The original world records set by Christian López

  • 6 months ago
Christian López of Toledo, Spain, sets one unusual world record after the other for the Guinness listings: in wooden shoes, on swim fins or high heels, he’s always the fastest. Diabetes doesn’t slow him down.


00:00 Nobody runs 50 meters faster in high heels.
00:07 Here you are. You can see the height of this stiletto.
00:14 This is not the first world record Cristian Lopez has broken.
00:24 He holds 57 Guinness World Record titles, for now. And he wants even more.
00:30 His ambition is to become the person with the most world record titles and not to let his diabetes stand in his way.
00:37 In this video we'll answer some of his most frequently asked questions.
00:41 8am. Cristian is warming up for the day's first practice session.
00:54 My next challenge is going to be the fastest mile wearing swim fins in less than 6 minutes.
01:00 We'll see what other eccentric and original skills Cristian has acquired later on.
01:06 35-year-old Cristian often does his first practice session before work.
01:11 He lives in Toledo, about 70 kilometers southwest of Madrid.
01:15 Spain's former capital was built on hills, making it the perfect training ground for Cristian.
01:22 He set his first world record in stair climbing. In 2017 he climbed 6,765 steps in one hour.
01:28 Today he uses it to maintain his overall fitness.
01:32 He runs up 200 steps and back down.
01:36 And back up again.
01:39 He's a very good climber.
01:44 He's a very good climber.
01:48 He's a very good climber.
01:51 I feel some pain in my legs but I can do many more climbs.
01:58 I exercise for three or four hours a day.
02:01 Climbing the stairs is one of my main secrets of my training because it strengthens my muscles in order to run fast after.
02:12 He can thank his grandfather for his fascination with world records.
02:17 When Cristian was a boy his grandfather gave him a book of Guinness World Records every year for his birthday.
02:23 That inspired his dream of appearing in it himself one day.
02:27 Cristian had the drive and talent to become a professional athlete.
02:32 But he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 12.
02:37 Here too his discipline and willpower help.
02:45 He's got to monitor his blood sugar continually.
02:47 His body no longer regulates it on its own.
02:50 Cristian has to give himself insulin shots.
02:56 Without this kind of tool I can't live.
03:02 So this is all my life.
03:04 At the beginning the doctor told me not to practice any kind of sport.
03:09 But I have thought why?
03:13 Why? We can do as many things as other people.
03:17 And from that moment on I just try to be my best.
03:24 Everything is possible. Why not?
03:26 He specialises in high athletic achievement under difficult conditions.
03:38 Whether in wooden clogs, running backwards, hopping or juggling.
03:44 Sometimes he sprints while balancing a baseball bat or a bike on his chin.
03:50 But none of his many wacky records have caused such a stir as his sprint in high heels.
04:00 In 2023 it took Cristian only 3.24 seconds longer than the current men's world record for the 100m sprint in high heels.
04:10 It's very complicated to keep motivation day after day.
04:23 But I'm very thankful for having two legs, two arms and saying to the world that I can accomplish anything.
04:32 Cristian is ever in pursuit of superlatives. Higher, faster, farther and more.
04:38 (laughs)
