.
00:40:56 Why don't we do that?
00:40:59 - We solve the first problem.
00:41:00 Then we deal with the rest.
00:41:03 - Alice.
00:41:05 - We go room by room, floor by floor.
00:41:09 We'll find her.
00:41:10 She killed her.
00:41:13 She killed Victor.
00:41:15 (dramatic music)
00:41:18 Now let's kill the bitch.
00:41:19 - Are they, are they dead?
00:41:27 - Not all of them.
00:41:30 Not yet.
00:41:33 - Alice, please.
00:41:37 Why me?
00:41:38 - Because you're part of it.
00:41:44 But it was your, it was your lies.
00:41:46 That's what killed Max.
00:41:47 Lies.
00:41:48 The liars, they're the ones to be blamed.
00:41:54 The ones who created the lies.
00:41:59 The ones who financed the lies.
00:42:04 The ones who spread the lies.
00:42:09 (dramatic music)
00:42:11 You need to suffer and die like the fair man you are.
00:42:18 That's the only solution.
00:42:20 - She's not here.
00:42:23 Let's go.
00:42:25 (door opening)
00:42:34 (door closing)
00:42:36 (dramatic music)
00:42:42 - Casper.
00:42:43 Get it together.
00:42:47 - Alice, I don't get to decide what I say on my shows.
00:42:51 Believe me, I wish I could.
00:42:52 - Of course you could say no.
00:42:53 But we both know what this is really about.
00:42:59 Money.
00:43:00 Hmm?
00:43:02 That's what Max died for.
00:43:04 Just money.
00:43:07 And you are helping them steal it.
00:43:09 - Me, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:43:11 - And this?
00:43:12 These are your accounts.
00:43:16 (dramatic music)
00:43:20 (dramatic music)
00:43:23 - What the fuck, Uncle Frank?
00:43:41 - Wait here, give me the light.
00:43:49 - Frank, think about it.
00:43:51 A maid, she couldn't do all this.
00:43:53 She's a sleeper agent.
00:43:55 Your network did a report about them.
00:43:57 They're infiltrating the movement.
00:43:59 - Shut up, Casper.
00:44:00 He made that up.
00:44:01 Frank.
00:44:06 How do we get up there?
00:44:10 - Follow me, follow me.
00:44:12 Give me the light.
00:44:13 - Alice, I'm telling you, I don't know anything about this.
00:44:18 I swear.
00:44:20 - You liar.
00:44:21 - Stop saying that.
00:44:23 You're using my name.
00:44:24 I'm a victim here.
00:44:26 Like Max.
00:44:29 - Don't say his name.
00:44:30 Okay?
00:44:32 Max was a good boy.
00:44:34 They changed him.
00:44:39 If you knew Max, you would understand.
00:44:43 - Actually, I met Max once.
00:44:49 - No, you didn't.
00:44:50 - I was doing a report on Casper's youth group
00:44:53 for Uncle Frank, so I went to a meeting.
00:44:57 Max was there.
00:45:00 He was very quiet.
00:45:03 Very respectful to me, at least.
00:45:06 Not like the others.
00:45:09 - He was very sensitive.
00:45:16 - They were a really rough crowd, those guys.
00:45:19 Casper liked them like that.
00:45:22 They would pick fights.
00:45:24 Strangers with each other didn't matter.
00:45:27 - In what sense?
00:45:30 - Then Max died, and they all started saying
00:45:36 that Casper had kicked him out of the group,
00:45:39 and Uncle Frank told me not to mention the meeting,
00:45:45 or Max, to anyone.
00:45:47 They just wanted to pretend like Max wasn't their problem,
00:45:52 and move on.
00:45:54 Really sorry, Alice.
00:46:05 (dramatic music)
00:46:14 (footsteps)
00:46:16 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:46:24 The attic has a second set of stairs on the other side.
00:46:29 - We trap her.
00:46:33 Casper, you go up here.
00:46:35 We go around.
00:46:36 - Not yet.
00:46:38 Give us a minute to get there.
00:46:42 - And don't fuck this up.
00:46:44 (dramatic music)
00:46:47 - We need to pay.
00:47:10 - We are responsible.
00:47:12 - I understand, Alice.
00:47:20 This is not the way I can help you.
00:47:22 - You can't.
00:47:23 They destroyed him.
00:47:28 Don't let them do that to you, Ivy.
00:47:34 Don't let them.
00:47:35 (gasps)
00:47:37 No!
00:47:39 (dramatic music)
00:47:42 - That idiot.
00:47:43 - Move.
00:47:44 - Are you okay?
00:47:51 Ivy!
00:47:53 (groans)
00:47:57 (gunshot)
00:48:07 (screams)
00:48:09 (gunshot)
00:48:11 - Hey.
00:48:13 (gun cocks)
00:48:21 (dramatic music)
00:48:24 (dramatic music)
00:48:27 - I'm Frank.
00:48:38 - Easy, easy.
00:48:39 Go find Alice.
00:48:41 (gasps)
00:48:46 - Oh my God.
00:48:47 Oh my God.
00:48:48 Jesus, what the hell did she do to you?
00:48:52 - No, it wasn't Alice.
00:48:53 It was Gaspar.
00:48:54 - That's my girl.
00:49:00 That's, that's my girl.
00:49:03 (crying)
00:49:08 (dramatic music)
00:49:13 (dramatic music)
00:49:17 (crying)
00:49:19 (dramatic music)
00:49:28 (dramatic music)
00:49:31 - What the hell are you doing?
00:49:50 - What does it look like I'm doing, huh?
00:49:53 This is not a fucking joke, Ivy.
00:49:58 Victoire is dead and all of us are gonna be
00:50:00 under a fucking microscope in no time.
00:50:03 And so we have got to clean all of this up.
00:50:07 - Cleaned up, what does that mean?
00:50:09 Oh, you're gonna be a murderer too?
00:50:14 - No, that maniac was trying to murder us.
00:50:17 What are we supposed to do, huh?
00:50:20 - When were you gonna tell me?
00:50:21 - What?
00:50:22 - That you were putting my name on bank accounts.
00:50:24 - No, it was better, it was better
00:50:25 that you didn't know that.
00:50:27 - Have you been doing this the whole time?
00:50:28 - What?
00:50:29 - Just taking money from the movement fund
00:50:30 and putting it in your own pocket?
00:50:31 - No, in your pocket.
00:50:32 You should be thanking me.
00:50:34 You're rich, congratulations.
00:50:36 Oh, you're welcome.
00:50:38 But just so you know, if anything came of it,
00:50:41 you would be in as much trouble as we would
00:50:44 because technically you're an accomplice.
00:50:47 - Are you fucking kidding me?
00:50:50 - Shut the fuck up and do exactly as I tell you.
00:50:53 Oh shit.
00:50:56 Oh shit.
00:50:57 Oh shit.
00:50:58 Oh shit.
00:50:59 (dramatic music)
00:51:02 (groaning)
00:51:05 (groaning)
00:51:07 (dramatic music)
00:51:28 (dramatic music)
00:51:31 (dramatic music)
00:51:34 (dramatic music)
00:51:37 (dramatic music)
00:51:39 (door creaking)
00:51:42 (door slamming)
00:51:53 (door creaking)
00:52:02 (dramatic music)
00:52:05 (door slamming)
00:52:14 - Chris!
00:52:19 Chris, we got a fucking situation here.
00:52:25 (dramatic music)
00:52:31 (dramatic music)
00:52:33 - If they see the Jeep.
00:52:49 Fuck!
00:52:58 (dramatic music)
00:53:00 - I don't think they saw it, they're driving up.
00:53:11 (screaming)
00:53:25 (screaming)
00:53:27 (coughing)
00:53:32 - What's wrong with me?
00:53:38 - I'll do the talking.
00:53:40 - Ready?
00:53:42 (speaking in foreign language)
00:53:55 (speaking in foreign language)
00:53:59 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:03 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54:07 (groaning)
00:54:24 (dramatic music)
00:54:27 - Oh my God, Alice.
00:54:34 - I'm fine.
00:54:53 - I just need some pressure.
00:54:55 - What are you doing?
00:55:19 What is that?
00:55:21 (speaking in foreign language)
00:55:25 - He tried to hide it from me, the smoking.
00:55:32 But I knew it, you know?
00:55:34 I could smell it on him.
00:55:36 I never made an argument of it.
00:55:40 I thought, why fight, you know?
00:55:43 It was easier just to let him have his secrets.
00:55:47 (dramatic music)
00:55:49 But I should have said something.
00:55:58 (speaking in foreign language)
00:56:05 - Alice.
00:56:10 (speaking in foreign language)
00:56:15 - If you like France.
00:56:17 - Yeah.
00:56:18 (coughing)
00:56:20 (speaking in foreign language)
00:56:30 (knocking)
00:56:37 (dramatic music)
00:56:43 (screaming)
00:56:46 (laughing)
00:56:50 (laughing)
00:56:58 (dramatic music)
00:57:05 (screaming)
00:57:08 - Alice, the police are here.
00:57:22 We can stop this.
00:57:23 We can stop this right now.
00:57:26 - No, it's too late.
00:57:30 Even if the poison is slower than I thought.
00:57:35 - Poison?
00:57:36 What poison, Alice?
00:57:37 What have you done?
00:57:37 - They're all gonna die.
00:57:40 They deserve to die.
00:57:41 - Alice, where did you put it?
00:57:42 Max wouldn't have wanted this.
00:57:44 - You don't know Max.
00:57:50 You never met him, did you?
00:57:54 I should have killed you.
00:57:58 I should have killed you.
00:58:00 I should have killed you!
00:58:02 (dramatic music)
00:58:04 (dramatic music)
00:58:07 (dramatic music)
00:58:10 (dramatic music)
00:58:13 (dramatic music)
00:58:16 (dramatic music)
00:58:20 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:39 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:43 - Help!
00:58:53 Help, please!
00:58:54 We need some help in here!
00:58:56 Please, we need someone.
00:58:57 We need some help.
00:58:58 (gun firing)
00:59:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:01 (gun firing)
00:59:04 (gasping)
00:59:08 (gun firing)
00:59:10 - You stupid child.
00:59:16 - What are we supposed to do now?
00:59:27 - Blame it on Alice.
00:59:31 And we keep our story straight
00:59:35 if we want to live to tell it.
00:59:37 (dramatic music)
00:59:40 (gun firing)
00:59:45 - Gaspar!
01:00:06 - Keep her under control.
01:00:07 - Oh, I'll do it.
01:00:09 - Ivy.
01:00:21 Ivy.
01:00:23 Listen, Ivy.
01:00:25 - No, stay back.
01:00:26 - Ivy.
01:00:27 - You killed them.
01:00:30 - Me?
01:00:31 I didn't kill anybody.
01:00:35 Matter of fact, if you'd listened to me
01:00:36 and kept your mouth shut,
01:00:39 most of you would still be alive.
01:00:42 (whistling)
01:00:50 Ivy, stop.
01:00:54 Listen to me.
01:00:55 I understand.
01:00:57 You're just trying to do the right thing.
01:01:00 Tell the truth and all.
01:01:01 Good for you.
01:01:02 But in the real world,
01:01:04 the right thing is not always the right thing to do.
01:01:08 Life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to,
01:01:12 the way you expect.
01:01:13 It's the law of unintended consequences.
01:01:18 Best you can do is do right for yourself.
01:01:22 - For yourself, you mean?
01:01:24 - No, no, no.
01:01:25 I mean for both of us.
01:01:26 I mean, Ivy.
01:01:28 Ivy.
01:01:29 (dramatic music)
01:01:32 (screaming)
01:01:39 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:47 (dramatic music)
01:01:51 (speaking in foreign language)
01:01:55 (dramatic music)
01:01:58 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:01 (laughing)
01:02:04 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:25 (dramatic music)
01:02:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:45 (dramatic music)
01:02:47 (speaking in foreign language)
01:02:52 (speaking in foreign language)
01:03:20 (screaming)
01:03:23 (dramatic music)
01:03:25 (screaming)
01:03:28 (dramatic music)
01:03:37 (screaming)
01:03:42 (dramatic music)
01:03:49 (grunting)
01:03:51 (dramatic music)
01:03:54 (gun firing)
01:03:59 (breathing heavily)
01:04:12 (dramatic music)
01:04:16 (breathing heavily)
01:04:19 (grunting)
01:04:30 (gun firing)
01:04:40 - What the hell do I do?
01:04:43 (screaming)
01:04:44 - No, no.
01:04:45 We still need her.
01:04:47 - What the fuck, Uncle Frank?
01:04:49 Who the fuck are you?
01:04:51 - You don't wanna know.
01:04:53 (dramatic music)
01:04:56 (grunting)
01:05:00 I'll be right back.
01:05:01 (coughing)
01:05:05 - Wait, wait.
01:05:07 Hey, hey.
01:05:08 (coughing)
01:05:10 Use your head.
01:05:15 - No, but, Coach.
01:05:16 - Listen, if we do this just right,
01:05:19 there is a version of this in which we turn out okay.
01:05:22 There's an angle.
01:05:23 Look, we're the victims, right?
01:05:25 I mean, she attacked us, right?
01:05:27 When we, maybe we keep the scar on your face
01:05:30 and make it a thing.
01:05:31 Gotta think about the long game, okay?
01:05:34 (coughing)
01:05:35 - What long game, Uncle Frank?
01:05:37 You're poisoned.
01:05:38 - What the fuck are you talking about?
01:05:40 - Alice poisoned you.
01:05:41 Rat poisoned you.
01:05:42 She put it in everything.
01:05:44 (gun firing)
01:05:46 - What's that there?
01:05:59 (gun firing)
01:06:01 (Alice groaning)
01:06:04 (gun firing)
01:06:10 - Fuck!
01:06:11 (gun firing)
01:06:15 (dramatic music)
01:06:17 (dramatic music)
01:06:20 (dramatic music)
01:06:23 - I'm very eager.
01:06:44 (dramatic music)
01:06:46 (Alice grunting)
01:06:50 (dramatic music)
01:06:53 - We need to stick together.
01:06:57 - No, no.
01:06:57 - Where are you going?
01:06:58 Where are you going?
01:06:59 - Let me go!
01:07:00 (dramatic music)
01:07:03 - Why are you making me do this?
01:07:10 (coughing)
01:07:11 I chose you.
01:07:13 I gave you everything.
01:07:15 I thought you had what it takes.
01:07:17 (coughing)
01:07:20 - We're family, kid.
01:07:21 We gotta stick together.
01:07:23 Oh.
01:07:25 Oh, fuck.
01:07:28 (screaming)
01:07:33 Oh, fuck.
01:07:36 (coughing)
01:07:39 (dramatic music)
01:07:43 (Alice grunting)
01:07:45 (dramatic music)
01:07:49 Go.
01:08:03 Go!
01:08:07 (dramatic music)
01:08:10 (Alice grunting)
01:08:23 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:30 - Max?
01:08:31 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:33 Max?
01:08:35 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:39 (gun firing)
01:09:02 (screaming)
01:09:05 (speaking in foreign language)
01:09:09 (gun firing)
01:09:14 (dramatic music)
01:09:17 (screaming)
01:09:21 (speaking in foreign language)
01:09:34 (screaming)
01:09:36 (dramatic music)
01:09:39 (coughing)
01:09:47 - What the fuck have you done to me?
01:09:57 The fuck?
01:09:58 (laughing)
01:10:01 Jack.
01:10:03 (screaming)
01:10:05 (screaming)
01:10:09 (screaming)
01:10:13 (gun firing)
01:10:17 (dramatic music)
01:10:20 (gasping)
01:10:22 - Look at you.
01:10:35 (sighing)
01:10:45 (dramatic music)
01:10:47 Okay, come on, come on.
01:11:04 (grunting)
01:11:08 (dramatic music)
01:11:10 (grunting)
01:11:13 (dramatic music)
01:11:15 (dramatic music)
01:11:18 (grunting)
01:11:20 (dramatic music)
01:11:23 (grunting)
01:11:35 Stop.
01:11:43 (grunting)
01:11:47 (dramatic music)
01:11:50 It's a beautiful house.
01:12:01 Is it yours now?
01:12:10 - I don't know.
01:12:16 - You're free.
01:12:17 Go and tell them all.
01:12:22 - Tell them what?
01:12:24 - The truth.
01:12:28 (sighing)
01:12:35 (dramatic music)
01:12:38 (dramatic music)
01:12:41 (dramatic music)
01:12:44 (dramatic music)
01:12:46 - Breaking news.
01:13:11 - Reports of non-political violence
01:13:13 in France.
01:13:13 (speaking in foreign language)
01:13:16 - Multiple victims reported at a secluded French chateau.
01:13:19 (speaking in foreign language)
01:13:20 - A private gallery of prominent white
01:13:22 legally and political personalities.
01:13:23 - Headquarters of NNI and its controversial founder,
01:13:26 Frank Murat.
01:13:27 - His officers and Victoire Murat,
01:13:28 the leader of France's Tricolore party,
01:13:31 are reported to be among the victims.
01:13:32 - That was the nightmarish scene one year ago today.
01:13:35 10 dead and a political movement shaken to its core.
01:13:39 The lone attacker, Alice Moreau, was also killed.
01:13:41 - Please be responsible.
01:13:43 - Leaving only one survivor.
01:13:46 Me.
01:13:49 As a victim of brutal violence myself,
01:13:53 I understand better than most how we struggle
01:13:56 to make sense of these shocking events.
01:13:59 Alice Moreau, an unstable woman,
01:14:02 a mother mad with grief over the death of her son,
01:14:04 lashed out at those she believed were responsible.
01:14:08 Was she driven to violence by a corrupt media
01:14:12 that has villainized the nationalist movement?
01:14:14 Or did she have other reasons?
01:14:16 The truth is, we don't know what Alice hoped to accomplish.
01:14:22 And we may never know.
01:14:25 (dramatic music)
01:14:27 (dramatic music)
01:14:30 (dramatic music)
01:14:33 (dramatic music)
01:14:37 (rapping in French)
01:14:39 (rapping in French)
01:14:42 (rapping in French)
01:14:45 (rapping in French)
01:14:48 (rapping in French)
01:14:51 (rapping in French)
01:14:54 (rapping in French)
01:14:57 (rapping in French)
01:15:23 (rapping in French)
01:15:26 (rapping in French)
01:15:29 (rapping in French)
01:15:32 (rapping in French)
01:16:01 (dramatic music)
01:16:05 (dramatic music)
01:16:08 (dramatic music)
01:16:11 (dramatic music)
01:16:13 (dramatic music)
01:16:16 (dramatic music)
01:16:19 (dramatic music)
01:16:22 (dramatic music)
01:16:25 (dramatic music)
01:16:27 (dramatic music)
01:16:30 (dramatic music)
01:16:33 (dramatic music)
01:17:00 (dramatic music)
01:17:03 (dramatic music)
01:17:30 (dramatic music)
01:17:32 (dramatic music)
01:17:35 (dramatic music)
01:17:38 (dramatic music)
01:18:04 (dramatic music)
01:18:32 (dramatic music)
01:18:35 (humming)
01:18:39 (dramatic music)
01:18:42 (dramatic music)
01:18:45 (humming)
01:18:47 (dramatic music)
01:18:49 (humming)
01:18:52 (woman humming)
