1. Recharge Your Body! (Back)

  • 5 months ago
Hello I’m Richard and in this video you will see how to gain health, strength, energy and wellbeing placing a phone charging pad on your lower back

Please note I am not a Doctor or Physician, Scientist or medically trained in any way

Please see your Health Care Professional if you have concerns about your health

As a precaution please do not use this if you have a pacemaker and if you’re pregnant or under 16 please wait until you’re not before using it

This is not a medical procedure and you use it at your own risk

Its pain and side effect free

How to use the charging pad:

Place the charging pad on a bed, charging side up, or somewhere you can lay flat on the charging pad

Switch the charging pad on, move any clothing out of the way, and lie back so the small of your back rests directly on the charging pad making contact

Stay like that for up to 1hour during which time your body will draw in the electrical energy it needs

The time taken varies as smaller people will need less time than bigger people.

It’s something you will need to work out for yourself

To pass the time you can read a book, watch TV, listen to music, talk on the phone and so on

You probably will not feel anything while on the charging pad or after, but please don't go beyond 1 hour or less

Repeat once a week up to 5 sessions in total up to 1 hour each

It may be best to split the first session into 2 x 30minute sessions 1 week apart to get used to it

The lower back is an entry point for the electrical energy from which it will spread through the body usually to where it’s needed most

Your back may arch, or you feel uncomfortable after a while which is your body saying it has all the electrical energy needed for this session and it’s time to stop

Please post any feedback regarding results, what this method helped you with, and so on in the comments.

Thank you for watching and please share so others can benefit


Most people have a very low electrical energy level - about 10% in the very ill and even people considered well have only about 25% of the electrical energy the human body needs to function

When the electrical energy falls below 25% the human body goes into low battery mode, like a phone, laptop or other battery device, maintaining only vital functions and shutting down many others and that’s when we get ill, loosing energy, strength and wellbeing

Using the charging pad increases the electrical energy in a person making everything work much better

Everything within us uses electrical energy to function, such as the brain, nervous system, the senses, immune system, memory, cells and more

Also many processes use electrical energy such as thinking, imagination, emotions, feelings and ideas

It can take between a few weeks to a few months to get results depending on your condition
