3. Recharge Your Body! (Legs)

  • 6 months ago
Hello I’m Richard and in this video you will see how to gain health, strength, energy and wellbeing placing a phone charging pad on the back of the calf muscles of your legs

Please note I am not a Doctor or Physician, Scientist or medically trained in any way

Please see your Health Care Professional if you have concerns about your health

As a precaution please do not use this if you have a pacemaker and if you’re pregnant or under 16 please wait until you’re not before using it

This is not a medical procedure and you use it at your own risk

Its pain and side effect free


This is not a joke or fake video

Main points:

Please use the charging pad on your lower back shown in the video 2 before this one first

This method is simple, easy, safe and inexpensive with no side effects with the charging pads placed on the back of the calf muscles of the legs

If you have 2 phone chargers you can do both sessions on the calves at the same time

If you have only 1 phone charger do 1 calf then the other it will make no difference, it will just take longer

Only a phone charging pad and charger or USB socket are needed – any make and type will do

If you’ve used the charging pad on your lower back once a week from the earlier video and are used to the electrical energy you can now do the 5 sessions on your calves twice a week for no more than 1hour for each session

If you’ve viewed the arm video you can alternate the legs and arms so 1 week its arms then next week its legs.

For the legs the charging pad is placed under the calf muscles when laying flat on your back with your face up such as on a bed, also for twice a week

Passing electrical energy into the arms and legs makes sure the human body is fully covered, charged and connected

Using the charging pad on the back of the calves will help with weak legs and painful hips

The 5 sessions on the legs brings the total number of sessions to 15 and is probably all a person will need for the time being, unless you feel you will benefit from doing more sessions

You can’t overcharge the human body with electrical energy as the body will stop taking the energy if it’s full and how much energy you need depends on how depleted or empty you are

It’s the same with results. Results depend on what condition you have, how long you’ve had it, what age you are and so on

Also some conditions damage the body, some don’t, some are long term others short term

You may use this method wanting to get rid of a certain condition or problem, but the immune system, which deals with things in its own time and order, may sort out another condition or problem first

One of the first things to be put right is the skin, even if you think there’s nothing wrong with it as the skin absorbs energy and will help to change the body condition to a healthy one

My hope is the increase in electrical energy is enough with nothing more needed to change the body condition to one of health, strength, energy and wellbeing
