• last year
Cllr Paul Singh is worried by the amount of pot holes on the Penn road, Wolverhampton.


00:00 [Birds chirping]
00:12 [Train passing]
00:28 I'm Councillor Paul Singh for the Penn Ward and we're here today in Penn, outside Penn Hospital.
00:34 As you can see, these potholes are an absolute nightmare.
00:39 And you can imagine the number of cars and people that visit this hospital.
00:43 And you can hear the cars rattling as they hit the potholes.
00:48 Now I asked the council to have a look at this and get these repaired so we can make this a safe entrance into the hospital.
00:58 As you can see they're everywhere, not only here, they're outside the hospital as well.
01:03 And these special roads are the busiest roads in the whole of Amsterdam as you can hear by the traffic.
01:09 So, I asked the council to have a look at this. As you can see we've got another car coming in.
01:14 And he's going to go straight over the pothole. Yeah, you just saw it.
01:18 So let's get this done as soon as possible.
